WARRANT appointing
VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith:
To Our right trusty and well-beloved Councillor Francis Baron
Napier, Knight of Our Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the
Thistle; Our trusty and well-beloved Sir Kenneth Smith Mackenzie,
Baronet; Our trusty and well-beloved Donald Cameron of Lochiel,
Esquire; Our trusty and well-beloved Charles Fraser-Mackintosh,
Esquire; Our trusty and well-beloved Alexander Nicolson, Esquire,
Doctor of Laws, Advocate, SheriffSubstitute of the Stewartry of
Kirkcudbright ; and Our trusty and well-beloved Donald MacKinnon,
Esquire, Master of Arts, Professor of Celtic Languages, History,
Literature, and Antiquities in the University of Edinburgh,
Greeting: _
Whereas We have deemed it expedient that a Commission should
forthwith issue to inquire into the condition of the Crofters and
Cottars in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and all matters
affecting the same, or relating thereto ;
Now know Ye that We, reposing great trust and confidence in your
knowledge, discretion, and ability, have nominated, constituted, and
appointed, and do by these presents nominate, constitute, and
appoint You, the said Francis Baron Napier, Sir Kenneth Smith
Mackenzie, Donald Cameron of Lochiel, Charles Fraser-Mackintosh,
Alexander Nicolson, and Donald MacKinnon to be Our Commissioners for
the purposes of the said inquiry.
And for the better enabling you Our said Commissioners to make the
said inquiry, We do by these presents authorize and empower you, or
any three or more of you, to call before you or any three or more of
you, such persons as you may judge necessary, by whom you may be the
better informed of the matters herein submitted for your
consideration, and every matter connected therewith, and also to
call for, have access to, and examine all such books, documents,
papers, or records as you shall judge likely to afford you the
fullest information on the subject of this Our Commission; and to
inquire of and concerning the premises by all other lawful ways and
means whatsoever.
And We do further by these presents authorize and empower you, or
any three or more of you, to visit and personally inspect such
places as you may deem expedient for the more effectual carrying out
of the purposes aforesaid.
And Our further will and pleasure is that you, or any three or more
of you, do with as little delay as possible report to Us under your
Hands and Seals upon the matters referred to you as aforesaid, and
that you may have power to certify to Us from time to time your
several proceedings in respect of the matters aforesaid, if it may
seem expedient to you so to do.
And We do further will and command, and by these presents ordain,
that this Our Commission shall continue in full force and virtue,
and that you Our said Commissioners, or any three or more of you,
may from time to time proceed in the execution thereof, and of every
matter and thing therein contained, although the same be not
continued from time to time by adjournment.
And for the purpose of aiding you in such matters, We hereby appoint
Our trusty and well-beloved Malcolm M'Neill, Esquire, to be
Secretary to this Our Commission.
In Witness Whereof We have ordered the Seal appointed by the Treaty
of Union to be kept and made use of in place of the Great Seal of
Scotland to be appended hereto.
Given at Our Court at Saint James’s, the seventeenth day of March,
in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty three, and in the
forty-sixth year of Our Reign.
Per Signaturam manu S. D. N. Regina supra scriiptam.
Sealed at Edinburgh, the twenty-second day of March, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and eighty three.
(Signed) John Bell, Deputy Keeper of the Seal. £80 Scots.
Written to the Seal and registered the twenty-second day of March
(Signed) John Kirk,
Director of Chancery.
Volume 1 |
Volume 2 |
Volume 3 |
Volume 4 |
Volume 5 |