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Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland
Giffordgate, Giffordtown, Gifford Water, Gigalum, Gigha, Gighay, Gight, Gighty, Gigulum, Gilbertfield, Gil Burn, Gilcomston, Gildermorry, Gilfillan, Gill, Gill or Port Gill, Gillander, Gillean

Isle of Gigha

Our island went into receivership and islanders came home one day to eviction notices. The achievements on the Isle of Eigg land trust were crucial as an example of what could be done. At the beginning there was no concept of what community ownership meant. We now have a five-year development plan around debt repayment, sustainable development, social infrastructure and the local economy. None of this would have happened if the community did not own the island.’
Alan Hobbett, Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust

Community Land Trust Leaflet
Audio description of Gigha

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