William H. Burns—Two Kirk
Session Meetings—Dun and Kilsyth—9th May, 1843—Character Sketch—At the
Feet of Christ—Birth — Ordination—Work at Dun—Induction to Kilsyth—Presentation
and “ Call”—At the Grave of Robe— W. C. Burns—The Memory of Rev. John
Livingston—The Second Revival—The ’43 Secession—A Long Bright Sunset—
Rev. Robert Black—Family—Education—Church Building —Rev. W. Jeffrey.
The minutes of Kilsyth
Kirk Session show that the first meeting of which William Burns was
moderator was held on the 24th December, 1820, and that the last at
which he presided was dated the 9th May, 1843. So far as the business
done at these two meetings of session was concerned, it was of an
entirely routine and colourless character. Three and twenty years,
however, is a long time in the life of any man, and in that of a
clergyman it covers much more than the average period of ordination.
Looking at these two sederunts of session now, after all those years,
and comparing them together, we observe that these gentlemen held
session with Dr. Bums at the first meeting:—James Lang, Robert Shaw,
Alexander Shaw, Alexander Aitcheson, George Young, James Goodwin, John
Hay, William Wilson, Alexander Henderson, David Clelland, and Matthew
Anderson— a goodly company of eleven elders. And these, with the
moderator formed the court of the 9th May, 1843 James Wilson, James
Shaw, William Anderson, junior,'
Andrew Clelland, John
Findlay, and J. F. Walker. There were three members absent that night
George Auchinvole, A. Marshall, and J. Paterson. Some of the old names
survive, but the old bearers of them are all

gone. Of the elders Dr.
Burns found about him when he was ordained to Kilsyth, the whole were
changed during these twenty-three years he had been minister of the
I have not only compared
the membership of the session, I have also compared the two signatures
of the moderator. Surely there never was handwriting that for so long a
period retained its original character. The names might have been
printed from a wood block, so closely do they resemble each other. And
yet in what different circumstances were they written, and with what
different out-looks. It must have been with a quiet but sincere pleasure
he took his place in the Kilsyth Kirk Session for the first time. The
parish of Dun was a poor place then, and is a poor place still. Its
population is dwindling. It contained seven hundred people then, and it
contains little more than five hundred now. His appointment here meant
substantial advancement. Dun is as beautiful and sleepy a place as one
could find in all Scotland. In Kilsyth, there was more life, a deeper
interest in things spiritual, and larger emoluments, a matter of
importance to a clergyman with a family of boys. And then his
presentation had come at an opportune time. He had reached middle life,
and being in the maturity of his strength he could look forward with
some confidence to the enjoyment of his preferment for a period of
years, and to the performance of good work in a larger and more
responsible sphere.
Such probably were his
feelings and anticipations as he appended his name to the minutes of the
kirk session for the first time; but what were his thoughts as he signed
the minute of the 9th May, 1843? He is getting an old man now, and there
is a storm cloud gathering in the ecclesiastical heavens. It was a time
of crisis, and he was aware of all that was going on. To the solid
qualifications of the pastor, Dr. Burns did not add the accomplishments
either of the orator or man of letters. There*is consequently no means
of forming a true opinion of the state of his mind at this juncture.
From all that can be gathered he seems to have been one of those—and
they were many—who cherished to the very last the sincerest conviction
that secession would be avoided. There is reason to suppose that when he
found himself one of the band that left the Assembly, and walked down to
Canon Mills, his position surprised nobody so much as himself. He had
never thought the wordy storm i^ould ever come to that. But to that it
did come. The worthy man found at the last that he had got into a
current which had been carrying him forward imperceptibly, and had swept
him almost before he had time to realise it, beyond the bounds of the
church to which he had been ordained, and to which he was attached by
the tenderest ties.
It is not very easy to
get near to Dr. Burns. Even in his son’s portrait his figure seems
distant and far-away. We never get quite close up to him. A good man he
undoubtedly was, a strong man he could hardly have been. If the
Livingstons, or Robe, or Rennie, had lived through the Secession, we
would have heard their voices mingling in the clamour and seen the
flashing of their swords in the fight. But it is not so with Dr. Burns,
and even in the revival of 1839* he does not move amid the spiritual
scenes of that year, as we see Robe moving amid the times of refreshing
that were granted to the parish in 1762. Bums does not ride on the
whirlwind, and direct the spiritual storm as Robe did, but seems
contented to leave the leadership in the hands of others. As a pastor he
was everywhere, as a preacher he was nowhere. But all this granted, the
life of Dr. Burns has a rare attractiveness which is all its own. It is
full of repose, it is wrapt in a clear spiritual calm. He has his
soul-dwelling, not on the mountain top, where there are only scanty
herbage, the blasted peaks and the toiling tempests, but down in the
valley where the crops ripen, where the oxen feed on the lush grass,
where there is prosperity and tranquillity. It does one good to look
back on the man who took time to live, who did his work quietly, and in
whom there was an entire absence of all fussiness. In the Church of our
day the spirit of Martha is wholly prevalent. One’s ear is deafened with
the noise of the rattling of the pots and the paqs of the ecclesiastical
kitchen. There is a prevailing restlessness and discontent. The movement
and heat speak not of health, but of fever in the blood. There is a
greater eagerness to be seen of men, and to stir up the little dust of
praise than to live the life of day to day sobriety and Christian
devotedness. The flock is pampered rather than fed. Congregations think
they are doing nothing unless they are working for bazaars, introducing
organs, building churches, raising endowment funds and what not. Dr.
Burns was one whom this modem spirit had not yet touched. He played the
part of Mary. During his long ministry he lay at the feet of Christ.
Take away the revival and the secession, and Dr. Bums’ life flows onward
without a ripple, without a break, calmly and deeply like some nameless
stream only known to the flower-banks it laved, the flocks it refreshed,
the cottage houses it passed in its onward progress. A casual observer
will be inclined to say that in the course of his long ministry, Dr.
Burns did little or nothing, but a more discerning, a more spiritual
critic will unfailingly aver, that he chose that good part which could
not be taken from him.
William H. Bums was born
on the 15th February, 1779. His father was an officer of customs at
Borrowstounness, and afterwards factor to the Duke of Hamilton on the
Kinneil estate. There was a large family. He had three brothers lawyers,
and three ministers of the Church of Scotland. William’s boyhood was
like his life, contemplative rather than eventful. At the early age of
thirteen he entered the University of Edinburgh. Having passed through
the curriculum of arts, he became a student of divinity in 1795, and
received license as a preacher of the Gospel from the Presbytery of
Stranraer in 1799. His probationary period was of the shortest. On the
4th December, 1800, he entered on the charge of the parish of Dun, in
Forfarshire, having been presented by John Erskine, who was both the
laird and the patron of the parish. The young preacher had been adroitly
brought under the notice both of patron and people by his uncle, who was
at that time one of the ministers of Brechin. At first assistant to his
aged predecessor, he made an excellent impression on the patron on the
occasion of a service held in the parish church on a national fast-day
appointed in connection with the war. Mr. Erskine, who had guests, asked
them to attend church along with him, and judge of the young man’s
politics. The preacher having delivered one of his divinity hall
homilies, the party were delighted, not with the politics, but with the
entire absence of them. So the patron was pleased with the sagacity of
the young minister in avoiding the pulpit discussion of political
topics, sounded his praises through the parish, did a little canvassing
on his behalf, and gave him the presentation. For twenty years Dr. Burns
ministered to the parishioners of Dun. They were years of quietness, and
of routine duty faithfully performed. He preached every Sabbath day in
the church; he baptized the children ; he blessed the union of loving
hearts ; he visited the sick; attended the presbytery meetings; and that
was all. He must have had leisure time at his disposal, but the thought
of turning it to high literary account seems never to have occurred to
him. After he had been six years in Dun he married Elizabeth, daughter
of James Chalmers, printer, Aberdeen, and by her he had a family of six
sons and four daughters.
It is unfortunate that
whilst his son and biographer, the Rev. Islay Burns, gives such minute
account of his father’s presentation and call to the parish of Dun, he
should have preserved so severe a silence about his presentation and
call to the parish of Kilsyth. He was presented by George IV., but by
whose influence I have never been able to learn. He received the
presentation in September, 1820, and was admitted on the 9th April,
1821. In the year following he went to pay his respects to his patron at
Edinburgh, but that the family entertained some grudge about the matter
may be concluded, for his son says, "He knows not how his father
demeaned himself under the sudden blaze of majesty.” There is also a
mystery about Dr. Bums’ call to the parish of Kilsyth and the number of
signatures appended to it. That there was a call is conceded. If there
had been no Patronage in the days of Dr. Burns, I have no doubt the
voice of the people might have made him minister of Dun; on the other
hand, however, I have not the least doubt that the popular vote would
never have given him the parish of Kilsyth. In themselves these matters
would scarcely have been worth noticing, but they are of obvious
interest when we come to see the strong position which Dr. Burns took up
against Patronage.
After the death of Dr.
Rennie, the heritors and kirk session approached the presbytery to grant
them a preacher to fill the pulpit till a new minister was appointed.
Having undertaken to make liberal provision for the preacher, the
presbytery highly approved of the spirit manifested by the heritors and
kirk session, and granted the prayer of their petition. Thus the work of
the parish was carried on without intermission till the induction of Dr.
Burns, Most appropriately, the first signs of the great outpouring of
the Holy Spirit which was to bless his faithful ministry were manifested
by the grave of the Rev. James Robe. Dr. Burns held the memory of his
illustrious predecessor in loving regard, and on a lovely Sabbath
afternoon in August he preached to the congregation in the graveyard a
memorial sermon. Standing oyer his dust, he chose for his text the words
which Robe had engraved in Hebrew characters on the tombstone of his
wife:—“Thy dead men shall live; together with my dead body shall they
arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust; for thy dew is as the dew
of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead ” Stimulated by the
honour in which he held his predecessor, and the picturesque
associations, the preacher . delivered a heart-searching discourse.
Referring to Mr. .Robe, he said: “We surround the grave of one who was
eminent in his day for zeal and success in the work o( the Lord. He
laboured in the vineyard for the long space of forty-one years, having
been ordained in 1713, and departed this life in 1754. The narrative,
well known amongst you, tells of the great things done in the latter
years of his ministry, when many gave the best evidence of having been
born again through the Word . then preached; and of the vast assemblies
along the adjoining stream, hearing with earnest hearts the words of
life; and of the additional recurring sacramental seasons caused by the
intense desire to enjoy such refreshing meetings. His memory is savoury.
His sermons and ‘ Narrative/ and the holy character he maintained to the
end, render his memory peculiarly precious. Two other ministers have
subsequently laboured here, and closed their ministry also. Their
doctrine was the same as Mr. Robe’s, although no such remarkable success
attended their ministrations.” Then setting forth how he himself had no
new doctrine to publish, he was content, like them, to set forth Jesus
Christ and Him crucified. He went on to take advantage of the memorials
of mortality amid which they were standing, and concluded with a
touching appeal that they might so live that at the last they might be
found on the right-hand side of the Judge, and numbered with the saints
in glory everlasting. The Gospel was received by the audience in the
love of it, and many thought that the work of the succeeding summer was
but the fruit of the seed sown in the graveyard that beautiful August
As this solemn impression
had been largely brought about by recalling the times of Mr. Robe, so
the revival of the following year was brought about at the first by W.
C. Burns, the son of the pastor of Kilsyth, who had been appointed to
fill M‘Cheyne’s pulpit in Dundee, during his absence in the Holy Land,
recounting the work of the Rev. John Livingston at Shotts, and the doing
of the Lord on that memorable occasion. The communion had just been
held, and the sermon which put the torch to that spiritual pile which,
during these long years, Dr. Burns had. been so industriously gathering,
was preached in the parish church on the 23rd July, the Tuesday
immediately following the dispensation. Mr. William C. Burns chose for
his text the words from which Mr. Livingston had preached at Shotts. It
having become known that the young preacher was not only on his way to
take Mr. M'Cheyne’s place, but that he was soon to go abroad as a
missionary, the church was crowded. The preacher spoke with impassioned
force, and when he reached the height of his appeal, the emotion in the
congregation became overpowering, and a scene ensued which beggars all
description. As through the power of the Holy Spirit, the audience had
quick realisation of their lost and sinful condition: some appeared to
faint and fall, others cried out as if in an agony of terror, and tears
stood in the eyes of all. In the evening the church was again crowded.
Mr. Lyon of Banton lectured and Mr. W. C. Burns preached, and so the
work went on from day to day. The elders, as in the days of Robe, were
of the utmost service. They prayed with the distressed and spoke to them
words of cheer and comfort. Great crowds were addressed in the market
square and the graveyard. Many of the scenes were deeply affecting.
Every day brought its trophies of victory. The Dissenters on this
occasion did not stand apart. A meeting was held in the Relief Church,
when various ministers of the body spoke approvingly of the movement.
After this great work had been in progress for three weeks, it was
thought advisable by the session after mature deliberation, for they
were not united about it at the first, to have a special communion
season for the administration of sealing ordinances.
The Saturday night before
the celebration was spent, for the most part, in prayer. The singing of
psalms could be heard at intervals the whole night through. Next morning
it was calculated that nearly fifteen thousand people had gathered in
and about the town. The communion services began at ten in the morning,
and closed at nine in the evening. There was no interval, and there were
eight table services. It was observed that the probationers and younger
clergy spoke with a fulness and readiness of utterance unusual with
them. With the Monday meetings, which began at eleven and terminated at
five, the spiritual tide that had flooded the parish began gradually to
ebb. It was a precious season of blessing, and the remembrance of it was
sweet. The showers in answer to prayer had been copious and refreshing.
Dr. Burns conducted the revival after the manner approved by Mr. Robe;
unlike him, however, he did not keep a journal of the individual cases
dealt with. That some seed fell by the wayside and the birds of the air
devoured it, that other seed sprang up and was choked by thorns is
perfectly true,. and will always occur where the sowing is free-handed;
But it is also true that much seed fell into good ground and brought
forth richly of the fruits of repentance and holy living.
The venerable pastor who
had had his heart rejoiced by these times of revival was soon to
participate in scenes of a far different character. We may be sure of
this, strife in the Church does not mean the presence but the absence of
the Lord and His Spirit. If I say little about the Secession of
Forty-three it is not that I have nothing to say or that my convictions
are insufficiently formed. It is for the interest of our Scottish
Presbyterianism, that much that was said and done then should be
forgotten now. I think the Seceders were right in protesting against
Patronage; I think they were wrong in making it a ground of schism. Dr.
Burns was present at the Assembly of 1843, an<* cast in his lot with the
seceding party. There is no record of the reasons that weighed with him,
but the fact itself is enough. How or where he was trammelled in his
preaching or his pastorate is not apparent, but if he saw it or thought
he saw it, that was enough for him. Certainly secession in Kilsyth
parish could hold out no hope of preferment for him as it did for so
many in other spheres. So far as the people were concerned they were
largely guided by their clergy. If the minister went they went; if the
minister stayed they stayed In Kilsyth parish the minister seceding, a
very large number seceded with him. Of the session two elders remained
at their posts and a third dropped in again. . Dr. Burns* face turned
deadly pale when he heard his old bell ringing on the Sabbath morning
after his return from Edinburgh, and knew now that by his own act he
could go no more back to proclaim the Gospel within those blessed walls
where he had seen the Holy Spirit descending in His power, and where he
had won so many signal victories through the Redeemer’s name. Time went
on and the Free Church was formed and he ministered as quietly and
faithfully to his congregation as he had done to the parish. He took
some interest in the building of his new manse, and Princeton College,
America, conferred on him the degree of D;D. But his work was now really
done, and the close of his life was a long bright sunset. He passed to
his rest on the morning of Sabbath, the 8th day of May, 1859.
In 1854 the Rev. Robert
Black, M.A., was appointed colleague and successor to Dr. Burns. Mr.
Black was born the 4th December, 1826, at Cumnock, in Ayrshire, where
his father, a builder, carried on a successful business. He was
descended on the maternal side from John Welsh, minister of Ayr,
son-in-law of John Knox, and on the paternal side from a Huguenot stock.
He was a younger member of a family of twelve. He was educated at the
parish school of his native place, and one of his school-fellows was the
late Dr. James Brown of Paisley. When he came to the time when he must
choose what he must be and do, his uncle, a sheep-farmer, offered to
make him his heir, if he would qualify himself tp succeed him on the
farm.. It was a great temptation, but, believing he was formed for some
intellectual pursuit, he entered a lawyer’s office. At the end of three
years he prevailed on his unwilling father to allow him to go to Glasgow
University and study for the ministry. He completed his Arts’ course in
May, 1848. His Natural Philosophy professor was the distinguished
scientist who still fills that chair!
Passing through the New
College, Mr. Black was licensed a probationer of the Free Church by the
Presbytery of Ayr, on the 8th June, 1852. The presbytery pronounced him
the most promising student who had yet come before them. At this time he
had an extraordinary attack of whooping-cough, which so reduced him that
his emaciated appearance on several occasions stood in the way of his
promotion. Receiving simultaneously calls to Kilsyth and Linlithgow, he
accepted the former, and on the occasion of his ordination, so highly
was he esteemed by the people of Cumnock, he was presented by them with
a valuable collection of books. The year after the death of Dr. Burns,
Mr. Black married a daughter of the family of Mr. John F. Walker, who
had been parochial schoolmaster and session clerk. “His life from that
date till it ended,” says his accomplished son, “was one of almost
uneventful toil, broken in its later stages by the demolition of the old
Disruption church and the erection in its place of that graceful Gothic
edifice which now crowns the brow of the brae on the south side of the
town.” The disease to which Mr. Black succumbed was of a nervous
character, and was to be traced to the fact that for many years he never
had had a real holiday. The decline was gradual, but the worries
inseparable from the election of a colleague precipitated his end, and
in the November of 1888, he passed peacefully to his rest.
When Mr. Black first
began his ministry, he could not deliver even a prayer-meeting address
without first writing it out and committing it to memory. His first
extempore performance was at a week-day meeting, when he had to take the
place of a minister who flailed to appear. He came through the ordeal
creditably, and from that time onward, his evening sermons were
delivered without being previously written. Mr. Black had an excellent
memory, and, after having written out his sermons, he was able to commit
them with great facility. He has been succeeded in office by the Rev.
William Jeffrey, who, in addition to being a minister of the Free
Church, is also a qualified medical practitioner. |