ANDERSON was again chosen Provost in
October, 1695, and it was while he held the office, and probably
largely at his suggestion, that the burgh took part in a great
national undertaking whose prospects were as promising as its
denouement was disastrous. It
was a time of mighty financial schemes, in which two Scotsmen played
conspicuous roles. In France John Law of Lauriston, having fled from
England to escape the consequences of his fatal duel with Beau
Wilson, established the Banque Generale, floated the great
Mississippi Scheme, was appointed Controller General of the
Finances, and after stirring the whole nation to a frenzy of
speculation with his golden projects, saw the glittering fabric
crash to ruin, and fled to Venice from the fury of the people, with
a single diamond for his sole possession. In England the South Sea
Company had a similar origin. Started by Robert Harley, Earl of
Oxford, as a means of extinguishing the floating National Debt, then
amounting to £10,000,000, it was granted a monopoly of trading in
the South Seas, and the dazzling dreams of wealth awaiting
exploitation in South America brought about a furore of speculation
in the shares, till these rose from £ioo to i000. But all the
trading that the Company did was the sending of one ship on a single
voyage, and when the inevitable crash came thousands were reduced to
utter ruin. [A very full account of both the Mississippi scheme and
the South Sea Company is given in Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular
Delusions, vol. i., by Charles Mackay, LL.D.]
Both of these schemes appear to have
been inspired by the earlier enterprise of `William Paterson, a
native of Dumfriesshire. After founding the Bank of England, of
which he became a director in 1694, he withdrew in 1695, in the
opinion that the bank's operations were too narrow in scope. An
enterprise just then being started in Scotland seemed to offer much
greater possibilities. Two Edinburgh merchants, James Balfour and
Bailie Robert Blackwood, were floating a great mercantile project,
"The Company of Scotland trading to Africa and the Indies." In this
project Paterson's genius saw the possibility of a great national
achievement. He joined the company, and forthwith turned its
energies in a still more promising direction, which was neither
Indian nor African. His idea was perfectly sound—to plant on the
Isthmus of Darien a colony, which should form the entrepot of trade
for two oceans and two continents.
The enterprise offered to Scottish merchants an outlet unhampered by
the English navigation law, which decreed that trade with English
ports and colonies must be carried on only in English ships. The
Company was established by Act of the Scottish Parliament in 1695,
and was granted a monopoly of the trade of Asia, Africa, and America
for thirty-two years. The scheme at once became popular. From
motives of patriotism not less than from motives of gain, nobility,
gentry, merchants, burghs, and public bodies all hastened to take
shares. £400,000, half the wealth of Scotland, were subscribed,
though only £220,000 were actually paid up.
Of that amount quite a considerable
portion came from Glasgow. By a special Act of Parliament Royal
Burghs were empowered to invest money in the enterprise, and on 5th
March, 1696, the Magistrates and Town Council, "taking to their
consideration that the company of this nation for trading to Africa
and the Indies ... seems to be very promising, and apparently may
tend to the honour and profit of the Kingdom, and particularly to
the great advantage of this Burgh to share therein ... therefore ...
with consent of the merchants and trades, their respective houses
(previously convened for giving advice in the said matter) do
resolve and conclude to stock in and adventure for this Burgh and
common good thereof ... the sum of three thousand pounds sterling
money." The city fathers further "commissionat, appoint, and give
full power to John Anderson of Dowhill, provost, to subscryve the
said company, their books of subscription, for the said sum."
[Burgh Records under date.] Following the example of the Town
Council, many Glasgow merchants and other citizens also took up
stock, and altogether £56,000 sterling were subscribed in the city.
Among the private subscribers, Anderson himself took £i000 of stock.
The Town Council took a lead in appointing members of the committee
of management of the Company, and commissioned Provost Anderson to
submit the names of Glasgow holders of stock for election to the
board of fifty directors. They further appointed Anderson himself to
represent the Town Council on that board. [Ibid. 28th March, 25th
April and 16th May, 1696.]
Even the wisdom of the University was
tempted to speculate in the great enterprise. On the advice of
Principal Dunlop it took shares to the amount of a thousand pounds.
Dunlop himself invested a similar sum, while three of the regents
ventured a hundred pounds each. The Principal's support was
recognized by his appointment as a director. [Coutts, History of the
University, p. 183.]
Evidently Anderson did his best to
secure that the expedition should sail from the Clyde, for he spent
£89 16s. 10d. "in going with Mr. Paterson to view the river."
Meanwhile the Company acted as a bank, lending out its spare capital
at reasonable interest, and Glasgow borrowed £500 sterling for the
purpose of paying off debt. [Burgh Records, 4th July and 5th Oct.,
1686. The Company offered to lend members two-thirds of their
paid-up stock.]
Delay was caused by the jealous
clamour of the English trading corporations, which secured the
disapproval of the English Parliament and the disfavour of King
`William towards the scheme, with the withdrawal of most of the
English and Dutch subscriptions, amounting to £300,000 and £200,000
respectively. But on 25th July, 1698, five ships sailed from Leith
for Panama with twelve hundred colonists on board.
The story of the disaster is well
enough known. The snag in the enterprise lay in the fact that no
attempt had been made to secure the goodwill of Spain, then dominant
in that part of the world. Between the refusal of the English
colonies in America to supply provisions, quarrels among its own
leaders, the armed hostilities of the Spaniards, and the deadly
effects of the climate, the colony melted away, and, when a second
and third expedition, which sailed from the Clyde with Paterson
himself on board, reached the spot, there was nothing to be seen but
a collection of graves. Of the 2700 colonists who altogether went
out, not more than thirty ever reached Scotland again. Among these
was Paterson, who for a time was rendered lunatic by his
Glasgow, no doubt, derived some
profit from the outfitting of the later ships of the expedition—the
last of them, the Speedy Return, was fitted out and furnished with a
crew by William Arbuckle, a Glasgow merchant. But one can picture
the consternation in the city when news arrived from Greenock in the
last days of June, 1700, that Captain Campbell of Fonab had anchored
his little vessel there with remnants of the abandoned enterprise on
board. Seven months later the town council petitioned Parliament to
appoint a committee to enquire into the Company's affairs, and
meanwhile to stop all processes and executions for further payments
until examination was made. [Burgh Records, 29th June, 1700, 11th
Jan., 1701.]
But the Company of Scotland had not
yet given up the ghost. Rumours had reached this country of enormous
profits made by New York ships trading with the pirate settlements
in Madagascar. One vessel, the Nassau, in 1698 had netted no less a
sum than £30,000 for its owners from a single voyage. Lured by such
prospects the Company determined on something like a gambler's
throw. It fitted out at Port-Glasgow two vessels, the Content and
the Speedy Return, loaded them with barrels of flour and beer,
hogsheads of tobacco and buccaneer guns, looking-glasses and
silk-looped hats, ivory-hafted knives and gold waistcoat buttons,
and sent them out to the pirates' fortified settlement of St. Mary's
on the Madagascar coast. There they disposed of their goods and did
some business in the slave trade. But one day, when Captain Drummond
and Captain Stewart were on shore, the pirates took possession of
the ships, and that ended the venture as far as the Company of
Scotland was concerned. [The books and documents of the Company of
Scotland are preserved in the Scottish National Library. A monograph
on the subject by John Hill Burton was printed for the Bannatyne
Club. More recently the Darien Shipping Papers were edited for the
Scottish History Society by Dr. G. P. Insh, and the story is fully
told in the same writer's work, The Company of Scotland, published
by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1932.]
Eventually, of course, Glasgow
recovered most of the capital invested in the great venture. When
the Articles of Union between Scotland and England were being
arranged in 1706, it was agreed that England should pay to Scotland
an "Equivalent" of £400,000 to compensate for the amount of
England's debt about to be taken over by Scotland. At the same time
it was insisted that the Company of Scotland, with its far-reaching
privileges, should be wound up. It was arranged, therefore, that the
greater part of the "Equivalent" should be devoted to paying out the
stockholders of the Company, with interest. [Hill Burton, Hist.
Scot. viii, 132.] Glasgow appears to have received its share of this
money very promptly. The Burgh Records of 16th and 26th September,
'707, mention a visit of the Provost and

Dean of Guild to Edinburgh, to
receive "the toun's part of the Affrican money," £2114 15s. 7d.
sterling altogether, and the payment of £20 Scots to James
Littlejohn, carrier, for conveying it home to Glasgow.
The people of Glasgow meanwhile do
not seem to have blamed Provost Anderson for their heavy loss in
this great venture, for he was chosen Provost again in 1699 and
1703; but as age pressed upon him, and it looks as if he had fallen
on less prosperous days, he seems to have suffered a change of
regard. As with many of the merchant adventurers of those times,
with their fortunes on the sea, his affairs may have been subject to
serious fluctuations. As early as 1669, after the death of his first
wife, Marion Darroch, the Town Council remitted to him the feu-duties
of Camlachie, which had been hers in life-rent. [Burgh Records, 10th
Aug.] A few years later, in 1684, he advanced money "to plenish the
General's lodging" and to "outreik" the militia horses with a year's
maintenance. [Ibid. 26th and 27th Sept. Notwithstanding his many
services there seems to have been a party in the city disposed to
question the acts of the worthy provost. In January, 1701, these
persons, led by a certain George Lockhart, presented two petitions
to Parliament. The first complained that he had carried out an
election of council without consulting the Merchants and Trades
Houses ; the second declaring that he did not truly represent the
inhabitants as their parliamentary representative. Parliament,
however, shelved the petitions.—Crawford, Sketch of the Trades'
House, p. 90.] Later still, however, there are signs that he was not
without the need of money. In 1692, some irregularities having
occurred, Anderson and four others were appointed to report on the
position of the town's affairs. On the recommendation of that
committee the Town Council "concludit and agreed" that a special set
of account books, a journal and a ledger, should be kept, in
addition to the public register, shewing at a glance the town's
debts and credits, revenues and payments. For the keeping of these
books it was declared, "there can be no fitter person gottine then
John Andersone, late proveist." Anderson undertook the work, and
agreed to accept an allowance "for his pains." A year later he
produced the books, which shewed the town's accounts so clearly, and
proved so satisfactory, especially since they shewed that a
considerable debt had been paid off, that it was agreed to pay him a
salary of £15 sterling a year for his trouble, and to continue him
in the appointment. The salary was afterwards increased to £20,
probably because the keeping of books for the excise was added to
the work. Dowhill kept the books and drew the emolument till 1708.
In that year the Town Council reviewed all the salaries and pensions
it was paying, and while continuing all the others, decided that, as
the city had a regular treasurer, it was unnecessary to continue the
payment to Anderson. Apparently there had been some trouble with
Dowhill's son, another John Anderson younger, and a certain Matthew
Gilmour, for the accounts had not been entered during their
treasurership. Anderson was therefore directed to post the books up
to date, balance them, and deliver them to the Magistrates. [Burgh
Records, 15th Mar., 15th Sept., 1692; 19th Aug., 28th Oct., 1694;
17th Feb. 1708.]
By that time Dowhill was an old man.
A little later he is mentioned as "deceist." He had married again,
and at his death had left his widow, Marion Hay, life-rented in
"that great tenement of land" at the head of the Saltmarket which
has been already mentioned. She was living there with her children
in May, 1715, when a sudden conflagration occurred, and it was again
reduced to ashes. The disaster was serious for Marion Hay, who had
not means to rebuild the tenement. Four months afterwards the five
shopkeepers on the ground floor petitioned the magistrates to have
the dangerous walls taken down and to grant them authority to cover
their shops from the weather. And a year later the widow herself
petitioned for help to rebuild the property. She and her children
and servants, she explained, had escaped only with their lives and
in their shirts, all her furniture had been destroyed, along with
the writs and titles of the Dowhill properties, and she could not
even sell the tenement for lack of the necessary deeds. In support
of her petition she cited the services rendered by her late husband
to the city. After consideration the Magistrates and Council agreed
that for the decorum of the city a tenement in so conspicuous a
position should be rebuilt, and they undertook to make a grant of
two thousand merks Scots if the building was completed and roofed
before the first of June in the following year. Apparently no time
was lost, for on 21st May, 1717, the treasurer was instructed to pay
the 2000 merks to "Lady Dowhill," the work having then been
finished. [Ibid. 26th Aug., 1715; 27th Aug., 1716.] This action was
all the more creditable to the city fathers and is witness to the
esteem in which the memory of John Anderson was held, when it is
remembered that the town was just then wrestling with the expenses
incurred on account of the Jacobite rising under the Earl of Mar.
Anderson left four daughters, two by
each marriage. Of these, Marion, a daughter by his second marriage,
seems to have inherited the tenement in Saltmarket. She married the
Rev. Charles 1lfoore, minister of Stirling, and was mother of Dr.
Moore the friend of Robert Burns, and grandmother of Sir John Moore,
the hero of Corunna. Another daughter, Christian, married John
Gibson, merchant and bailie, and after her husband's death, being
reduced to penury, was granted an allowance of £25 Scots quarterly
by the Town Council for her subsistence. [Ibid. 29th Jan. 1725; 15th
June, 1750.] Still another daughter, Barbara, was with her numerous
children reduced to great straits by a reverse in the circumstances
of her husband, Mr. William Fogo of Killorn, "now a prisoner in
Stirling tolbooth, where he is like to continue for life." In view
of her father's services to the city the Town Council in 1754
granted her a pension of £12 sterling, stipulating that it should
not be subject to her husband's jus mariti or the claims of his
creditors. |