Week beginning
Monday 9th May
Faced piles of
paperwork this morning! It just seems like over the last week or two
everyone in the world has decided to write to Linda Fabiani. Sometimes
I feel that even if I were able to work 24 hours a day I would never
get to the end of what has to be done. For the first couple of years
in this job I felt completely bogged under, constantly reacting to
whatever turned up, and with no control whatsoever over the working
day … week … month … year. I was used to work where, although some of
the time was spent reacting to problems, most of it was setting the
agenda, formulating strategies and working towards achievable targets.
I miss that sense of order, and although generally now I cope quite
well (in my own humble opinion!) with great help from Morag, Calum and
Davie of course, there are still days when all I want to do is run
around panicking. Gave myself a good talking-to this morning though
and just got on with it! After all, there are worse jobs in the world
– lots of them.
Sandford and Upper
Avondale Community Council meeting on Monday evening.- I try to get
there quarterly at least. I’m always impressed by the members of this
particular Community Council, how obviously hard they work for their
respective communities – Sandford itself, Gilmourton, Drumclog. One of
the big issues for the area over the last couple of years is the
proposed Whitelees Wind Farm, and I wanted to check whether the
Community Council had any notification from South Lanarkshire Council
as to how the ‘Community Benefit’ fund allocated by Scottish Power
would be disbursed. I had heard you see that this fund would be
centralised by the Council and not used specifically for the benefit
of the communities directly affected by the Wind Farm, and this
doesn’t seem very fair to me. The Community Council hadn’t heard
anything, so something else for me to check up on.
Tuesday morning in
Edinburgh and lunch with an old Housing colleague, chewing the fat and
putting the world to rights. It’s really useful talking to those
working directly in housing when we’ve got this latest Housing Bill on
the Committee table. This was followed up by meeting with Lucy from
Friends of the Earth, also about said Housing Bill. Friends of the
Earth want to use this legislation to ensure that housing in the
private sector is brought up to standards which have been laid down
for the social rented sector; after all some of the housing in worst
repair in our country is in private ownership, be it owner-occupied or
let out by private landlords. That’s not to say all private landlords
are bad landlords, or all owner-occupiers don’t spend money
maintaining their properties. Some of the problems are down to bad
stewardship, but some directly relate to the age and type of homes – a
huge variation, from tenement flats build in the Victorian era to old
agricultural labourer cottages in the countryside.
There was a
presentation in the evening in Parliament by the Assynt Foundation
Appeal. You may remember back in the early 1990s when the Assynt
Crofters Trust was successful in achieving the first community buy-out
of their land. The people of Assynt have now been given the chance to
buy the Glencanisp and Drumrunie estates – 44,000 acres including the
mountains of Suilven, Canisp, Cul Mor and Cul Beag. They want to
develop and safeguard the natural and cultural heritage for the
benefit of the community and future generations, and for the enjoyment
of the wider public. So, the Appeal for funds has been launched. The
website is worth a look:
Managed to do some
constituency case catch up by telephone later on in the evening.
Health Service and Criminal Justice being the big issues at the moment
coming my way.
So, back to the Housing
Bill at the Communities Committee on Wednesday morning. Still evidence
taking, this time from representatives of private landlords –
extremely useful and interesting, as we don’t always take enough
account of their side of the story and the knowledge that they have;
especially those in rural communities.
Lunchtime Wednesday and
I was hosting Professor John Crabtree who was making a presentation to
the International Development Group about the current political
situation in Peru. John is Research Associate of the Centre for Latin
American Studies, University of Oxford. I first met John in his role
as a Management Committee Member of the Peru Support Group when I was
asked to become a Patron. His knowledge of socio-economic and
political issues in Latin America is immense and I learned so much
from him prior to my first trip there in the year 2000 when Fujimori
and his henchman Montesinos were running the show. That trip was a
real experience for me; there were four of us altogether – Eric
Avebury from the House of Lords, Des Turner from the Commons, myself
and Marcia who was the Peru Support Group Co-ordinator at that time.
We were compiling a study into the likelihood of the forthcoming
elections being fair and speaking to Bishops and Trade Union leaders,
teachers and doctors, members of Civic Society, the judiciary,
Ambassadors from the US, UK and France. A fascinating trip –
uncomfortable too though, being followed everywhere we went, being
aware that phone calls were being listened to, emails intercepted.
That was nothing, of course, compared to what ‘mouthy’ Peruvians were
suffering. Some of the folk I met were astounding in their strength –
standing up for their beliefs with the constant threat of being hurt
or killed.
Professor Crabtree gave
an excellent presentation to Group members, reflecting the
disappointment many have felt since President Toledo, the “People’s
President” took power. No measurable change in the levels of services,
the same culture of centralisation. One change though, something that
I felt directly when I revisited the country after Toledo became
President, is that at least people can convey their discontent without
fear of brutal reprisal. I met Alejandro Toledo on my first trip to
Lima, when he was Leader of the coalition of opposition parties –
extremely charismatic, clever, personable; I rather liked him. But
what a hard job to rebuild a society that has been brutalised for
decades – the Shining Path terrorist movement, the State terrorism
through the military. The country seems to elect its Presidents and
representatives on the basis of personality – a new saviour! There are
no deep-rooted political parties with solid objectives and policies –
parties form in abundance at each forthcoming election, coalitions
drift together and fall apart. Another election due next year and John
tells me that there are already around 30 political parties forming.
Peru is a country of abundant natural resources and has such a rich
culture. Despite this over half the population live in dire poverty,
and social discrimination and inequality are widespread. Civic society
is strong though – extremely strong, so within the new democratic
structures I hope change will come.
Wednesday evening and
another Cross Party Group – Refugees and Asylum Seekers of which I am
the Convener. Although issues of asylum are ‘reserved’ to Westminster
I believe that we do have a responsibility in this Parliament to
monitor the treatment of those who are dispersed to our country, and
particularly for those in Dungavel Immigration and Removal Centre.
It’s really difficult, and so frustrating, to be blocked at every turn
by the Home Office, even when it’s just basic information that’s
requested. These people are living in our country after all! Wednesday
night however was very much taken up by refugee issues – ‘asylum
seekers’ become ‘refugees’ once they are given permission to stay. The
Scottish Government has implemented a Refugee Action and Integration
Plan, some of which is good with a lot of effort being made, and we
had a presentation from the Executive Team in charge of the strategy.
Some follow-up to be done, with group members expressing concern at
some of the detail (or lack of!).
Full day in Chamber on
Thursday as usual, with the afternoon debate being particularly
pertinent, 2005 being 60 years after Victory in Europe and the end of
that sphere of WW2. The motion acknowledged the debt of gratitude to
all Scottish veterans who served their country in World War II and
recognised the ultimate sacrifice made by 57,000 Scots during that
period of conflict. It was a moving experience to speak on such a
subject, watched by WW2 veterans in the public gallery. What these men
went through for us is unimaginable to someone of my age group who has
only seen war from afar and never suffered it directly. The Presiding
Officer held a reception afterwards and it was an honour to meet ex
Navy, Army and Air Force personnel. The entertainment provided for our
visitors was by the Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda. Since 1994
this children’s choir has regularly toured the United States, Canada
and Great Britain and through this work they raise funds to support
5,000 orphans in Uganda who have lost their parents by war or to the
AIDS virus. These children are amongst 2 million children in Uganda
who have lost one or both of their parents in this way. The
performance was astounding, full of life and joy and it was truly
uplifting to see afterwards the children of war-dead embracing the
Scottish Veterans so many generations older – and still war goes on,
and people die and children are orphaned.

Watoto Choir will be entertaining us again
on Monday at the Commission for Africa Conference, so I’ll have more
to say about them next week.
Friday and a day in
Edinburgh because, unusually, scheduled to be in Edinburgh on Saturday
hosting a visit to the Parliament. Whilst ploughing through the
correspondence and emails had a pleasant interruption when I was asked
to show a group round the Parliament. It was a real pleasure – the
Group was ex-Cumbernauld Development Corporation architectural staff,
so they were really interested in some of the detail of the complex.
All in all, everyone was impressed – quality of finish, quality of
materials, imagination of design. So I was glad to have been asked.
I managed to complete
some constituency work on Friday afternoon. Cases I had picked up the
previous week when attending some community functions. It’s funny, but
sometimes when I go out, either socially or to community events
related to work, I end up with loads more work! It’s like having a
mobile surgery – pen and pad always at the ready. Some folk have a
really rough ride in life – one thing this job does is make me
realise, almost day and daily, just how fortunate I have been and
still am. I guess it’s a truism that there’s always someone worse off
than yourself and I’m often fascinated by how some people manage in
situations, and with situations, that really are hard. Human
resilience is a fascinating thing.
Saturday morning and
Morag and I head into Parliament to meet the Avondale Civic Society,
from around Strathaven. I’ve been looking forward to this visit,
because I knew we would both enjoy it so much. And we did. Really good
company, lots of fun, and plenty of laughs. I think that’s the first
time I’ve been in the building on a Saturday and the place was
buzzing! One of the Security staff told me that there were 1500
visitors on Saturday. Avondale Civic Society -clearly the most

Linda Fabiani