BEFORE the application of machinery
for carding and spinning wool, these operations were most efficiently
performed by manual labour: they are among those primitive domestic
occupations of the Highland females which have not yet been superseded.
If, in the march of improvement, carding could be accomplished with
greater expedition, it could not certainly be done in greater perfection
by artificial process. The superiority of home-wrought materials is well
known, and the people very industriously prosecute carding, spinning,
weaving, and wauking or fulling linen, tartan, and other cloth, in
preference to sending it to the mill or the manufacturer, where, as old
women will say, "the heart is taken out of it."
The sheep’s fleece is divided into
short, or clothing, and long, or combing, wool. The first varies in length
from one to four inches, and it is carded with the implements represented
in the print, which are furnished with fine short wire teeth, thickly set
on leather on a wooden frame, by which the material is mixed or matted,
one being held firmly on the knee. This is generally spun soft, and is
chiefly used for ‘cath-da’ hose and coarse thick cloth.
Long wool, which is from three to
eight inches in length, is prepared by a different process. The carding is
so called from the ‘Cŕrd,’ with which it is performed: for long fleece,
the Cir na-Olain, or wool-comb, is used, of which there are, in most
families, two or three sets. These, having been moderately heated, the one
in which the teeth, about four inches in length, are widest apart, is
filled with the wool, and, when sufficiently combed, it is in a similar
manner put through the second, and being thus nicely smoothed in one
direction, it is transferred to the finest, and drawn strongly through it
by the hand, operations requiring considerable patience and strength. When
completed the wool is carefully rolled up for spinning, and the residue
sticking in the teeth is placed among the short wool.
Before the wool is submitted to the
card or the comb, for the poor can seldom afford to separate the fine, it
is thoroughly washed, dried, and greased, or saturated with oil, of which
a quantity equal to a fifth, sixth, or more, of its weight is required. As
fish-oil will not do, tallow, lard, and the butter from ewe’s milk is
generally used in the West Isles and remote parts. Long wool may be spun
in soft or hand yarn, but the latter requires greater length of staple. It
is of course a matter of pride to have fine thread, and this is usually
cafted ‘fingering,’ from the careful process of spinning. The whole
furnishes very ingenious and useful employment for the female inmates of a
Highland farm-house during the winter nights, producing scenes of joyous
industry and content.
Cloth among primitive nations must
have been first formed of the undyed wool, or a mixture of the natural
white and black, still common. The manufacture of wool is supposed to have
been introduced by the Belgae, who are said to have arrived in Britain
about three hundred years A.C., and it is evident that woollen garments
were used in the time of Julius Ceasar. If the robe interwoven with
various colours which distinguished the renowned Bonduica, otherwise
Boadicea, was not a tartan plaid, it is difficult to imagine of what other
material it could be formed. Of the same nature were the dresses worn by
the Gauls, described by Diodorus, as "saga virgata, crebrisque tesselis
forum instar distincta—seu floribus conspersas"; and the inference is,
that their descendants, so tenacious of ancient usages, retained the
manufacture of their progenitors.
Be that as it may, tartan, as known
in later times, may be indisputably held to be an original Scottish
production, and these beautiful stuffs, now so popular, were until recent
years peculiar to the northern portion of the kingdom. The fabrics of
these manufactures are often exceedingly good in material and design, and
the old webs are far from inferior to those of the present day. A plaid of
elegant pattern has been obligingly submitted to us by Mrs. Mackintosh, of
Stephen’s Green, Dublin, a lady of the family of Mac Pherson of Crubin in
Badenach. The colours and texture are very fine, and there is a
considerable intermixture of silk. She states, that when placed on the
shoulders of her grand-daughter, it is the seventh generation by whom it
has been worn; and, although thus more than two hundred years old, it is
still in good condition, but rather threadbare. It is of the hard
manufacture, and believed to have been the veritable tartan worn by her
ancestors, the clan Mhuirich; having been submitted, with other specimens,
to George IV. and the Emperor Alexander, who wished to possess Highland
costumes, it was the pattern which they selected. Several remains of
garments worn by Prince Charles and others, in 1745, and before that
period, have likewise come under our observation, which display very fine
thread, and colours which are still vivid.
The subject is given from an aged
woman called Kirsty Mac Call, the wife of an old Islesman, who adheres to
the fashion of a century back, and the figure is seen in almost the same
dress which the old dame wore when she became a guidwife.
The square piece of tartan, worn
over the shoulders in manner of a shawl, is the Tonnag; the covering of
the head, assumed on marriage, is called Breid, and consists of a square
of fine linen, neatly fastened round the head, and hanging down behind.
She is busily occupied in carding, as depicted, and, at the time the
sketch was taken, she was relating to her attentive great—grandchild, with
characteristic earnestness, Gaelic traditions of other years: of raids and
reivers of bygone days, and rencontres of the red—coats and the Gaël; thus
handing down, with oral precision, those stirring details of her country’s
history, too frequently overlooked by the general writer. The abode of
this almost centenarian is at Balme, Bunawe, the property of Campbell of
Monzič, situated on the borders of Loch Etive, near the old castle of
Dunstaffnage, long the residence of royalty, but now in unarrested ruin,
although its brightly polished keys are often proudly displayed at the
girdle of its hereditary keeper. Nearer to the humble cottage of Mac Call
stand the noble ruins of Ardchattan Priory, also suffered to fall into
utter decay, with its monuments and tombstones, so highly interesting as
relics of remote antiquity, and curious specimens of sculptural art. Loch
Etive is scarcely inferior in romantic beauty to any salt-water lake
throughout the Highlands.
To no department of national
industry has more sedulous attention been devoted than to the wooi trade
and its manufacture. The Acts of Parliament on the subject are exceedingly
numerous, and no small anxiety was at times manifested for the proper
formation of Cards, which, it was complained, were often made of old
leather. It is a curious evidence of the estimation in which this ‘staple
of England’ was held by the British legislature, that in the House of
Peers, the most distinguished seat retains its ancient name and impressive
form of a Wool Sack.