IN the first volume of this history
occasional reference has been made to the early schools of Glasgow.
These schools were probably of more importance in the life of the
community than the casual mention in the various early records might
seem to imply. The Rule of Sarum, or Salisbury, which was adopted as
the ritual of the Glasgow bishopric almost from its restoration in
the twelfth century, ordained that the chancellor should regulate
schools and the precentor provide for the instruction and discipline
of the boys serving in the choir. [Regist. Epis. Glasg. i. 270, No.
211.] Abundant evidence exists in the early Scottish chartularies of
the provision of schools by the clergy throughout the country as
early as the twelfth century itself. [Charters and Documents, i. 44;
Grant's History of the Burgh and Parish Schools of Scotland.]
In connection with Glasgow Cathedral
there must have existed from the very first a song school for the
musical instruction of the boy singers of the choir. Its location
was probably at the hall of the vicars choral on the north side of
the cathedral, from which Vicars' Alley, the passage between the
Royal Infirmary and the graveyard of the cathedral, still takes its
name. ["Hall of the Vicars Choral," by Archbishop Eyre, in The Book
of Glasgow Cathedral.] Among other references to this song school
there is the deed by which, in 1539, John Panter, "formerly
preceptor of the song school of the metropolitan church of Glasgow,"
settled certain rents of a tenement and yard on the east side of
Castle Street on the master of the cathedral song school and others
for the performance of anniversary services at certain altars.
[Charters and Documents, ii. Appendix, No. xxi.] Under the various
Acts which followed the Reformation, the revenues of the Vicars
Choral were transferred to the provost and bailies of Glasgow, the
need for training boys in the elaborate Latin services of the
cathedral came to an end, and the song school of the metropolitan
church ceased to exist. Accordingly, in 1590 John Panter's nephew,
Sir Mark Jamieson, life-renter of the tenement above mentioned, went
to the Tolbooth and delivered to the provost and bailies the
documents of his uncle's gift " in ane litill box, to be keipit in
the commoun kist." [Glasgow Burgh Records, i. 155.] The cathedral
song school had served its time, and had laid the foundations of a
musical taste in Glasgow and its cathedral which has never since
died out.
Meanwhile, at a much later date, a
second song school had been founded in the city. When the Church of
St. Mary of Loretto and her mother St. Anne, now the Tron church,
founded by James Houstoun, vicar of Eastwood and sub-dean of the
cathedral, in 1525, [Charters and Documents, ii. pp. 494-7.] grew
into a collegiate foundation, the magistrates and council endowed it
with sixteen acres of the Gallowmuir and nominated the third
prebendary, whose duties were to have charge of the organ and to
carry on a song school. [Lib. Coll. pp. xv.-xxv.] After the
Reformation the Trongate church and churchyard were sold by the
bailies and council, but it says much for their good taste and
enlightenment that they carried on this school as long as they
could. In the deed of 1570, conveying the church and churchyard to
James Fleming, "the common school called the Song School," standing
immediately to the west of it, is not included. [Charters and
Documents, i. pt. ii. pp. 140-142.] The Town Council seems to have
gone still further, and to have accepted some responsibility for
carrying on the school. Towards the support of the teacher, one
Thomas Craig, in 1575, the "burgess fines," or entry money of a new
freeman, John Cumming, were assigned—a somewhat frequent method of
making payments at that time. [Burgh Records, p. 43.] A few days
earlier the town's accounts show a payment to Thomas Craig, of
twenty-three shillings for straw and thatching of the "New Kirk
scule." [Burgh Records, 457.] Three years later, in February, 1578,
appears a payment of ten pounds "to Thomas Craig for his support in
teicheing of the new kirk scole." [Burgh Records, 465.] In June,
1583, again, occur payments—forty shillings "to Mr. William
Struthers for to pay the maul (or rent) of ane sang scole," and
eight pounds "gewin to Thomas Craig, maister of the Tronegait scole,
for his chaplainrie." [Burgh Records, i. 472.] In 1588, however, the
town council found itself in money difficulties. To meet these it
decided on feuing certain of its common lands and other properties,
Among these last was "the scuile sumtyme callit the Sang Scuile."
[Burgh Records, i. 125.] It does not appear, however, that the
school was actually sold, and eleven years later there is a record
of a burgess fine being given "to Johne Craig scholemaister for his
service done be him." [Burgh Records, i. 187.] It seems likely that
the school had been removed to new premises, for payments of forty
shillings are recorded in 1577 and 1583 for the rent of a chamber
"to be ane sang scole." [Burgh Records, i. 462, 472,] In 1626 the
council made an agreement with James Sanders to give instruction in
music to all the children of the burgh who might be put to his
school for a salary of ten shillings a quarter to himself and forty
pennies to his man, and at the same time forbade all others to teach
music in the burgh. [Burgh Records, i. 354.]
At a salary like that it is evident
that the music school master must have had other means of
livelihood. In the next entry regarding the Song School, twelve
years later, Sanders is mentioned as "reader," so it may be gathered
that the pre-Reformation office of the third prebendary of St.
Mary's, who was appointed by the magistrates, and whose duties were
to have charge of the organ and to carry on a song school, had been
perpetuated in a readership in the Tron kirk with the same musical
duties attached.
The entry alluded to, on 5th May,
1638, sets forth that the music school within the burgh was
altogether decayed, "to the grait discredit of this citie and
discontentment of sindrie honest men within the same who hes bairnes
whom they wold have instructit in that art." The magistrates
accordingly called Sanders before them, and with his consent
appointed Duncan Burnet to "take up the said school again." [Burgh
Records, i. 388.]
Still later, in 1646, the town
council engaged John Cant at a salary of £40 per annum for five
years to raise the psalms in the High Kirk on the Sabbath and in the
Blackfriars at the weekly sermons, "and for keeping ane music
school." [Burgh Records, ii. 96.]
These facts should be enough to show
that, whatever may have been the effects of the Reformation in other
parts of the country in killing and discrediting love of the fine
arts, the art of music at any rate continued to find approval and
substantial support from the magistrates and the people of Glasgow.
Equally creditable is the support
which appears to have been given from very early times to the
maintenance of a grammar school in the burgh. It is true that the
first reference to that Grammar School occurs only in 146o, but
there is every likelihood that, as enjoined on the chapter of the
cathedral by the ritual of Sarum, the school had been set up before
the close of the twelfth century. Bishop Jocelyn, the energetic and
enlightened prelate who began the building of the present cathedral
in 1175, and secured from William the Lion the charter of a burgh
and a fair for his episcopal city of Glasgow, set his seal, in the
year ii8o, to the deed confirming the Abbot of Kelso in possession
of the churches and schools of Roxburgh, and was not in the least
likely to overlook the duty and the advantages of setting up a
grammar school in his own new burgh on Clydeside. When the Grammar
School of Glasgow is first referred to, in 1460, it was already a
long established institution. It is notable that the deed by which
Simon Dalgleish, precentor and official of Glasgow, conveyed to
Master Alexander Galbraith, rector and master of the school, and his
successors, a tenement on the west side of the Meikle Wynd, or High
Street, to be held by the master and scholars for certain religious
services, declared that the provost, bailies, and councillors of the
burgh were to be patrons, governors, and defenders of the gift.
[Glasgow Charters and Documents, i. pt. ii. p. 436.] It does not
seem likely that this was the first official connection of the town
council with the school; but real authority in appointing and
dismissing the master of the school still lay with the chancellor of
the cathedral. In its well-known judgment of 1494, the chapter of
the bishopric solemnly declared that Master Martin Wan, the
chancellor, and his predecessors of the church of Glasgow, had been,
without interruption and beyond the memory of man, in peaceable
possession of the appointing and removing of the master of the
grammar school, and of that school's oversight and government, and
further, that it was unlawful, without the chancellor's permission,
to keep a grammar school in the town; and accordingly that "a
certain discreet man," Master David Dun, presbyter of the diocese,
who had set himself to teach youths grammar and the elements of
learning within the city, had no right to do so, and accordingly
must be "put down to silence in the premises for ever." [Charters
and Documents, i. 89, No. xl.]

The magistrates nevertheless made
certain claims. In 1508, when Mr. Martin Rede, then chancellor,
appointed Mr. John Rede to be master, the provost, Sir John Stewart
of Minto, and others, protested and claimed for the magistrates the
right to admit Mr. John and the other masters of the schools. The
matter was decided by reference to the foundation and letters of Mr.
Simon Dalgleish in 1460. [Diocesan Registers, i. 427, ii. 267.]
For his stipend the master of the
Grammar School seems to have had to look, not to any direct
remuneration for the work of teaching, but, after the manner of the
church of that time, to the revenues of some other office. In
connection with St. Ninian's leper hospital at the south end of
Glasgow bridge, William Stewart, a canon of the cathedral, had built
a chapel near it at the corner of Rutherglen Loan, and in 1494 he
endowed it with certain annual rents and a tenement on the south
side of the Briggate. At that time the chaplain was the master of
the Grammar School, and from certain provisions it appears to have
been intended that the two offices should be held in perpetuity by
the same individual. [Reg. Epis. Glasg. No. 469.]
Further, on 8th January, 1572-73,
when the Provost and town council made over to the University all
the kirk livings which had been bestowed on the burgh by Queen Mary
in 1566, they specially exempted the chaplainry of All Hallows or
All Saints " granted formerly by us to the master of the Grammar
School," and ordained that it should remain for ever with him and
his successors. [Charters and Documents, i. pt. ii. P. 161.]
Stimulated perhaps by the kindly
interest of the town council, the attendance at the school appears
to have increased, for in 1577 Robert Hutcheson and his wife
renounced their right to a house and yard on the west of the school
in order that these might provide more accommodation. [Charters and
Documents, i. pt. ii. P. 447.] At the same time the town's master of
works was instructed to " mak the grammar scole wattirfast, and at
the spring of the yeir to mend the west parte thairof." [Burgh
Records, i. 64.] On 16th November the accounts show a payment of
48s. "for XII threif of quheit straye to theik the Grammer Scole,"
and on 12th May following one of £8 "gevin to James Fleming, maister
of work to mend the grammar scole." [Burgh Records, i. 465, 466.]
The first actual record of the
appointment of a master by the town council occurs in 1582. On 13th
November Mr. Patrick Sharp, master of the grammar school, appeared
before the council and resigned his office, along with the
chaplainry of All Hallows altar and all other rents and duties
belonging to it, and the provost and council instantly, with advice
of the regents of the University, elected Mr. John Blackburn to the
mastership and chaplainry. [Burgh Records, i. 99.]
Blackburn proved to be an energetic
manager. Money evidently was needed, and he approached the town
council with the proposal that the front schoolhouse and yard should
be sold. He offered to pay the council a hundred merks and odds if
they would allow him to sell the property; or, alternatively, he
offered to accept two hundred merks for his consent that they should
dispose of it. In the end they agreed to pay him two hundred and ten
merks, and, this being agreed to, they sent round the drum on three
several days, as was customary, to advertise the sale, and finally
disposed of the property to Bailie Hector Stewart, the highest
bidder, for four hundred and seventy merks and an annual payment of
five merks. [Burgh Records, i. 176, 177, 178.]
Four years later drastic action had
to be taken with the schoolhouse itself. First the council appointed
a committee to visit and report on the repairs required. [Burgh
Records, i. 208.] The committee reported the school to be altogether
ruinous. The minute of 23rd August, 1600, contains a fine outburst
of generous sentiment: "It is condiscendit be the provest, bailleis,
and counsale that thai think na thing mair profitabill, first to the
glory of God, nixt the weill of the towne, to have ane Grammer
Schole." Then as always, however, Glasgow was prepared to back its
sentiments with solid deeds, and the council gave order that "the
haill stanes of the rwinus dekayit fallin dovne bak almonshous
pertenyng to the towne" should be devoted to the rebuilding of the
school, and that Blackburn should report every council day on the
progress of the work. [Burgh Records, i. 210.] Money was required
for the job, and Blackburn was authorized to pay to the master of
works for the purpose four hundred merks, of the legacy left by "Hary
the porter" of the college. [Burgh Records, i. 217.] Other funds
were got from the feuing of the common lands, while £800 were raised
by means of a tax. [Burgh Records, i. 218.]
In the midst of the enterprise
Blackburn received a call to the ministry of a kirk in some other
part of the country. Reluctant to lose him, "that is and hes bein
ane guid and sufficient member in instructing of the barnes of the
towne and vther effaires of the kirk thairinto," the council
appointed two members to see the presbytery, and promise Blackburn
any "benefit " about the town when it should happen to fall vacant,
in order that he should be retained as master of the school. [Burgh
Records, i. 226.] These persuasive efforts were successful, and four
years later we find the council dealing with a certain Robert Brown,
gardener, for delay in paying to Blackburn "sax pundis money" for
the Martinmas term's rent of the All Hallows chaplainry due from .a
house and yard he occupied, belonging to "ane noble and potent Lord
Hew erll of Egglingtoune." [Burgh Records, i. 343.] A year later
still, in 1606, it became evident that among the "benefits"
conferred on the schoolmaster to induce him to remain in the town
must have been a certain number of burgess "fines" or dues. William
Balloch, maltman, is made burgess and freeman of the burgh as "one
of Master John Blackburn's burgesses granted to him by the provost
and baffles of the burgh for his service in the Grammar School."
[Burgh Records, i. 246.] By and by this source of revenue appears to
have been interfered with by an ordinance declaring that burgesses
were no longer to be admitted in favour of any person by reason of
his office, but only by the dean of guild. Blackburn complained that
this meant an annual loss to him of two burgess fines, and requested
that the loss be made good by a payment from the burgh treasury. As
an equivalent he was granted a yearly sum of forty merks. [Burgh
Records, i. 310.]
In 1611 it was arranged to feu
further ground belonging to the Grammar School, and Blackburn,
appearing before the council, very adroitly declared that while he
believed the whole of the money thus obtained belonged by right to
himself, yet he would submit to the will of the city fathers in the
matter. After discussion it was decided that "the said maister John"
should have half the money, the other half being assigned to the use
of the town. [Burgh Records, i. 318, 319.]
Nothing more is recorded of Master
John Blackburn, but the town council continued to take a vital and
kindly interest in its Grammar School. In 1624 the accounts show a
payment of £80 to "Maister William Wallace, scholmaister." [Burgh
Records, i. 477.] The school must now have grown beyond the powers
of one man, however, for in 1629, with Wallace present, the council
deputed two city ministers, the Principal of the University, and
four, well-known citizens to visit the school and report, and four
months later we find other two individuals named as masters of the
Grammar School. The council ordered forty merks each to be paid to
John Hamilton and James Anderston, in that capacity "for helping the
ministers to preach in their absence at divers times." [Burgh
Records, i. 370, 372.] A year later the council recorded its
approval of the efforts of Wallace, who " hes thir divers yeiris by
past, sen his entrie thairto, exercet his office faithfullie and
treulie in training of all scholleris putt under his chairge," and
they therefore earnestly requested and desired him to renew his
engagement with them. [Burgh Records, i. 376.] Eight years later
still, in 1638, it was ordered that he be paid all the rents due to
him out of the "hous of manufactorie" and that the burgh officers
help him to collect the rest of the dues belonging to him as master
of the Grammar School. [Burgh Records, i. 391.]
At that time the school and the town
evidently suffered from a certain looseness in the management of
their affairs. In 1639 the attention of the council was drawn to the
fact that small rents due to the town and school from a number of
houses, barns, and kilns in the city had gone out of use of payment,
and that others were likely to follow. It was therefore ordained
that such rent and dues should be engrossed by the town clerk in all
future sasines. [Burgh Records, i. 397.]
After the abolition of episcopacy by
the famous General Assembly held in Glasgow Cathedral in 1638, an
effort was made to secure a competent allowance out of the revenues
of the bishopric for the maintenance of the High Kirk, the Bishop's
Hospital, and the Grammar School. [Burgh Records, i. 431.] For these
purposes King Charles I. actually signed a deed by which the teinds
of Glasgow, Drymen, Dryfesdale, Cambusnethan, and Traquair were
handed over to the town. [Charters and Documents, i. pt. ii. p.
480.] This deed was ratified by Act of Parliament, but was rescinded
in 1662 after the Restoration of Charles II. and episcopacy. [Act.
Parl. Scot. vii. 372.]
As a token of the town council's
special interest in the Grammar School, the scholars were in 1648
appointed to sit every Sabbath day in the college seat of the
Blackfriars Kirk, which stood nearly opposite the school, on the
east side of High Street. [Burgh Records, ii. 156.]
The Grammar School was not, however,
the only school in Glasgow. In 1604 the presbytery complained of a
plurality of schools, and considered "the school taught by John
Buchanan and the Grammar School quite sufficient, and in 1639 the
town council ordained that nae mae Inglisch scoolles be keipit or
haldin within this brughe heirefter bot four only, with ane wrytting
schooll"; [Burgh Records, i. 397.] and though in 1658 the council
directed the bailies to inhibit "the womane that hes tackine vpe an
schole in the heid of the Salt Mercatt at hir awin hande," [Burgh
Records, 20th Feb.] two years later an order was made "to tak up the
names of all persounes, men or weomen, who keepes Scots Schooles
within the toune, and to report"; and three years afterwards no
fewer than fourteen persons, eight of them women, were permitted to
keep Scots schools, "they and their spouses, if they ony have,
keiping and attending the ordinances within the samyne." [Burgh
Records, 20th Oct. 1660 and 14th Nov. 1663.]
Altogether it does not seem that
Glasgow was at any time ill supplied with means of education for its
rising generations. |