Who, in and around Glasgow, does not
know that characteristic local landmark, Tennant’s Stalk, which is now of
fifty years’ standing, as the centre of an immense chemical industry? Yes,
the gigantic chimney, familiar by its name to the ears and in the mouth of
every denizen of Glasgow, and familiar also, as an ever conspicuous
object, to their eyes,—just as truly, although not so majestic and sightly,
as the dome and cross on St. Paul’s Cathedral is to those of a Londoner.
Some forty years ago, or more, it
was, if the writer remembers rightly, the subject of a genuine Glasgow
prize conundrum, read, and voted on, at a competition got up by Anderson,
the Wizard of the North, with the view of drawing a crowd to his
legerdemain entertainment.
The conundrum referred to, was:
"Because it wears rings and smokes!"
Charles Tennant, the founder of the
great work of which the stalk is the prominent feature, when in his
seventeenth year, was thus referred to by our national bard, Robert Burns,
in a friendly, rhyming Letter to James Tennant of Glenconner, the
forebear of the family. The lines are
"And no forgetting wabster Charlie,
I’m told he offers very fairly."
After serving his apprenticeship in
Kilwinning, Charles Tennant wrought for some time at the loom; but towards
the end of last century had established himself as a bleacher at Darnley,
in the parish of Eastwood, while yet a young man. An important episode in
the life of Mr. Tennant, at this period, has been thus recorded on good
authority :— "At the time he first established his bleachfield at Darnley,
in company with his friend, Mr. Cochrane of Paisley, one of his neighbours
was the late Mr. Wilson of Hurlet, whose house overlooked the
bleachingfield. Mr. Wilson was then understood to occupy a prominent place
in that distinguished circle or caste, out of which the mere trader
or dealer was rigidly excluded; but being himself a gentleman of great
business energy, he took no pains to conceal his admiration for any who
might be imbued with a kindred spirit.
"For some time the new industry was
regarded with little favour by the grand neighbour. As the old man, in his
younger days, however, had acquired a habit of early rising, he observed
one summer morning, a smart, good-looking, young man, long before the
usual hours, wandering in the green field with his large watering-can,
dispensing its refreshing showers over the snowy croft carpet; next
morning there he was again, before the lark had left its nest; and the
next and next.
"On inquiry, he learned that this
industrious young man was no less a person than the proprietor and
vigorous manager of the new work. His sympathies were at once attracted to
this enterprising neighbour, who was forthwith invited to visit the big
house, and on further acquaintance he fairly won the confidence of the old
man. Not only so, but Mr. Wilson’s fair daughter also was captivated by
her new acquaintance, and, in a reasonable time, after going through the
usual preliminaries, Miss Wilson became Mrs. Tennant, and this formed an
important link in the chain that still binds the honourable name of
Tennant to the fortune and progress of our good town."
Mr. Tennant set himself to solve the
great problem of how to apply the properties of chlorine gas to bleaching
purposes; and his practical knowledge of the substances necessary for the
process of bleaching as it then existed, led him at last to the discovery
that the common substance lime possessed a wonderful affinity for the
noxious gas, and hence could imprison it, so to speak, till its useful
qualities could be applied in the most efficient, economical, and harmless
The advantages of the discovery were
at once appreciated. Here was a process that enabled the manufacturer to
do the work of months in a few hours. The economy of the discovery, too,
was immediately felt. It has been calculated that in the first year that
the invention came into use (1789), no less a sum than £166,800 was saved
by the process in Ireland alone. Mr. George Macintosh the younger mentions
that the trustees for the promotion of the Irish linen and hemp
manufacture voted a sum of money to the inventor; but he adds—" This
proved truly a Hibernjan vote; not one penny of the money ever
reached the inventor’s hands, who was paid with a cock and bull story, in
the usual style of official honesty."
The Chemical Works were established
in Glasgow at the beginning of the century, and assumed great dimensions.
Messrs Charles Macintosh, James Knox, Alexander Dunlop, and Dr. William
Couper - all gentlemen of substance and talent - became partners in the
A new patent, more carefully framed,
was obtained for the manufacture of bleaching powder, as it was called,
the former patent having reference to the impregnated substance in a
liquid form.
After a busy life, full of good to
the city of his adoption, in which he enjoyed the privilege of being
respected by all classes of the community, Mr. Tennant died suddenly at
his own residence, Abercrombie Place, Glasgow, in 1838, in the
seventy-first year of his age. His friend Mr. Henry Ash-worth of
Manchester thus gracefully and lovingly estimates his character and worth:
"Mr. Tennant was an earnest and indefatigable promoter of economical and
educational improvement - an uncompromising friend of civil and religious
liberty; while his own inborn energy of character and clear intellect
placed him among the foremost of those men who, by uniting science to
manufactures, have at once extended their field of action, and entitled
their occupations to be classed among the ranks of the liberal
On the death of Mr. Charles Tennant,
his son John carried on the works. He also was a gentleman of uncommon
energy and ability; universally esteemed as one of the most honourable,
upright, and benevolent of the merchants and citizens of Glasgow; "and
every movement for the social, commercial, or educational advancement of
his native city found a ready claim to his support. He died in 1878, aged
82 years."