First of all thank you
to Peter in Ontario who confirmed that, right enough, Larry Gowan was
born in Glasgow – I just knew it! What is it they say – you can take
the laddie out of Glasgow, but … … … …!
Stayed home in EK
Constituency on Monday trying to reduce the great big pile of
paperwork, but only succeeded really in creating lots of wee piles.
Lots of answers to Parliamentary Questions kept arriving in my in-box
(someone from the Executive must be fired up with enthusiasm after
their Easter break!); some as expected, some confusing, some just
plain annoying.
A local issue for
example is the accident rate on the road between East Kilbride and
Strathaven, especially as all pupils of Strathaven Academy are likely
now to be ‘bussed’ along it twice a day when they’re decanted to a
school in EK. So, who carries out the safety audits? When was it last
done? Well, according to one answer the Executive monitors the
accident rate every year on this road and reviews its responsibility
for safety, and according to the other answer they don’t do anything
because it’s a local road and not their responsibility! And, both from
the same Minister too.
And as for just plain
annoying – the First Minister again, shouting off at the mouth about
all the wonderful things he’s going to do and then no back up: One of
the strands for the Fresh Talent Initiative announced by Mr. McConnell
3 years ago
was that “we will actively encourage these expatriate Scots to return
home”. Fine, but according to the answer I just received when I wanted
to know how many folk have migrated from Australia to Scotland in
recent years they tell me they don’t have that information, nor do
they have any systems in place to monitor it. So, who knows? Certainly
not Scotland’s Government.
Had a chat with a local
lady on Monday too who was telling me that she and her husband were
having difficulties getting their new national concessionary travel
passes. The government had previously said that they were aiming for
receipt of all new cards by 1st April. However, Mr. & Mrs.
F were told by the Local Authority that the new passes were taking a
long time to process and that if not received within the next couple
of weeks, best to reapply! Hardly customer-friendly. So, looking into
that one too because it might affect a lot of people.
Local Party meeting on
Monday night, so away to Edinburgh at the crack-of-dawn on Tuesday
morning for a whole day of Committee Meetings. Standards Committee in
the morning, discussing the revised Code of Conduct for MSPs and the
Members Interest Order legislation up for final debate on Wednesday. I
know these ‘housekeeping’ things are important (and someone has to do
them!) but I get frustrated at the internalising. That is wrong of me,
I know, and my colleague Brian Adam, Convener of the Committee, works
very hard on a complicated portfolio. When I was Director at East
Kilbride Housing Association, the Committee and I spent many hours on
policy and regulation to ensure probity of staff and voluntary
committee members – this is very similar, just on a bigger, more
public scale. In relation to the voluntary sector though, I do have
concerns that many small organisations are over-regulated, that the
balance has tipped too far and it’s almost as if we just don’t trust
anyone any more. One of these other things which I want to look at in
detail at some point.
Europe Committee in the
afternoon, setting up our Inquiries on Structural Funds and Scotland’s
business growth compared to other European regions and independent
nations, agreeing to take evidence from the Minister on the
international Development brief, and agreeing again, following more
heated discussions, that we should in fact take evidence from the ‘Cod
Crusaders’ about Scotland’s fishing industry in relation to the Common
Fisheries Policy. We’ve also requested the attendance of a Westminster
Minister to discuss this, but no response yet – don’t think they like
coming up here much!
So, Wednesday afternoon
in the Chamber and the final debate on the Members Interest Order –
this is the rules which say what has to be/should be declared by MSPs
on the Register of Interests etc. All MSPs had a ‘free vote’ through
this I think. I was on the losing side for most of the votes! But
never mind. I do however, believe (one of the issues discussed) that
the interests of spouses/partners are relevant to an MSP and should be
declared at times – yes, I also accept that a partner’s business and
assets should not necessarily be in the public domain, but having
thought it through from both sides I do come down on the side of
transparency. For example, if a spouse/partner owns and rents out a
portfolio of domestic properties, then shouldn’t that be declared by
an MSP who takes part in forming legislation relating to private
landlords? I think most MSPs would voluntarily state that information,
but if there’s no compulsion then you’re into the realms of … “oh, I
forgot”, or “I had no idea that my husband/wife/partner had that
interest/signed up for that loan from that man … …”. Sound familiar?
Anyway, I retreat, roundly beaten. Same too with the declaration of
gifts issue and just about every other aspect.
Of course, this was the
week of the Moray by-election, so every spare minute that folk had was
spent on running up to Moray, or telephone canvassing. I don’t mind at
all doing telephone or doorstep canvassing – most folk are pleasant –
and it was a real pleasure to be phoning folk in Moray as the response
was overwhelmingly positive for the SNP. So Thursday came, we went
through the motions at work of course, but all thoughts were on our
Richard Lochead, and what a triumph he pulled off. Maggie Ewing would
be overjoyed. Increased turnout and majority - Richard's face says it
So, like everyone else
by-election watching, whacked on Friday, but thankfully I was only due
in East Kilbride late morning and afternoon for housecalls and
catching up with community representatives.
Back to
by-electioneering at the weekend – Kilmarnock Council by-election on
18th May – campaigning for independence never stops.
Linda Fabiani: 1st
May 2006
Email Linda at