third A son of John Glassich, and grandson of the great Hector Roy, was a
minor when his brothers died in 1566, and his lands were in 1567 given in
ward by Queen Mary to John Banerman of Cardenye.
John Roy became one of
the most renowned of the old chiefs of Gairloch; he was in fact second
only in fame to his celebrated grandfather, whom he closely resembled in
appearance and physique. He is one of the most prominent figures in the
old traditions of Gairloch, though there are no stories extant of his
personal prowess in warfare.
He was born in 1548, but two years before
his father was poisoned at Eileandonain. On this event his mother, Agnes
Fraser, fled with John Roy to her own relatives, and she concealed him as
best she could, putting him, it is said, every night under a brewing
kettle. His mother afterwards became the wife of the laird of Mackay in
Sutherlandshire, and John Roy then spent some time in hiding on his
patrimonial estate of Glasleitire in Kintail, under the faithful
guardianship of Iain Liath, one of the MacRae heroes. It is said he was
afterwards concealed by the lairds of Moidart and of Farr.
John Roy grew
up a tall, brave, and handsome young Highlander. When he could carry arms
and wear the belted plaid, he went to the Mackay country to visit his
mother. None but his mother knew him, and neither she nor he made known
who he was. In those days any stranger who came to a house was not asked
who he was until he had been there a year and a day. John Roy lived in the
servants' end of the house, and slept and fed with them. Mackay had two
rare dogs, called Cu-dubh and Faoileag, and they became greatly attached
to John Roy, so that they would follow no one else. Near the end of the
year Mackay told his wife that he suspected the stranger was a gentleman's
son. Her tears revealed the truth. John Roy was then kindly received at
the table of the laird, who asked him what he could do for him. John Roy
begged that Mackay would give him a bodyguard consisting of the twelve of
his men whom he might choose, and the two dogs Cu-dubh and Faoileag. He
got these, and they went away to Glas Leitire in Kintail, taking with them
an anker of whisky. Arriving there John Roy placed his twelve men in
concealment, and went himself to the house of Iain Liath Macrae. It was
the early morning, and the old wife was spinning on the distaff. She
looked out, and saw a man there. She called to Iain Liath, who was still
lying down, "There is a man out yonder sitting on a creel, and I never saw
two knees in my life more like John Roy's two knees." Iain Liath got up,
went to the door, and called out "Is that you John?" John Roy answered
that it was. "Have you any with you?" "Yes, I have twelve men." Kt Fetch
them," said Iain Liath. He killed the second bull, and feasted them all.
Then he told John Roy that Mackenzie of Kintail was coming that very day
to hunt on the Glas Leitire hills of his (John Roy's) fathers. John Roy,
with his twelve men and Iain Liath, went to the hill, taking the whisky
with them. Mackenzie arrived to hunt the deer, and when he saw John Roy
and his men, he sent a fair-haired lad to inquire who they were. John Roy
bade the boy sit down, and gave him whisky. Whenever he rose to go, more
whisky was offered, and he was nothing loath to take it. Mackenzie,
thinking the lad was long in returning, sent another boy, who was treated
in the same way. Mackenzie then saw that John Roy had returned, so he went
back with his followers to Brahan, and John Roy was not further molested
by the lords of Kintail.
John Roy came back with Iain Liath to his
house, when the latter told him that he had Hector Roy's chest with the
title-deeds of Gairloch, and that John Roy must claim the estate. Iain
Liath took all his belongings, and accompanied John Roy and his twelve men
to Gairloch. They came to Beallach a Chomhla, at the side of Bathais [Bus]
Bheinn. Coming down the mountain they found a good well, and there they
rested and left the women and the cattle. The well is called to this day
"Iain Liath's well." They met people who informed them that Iain Dubh Mac
Ruaridh M'Leod, or Black John the son of Rorie M'Leod, who was governor of
the old castle of the Dun, was accustomed to wralk every day across the
big sand and to lie on the top of the Crasg to spy the country. The party
went to the Crasg, and Iain Liath told Iain Dubh MacRuaridh M'Leod, whom
they met there, that unless he left the castle before that night he would
lose his head. M'Leod took the hint, and sailed away in his birlinn with
all his valuables, except one chest containing old title-deeds, which came
into John Roy's possession along with the castle.
It is said that after
this John Roy had the resolution to wait on Colin Cam Mackenzie, lord of
Kintail, who established him in all his lands. John Roy came of age about
1569, but it was not until 1606 that he received a charter erecting
Gairloch into a free barony.
How John Roy came to revenge the
assassination at the hands of Ruaridh MacAllan M'Leod of Gairloch, of the
sons of Mac Ghille Challum of Raasay, and how this led to John Roy
obtaining possession of the third part of Gairloch, which had been
retained by the M'Leods since Hector Roy's time, will be related in our
next chapter. John Roy had a long feud with the M'Leods, and it seems to
have been nearly the end of the sixteenth century before they were finally
expelled from Gairloch. In the latter part of this struggle John Roy was
much assisted by his twelve valiant sons, several of whom, as will be
seen, also figured in struggles with the M'Leods after they had abandoned
Gairloch. John Roy was twice married. By his first wife, Elizabeth,
daughter of Angus Macdonald of Glengarry, he had eleven children. By his
second wife, Isabel, daughter of Murdo Mackenzie of Fairburn, he had five
children. Besides these he had several illegitimate children. The recorded
pedigrees give the names of only eleven sons ; but tradition says that, as
John Roy's family grew up, his bodyguard of twelve chosen warriors was
composed solely of his own sons.
The northern lairds, like the nobility
further south, profited by the alienation of church property which
followed the Reformation. The rectory and vicarage of Gairloch was vacant
for some years, and in 1584 we find John Roy dealing with the tiends or
tithes. Disputes ensued, and ultimately John Roy seems to have abandoned
his claim. The ironworks at Letterewe were commenced about 1607 by Sir
George Hay; they were on the property of Lord Mackenzie of Kintail. The
iron-smelting furnace at Talladale was most likely established by Sir
George Hay about the same time. No doubt woods on John Roy's Gairloch
estate were cut down to provide charcoal for smelting, and if so John Roy
must have derived pecuniary benefit from the Talladale ironworks, but
there is no record to confirm this conjecture.
John Roy resided in
Eilean Ruaridh, on Loch Maree. There are two islands of the name,
distinguished as big and little; they almost adjoin. It was in the little
island that John Roy dwelt, in the house where formerly Ruaridh M'Leod had
lived. John Roy enlarged and improved the house, and made it his Gairloch
home. Some remains of the house and adjoining garden are still to be seen.
It was early in 1609 that John Roy paid a visit to the laird of Mackay in
Sutherlandshire., On his return journey the laird of Mackay escorted him
as far as the Meikle Ferry, on the Kyle of Sutherland. When the party
arrived at the ferry, the groom of a gentleman, who was also about to
cross, endeavoured to keep possession of the boat. Amongst the attendants
of the laird of Mackay was his youthful piper, named Roderick Mackay, a
fine lad of seventeen summers. The groom placed his hand on the boat to
hold it until his master should come up. The hot-headed young piper drew
his dirk and cut off the groom's hand. The laird of Mackay said, "Rorie, I
cannot keep you longer; you must leave the country." John Roy Mackenzie
said to the piper, " Will you come with me, Rorie?" The piper lad was only
too glad to accept this invitation, and his master, who had a great liking
for the handsome and talented boy, was quite willing that he should go
with John Roy, who sent Hugh Mackenzie of Gairloch, his gamekeeper, to the
laird of Mackay in exchange for the piper. The descendants of Hugh
Mackenzie still dwell in Sutherlandshire, where it is remembered how their
ancestor came from Gairloch. Donald Mor Mackay, an elder brother of Rorie
the piper, spent a number of years in Gairloch, and assisted his brother
in the office of piper.
In the following winter—probably early in
1610—Kenneth, Lord Mackenzie of Kintail (son of Colin Cam), who had lately
obtained a charter to the Lews, and had been raised to the peerage,
returning from his new possessions, landed at Torridon on his way home to
Brahan. His lordship sent a messenger to John Roy Mackenzie, desiring him
to meet him at Torridon. John Roy's growing power had revived the old
jealousy of the Kintail family, and Lord Mackenzie had determined to slay
him. John Roy's sons strongly dissuaded their father from going to
Torridon, fearing that he might share the fate of his father, but he
determined to go, and to go alone. He requested his sons to follow him,
and to keep watch, but to do nothing until the morning of the following
day. Towards, evening John Roy arrived at Torridon, and was hospitably
received by Lord Mackenzie. He and his men were drinking and making merry
far into the long winter night. At last they resolved to retire to sleep.
It was in a barn where their couches of heather were prepared. John Roy
would not lie down except on the same bed as Lord Mackenzie. He lay quite
still as if asleep. After a while a man came in, with his dirk drawn, and
asked Lord Mackenzie if he should stab John Roy. Lord Mackenzie replied,
"No, you shall not befoul my bed; let be until daylight." At daybreak a
man came hurriedly into the barn, and told his lordship that there were
twelve big men and a piper on the Ploc of Torridon, putting the stone and
playing other Highland games, and that one who seemed to be the chief of
them was so tall that he had the head above the whole of them. Lord
Mackenzie got up and went out in some alarm. No one knew who the men were,
until Lord Mackenzie asked John Roy. John Roy said, "They are only my boys
come to see if I got safe over the hill." It was a hard winter, and the
snow was deep on the mountains. Lord Mackenzie then told John Roy that he
had been thinking to do him harm. John Roy said, "If you had had the
supper you intended, you would have had a dirty breakfast." When the young
men saw their father they told the piper to play; they came up to where
their father was and took him away with them.
They went over the shoulder of Liathgach, and the piper played all the way
to the top of the hill without a halt. Then they made their way homewards,
and reached their house in Eilean Ruaridh without mishap. The man who was
a head taller than any of the others was Alastair Breac, second son of
John Roy, and his successor in Gairloch. The piper was Donald Mor Mackay,
brother of John Roy's piper Rorie.
The terrible feud between the
Glengarry Macdonalds and the Mackenzies of Kintail came to a head during
John Roy's life. He was not involved in the warfare, and it is unnecessary
to give any account of it in these pages. During its blood-stained
progress Alexander MacGorrie and Ranald MacRory, allies of Glengarry, made
an incursion to the district of Kenlochewe, and there meeting some women
and children who had fled from Lochcarron with their cattle, attacked them
unexpectedly, killed many of the defenceless women and all the male
children, and killed and took away many of the cattle, houghing all they
were unable to carry along with them. At this time Kenlochewe seems to
have still formed part of the Kintail possessions.
Later on we find that
the lord of Kintail was staying on a visit with John Roy at his house in
Eilean Ruaridh in Loch Maree. There is some confusion or obscurity in the
dates, but it seems certain that this visit was after the incident at
Torridon ; it shows that the enmity between the Kintail and Gairloch
Mackenzies was now at an end, and we hear no more of it.
When the
M'Leods were finally expelled from Gairloch, and all the fights to be
recorded in our next chapter were over, John Roy applied to the crown for
a "remission" for himself and his sons for their lawless conduct during
the struggle, and this was granted by King James VI. on 2d April 1614, in
a document now in the Gairloch charter-chest, which gives John Roy and his
sons credit for "much and good benefit to His Majesty's distressed
subjects." John Roy acquired some properties in the part of Ross-shire
towards the east coast, partly in right of his mother and partly by
purchase. He built the first three storeys of the tower of Kinkell, and no
doubt himself resided there at times. He was a shrewd and prudent chief,
frank and hospitable, and (notwithstanding his necessarily imperfect
education) a good man of business. He greatly furthered the interests of
his people and of his own large family.
He died at Talladale in 1628, in
his eightieth year, and was buried in the chapel his son Alastair Breac
had erected in the old churchyard of Gairloch. |