wind-swept town of Pittenweem is about a mile to the south-west of
Anstruther-Wester. It has been well said that “the whole place exhibits
an air of cleanliness, comfort, and respectability.” Many of the houses
have evidently been the winter residences of the neighbouring gentry in
times long gone by. There are also many modern houses, neat and nice.
Unfortunately, though there are several places where gentlemen can
bathe, there is no ladies’ bathing ground. But those who take up their
summer quarters in this quaint old town can easily go by train to Elie
for a dip.
Name of the town is given as Sandness by Blaeu; but in this he seems
to stand alone. It has been supposed that the first part of Pittenweem
is derived from the coal-pits, which were early wrought in the
neighbourhood; but if that be so, coals must have been procured here at
least seven centuries ago, and that is probably much earlier than in any
other district of Scotland. Moreover, there are too many Pits in
Scottish topography for this theory. Dr M’Lauchlan would carry it much
further back, for, in his Early Scottish Church, he states that Pit, or
Pitten, indicates the existence of an ancient British population, and
mentions Pittenweem as an example. There can be no doubt that the latter
part of the name is taken from the
Cave, or weem,
between the Priory and the sea. This cave is of a considerable size, and
was probably one of the “steddis” which sheltered Adrian’s company,
although they have left no crosses on its cold walls. There are a few
“holdfasts,” in ledges of the rock, on the western side ; and, where the
cave becomes narrow, there is a small well of water. About the middle of
the main cave, a smaller one branches off, and there are several
“hold-fasts” on its east side. Dr Stuart says that the cave looks out
from the mass of sandstone rock on the Isle of May, which lifts up its
rocky brow at no great distance. The cave certainly looks in that
direction, but the houses round its mouth effectually shut out the May.
There can be no doubt that, long after Adrian’s time, the cave was
utilised by the inmates of the Priory and their visitors as a quiet
entrance. In the old Statistical Account, the Rev. James Nairne, in
1792, said:- "At the junction of the two apartments, there is a stone
stair, which carried you up a little way to a subterraneous passage,
which led to the abbey, where was another stair, which landed in the
great dining hall of the abbey. The two stairs still remain; but of late
years the subterraneous passage was destroyed, by the impending earth
sinking, and cutting off the communication. The subterraneous passage, I
think, might be about 50 yards in length.” Dr J. F. S. Gordon, in his
Monasticon, records that the Rev. James Crabb, who was translated from
the Episcopal Church of Pittenweem to Brechin in 1866, discovered, and
re-opened, in the south-west corner of the Priory garden, right in front
of the Prior’s House, an inlet to the cave. “A flight of steps leads
from the garden to a square door-way, within which is the cell of S.
Fillan, one of the early anchorites here. The tradition of his luminous
arm is well known, which, like Aladdin’s lamp, only required to be
rubbed to be useful The floor (roof) of S. Fillan’s cell,
which seems to have been a low stone arch, had given way, and a wooden
one is now (inserted) instead. The stair cut out of live rock leads to
the cove.” Though the monks have long disappeared, the cave is still
turned to practical account by those living in the immediate
neighbourhood. It is now a very convenient “aumrie,” where old chairs,
and tubs, and fishing gear are kept under lock and key. Like the old
keeps, it has both an outer and an inner “yett.” In pre-historic times
the coast line must have been by the mouth of the cave.
History of the Priory.—As
has been already mentioned (see p. 22), David the First gave the manor
of Pittenweem to the. monks of May, and here they probably built in his
days a religious house. The Prior of Pittenwee m is first mentioned in
a charter about 1221, that is, 68 years after David’s death. And the
merk, which the monks of May agreed in 1225 to pay yearly to Dryburgh
Abbey, is mentioned about 1300 as payable by the Prior of Pittenweem.
When the Priory of May was transferred to the canons of St Andrews in
1318, they obtained the rights of their predecessors to Pittenweem, and
the island monastery was deserted for this seat on the mainland. In
1452, James the Second erected certain lands of the Priory of Pittenweem
into a free regality. When Pope Sixtus the Fourth made the Church of St
Andrews a metropolitan see in 1472, he annexed the Priory of Pittenweem
or May, for ever, as a mensal possession of the Archbishops of St
Andrews; Patrick Graham, the first and unfortunate Archbishop, having
“represented to him that the Priory of Pittenweem was not conventual,
but only a small cell or chapel of the Church of St Andrews, whose
annual revenues did not exceed a hundred pounds sterling.” On
Parliament ratifying, in 1479, all annexations of benefices by the Pope
in favour of that see, Walter Davidson, the Prior of Pittenweem,
protested that this ratification should be no prejudice to him, or the
Priory during his time, and to this the Archbishop agreed. It is
questionable if the annexation to the see of St Andrews was ever acted
on. John Rowle, at anyrate, disposed of the patrimony of the Priory,
“without reference to the Archbishop of St Andrews, and simply with
consent of the Priors of St Andrews, to whom the house of May had always
been subject since its re-acquisition from the monks of Reading.” The
lands, which had been in the possession of the Priory of May for nigh
four centuries, were nearly all alienated during Rowle’s administration.
“The deeds by which he effected this,” says Dr Stuart, “are recorded in
a chartulary now in the charter-room at Elie House. They commence in
1532, and bear to be granted by ‘John, Prior of the monastery of
Pittenweem and convent thereof with consent of Patrick, Prior of the
metropolitan church of St Andrews.’ In 1540, the style is, ‘with consent
of James, perpetual Commendator of St Andrews and convent thereof,’ and
the seals of both monasteries are affixed to the deeds. At times, the
deeds bear to be granted with consent of the chapter of St Andrews, as
‘superiors of Pittenweem in that part.’” Wood supposed that Rowie was
one of the early favourers of the Reformation, but in this he was
mightily mistaken. Mr Cook knew more about him when he said that “he was
no friend to that great movement.” Melvil of Halhill and Kirkcaldy of
Grange both spake of this Prior of Pittenweem as a vile sensualist, and
their opinion is known to have been only too well founded. A favourer of
the Reformation! “In 1543, he granted to William Dischintoun of Ardross
a charter of the lands of Grangemuir, which sets forth the many benefits
conferred by him on the convent, and then indicates that was expected of
him amid the ‘Lutheran heresies and the corruptions of the time.'" It
was either the Prior or a contemporary of the same name—a poet and a
priest—who wrote a metrical cursing of 278 lines against those who
robbed his poultry-yard and garden, and of which a copy will be found in
Laing’s Select Remains of the Ancient Poetry of Scotland. Trusting to a
passage in Dunbar, Laing thought the author must either have been Rowle
of Aberdeen, or Rowle of Corstorphine; but for aught that is known it
may have been that Rowle who became Prior of Pittenweem. As the
following specimen shows, the cursing is very vigorous :—
“Blak be thair hour—blak
be thair pairt,
For fyve fat geiss of Schir Johine Rowlis,
With caponis, henie, and vthir fowlis,
Baith the halderis and conceilaris,
Ressettaris and the preve steilaris
And he that saulis, saifis, and dammis
Beteich the devii, thair guttis and gammis,
Thair toung, thair teith, thair handis, thair feit,
And all thair body haill compleit,
That brak his zaird and stall his frutt,
And raif his erbis vp be the rute.”
In a royal charter of
1540, the “Priory of May and Pittenweem” is spoken of as of small
importance, and its revenues as arising from the honest labours of poor
fishers. In 1552, Rowle, who was now styled the “usufructuar” of
Pittenweem, granted a lease of the place and priory of Pittenweem, with
all its profits, emoluments, and commodities, for 19 years, to James,
Commendator of St Andrews and Pittenweem, that is, James Stuart, who is
best known as the Good Regent. “After this time, the deeds run in the
name of ‘James, perpetual Commendator of Pittenweem;’ or, at times, ‘of
Pittenweem and St Andrews,’ with consent of the chapter of St Andrews.”
From 1559, that is, the year in which Popery was overthrown, until
1565, the charters bear to be granted by “James, Commendator” in his own
name. Sir James Balfour, of Pittendreich, afterwards received a gift of
the Priory of Pittenweem for surrendering Edinburgh Castle.
was forfeited in 1571. In 1574, James Halyburton, Provost of Dundee, is
styled Commendator of Pitteuweem. On his resigna~ tion, William
Stewart, captain of the King’s Guard, obtained a gift of the Priory
and lands; and, in 1606, they were erected into a temporal lordship,
in favour of his son, Frederick, with the title of Lord Pittenweem.
Most, if not all the lands, had already been alienated, but the rights
of superiority remained. This Frederick disponed the Lordship to Thomas,
Earl of Kellie, and he, according to the general submission anent the
superiorities of erection, with consent of his son, resigned the
superiority into the hands of Charles the First. In 1671, Charles the
Second granted a charter to Alexander, Earl of Kellie, of the lands and
barony of Kellie, and of the lordship of Pittenweem, comprehending the
manor place formerly called the monastery of Pittenweem, with its
houses, yards, and pertinents, the burgh and town of Pittenweem, and
West Anstruther, together with the ports, anchorages and customs
belonging thereto, and which formerly pertained to the Priory; as also
the Isle of May, the monkscroft of Crail, the coal-heughs, and salt-pans
of Pittenweem, with all the lands, &c., which belonged to the
temporality of the Priory of Pittenweem. This charter, which also
contained an erection of these lands and others into a haill and free
earldom, to be called the Earldom of Kellie, was ratified by Parliament
in 1672. The lands of Pittenweem afterwards became the property of - the
Anstruthers of that ilk, who sold them to Mr Baird.
Remains of the Priory.—In 1592, the King haping attained his
perfect age of 25, Parliament ratified the charters granted by William,
Commendator of Pittenweem, and Walter Scott, of Abbotshall, conveying to
the bailies, council, burgesses, and community of the burgh of
Pittenweem All and haill that greit hous, or greit building, of the
monasterie of Pettinveme, vnder and abone, with the pertinentis,
contenand the channonis or monkis frater, and dortour of the said
monasterie, with the cellaris beneth and lofts abone the samyn frater
and dortour, and siclyk of the westries of the said monasterie, vnder
and abone, with thair pertinentis, and of the chaptour chalmer of the
same monasterie, and cellair beneth the said chaimer, vnder and abone,
with all and sindre thair pertinentis, all lyand in the said monasterie
of Pettinveme, within the shrefdome of Fyfi on the wast pairt of the
inner clois of the said .monasterie, betuix the samyn clois on the eist,
the new gairie at the east end of the hail of the said monasterie on the
south, the commoun gait, kirkzaird, and houssis pertening to James and
Williame Stevinsons respective on the wast, and the wast gardin of the
said monasterie on the north partis.” These subjects were granted for
the “edifeing and bigging” of the minister’s manse, grammar school,
tolbooth, prison, weigh-house, custom-house, and other necessary
houses, for the public use of the burgh of Pittenweem and kirk of the
same. The buildings of the monastery so conveyed were now to be held by
the bailies and community, of the King and his successors, for the
yearly payment of 6s 8d Scots. The charter, granted by James the Sixth,
on the 25th of July 1593, to the bailjes, &c., of Pittenweem, conveying
the great house and other buildings of the monasstery to them, was
ratified by Parliament in 1633.

Perhaps the fullest and best account of the present condition of the
remains of the Priory is that given by Dr Gordon, in his Monasticon
published in 1875. He there says :—“ This Priory is situated at the east
end of the little quaint town, overhanging the harbour and shore. The
grounds enclosed within the Abbey-walls extended to about two or three
acres, and formed a parallelogram. A considerable portion of these walls
still exists. The site of the Priory is the most choice and commanding,
in point of view, in the old burgh. The buildings appear to have formed
the three sides of a quadrangle. At the north-east corner of the road
called the Abbey Walk, there is said to have been a fortified tower, and
an arch, with steps to the top, across the street. The wall proceeds
southward along the Abbey Walk (a road leading to the harbour), until it
reaches the saw-mill and fish-curing premises of Messrs Welsh, Brothers,
when it takes a westerly direction along the top of the cliff on which
the town is built, turning northwards when it touches the Cove Wynd, and
losing itself at the present Town Hall. The northern portion of the wall
runs (ran) along S. Mary’s Street, from the Abbey Walk to the High
Street, which was, perhaps, up to the time when it was taken down,
fourteen years ago, the highest and best preserved portion of the whole.
In this northern section of the wall stood the principal outer entrance,
a Norman arch-way, surmounted by the coat of arms of one of the abbots,
said to be John Forman, afterwards Archbishop of St Andrews. The wall
was reported to have been sufficiently broad to admit of two sentinels
walking abreast. When S. John’s Episcopal Chapel was built in 1807, this
north gateway was removed, as occupying part of its site; and the coat
of arms, which is carved on a large stone, and has a long illegible
inscription, was placed on the outside of the middle of the east (north)
wall of the chapel. About 30 or 40 yards west from the Episcopal Chapel,
and opposite the foot of the Lady Wynd, partly within the present
churchyard, stood what was popularly termed the Confessional, but which
was, in reality, the ancient chapel of the Priory, dedicated to the
blessed Virgin Mary. To straighten the street, this chapel was
demolished about 20 years ago! It had a flagged stone roof, was nearly
20 feet square, and the walls from 12 to 14 feet in height. It was used
as a watch-tower in the ‘resurrectionising’ days….. On the south side
of what is called the Rotten Row—i.e., Routine or Processional Row—there
is another lofty wall, with a doorway, on the lintel of which is a
half-effaced inscription of two lines—the legible part of which is ‘God
is Love,’ and the date 1661…… The site of the hospital is now the garden
of Mr Bayne, postmaster…… Passing by the east side of the Episcopal
Chapel, down the avenue, the chief entrance to the Priory buildings
meets the eye. This fine ruin faces eastward, and is about 30 feet in
height; is built of massive stones, having a row of projecting stones or
corbels near the top; and is mantled with ivy. Over its Norman-arched
gateway was a coat of arms. At the west side (or back), is a flight of
stone steps leading to its broad top. The lower portion of the steps has
disappeared, and only the upper part remains. At the foot or west side
of this stair is the ‘witch corner,’ where the Pittenweem witches were
burned and buried. I ate the first crop of potatoes which grew on this
spot of renown. (No wonder the Doctor is now a man of renown!)
second flat of the ruin seems to have been the residence or lodge of the
porter. Under the stair above alluded to, there still exists a
well-built arch, about 14 feet across. This conspicuous lodge led to the
‘inner close,’ or paved court, of the Priory. Several pieces of
encaustic tile have, from time to time, been dug up here. In later
times, and in title deeds, this ‘ruin’ was called Bailie Hogg’s
barn Bailie Hogg was factor to the Anstruthers, and occupied
the great house of the Priory after the Anstruthers. They had it from
the Countess of Kellie, whose jointure-house it was; and the second
floor or flat of it was for some time the Episcopal meeting-house. The
upper floor was let by the Anstruthers as a granary, which encouraged
rats to such an extent as to necessitate the removal of the
meeting-house to the upper floor of the town residence of the Arnots of
Balcorrno, in the High Street. [In a foot-note Dr Gordon mentions that:-
In the middle floor of this tenement in High Street, is a room called
the Apostles’ Hall, from the fact of a wood-carving of the Last Supper
being over the fireplace; some persons alleging that this carving was
removed from the Priory, and others maintaining that it was taken from
Carnbee House.” Mr Gilchrist, who now resides in this house, has
recently transferred the carving to the session-house of the Parish
Church] County people used the arched cellars of the great house as a
stable. Bishop Low bought this portion of the Priory (including the
ruin or barn), in 1812, from Thomas Martin, for £40! Thomas Martin
bought it from the above-named Bailie Gavin Hogg, who was Provost of
Pittenweem. It is tenanted by herring barrels, which pay rent, and are
very quiet neighbours. From the interior court or quadrangle (now a
garden), is a wide turnpike stone stair leading to the top of the great
house. One of the steps, from its extreme dampness, prognosticates wet
weather. There are no proper landings, but at every few steps there is a
room or two branching off north and south. In the east face of this
building, is a very good specimen of a Scotch oriel window of some
pretentions; while the staircase also projects from the rest of the
wall As before mentioned, the middle floor was the Episcopal
Chapel in non-juring times, and the pulpit stood close by this window.
In the same floor is an arched recess in the west wall, about 6 feet
high, and 6 wide; the north part joined the east wall…..The modern
church-yard, or a portion of it, is supposed to be the Priory garden. At
the west side of this great house, the ministers of the Established Kirk
are buried, and some have monuments in the wall. At the north side,
occupied by office-houses, the upper parts of the wall shew that the
buildings extended a good space this way. Immediately to the south of
the great house, and adjoining, is the present town-house, the front and
west wall of which were rebuilt in 1821. It occupies the site of the
Frater or Refectory of the Priory. (At the top of the south gable a
stone bearing a shield has been built in upside down. The arms are those
of Kennedy—perhaps, the good Bishop of St Andrews. There is a very
similar shield and coat-of-arms in St Giles’ Cathedral.) The east wall
(which contains another oriel, now built up), being considered safe, was
allowed to remain. This portion was presented to the town by the Earl of
Kellie in 1821. Still further south, forming a portion or corner of the
conventual buildings, stood what was called Bishop Bruce’s Library,
which has almost entirely disappeared. The whole of this line of
buildings is probably what was called the general house of the
monastery, or the residence of the inferior brethren. Forming the south
portion of the square, is what was the Prior’s hall, latterly the
residence of Lord Pittenweem, eldest son of the Earl of Kellie.” Bishop
Low “bought it from W. Baird, Esq., of Elie, with the burden of £10
annual feuduty, and bequeathed it for an Episcopal parsonage. This part
is best preserved, owing probably to its being occupied by respectable
tenants. It is three storeys high, built on four arches, one of which
seems to have been the entrance from the quadrangle to Cove Wynd. The
middle-floor is said to have been the Prior’s refectory, as the east
portion, or present ‘library,’ is raised up as a dais for the superior.
If so, it must have formed a lofty well-proportioned hall, 12 feet high,
16 or 17 wide, and nearly 40 feet long, with four windows. The walls are
upwards of 3 feet thick; and in the south wall of the present
dining-room, is a small spiral stone staircase of 10 steps, leading down
to a cellar or vault, probably the wine cellar of the establishment.
Bishop Low used it as such, and fitted it with stone shelves, which
still remain. This hall is now broken up into three apartments.
In the
north-west corner of the Prior’s hall is a press with a recess, where a
fluted stone pulpit, or lectern, for the reader at meals, stood. There
is said to have been a passage from the south buildings to the west,
entering at this press door. Probably this was the connection between
the Prior’s house and the other parts of the Priory buildings, as a
small built-up window in the south wall seems to have been for lighting
this ‘trance. Access to the Prior’s house from the quadrangle on the
north was by a turret with a spiral stone staircase, very narrow, and
much worn; taken down about five years ago, to make room for the new
kitchen and staircase of the parsonage.” In the University Library, St
Andrews, there is a beautiful, fresh copy of the first edition of Hector
Boece’s Scotorum Historia, which belonged to one of the canons of
Pittenweem Priory. On one of the leaves may still be seen in a clear,
bold hand :—“ Liber dni Alani Galt Canonici de pittynweym in vsu dni
Willim Wilson mo d(ivi) Andree Religiosi Anno.” Unfortunately, the
ruthless binder has cut off the three last letters of divi, and, what is
much worse, the date.
The Burgh of
Pittenweem has existed for four centuries. It was partly to
strengthen his position that Rowle got James the Fifth to erect the
lands of the Priory into the Barony of Pittenweem. And, at the same
time, the King anew erected the town into a burgh of barony, as James
the Third had previously done. This charter was confirmed by Parliament
in 1526. Again, in 1540, says Dr Stuart, the King conveyed anew to Rowle
“and his convent the lands forming the patrimony of the monastery, to be
held as the free barony of Pittenweem,” and erected “both Pittenweem and
Anstruther into burghs of barony.” But it must have been about this very
time that, James raised Pittenweem still higher by making it a royal
burgh; for the Act in favour of the burgh of “Pittinweyme,” passed by
the Parliament of Charles the First in 1633, expressly ratifies the
charter erecting the town and lands of Pittenweem into a free burgh
royal, granted by James the Fifth, in the 28th year of his reign, to the
late John, Prior of Pittenweem, and his convent. In February 1547-8,
Rowle by two charters granted the burgh with “the reid port heavine and
harberie thairof,” &c., to the Council and community of the same, and
these charters were also ratified in 1633. Considering that Pittenweem
was bearing the burden of a royal burgh, and as it was “very populous,”
and had “ane guid and saiff harberie” built at the expense of the
inhabitants, Charles and his Parliament, in 1633, further erected it
into a free burgh royal holding immediately of the Crown. On the same
day the Earl of Kellie and his son protested, by their procurators, that
neither the signature nor right, granted to the burgh, should be
prejudicial to their rights to the lands and lordship of Pittenweem. In
the hardship, loss, and expense of the Civil War, Pittenweem bore her
share. “Successive contingents of town’s people,” says Mr Cook, “trained
to arms at home, were sent to the Covenanting Army; forts were erected
at different places in the burgh, and cannons mounted on them, and the
sea-walls were made musket proof. Beacon lights were erected in the
neighbourhoud, and a nightly patrol of men at arms watched the
town Documents preserved in the town’s archives testify to the
loss sustained by Pittenweem (at Kilsyth). No fewer than forty-nine
widows and one hundred and thirty fatherless children were left
destitute by this terrible calamity. The masters and entire crews of six
vessels . . . . had been slain, and these ships, which had been the
pride of the port, and had furnished the means of subsistence to many
families, were sold and removed to other places. The fishing boats in
like manner lay useless on the beach for want of men to sail in them;
and to add to the wretchedness of the place, the plague broke out
amongst them in the same year.” Indeed, the burgh was brought to such a
state of destitution and poverty that, conjointly with
Anstruther-Easter, she petitioned Parliament for relief in 1649. The
inhabitants of both burghs were actually selling their furniture and
clothes for meal! Pittenweem was charged with £600 monthly, besides £120
of ordinary maintenance paid to the collector of the shire. Not only so,
but while Anstruther had eighty-four soldiers quartered on her, instead
of twenty, which they esteemed the just proportion, Pittenweem had
eighty - one, whereas she should have had “onlie threttine men and a
third!” Moreover, they had no trade, and they dared not venture to the
fishing, as the enemy took their vessels in their sight, and they could
not prevent them. The Estates were so far moved by the appeal that, they
ordered that soldiers in future should only be quartered on the two
burghs in proportion to the maintenance payable by them, providing that
no fewer than a company should be quartered in one place, and that that
company should remove to another place when the maintenance was
exhausted. The deputy, who was sent to Edinburgh by Pittenweem in 1652,
speedily returned, as it was the time of the herring-fishing, by which
he made his livelihood, and that was of far more importance to him than
national business. In 1663, Parliament changed the weekly market from
Sabbath and Monday to Tuesday. The affairs of the burgh are now managed
by a Town Council of twelve, including a Provost and two Bailies.
The Parish, which
contains 772k acres, including 109 3/4 of foreshore, was formerly
embraced in West Anstruther. In an Act passed in favour of the Kirk of
“Pittinwemye,” in 1633, it is said that James the Sixth—in his letters
of gift, dated the 30th of June 1589, granting a stipend to the minister
of Pittenweem—mentions that the kirk had been lately erected into a
parish kirk, and so ratified in the preceding Parliament. It is
therefore three centuries since the parish was erected. But the Act of
1633 goes on to say that King James, by his signature, “superscryvit
with his hand,” ratified the erection of the parish in 1611;
notwithstanding of which, by the negligence of the parties entnisted
with the management of the town’s affairs, the act of erection had gone
amissing, and the signature, by the slackness of those employed therein,
was never prosecuted; and therefore the King—Charles the First—and
present Parliament anew erected, created, and constituted the said kirk
into a separate parish kirk, and disjoined and dissolved the burgh of
Pittenweem, and haul lands within the parish of Pittenweem, from the
kirk and parish of Anstruther-Wester, that they may remain in all time
coming two separate and distinct parish kirks and parishes. The
boundaries of the parish of Pittenweeni are carefully designed in the
The Parish Church
stands at the east end of the main street, and has lately been
re-modelled. Internally it is now a very pretty building. The market
cross, dated “July 4 Day 1711,” still stands at the west side of the
church. The lower part of the steeple was formerly utilised as a
prison, and it must have been gloomy enough. The two bells are
respectively dated 1663 and 1742. An excellent bird’s-eye view of the
town may be had from the top of the steeple. In 1792, the Rev. James
Nairne wrote :—“ When the church was built is uncertain. It certainly
was not originally intended for a church. Concerning it there are two
traditions, one of which is, that it was some of the cloisters of an
abbey, and the other, that it was the large barn or granary where the
corns of the abbey were deposited, which last seems probable.” The
first minister of the parish, Nicol Daigleish, was settled here in
September 1589; yet it does not appear that the church was built at
that time, although Scott of Abbotshall is said to have granted the
Great House of the Priory to the burgh, by his charter, in 1588, “in
order that they might erect a church ‘mair kirk-like and mair commodious
than their present house.’” But Mr Cook has discovered a charter of
1549, from which it appears that a church or chapel must have stood very
near the site of the present one. William Clark and James Melville must
have had a church of some kind at Pittenweem, for the congregation
there; and, no doubt, it was the house which was neither very kirk-like
nor very commodious. Nevertheless, long after the Reformation,
reference is made to the tithes of the church of Pittenweem called
Anstruther, and to the kirk of Pittenweem, Anstruther upon the west part
of the burn. These references, however, do not prove that there was no
parish church in Pittenweem in these days; for, in one of them, dated in
1672, the parish kirks of Pittenweem and West Anstruther are both
expressly mentioned. In the south wall of the present church, there is
an old stone bearing the date 1532; but it, of course, may have been
inserted at a much later period. George Hamilton, who was inducted as
minister of the parish in 1650, soon afterwards gave £100 towards
levying a regiment of horse. “He was stopped in his sermon 24th May
1653,” says Scott, “by a party of Fairfax’s regiment of foot, which
caused a great uproar in the church, and with three of his co-presbyters
was carried prisoner to Edinburgh by the English soldiers 12th Sept.
following, for praying for Charles II. ; after being imprisoned eight
days, however, he was liberated on condition he and his brethren should
do so no more.” After the Restoration he forfeited his charge, but was
allowed to remain until he died in 1677. Patrick Couper was minister
here from 1692 until 1740. His entry was opposed by some of the Jacobite
heritors, who took possession of the church and barricaded the doors;
but these were speedily broken open by the magistrates, who drove out
the offenders. Couper is said to have been “small and thin.” When young
he nearly lost the sight of one of his eyes, and yet when he was
seventy-seven he could read the smallest print in candlelight without
spectacles. He has been severely blamed for doing his utmost to repress
the witches. James Nairne, who wrote the old Statistical Account of the
parish, was the minister from 1776 to 1819. He was the son of John
Nairne of Anstruther-Easter, and died father of the Presbytery, as his
father and grandfather had likewise done. John Cooper, who was
translated from Arbroath to Pittenweem in 1834, was seized with epilepsy
while preaching on the 26th of March 1854, and died after four hours’
Visit of Charles the Second.—Despite
the poverty and sufferings of the burgh, the Town Council resolved, on
the 14th of February 1651, to give Charles a right royal welcome, as he
passed through the town on the following day. There were many old
writings in the town’s charter chest which Nairne could not read, but he
extracted the following entry from those records :—“ The bailies and
council being convened, and having received information that his Majesty
is to be in progress with his court along the coast to-morrow, and to
stay at Anstruther House that night, have thought it expedient,
according to their bounden duty, with all reverence and due respect, and
with all the solemnity they can, to wait upon his Majesty, as he comes
through this his Majesty’s burgh, and invite his Majesty to eat and
drink as he passes; and for that effect, hath ordained, that the morn
afternoon, the town’s colours be put upon the bertisene of the steeple,
and that at three o’clock the bells begin to ring, and ring on still
till his Majesty comes hither, and passes to Anstruther: and sicklike,
that the minister be spoken to, to be with the bailies and council, who
are to be in their best apparel, and with them a guard of twenty-four of
the ablest men, with partizans, and other twenty-four with musquets, all
in their best apparel, William Sutherland commanding as captain of the
guard; and to wait upon his Majesty, and to receive his Highness at the
West Port, bringing his Majesty and court through the town, until they
come to Robert Smith’s yeet, where an table is to be covered with my
lord’s best carpet; and that George Hetherwick have in readiness of fine
flour, some great bunns, and other wheat-bread of the best order, baken
with sugar, cannell and other spices fitting; and that James Richardson
and Walter Airth have care to have ready eight or ten gallons of good
strong ale, with Canary, sack, Rhenish wine, tent, white and claret
wines, that his Majesty and his court may eat and drink; and that in the
meantime, when his Majesty is present, the guard do diligently attend
about the court, and so soon as his Majesty is to go away, that a sign
be made to Andrew Tod, who is appointed to attend the colours on the
steeple head, to the effect he may give sign to those who attend the
cannon of his Majesty’s departure, and then the haul thirty-six cannons
to be all shot at once. It is also thought fitting, that the minister,
and James Richardson the oldest bailie, when his Majesty comes to the
table, shew the great joy and sense this burgh has of his Majesty’s
condescendence to visit the same, with some other expressions of
loyalty. All which was acted.” It would be a shame to abbreviate such an
entry, and yet that has been done in the New Statistical Account, where
also the egregious blunder has been made of stating that these
preparations were made in honour of James the Sixth. Poor man he had
already been more than a quarter of a century in his grave. It is more
wonderful that such all error should have misled the writer of the
article on Pittenweem in the Ordnance Gazetteer. No doubt, he perceived
that there was something wrong, for he omits the date; but accounts for
the generous hospitality by asserting, that the inhabitants were not
unmindful of their royal benefactor!
The Witches who
made Pittenweem notorious in former days are long since extinct.
Chambers, in his Domestic Annals of Scotland, relates that in 1704 the
magistrates, in a petition to the Privy Council, stated that Patrick
Morton, a youth of sixteen “free of any known vice,” was engaged making
nails for a ship in his father’s smithy, when Beatrix or Beatie Laing,
“spouse to William Brown, tailor, late treasurer of the burgh,”
requested him to make some for her, and on his alleging that those he
was engaged on were required in haste, she went away “threatening to be
revenged, which did somewhat frighten him, because he knew she was
under a bad fame and reputed for a witch.” Passing her house next day
“he observed a timber vessel with some water and a fire-coal in it at
the door, which made him apprehend that it was a charm laid for him;"
and “immediately he was seized with such a weakness in his limbs, that
he could hardly stand or walk.” In spite of all that physicians could do
for him, he languished for many weeks, lost his appetite, and was
strangely emaciated. He grew worse, and had such unusual fits that all
onlookers were astonished. “His belly at times was distended to a great
height; at other times, the bones of his back and breast did rise to a
prodigious height, and suddenly fell,” while his breathing “was like to
the blowing of a bellows.” Sometimes his body became so rigid that
neither his arms nor legs could be moved by any strength. His head at
times turned half round and could not be brought back again.
Occasionally, his tongue was drawn back in his throat, especially when
he was telling who were his tormentors. When the bailies or minister
brought them to the house, he would cry out they were coming and name
them before seeing them. Although his face was covered he expressed pain
when his tormentors touched him. Beatrix and the others were thrown into
the jail. As she refused to confess that she was a witch, she was
pricked, and kept awake for five days and nights. At length she
confessed. But afterwards denying that what she had said about seeing
the devil and so forth was true, she was put in the stocks and carried
to the Thieves’ Hole, and from thence to a dark dungeon, where she was
not allowed any kind of light or human converse for five months. Through
the influence of the Earl of Balcarres and Lord Anstruther, the supposed
witches were released on bail; but poor Beatrix had to wander in strange
places, in hunger and cold, as she dared not come near her own house for
the fury of the people. At this very time, a fisherman charged Janet
Cornfoot with assisting the devil and two others to beset him one night,
while he was sleeping. Janet was thrown into prison at Pittenweem, and,
being tortured, confessed, but afterwards denied it. It seems to have
been the second storey of the steeple in which she was confined. By the
connivance of the minister she escaped. Another minister, however—George
Gordon, of Leuchars, it is said—had her arrested and sent back to
Pittenweem, where she fell into the hands of the people. The enlightened
public tied her with a rope, beat her unmercifully, and dragged her
through the streets and along the shore by the heels. The crowd was
dispersed by a bailie, but soon gathered again, and tied her to a rope
stretched between a ship and the shore, swinging her to and fro, and
pelting her with stones. Getting tired of this, they let her down with a
crash on the beach, beat her again unmercifully, and, covering her with
a door, deliberately crushed her to death, after she had been tortured
for three hours! This atrocious murder was committed on the 30th of
January 1705. Some of the still more ghastly details will be found in
Stevenson’s edition of Sinclar’s Satan’s Invisible World, and in the
Ordnance Gazetteer. One of those accused by the young blacksmith died in
prison about the same time. The bodies of both these victims of
superstition were denied Christian burial. The Privy Council appointed a
committee to enquire into the death of Janet Cornfoot, and the
ringleaders fled; but they were afterwards allowed to return to the town
in peace! So, at least, it is alleged; but it is only fair to Pittenweem
folk to state that, in one of the old pamphlets, it is asserted that:-
This rabble did not flow from the inclinations of the people of the
place, which is evident from the peaceful and safe residence two
confessing witches had for two months’ time in the place since they were
set at liberty; but from an unhappy occasional concourse of a great many
strangers, some Englishmen, some from Orkney, and other parts, who were
forward in it, and have since taken guilt on them by their flight.” The
two confessing witches may have been more indebted to the wholesome
dread of the Privy Council than to the disposition of the people; but
let us hope that the Englishmen and Orcadians were more to blame than
the peaceful Pittenweemers. As Beatrix Laing was threatened with a
similar fate to that of Janet, she had to apply to the Privy Council for
protection before she could return to her husband’s house. Such deeds
may well make us ashamed of our common brotherhood. And these were not
the only cases of witchcraft in Pittenweem. In 1643 and 1644 several
persons were executed for it, and their sons and husbands were forced to
pay the expense of their deaths! David Vedder in his gruesome ballad on
the “Witch o’ Pittenweem” carries us back to pre-Reformation times. His
legend is quite as tragic and terrible as the account of Janet Cornfoot.

Harbour and Fishing.—As
the harbour is mentioned in the days of William the Lion, it may
therefore be inferred that the town was of some note seven centuries
ago, both as a trading seaport and a place of fishing. At the end of
July 1559, John Knox and Robert Hamilton sailed from this port to Holy
Island, to meet Sir Harry Percy. Before 1639, there belonged to the town
at least “13 sail of large vessels; all of which were either taken by
the enemy, wrecked, or sold in consequence of the death of the
commanders and mariners at the battle of Kilsyth.” Nor did the harbour
escape the violence of the terrible storm of the 10th December 1655; for
it is mentioned in the Minutes of the Synod of Fife that when the
Provincial Assembly met at St Andrews, on the 7th of April 1657, a
petition was presented from the town of Pittenweem, desiring a
recommendation for charitable assistance from the kirks of the province,
towards the repairing of their harbour, which was ruined by that storm.
Church-door collections were long a favourite and effective way of
raising money for public purposes in Scotland. It is a great mistake to
imagine that this form of liberality was not properly developed until
the middle of the nineteenth century. Not only were the poor of the
respective parishes supplied mainly from their church plates, but the
charity of those times overflowed to worthy objects far and near. In
Hay’s History of Arbroath, it is stated that collections were made in
1674 and also in 1682, in several of the churches of that Presbytery, to
raise money for the ransom of some unfortunate Scotsmen, especially a
few natives of Pittenweem, who had been captured by Algerine pirates.
These, no doubt, were hardy sailors of this port, whether their vessel
hailed from Pittenweem or not. In 1710, Sibbald says :—“The lower part
of the town of Pittenweem lieth alongst their two havens. The west haven
is near the (salt) panns, and fit only for fish-boats. Of late they had
only six fishing boats with six men in each, and they had fifteen boats
for the fishing of herring with seven men in each, but now more. The
east haven is the largest, and fit for ships of burden; having at no
time below eight foot of water.” Nairne writes in 1792 :—“ The people
here are generally fond pf a seafaring life, but few have entered the
navy as volunteers. . . . At present the number of boats is only 5, and
of vessels 4.” The same authority states that :—“ In the year 1779,
Paul Jones, with his little squadron, lay for several hours off this
harbour, about half-a-mile from the shore. The pilot and his crew went
off; believing they were British ships, and requested some powder, which
was given. The crew were permitted immediately to return, but the pilot
was detained, treated very uncivilly, and was not set at liberty, until
after the engagement Paul Jones had with our fleet.” The harbour is now
safe and commodious. The fleet of fishing-boats belonging to it is very
considerable, as may be seen by referring to the table on page 56.
Several of the houses at the shore are built on rocks projecting into
the sea. It may be readily imagined that the inmates will vividly
realise the power of the billows.
Population, Public
Buildings, &c. — In 1751, the population of the parish was only
939; in 1792, it had risen to 1157, all of whom resided in the town
except 4 families; in 1831, it was 1317, and of these only 8 lived
outside the burgh; in 1861, it was 1710, of whom 1617 dwelt in the
burgh; and in 1881, it had still further increased to 2119, and of
these 2116 were within the royal burgh. There are three churches in the
town — the Established, the U. P., and the Episcopal. There are two
public schools, a post and telegraph office, branches of the Clydesdale
and National Banks, a Savings’ Bank, and a gas-work. John Douglas,
Bishop of Salisbury, was born in Pittenweem in 1721, where his father
was “an extensive wine, timber, and iron merchant . . . and carried on
business in an antique and respectable-looking house in the Shore
Street, in which his mahogany desks and counters remained.” “The great
hail stood 30 feet back from the street, and the entry was by a large
gate. The house was handsomely fitted up with wainscot panneis, the
moulding all round, the cornices were richly gilt, and the chimney piece
was beautifully carved in oak.” Among the more enterprising natives of
the present day, the Hendersons of the Anchor Line hold a prominent and
honourable place. It was in Pittenweem that Wilson and his associates
robbed the collector of customs in 1736. In his Heart of Midlothian, Sir
Walter Scott has immortalised the occurrence, and the tragic events to
which it led. The man who took the rope from a shop with which to hang
Porteous, and laid down a guinea for it, was named Bruce. He afterwards
returned to Anstruther and practised as a barber. It is more devoutly
to be hoped that the first line of the old rhyme on this burgh will
never be fulfilled than that the rest of the prediction shall
“Pittenweem ‘ll sink wi’
But neither sword nor pestilence Sall enter therein.”
Click here to see pictures
of Pittenweem
Annals of
Being Notes and Extracts from the Ancient Records of that Burgh
1526—1793 (1867) (pdf)