NOTWITHSTANDING the introduction of Christianity in
the seventh century, the revival of religion at the time of the
Reformation, and later on the militant piety of the stern Covenanters, the
people of Gairloch did not make much progress until their previously
continuous state of warfare came to an end after the "Forty-five." The
abandonment of the clan system, the disarming of the Highlanders, and the
proscription of their distinctive dress, entirely changed the condition of
the people, and nearly assimilated them to their lowland neighbours as
regarded many of the outer circumstances of daily life. The lover of
romance may pardonably raise sentimental objections to the change, but it
unquestionably heralded a vast improvement in the general condition of the
Highland population.
report in the Old Statistical Account (Appendix C) on the state of
Gairloch in 1792 contrasts very favourably with what is known of its
condition prior to the " Forty-five." The first parochial school appears
to have been established in Gairloch about 1730, and in 1792 there was
still only the one school; it was well into the nineteenth century before
the number of schools was increased. During the minority of the present
baronet the number grew, mostly at his expense, to sixteen. As elsewhere
education was formerly in the hands of the ecclesiastics, but it was as a
rule only to the higher classes that they imparted instruction in the old
days, feven the parochial school was up to the passing of the present
Education Act (1872) visited and examined by the presbytery.
Few of the people could read or write until quite
recently. On 6th March 1811 the Rev. James Russell, minister of Gairloch,
reported " the number of persons capable of reading English in the parish
to be three hundred and twenty-four; capable of reading Gaelic alone,
seventy-two; and unable to read either English or Gaelic, two thousand
five hundred and forty-nine." In the present day, under the School Board
system, established in 1873, education has reached a high pitch. The
teachers in the ten and a half schools of the parish pass at the annual
examinations by Her Majesty's inspectors about eighty per cent, of their
scholars, and it would surprise a stranger to witness the general
intelligence and acquirements of the school children. There are still a
number of elderly people in the parish who can neither read nor write, but
the rising generation are well educated.
Under the old clan system there was no organized
method of relieving the poor; indeed it is certain that the mass of the
population was then in miserable plight. With the progress of the church a
system of relieving paupers sprang up. Under the ministry of the Rev. D.
Mackintosh, the poor, to the number of eighty-four, had the; annual
collections made in the church, with the interest of £20, distributed
among them. The collections averaged £6, 7s. This
mode of assisting the poor continued until the
introduction of the present poor-law system, which is very thoroughly
applied to the parish. Only one remark need here be made about it. It is,
that though begging is almost unknown, and though the people have a large
measure of Highland pride, they are as a rule callous to the humiliation
of receiving relief from the poor-rates ; nay rather, some few even appear
to think that they have a positive right to draw parish pay, irrespective
of the state of their purses.
The very few beggars seen in Gairloch are generally
lowland tramps of the drinking class. The travelling tinkers rarely beg;
they pitch their rude tents in sheltered places, and repair the tin pans
of the neighbourhood. Some few tinkers are well known, and are considered
respectable; others are not to be trusted. Gipsies are scarcely ever seen
so far north. There is a strange old man often to be noticed wandering
about Gairloch. He is a native of the parish, but is now homeless and in
his dotage. He goes about seeking, as he says, the road to America. It
seems that many a year ago he emigrated with his wife and family to the
United States. They all became more or less insane, and all died except
the father, this poor old man. He returned to Scotland, and now divides
his time among those who are kind to him,—and they are not a few. Barring
his absorbing anxiety he does not appear to be unhappy. He always wears a
tall hat, and is respectably dressed. Her Majesty Queen Victoria mentions
this old man in "More leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands."
Describing the excursion to Torridon, Her Majesty #writes, a An old man,
very tottery, passed where I was sketching, and I asked the Duchess of
Roxburghe to speak to him; he seemed strange, said he had come from
America, and was going to England, and thought Torridon very ugly."
Among old customs still remaining in Gairloch are
those connected with marriages and funerals, and the New Year, which is
the only festival observed in the parish.
The marriage customs are a relic of the remote past.
THey consist of the washing of the feet of the bride and bridegroom at
their respective homes on the evening before the wedding, and the putting
to bed of the married couple on the night of the ceremony. Captain Burt
notices these customs in 1730. Some of the younger people shirk these
proceedings, especially in the more accessible parts of the parish, but as
a rule they are strictly observed to the present day.
Funerals are not now accompanied by such striking
peculiarities. Until the last few years, when a death occurred all the
people of the township ceased working until after the funeral, which was
attended by every adult male. Of course drinking was much in vogue, and
the well known Irish wakes were closely imitated. Now, only those invited
to a funeral are expected to attend, and the whisky is confined to the
serving of a dram all round (preceded by a prayer) before the funeral
procession starts, with additional "nips" whenever a halt is made for rest
on the way to the place of burial, and these halts are not infrequent.
Until quite lately it was customary for each man accompanying the funeral
to throw a stone on the spot where the coffin was placed when a halt was
made, thus forming a considerable heap; sometimes the number of stones
thrown was the same as the years of age of the deceased. This custom has
been generally discontinued in Gairloch since the roads were made, though
it is still in vogue in the wilder parts of the adjoining parishes of
Applecross and Lochbroom. The use of whisky at funerals is not now
universal in the parish of Gairloch; some ministers wisely discourage it,
partly on account of its generally evil tendency, and partly because the
providing of it is a serious burden on the family of the deceased, already
weighted by other expenses in connection with the death or previous
New Year's eve and New Year's day are kept according
to the old style, on the 12th and 13th of January, and both days are
general holidays. There is always a keen contest for the "first-footing"
at midnight on New Year's eve; the one who succeeds in first entering a
neighbour's house claims the inevitable dram. Occasionally a shinty or
"clubbing "match takes place on New Year's day.
Some old weights and measures are still adhered to;
milk is sold by the pint, which is half a gallon.
The administration of justice in Gairloch is in the
present day conducted as in other parts of the country, by the sheriff and
justices of the peace; but until the time of Sir Hector Mackenzie, the
eleventh laird of Gairloch, they say justice was administered by the chief
in a rough and ready fashion. In the paddock below Flowerdale House,
immediately adjoining on the east the field in which the Tigh Dige
formerly stood, is a small round plantation on a circular plot of land,
which deserves its title—the island—as it is surrounded by a wet ditch; it
is shown on the six-inch ordnance map. It was formerly quite an island,
and was approached by a plank or small foot-bridge. Simon Chisholm, the
present forester and head-gardener at Flowerdale, remembers when there
were the large stumps of five forest trees on this little island, one in
the centre and the other four around it. In the line of the hedge which
divides this paddock from the field to the west were several other large
trees, some of the stumps of which remain to this day. When a trial was to
take place the laird of Gairloch stood at the large tree in the centre of
the "Island of justice," and one of the principal clansmen at each of the
other four trees. These four men acted as jurymen or assessors, whilst the
laird himself performed the functions of judge. The accused person was
placed at a large tree immediately facing the island, and within forty
yards of it, whilst the accuser or pursuer and the witnesses stood at
other trees. When the accused was found guilty of a capital crime, the
sentence of death was executed at the place still called Cnoc a croiche,
or "Gallows hill," about half a mile distant from the island of justice.
The Gallows hill is a small knowe close below the high road, on the south
side of the ridge called the Crasg, between the present Gairloch Free
church and the old Gairloch churchyard, and it overlooks the latter. A few
stones still shew that there used to be a wall which formed a small
platform on which the gallows stood; they say this wall was more complete
within living memory than it now is. The ravine or fissure immediately
below the platform provided an effectual "drop." When the body was cut
down it would fall to the sea-shore below, and perhaps at high tide into
the sea itself. The face of the sloping rock, immediately below the
platform where the gallows stood, looks almost as if it had been worn
smooth by the number of bodies of executed criminals dashed against it in
their fall. This old manner of trial is said to have continued until the
eighteenth century. But it must not be supposed that Sir Hector Mackenzie,
who regularly dispensed justice among his Gairloch people from 1770 to
1826, adhered to the primitive form.
Folk-lore is little thought of now-a-days in
Gairloch. Among the old men who still love it, and from whom many of the
traditions and stories given in this book have been derived, are James
Mackenzie of Kirkton, Kenneth Fraser of Leac-nan-Saighead, Roderick
Mackenzie of Lonmor (Ruaridh-an-Torra), George Maclennan of Londubh,
Alexander Maclennan of Poolewe, John M'Lean of Strath, Kenneth and George
Maclennan of Tollie Croft, Donald Ross of Kenlochewe, and Simon Chisholm
of Flowerdale. Some of them can speak English fluently.