FOR several years
after the truce of 1464, in the negotiations for which the bishop of
Glasgow had been a party, there was no serious misunderstanding
between England and this country, though there were occasional
border disturbances, and the truce was renewed in 1473. But from the
year 1479 till the end of his reign King James and his government
were never long free from domestic troubles and these were often
accompanied by international quarrels. The king's partiality for
seclusion and for the society of favourites who shared his fine-art
sympathies was repugnant to most members of the nobility, who
preferred to associate with the king's two brothers, the Duke of
Albany and the Earl of Mar, both of whom were noted for their
knightly accomplishments. In 1481 hostilities were resumed with
England, both by sea and land, next year a large Scottish army was
raised for defence of the kingdom against "the revare Edward,
calland himself king of England," and at this time Albany joined
himself with his country's enemies. The year 1482 witnessed the
triumph of the disaffected nobles, the Lauder bridge tragedy, and
the recapture by the English of the castle and town of Berwick, one
of this country's earliest and most flourishing burghs, which thus
finally passed from the hands of the Scots. A three years' truce
with England, entered into in 1484, had not expired when James met
his death, after the skirmish at Sauchieburn, in June, 1487. In the
civil war thus brought to a crisis the bishop of Glasgow was on the
side of the insurgents, and took part in the futile negotiations for
a peaceful settlement.
During the reign of
James III. parliaments were held with great regularity and many
useful measures were passed. Some of these have already been
referred to, such as the Act of 1469, relating to elections in
burghs. In 1487 it was ratified and ordered to be observed, so that
elections might result in the choice of the best and worthiest
inhabitants, not through partiality or mastership, "quhilk is
undoing of the borowis whare mastershippis and requestis cummis."
[Ancient Laws and Customs, ii. p. 43.] At the same time the Act was
passed which is usually regarded as the first statutory constitution
of the Convention of Burghs, [Ibid. p. 44. By this Act commissioners
of all burghs, both south and north of the Forth, were appointed to
meet yearly to commune and treat upon the welfare of merchants, good
rule and common profit of the burghs.] and as such was one of the
few Acts which escaped the wholesale repeal carried through in 1908.
In authorising an embassy of thirty persons to England regarding
marriages of the King and his son Prince James, it was arranged
about the expenses which amounted to £250, that £100 should be laid
on the prelates, £100 on the barons and the remaining £50 on the
burghs. [Ibid. p. 44.] One sixth was the usual proportion borne by
the burghs in national taxation, the shares payable by the several
communities being apportioned by the Convention. [Ibid. pp. 109,
In the parliament
held on 16th October, 1488, a special effort was made for the
suppression of theft, robbery and other "enormities," which were at
that time grievously prevalent, by dividing the kingdom into
districts over which were placed various earls and barons to whom
full authority was entrusted

during the king's
minority. The district within which Glasgow was situated was
assigned to the Earl of Lennox, Lord Lyle and Matthew Stewart, the
earl's eldest son.' But within a few months after this Act was
passed these three guardians of order broke into open revolt against
the king's government. Lyle occupied the strong fortress of
Dumbarton, while Lennox and his son raised their vassals and
garrisoned their castles and strongholds, including Crookston, near
Paisley, and Duchal, in the parish of Kilmacolm. In the course of
the military movements for suppressing this insurrection, a result
which was speedily effected, Glasgow comes frequently into notice.
On 18th July, 1489, the king was in Glasgow on his way to the siege
of Duchal. In the following October, levies from the west and south
were summoned to assemble on Glasgow Moor, and thence, on the 18th
of that month, the king proceeded to Dumbarton to press the siege of
the castle. On 10th November he was again in Glasgow on his way to
Linlithgow. On 23rd November he returned to Dumbarton and left it on
13th December, a few days after its surrender. Other visits of the
King to Glasgow are traced by his donations to the poor, to altars
and to Friars. Of these the larger sums were usually given to the
Friars, as in December, 1488, when he gave [A.P.S. 1488 C. 9. ii. p.
208.] "in alms," and on 2nd May, 1489, £10 both to the "Freris of
Glescow," not distinguishing between the Preachers and the Friars
Minors, the two bodies of friars located in the city. [Lord High
Treasurer's Account, vol. i. See also Crookston Castle, by Robert
Guy (1909) pp. 36-42.]
Glasgow was now
coming into greater prominence in national affairs and was beginning
to occupy a leading position in its relation to other districts in
the West Country. Elevation in ecclesiastical status added to the
influence of its archbishop, with whom the King seems always to have
been on friendly terms, and between 1491 and 1496 he was on several
important embassies, such as to France for renewal of the old
alliance and to the court of Spain to negotiate a treaty of
friendship as well as to engage in matrimonial speculation. Glasgow
likewise provided a serviceable base for incursions against some of
the West Islesmen who, notwithstanding their formal submission to
royal authority, in 1493-4, continued to give trouble to the
government for many years to come.
Preparatory to a
military expedition to the Isles, ships and boats were being put in
order, and for that purpose iron, timber, and other material, were
bought and collected at Glasgow and despatched in boats from the
"brig" there to Dumbarton, towards the end of 1494. Thereafter the
"lords of the westland, eastland and southland " were summoned to
meet the King at Glasgow in April or May, 1495, and there his
presence is indicated by an offering of a French crown, valued at
14s., "to the reliquis in Glasgw." Boats carried the guns to
Dumbarton, where the king was on 5th May, and on the following day
he was at Newark Castle, whence probably he embarked. Returning from
this expedition, in which he was accompanied by Sir Andrew Wood,
with one of his ships, the King was in Glasgow in the end of June,
and he remained there till the middle of the following month, during
which period he received a visit from Odonnel, chief of Tyr-connel,
in Ulster, who came to renew old family alliances.
In May, 1496, "the
preistis of Glasgo" got 40s. when the King seems to have been
passing through the city on his way from Ayr to Stirling. There, on
9th June, the sum of 5s. was paid "to the man that brocht the sture
fra Glasgo," indicating apparently the gift of a sturgeon for the
king's table and perhaps an early example of the liberality of the
citizens in distributing the produce of their bounteous river.
Shortly after the death of Bishop Laing, on 11th January, 1482-3,
the chapter elected George de Carmichael, who had been for some
years treasurer of the cathedral and prebendary of Carnwath. In
deeds dated, respectively, 18th February and 22nd March, 1482-3, he
is designated elect of Glasgow, but on 13th April Pope Sixtus IV.
declared the election to be null and void as being contrary to his
reservation of the see. The Pope favoured the translation of Robert
Blacader, bishop of Aberdeen, to Glasgow, and this was effected with
such expedition that he was consecrated in April or May, 1483. But
Carmichael did not relinquish his claims and he is said to have been
on a journey to Rome, seeking consecration, when he died in 1484.
In 1472 St. Andrews
had been constituted the archiepiscopal and metropolitan see of
Scotland, a step which was disapproved of by the bishops of the
other sees as well as by the king. To allay contentions which had
arisen between the archbishop and Bishop Blacader, the Pope, on 27th
May, 1488, exempted the bishop and his diocese from all
jurisdiction, visitation and rule of the archbishop during the
lifetime of the former. But the see of Glasgow was not satisfied
with this temporary favour and its cause was warmly supported by
King James IV., who held the honorary dignity of a canon of Glasgow.
Letters were despatched by the king urging on the Pope that Glasgow
should be raised to a primacy like that of York in the church of
England, and in a parliament held on 14th June, 1488-9, it was
enacted that for the honour and public good of the realm the see of
Glasgow should be erected into an archbishopric with such privileges
and dignities as York enjoyed. After further pressure the desired
object was attained, and by a bull of Pope Innocent VIII., dated 9th
January, 1491-2, Glasgow was raised to the dignity of a metropolitan
church, with Blacader as the first archbishop and the bishops of
Dunkeld, Dunblane, Galloway and Lismore (Argyll) as suffragans. That
peace between St. Andrews and Glasgow was not effected by these
changes is shown by the terms of an act of parliament dated 26th
June, 1493, whereby it was declared that if the two archbishops did
not cease their -strife and stop litigation in the court of Rome,
the King would -command his lieges not to pay them the ferms, rents
and mauls required for the prosecution of such pleas, a threat which
probably secured ostensible compliance for the time. [Dowden's
Bishops, pp. 329-36, and authorities cited; Early Glasgow, pp.
Before the
negotiations in regard to the archbishopric had been fully
concluded, King James IV. granted to Bishop Blacader and his
successors a charter confirming and extending the liberties and
privileges of the see. In the preliminary narrative of the charter,
which is dated 4th January 1489-90, the King refers to the singular
devotion which he bore to the church "wherein we are a canon," and
to the favour and love which he had for the bishop "and his renowned
chapter, which holds the chief place among the secular colleges of
our kingdom." After the confirmation, in general terms, of existing
possessions, special reference is made to the baronies of Ancrum,
Lilliesleaf and Ashkirk, in the shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, and
to those of Stobo and Edilston in Peeblesshire, and then comes the
grant of a free Iron, introduced by words which indicated
uncertainty as to whether that privilege had not been already
At that time
merchandise liable to the great custom, payable to the crown, could
not be legally exported without a cocket, being a certificate under
the seal of the proper officer that the dues had been settled. Lords
of regality who owned burghs of export had generally a grant of
cocket, entitling them to export merchandise duty free. So far as
shown by any extant writing the bishops of Glasgow do not appear to
have previously had this privilege, but by the charter of 1489-90

the bishop and his
successors were authorised to have a free tron in the city of
Glasgow and to appoint a troner of the customs and clerk of the
cocket, in order that all merchandise and goods pertaining to the
citizens and tenants of the barony might be there troned, weighed
and customed. The bishops were to possess, for their own use and
profit, the customs collected by their officers and factors, and on
payment of such dues cockets were to be issued, entitling the
citizens and tenants to be free of exaction or payment of all other
customs on their goods, in all other towns, ports and places within
the kingdom. [Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. pp. 79-87. By a precept and
warrant dated 10th October, 1490 (Ib. pp. 87, 88), King James IV.
ratified the decreet by James III. (antea, p. 244, requiring all
trading ships to be brought to such burghs with their merchandise
and there to "pay their dewties and take cockets."] The first tron
or weighing place within the city was erected a little to the west
of the market cross, on the south side of the street at one time
known as St. Tenewis-gait, but the name of which, after the erection
of the tron, was changed to Trongait. About forty years later an
adjoining site was occupied by the Collegiate Church of St. Mary and
St. Anne, which in its turn was replaced by the Tron Church; and by
this adherence to existing nomenclature the old weighing place has
become one of the best known landmarks in the city.
From a decree
pronounced by the Lords Auditors on loth December, 1494, it seems
that the customs were rentalled by a "custumar" who, in
consideration of a yearly rent payable to the archbishop, was
authorised to collect the amount for his own behoof. At that time
Allan Stewart was the rentaller, but under an arrangement to which
he was a consenter the archbishop had assigned to his brother, Sir
Patrick Blacader of Tulliallan, knight, the half of the customs from
1st December, 1493, and during the subsistence of this let the
rentaller was only entitled to his own half. But as he had collected
the whole customs for the past year he was ordained to pay Sir
Patrick £10, under deduction of 40s. paid for rent and 32s. "for a
rud of calsay making." [Acta Dominorum Auditoruna, p. 197. The last
item is interesting as showing that the upkeep of the causeway was a
charge on the customs.]
It is ascertained
from an entry in the Inventory of City Writs, compiled in 1696, that
on 17th January, 1491-2, King James addressed a letter to the
Provost and Bailies intimating the release of his former "recognitione"
and granting them license to "use and occupy their freedom as they
did of befor." [Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. p. 88. See another direct
grant, antea, p. 168.] Here, presumably, was opportunity for
learning something of the direct relationship subsisting between the
King and the burgh, the bishop as lord of the regality and the usual
intermediary being apparently no party to the arrangement ; but
unfortunately the letter, like so many important documents extant in
1696 but now gone, has disappeared. The term "recognitione"
indicates that the burgh had, for some reason, been deprived of
certain possessions or privileges, but whatever may have been the
nature or extent of the temporary forfeiture, the magistrates were
fully restored to their former condition. [Between the municipal
year 1486-7, when Robert Stewart was provost, and the year 1491-2
when Andrew Otterburn held that office, the line of Stewarts (of
different families perhaps) was broken for the first time. The
precise time and reason of the change are not known, but it is not
unlikely that the provost was implicated in the Lennox revolt of
1488-9, bringing about the "recognitione" referred to in the text (Glasg.
Chart. ii. p. 475)]
The persecutions
which arose after the death of John Wycliffe, the English Reformer,
in 1380, drove many of his adherents into exile. Some of them,
coming to the western parts of Scotland, settled in Ayrshire and
obtained the name of the Lollards of Kyle. Their tenets were
obnoxious to the ruling classes, both civil and ecclesiastical, and
it is probable that Wyntoun voiced the general opinion when, in his
metrical Chronicle, he commends Robert Duke of Albany, governor of
the kingdom, for maintaining that attitude:
"He was a constant
All Lollards he hatyt, and Hereticke." [Book ix. lines 2773-4.]
It was during this
governor's administration that James Resby, the first martyr of the
Reformed religion, was committed to the flames at Perth, for alleged
heresy, in the year 1406-7. John Knox commences his History of the
Reformation in Scotland by referring to an unnamed person who, as
mentioned in the Scrolls or Register of Glasgow, was burnt for
heresy, in the year 1422. If correctly reported this event occurred
during the governorship of Duke Murdoch and William Lauder's
episcopate. King James I. continued the efforts for repressing the
new doctrines, as by an act of parliament, passed on 12th March,
1424, "anentis heretikis and Lollardis," it was ordained " that ilk
bischop sail ger inquyr be the Inquisicione of Heresy, quhar ony sik
beis fundyne, ande at thai be punyst as Lawe of Halykirk requiris :
Ande, gif it misteris, that secular power be callyt tharto in
suppowale and helping of Halykirk." [A.P.S. ii. p. 7, c. 3.] The
machinery for preventing the spread of independent opinion included
the appointment of a dignified churchman as Inquisitor of Heresy,
but no connected record of procedure has been preserved. The "
Scrolls and Register of Glasgow "to which Knox refers are supposed
to be the records of the Official of Glasgow, not now extant. [Glasg.
Prot. vol. v. pp. xi. xii.] A deed recorded in "the books of the
acts of the Official of Glasgow" is referred to in an instrument
dated 27th July, 1506. [Dioc. Reg. Prot. No. 289.] These books seem
to belong to the series to which Knox had access in Glasgow
subsequent to the Reformation and consequently they had lost the
chance of being preserved by the archbishop along with the other
muniments which he took to France. From the Register of 1494 Knox
supplied details of proceedings against thirty persons in Ayrshire
whom Archbishop Blacader had summoned before the king and his
council, but no conviction seems to have followed at that time. [6
History of Reformation, i. pp. 6-11; 494-500. Against two of the
persons summoned in 1494, "George Campbell of Sesnok and John
Campbell in Newmylns," a charge of heresy was depending on 9th
March, 1503-4, on which date the archbishop declared that he was
ready to deliver a copy of the attestations produced in support of
the case (Diocesan Reg. Prot. No. 66). But again no decision seems
to have been reached.] |