DURING the first
hundred years of its existence as a burgh, Glasgow had a favourable
opportunity for increasing in trade and commerce to the limited
extent attainable at that early period. Its overlords, the bishops,
usually held high positions in the state, and were possessed of
sufficient influence at court to secure the community against
external encroachment or undue interference, while the peaceful
condition of the country allowed the internal organisation to
develop. The inhabitants were not slow in adapting themselves to
usages and procedure which in the experience of older burghs had
been found beneficial ; but there was one important distinction in
the position of Glasgow. In royal burghs, though the sovereign is
believed to have originally appointed the magistrates, the burgesses
themselves were from an early date allowed to exercise that
privilege. In Glasgow it is probable that the bishops from the first
elected the magistrates, though, as in the earliest elections of
which any record is extant, from leets primarily selected and
presented by the burgesses, a system which was continued till the
seventeenth century. Apart from this peculiarity, and the practice
of the burgesses paying rents or burgh maul to the bishop instead of
to the sovereign, administration and procedure in Glasgow were
similar to those which prevailed in royal burghs.
One of the old burgh
laws imposed restrictions against burgesses disposing of their
heritage to the prejudice of their heirs. In the event of an owner
requiring to part with heritage he was not entitled to sell it to a
stranger till it was offered to the nearest heirs and they declined
to become purchasers. [Ancient Laws and Customs, i. p. 55.] An
illustration of the operation of this law in Glasgow occurs about
the year 1268, when a burgess named Robert de Mithyngby, "compelled
by great and extreme poverty and necessity," sold his property to
Sir Reginald de Irewyn, then archdeacon of Glasgow. This was done
with consent of the seller's daughter (his heiress) and brother, who
both in the burgh court expressly consented to the transaction; "
which land," it is also stated, "was offered to my nearest relations
and friends, in the court of Glasgow, at three head courts of the
year, and at other courts often, according to the law and custom of
the burgh." In addition to the price paid by the purchaser he was
liable in a yearly rent to the bishop and his successors, but the
amounts are not stated. Of this property, which must have been
situated in a street running east and west, as it had the land of
Peter of Tyndal on the east and that of Edgar, the vicar, on the
west, possession was given to the archdeacon in presence of the "prepositi"
and bailies and twelve burgesses. "Prepositi" at that time occupied
positions of authority in the burgh which it would be difficult to
define. Perhaps the bailies were graded and the "prepositi" might be
the first in rank; but they must not be confounded with the modern
"provost," whose office did not come into existence in Glasgow till
about the year 1453. [Sir James Marwick has fully discussed the
subject in his Introduction to Glasgow Charters, pointing out that
the term frequently occurs in royal charters, and that it had a wide
application in varying circumstances. Thus the prepositus might be a
cathedral dignitary, the second officer in a monastery under the
abbot, the head of a religious college, a judge, or an official in a
town or in an incorporation or guildry (Glasg. Chart. i. pt. i. pp.
xvi, xvii).] Among the witnesses were Sir Richard de Dundovir,
Alexander Palmer and William Gley, designated " prepositi," being
the earliest magistrates of the city whose names appear in any known
record. To the original writing the .common seal of the city was
appended, and Father Innes notes that it was " on white wax, almost
entire, and showed the head of the bishop, with mitre, namely St.
Kentigern." [Reg. Episc. No. 236; Glasg. Chart. i. pt. ii. pp.
17-19. The document from which these particulars are obtained must
have been one of those taken by Archbishop Beaton to Paris at the
time of the Reformation. In his Trans-script of Charters supplied to
the town council of Glasgow in 1739, Father Inner gives the date of
the document as "circa 1280 vel 1290," but as Archdeacon Irewyn who
acquired the property is referred to in Bishop John's charter of
11th June, 1268 (Reg. Episc. No. 218) as then deceased, the
transaction must have been completed before that date. In the copy
printed in Gibson's History of Glasgow (p. 303), which seems to have
been taken from another transcript, the date is 1268.]
In the year 1285
another burgess, constrained by poverty, sold to the Abbot and
Convent of Paisley a property described as lying in the Fishergait,
5rope pontem de Clyde, [Reg. de Passelet, p. 399• Adam of
Cardelechan was the name of the burgess, and, for authentication of
the charter granted by him in favour of the abbot and convent, there
were appended his own seal, together with the common seal of the
burgh and the seal of the official of the court of Glasgow.] thus
establishing the important fact that by that time the river was
spanned by a bridge. Fishergait corresponds with the modern
Stockwell Street, where the first stone bridge was erected. The
bridge referred to in 1285 was doubtless constructed of timber, and
may have been there from a much earlier period. The bishops had
valuable lands on the south side of the Clyde. Two hospitals were
erected there, and for ready access to these it was desirable that
something more convenient than a ford should be provided. One of the
hospitals was used for the reception of lepers. An old burgh law
required that those afflicted with leprosy should be put into the
hospital of the burgh, and for those in poverty the burgesses were
to gather money to provide sustenance and clothing; [Ancient Laws, i.
p. 28. ] and another act refers to the collection of alms "for the
sustenance of lepers in a proper place outwith the burgh." Perhaps
in Glasgow special care was bestowed on lepers, as Joceline of
Furness, writing in the twelfth century relates that St. Kentigern
cleansed lepers in the city of Glasgow, and that at his tomb,
likewise, lepers were healed.' The precise date of erection is not
known, but the hospital may have been established as early as the
twelfth century. The other hospital, that of St. John of Polmadie,
was governed by a master, keeper, or rector, was used for the
reception of poor men and women, and was in existence at least as
early as the time of King Alexander III.; but neither of this
hospital nor of that which accommodated the lepers, is there much
information procurable till a later date.
On his leaving
Glasgow Bishop `William Wischard was succeeded by his nephew, Robert
Wischard, archdeacon of Lothian, who was elected apparently in 1271
and was consecrated by the bishops of Dunblane, Aberdeen and Moray,
in the end of January, 1272-3. In the peaceful days which preceded
the War of Independence the new bishop devoted much attention to the
completion of the cathedral. Arrangements seem to have been made for
the erection of a bell-tower or steeple and a treasury, and Maurice,
lord of Luss, by a charter granted at Partick, in August, 1277, sold
to the bishop all the timber necessary for the work, giving the
artificers and workmen free access to his lands and woods for
cutting down and removing the timber, all horses, oxen and other
animals employed on the work being allowed free grazing during the
time they were on his grounds. It has been conjectured that the
steeple and treasury for the erection of which preparations were
made in 1277 were the two western towers of the cathedral, but we
have no information
as to the progress of the work, and the precise date of the erection
of the towers is uncertain. Later on the bishop obtained supplies of
trees from Ettrick Forest and other places for building in various
parts of his diocese; but it was alleged that instead of using some
of these for the woodwork of the cathedral they were employed in the
construction of instruments of war for the siege of Kirkintilloch
castle, then held by the English. [Burton's History of Scotland
(1897 edition), iii. p. 429; Book of Glasgow Cathedral, p. 182;
Bain's Calendar, ii. No. 1626; Dowden's Bishops, p. 306.]
In the early years of
Robert Wischard's episcopate much anxiety prevailed in
ecclesiastical circles with regard to the revaluation of church
benefices for the imposition of taxation. For the general purposes
of the church, for meeting the demands of Rome and her papal
legates, as well as in bearing a proportion of expenditure for
national requirements, funds had hitherto been raised on the basis
of a valuation supposed to have been in existence as early as the
reign of William the Lion, and the clergy strenuously resisted all
attempts to vary it according to the progressive value of livings.
The modes adopted in levying contributions were also sometimes
objectionable. Thus, in 1254, Pope Innocent IV. granted to Henry
III. of England a twentieth of the ecclesiastical revenues of
Scotland and in 1268 Clement IV. renewed that grant and increased it
to a tenth. The money was required for a crusade which was then
being organised; but when Henry attempted to levy it, the Scottish
clergy resisted and appealed to Rome, and it is believed that the
English king did not succeed in raising much of the tenth in
Scotland. Another demand was made in 1266, six merks being asked
from every cathedral church and four merks from every parish church,
to pay the expense of a papal legate who had been sent to England to
compose the quarrels between Henry and his barons, but both king and
clergy resisted the claim.
In the year 1275
Baiamund de Vicci was sent from Rome to collect the tenth of
ecclesiastical benefices in Scotland, for relief of the Holy Land,
and as he was collecting not through the English king but for the
Pope direct the clergy did not object so much to the imposition as
to the introduction of a new basis of assessment. They insisted for
their ancient valuation, as the approved rule of proportioning all
church levies, but notwithstanding their intreaties the Pope adhered
to his resolution of having the tenth of the benefices according to
their true value. Known in this country as " Bagimont's Roll," the
valuation of 1275 was long detested by churchmen; but as time wore
on and livings increased in value, it had its turn of favour, and in
an act of parliament passed in 1471 it was stipulated that
collections made for the see of Rome should be conform to the "use
and custome of auld taxation, as is contained in the Provincial
bulk, or the auld taxation of Bagimont."
Ancient valuations of
church benefices for many parts of Scotland have been preserved, but
neither any ancient valuation nor even that of "Bagimont" in its
original state exists for Glasgow diocese. In the printed Registrum
Episcopatus a copy of " Bagimont his Taxt Roll of Benefices," as
contained in a sixteenth century transcript, is given, but in that
shape it is regarded as evidence for nothing earlier than the reign
of James V. [Origines Parochiales, vol. i. pp. xxxiv-xxxix. ] Yet
such as it is the Roll furnishes the earliest valuations we now have
of Glasgow benefices, and an abstract may here be given. The
thirty-two prebends possessed by the canons composing the chapter of
Glasgow cathedral were of the cumulo yearly value of £4,796. The
parsonages and vicarages, so far as remaining in connection with the
diocese, but excluding several churches which had been transferred
to monasteries or other religious houses, such as Rutherglen, which
then belonged to Paisley Abbey, are
grouped in deaneries
and the cumulo amount in each deanery is as follows:—Peebles, £786;
Teviotdale, £666; Nithsdale, £1,353; Annandale, £346; Rutherglen,
£906; Lennox, £50; Lanark, £900; Kyle and Cunningham, £533; Carrick,
£260. The total valuation was about £ZZ,000, [Reg. Episc. i. pp.
lxii-lxx. Shillings and pence are omitted; and it may be mentioned
that there is a discrepancy of a few pounds between the amount of
the sums stated and their summation in the print. The bishopric,
which is not noted in Bagimont's Rcll, is valued in another list at
ii,7oo (lb. p. lxxi).] and the levy of a tenth of that amount would
accordingly form a substantial contribution from the diocese. |