In addition to the foregoing objections, it may be
urged that the statements in the Life of Agricola regarding the previous
conquests of the Roman troops in Britain do not accord very well with the
references of Lucan, Martial, V. Flaccus, Statius, and Pliny, to the
Caledonians. The latter writers imply that the Romans had reached the
Caledonian territory before Agricola’s time; Tacitus does not admit this.
Then again we are told that the brilliant campaigns of Agricola went for
nothing after all. If it were possible to prove that this Life of Agricola
is a travestied account of the actions of Lollius Urbicus in Britain,
there would be better circumstantial evidence to support it. It is certain
that Urbicus was the commander of the Roman troops in Britain when the
wall and chain of forts were built between the firths of Forth and Clyde;
and it would not require any severe strain on our faith to believe that he
fought several severe engagements with the tribes to the north of this
barrier. His conquests were not fruitless either. The wall which he built
remained the boundary of the Roman province to the north till the time
when the Ronians left the island, [Skene’s Celtic Scotland, vol. i., p.
The character of Vettius Bolanus, as described by
Tacitus in the Life of Agricola, [Section xvi.] is also entirely at
variance with the adulation of Statius when speaking of the same general’s
actions in Caledonia. If we are to believe that the description was really
penned by Tacitus, and that it is true, then we must confess that in this
instance Statius has strung together a series of fables about Bolanus.
There are numerous other discrepancies in this work, but it is needless to
point them all out as they have been frequently commented on by different
editors. Considered along with the fact that Agricola’s campaigns had
never been heard of by any of the early annalists of either England or
Scotland, and that he is not commemorated by a single coin or inscription
found in Britain, they lead to the conclusion that the Life of Agricola is
a fabrication of the fifteenth or sixteenth century. It is remarkable that
two celebrated men of the name of Agricola flourished about that period.
Adamnan’s Life of St Columba is considered to be so
genuine a work that the very idea of doubting its authenticity will be
received with wonder by the numerous writers who have dealt with Columba’s
life and works, Those of them, however, who condescend to peruse the
following pages may perhaps reconsider the grounds of their decision. The
present writer is not the only person who has questioned the authenticity
of this work. Dr Gibes, in his edition of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History,
[Bohn’s Translation, P. 264, note.] says: "I have strong doubts of
Adamnan’s having written it." Sir James Dalrymple, and a Prussian
clergyman, likewise called the genuineness of the work in question;
[Reeves’ Adamnan, appendix to pref., p. lix.] and viewed in the light
thrown upon the subject in bringing forward the proofs which support the
opinion that Scotland was the Only Scotia, the doubts expressed by these
writers receive strong confirmation.
It has to be remarked, in the first place, that
although Reeves’ edition of Adaman’s Life is said to be founded upon a
manuscript of the eighth century, it is allowed that there is a total
absence from it of the interlacing and artistic work which characterises
most of the Scotic writings of the same period; and it appears first to
have been heard of fifty years after the Reformation in Scotland. Besides
this, reference is made to a work of Adamnan’s, entitled The Holy Places,
in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History and Wendover’s Flowers of History; but no
notice is taken in either work of his Life of Columba. With reference to
this omission in the Ecclesiastical History, it is explained that Adamnan
probably wrote his Life of Columba after visiting King Aldfrid; but if
this were the case, it is strange that no notice is taken in the Life of
his having adopted the Roman usage with regard to Easter observance, which
was at variance with the custom advocated by his illustrious predecessor.
This explanation will not suit Wendovers case. He was a writer of the
thirteenth century, and as five hundred years had elapsed since Adamnan
lived, it would have been strange to find that he had never heard or read
of such a remarkable work as this Life of Columba, had it then existed. It
would have been a book as well worth noticing as that about the holy
places. Wendover mentions Columba as well as Adamnan, but even when
speaking of the earlier saint, not a word is said abont this Life. These
facts are not in favour of the authenticity of the work before us: and its
testimony regarding the question at issue might be discarded on these
grounds alone; but let us examine it and see how valueless it is to
support the belief that Ireland was once called Scotia.
Cumminius, a successor of St Columba in the abbacy of
Hii, wrote a life of his eminent predecessor, which is said to form the
ground-work of Adamnan’s third book. A few chapters of Cumminius’ work are
also incorporated in other portions of Adamnan’s Life. Is it not possible
that some scribe in the sixteenth century fabricated the latter on the
basis of the former? A note to Reeves’ edition of Adamnan’s Life
enables the reader to trace the whole of the earlier life, and it
will be found to differ in this material respect from the later one, that
it seldom if ever uses the word Hibernia, whereas in Adamnan’s work that
word occurs frequently. To show the curious way in which this word is used
in the later life, it will be sufficient to notice its occurrence in the
only extract from Cumminius’ work which is acknowledged by Adamnan, and
then to quote the instances in which it occurs in the later life.
The acknowledged extract is found in Lib, lII, chapter
five, and Hibernia appears there; but a note informs us, by giving the
exact words of Cumminius, that no such word is used in the text of the
earlier life.
Turning now to the first and second books of Adamnan’s
work, which were mainly written by himself, or rather alleged to have
been, we find Hihernia often mentioned, but it is generally accompanied by
the word Scotia, in the sentence immediately preceding or following. This
is also a characteristic feature of some of the interpolated chapters of
Bede’s Ecclesiastical History. Of course the design is to make people
believe that they were names for one country; but it is never distinctly
affirmed anywhere in this work that Ireland or Hibernia was called Scotia.
This duty is left for writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
to fulfil.
Reeves discharges the task in the following manner.
[Irish Archaeological Society’s Edition.] In Lib. I. chapter twelve, for
instance, a note to the word Scotia says: "Or Hibernia, as in the next
sentence, showing that Ardnamurchan was not then in Scotia." Two chapters
further on Scotia and Hibernia are found in the same sentence. In the
seventeenth chapter again the word Scotiam appears, and a note to it says:
"That is, Hiberniam, as in the next sentence.’ In the following chapter we
find Scotiam and Hiberniam, and Scotia and Hibernia. A note to the first
says: "Hiberniam lower down. Again in Scotia and its equivalent in
Hihernia." In the twenty-second chapter, Scotiam and Hiberniam appear in
sentences following each other; and in the forty-eighth chapter Hiberniae
is followed by Scotiae, and it again by Hiberniam. In the second Book, the
thirty-eighth chapter contains the word Scotiam, which, a note informs the
reader, is convertible with Hiberniam in the next sentence. The following
chapter has the word Scotia twice, but omits Hibernia. A note says: "This
is another instance of the use of the word for Ireland, as
contradistinguished from Scotland, then a part of Britain." In the
following chapter, the fortieth, Scotia occurs, and a note to it informs
us that it is "Called Hibernia in an earlier part of the chapter."
In all these instances, it will be seen, Hibernia and
Scotia are made to appear as if they were synonymous names for Ireland;
and yet here, as in all the ancient writers works with which we are
dealing, this is never distinctly affirmed to have been the case.
Of Nennius, the reputed author of a history of the
Britons, little is known; and it is even uncertain when the work was
originally written. Some writers assign its compilation to the year 796,
and others, to the year 994. Henry of Huntingdon quotes it as a work
written by Gildas, and there is no impossibility in this, for it ends with
the times before Gildas’ days; and in most of the manuscript copies of
Nennius’ British History it is attributed to Gildas.[Innes’ Critical
Essay, vol. 1., p. 192] Some additions about the kings of the provinces of
England have been added by later writers; but there is reason to believe
that the genuine work was written by Gildas, as stated by Huntingdon, who
lived in the twelfth century.
Speaking of Nennius’ History of the Britons, as it now
exists, the editor of one of the best editions published thus refers to
its interpolations: "It will strike every reader that this work was
peculiarly dealt with. It was treated as a sort of common land, upon which
any goose might graze. Mere transcribers seem to have played the editor,
if not the author." [Todd’s Irish Version of the Historia Britonum
of Nennius, p. 19,] The earliest manuscript so far as is known to this
editor, is of the twelfth century. [Todd’s lrish Version of the
Historia Britonum of Nennius, p. 21.]
A work of such a dubious character might well be
summarily rejected as an untrustworthy evidence of a Scots settlement in
Ireland bcfore the eleventh century; but it is worth while to examine the
evidence it does furnish somewhat minutely, in order to form a proper
estimate of its fictitious nature. The Historia Britonum, in its
original state, has apparently been wholly incorporated in Geolfrey of
Monmouth’s British History; and this work, though overloaded with fabulous
matter, enables us to trace the interpolations in Nonnius’ History. The
passages in the latter which do not appear in Geoffrey’s work are
suggestive, when looked at in connection with the subject at issue. Both
works are contained in the Six Old English Chronicles in Bohn’s
Antiquarian Library, and in comparing the two reference will be made to
the translations in this volume.
To begin with, a few minor interpolations, which only
indirectly concern the present question, may be noticed. Nothing
equivalent to paragraph eight in Nennius’ History, for instance, is found
in Geoffrey’s work. It is as follows: "Three considerable islands belong
to it (Britain), one on the south, opposite the Armarican shore called
Wight, another beween Ireland and Britain called Eubonia or Man, and
another beyond the Picts named Orkney." The same can be said of paragraph
twelve, which is to the effect that the Picts first occupied the Orkney
Islands, from which they laid waste many regions, arid seized those on the
left hand side of Britain, of which they are said to be in possessioli at
the time the history was written.
Paragraph thirteen of Nennius, which is one that has a
direct bearing on the Ireland-Scotia question, has a little, a very
little, in common with the more probable account given of the settlement
of the Spanish colonists called Barclenses in Ireland by Geoffrey, in Book
III., chapter twelve, which was likely taken from a genuine edition of the
Historia Britonum. In the edition under review, however, the Scots
take the place of the Barclenses, and are represented as settling in
Ireland in connection with improbable events, as is usual with these
interpolations. In noticing the settlement of the Spanish colonists in
Ireland, Geoffrey totally ignores the Scots, and the marvellous
circumstances connected with the colonisation as recorded by Nennius. The
fabulous account of St Patrick’s life and labours, which occurs in
paragraphs fifty to fifty-five, is also unnoticed by Geoffrey, who would
never have passed over such a. marvellous record without sorne allusion to
it had it appeared in the original manuscript.
The paragraphs referring to St Patrick’s life occur in
a manuscript copy of the Historia Britonum, lying in the library of
the Vatican at Rome. They do not appear in all the manuscripts of the work
found elsewhere. Like other notices of presumed Irish saints, this one
contains many wonderful, if not incredible, statements. It also speaks of
Palladius, but unlike an English historian of the thirteenth century, in
whose works a similar notice appears, it represents him as going to
lreland to find the Scots. To let the reader understand its
untrustworthiness it will be better to transcribe the whole passage; and
then to compare it with the one in the works of Roger of Wendover,
referred to above:—
In those days St Patrick was a captive among the Scots.
His master’s name was Milcho, to whom he was a swineherd for seven years.
‘When he had attained the age of seventeen, he gave him his liberty. By
the Divine impulse, he applied himself to reading of the Scriptures, and
afterwards went to Rome, where, replenished with the Holy Spirit, he
continued a great while studying the sacred mysteries of these writings.
During his continuance there, Palladius, the first bishop, was sent by
Pope Celestine to convert the Scots (the Irish). But tempests and signs
from God prevented his landing, for no one can arrive in any country
except he be allowed from above. Altering, therefore, his course from
Ireland, he came to Britain, and died in the land of the Picts. The death
of Palladius being known, the Roman patricians, Theodosius and
Valentinian, then reigning, Pope Oclestine sent Patrick to convert the
Scots to the faith of the Holy Trinity; Victor, the angel of God,
accompanying, admonishing, and assisting him, and also the bishop
Germanus. Germanus then sent the ancient Segerus with him as a venerable
and praiseworthy bishop to king Amatheus, who lived near, and who had
prescience of what was to happen; he was consecrated bishop in the reign
of that king by the holy pontiff, assuming the name of Patrick, having
hitherto been known by that of Mann; Auxilius, Isserninus, and other
brothers were ordained with him to inferior degrees. Having distributed
benedictions, and perfected all in the name of the Holy Trinity, he
embarked on the sea which is between the Gauls and the Britons, and, after
a quick passage, arrived in Britain, where he preached for some time.
Every necessary preparation being made, and the angel giving him warning,
he came to the Irish Sea, and having filled the ship with foreign gifts
and spiritual treasures, by the permission of God he arrived in Ireland,
where he baptised and preached. From the beginning of the world to the
fifth year of king Logiore, when the Irish were baptised, and faith in the
unity of the individual Trinity was published to them, are 5330 years. St
Patrick taught the Gospel in foreign nations for the space of forty years.
Endued with apostolical powers, he gave sight to the blind, cleansed the
lepers, gave hearing to the deaf, cast out devils, raised men from the
dead, redeemed many captives of both sexes at his own charge, and set them
free in the name of the Holy Trinity. He taught the servants of God, and
he wrote 365 canonical and other books relating to the Catholic faith. He
founded as many churches, and consecrated the same number of bishops,
strengthening them with the Holy Ghost. He ordained 3000 presbyters, and
converted and baptised 12,000 persons in the province of Connaught, and in
one day baptised seven kings, who were the seven sons of Amalgaid. He
continued fasting forty days and nights on the summit of the miountain
Eli, that is, Cruaachan-Aichle, and preferred three petitions to God for
the Irish that had embraced the faith. The Scots say the first was, that
He would receive every repentant sinner, even at the latest extremity of
life; the second, that they should never be exterminatod by barbarians;
and the third, that as Ireland will be overflowed with water seven years
before the coming of our Lord to judge the quick and the dead, the crimes
of the people might be washed away through his intercession, and their
souls purified at the last day. He gave the people his benediction from
the upper part of the mountain, and going up higher that he might pray for
them, and that, if it pleased God, he might see the effects of his
labours, there appeared to him an innumerable flock of birds of many
colours signifying the number of holy persons of both sexes of the Irish
nation who should come to him as their apostle at the day of judgment to
be presented before the tribunal of Christ. After a life spent in the
active exertion of good to mankind, St Patrick, in a healthy old age,
passed from this world to the Lord, and changing this life for a better
with the saints and elect of God, he rejoices for evermore. St Patrick
resembled Moses in four particulars. The angel spoke to him in the burning
bush, he fasted forty days and forty nights upon the mountain. He attained
the period of 120 years. No one knows his sepulchre nor where he was
buried. Sixteen years he was in captivity. In his twenty—fifth year he was
consecrated bishop by St Mattheus, and he was eighty-five years the
apostle of the Irish. It might be profitable to treat more at large of the
life of this saint, but it is now time to complete the epitome of his
As already stated, the above is in many respects
identical with an account of St Patrick’s life given in Roger of
Wendover’s Flowers of History; and yet there is a material difference
between the two. The one just quoted makes it appear as if Ireland was the
country inhabited by the Scots, whereas Wendover confines the Scots to
Scotland, and distinguishes between it and Ireland. Had it been the case
in St Patrick’s time, that Ireland was called Scotia, and was peopled by
Scots, he would have said so. He says Patrick was "Born in Ireland, and in
his childhood was sold by his father, with his two sisters, into
Scotland." Like Nennius, he says Palladius was sent to convert the Scots,
but instead of sending him to Ireland to find them, he says: "Preaching
the Word of God in Scotland, he (Paliadius) afterwards went into Britain,
and died in the land of the Picts." Scotia and Britain were different
countries then, as already stated; [Ireland not the Hibernia of the
Ancients, p. 43] and as Wendover, in speaking of St Patrick, distinguishes
Ireland from Scotland, he cannot mean the former when he uses the latter
designation. The Scots are mentioned twice after this in the account in
Nennius, but the name does not again occur in Wendover’s notice. That the
latter’s is also fabricated there is every reason to believe, as will be
afterwards shown in dealing with St Patrick’s supposed Irish mission; but
it serves the purpose in the meantime of proving that the interpolations
in Nennius’ about the Scots in Ireland were made after Wendover’s
The following interpolations in an account of the
Cruithnians, or Picts of Ireland, which cccurs in the Irish version of
Nennius, cannot be passed over. In the thirty-first section of Todd’s
edition of the Historia Britonum, after the name of king
Geascuirtibout, these words are found: "XXX. of them henceforward, and
Bruide was the name of every man of them, et reynaverunt, Hiberniam, et
Albaniam,, per cl. annos ut invenitur, in the books of the
Cruithnians, Bruide Pante was the name of the first Bruide." Then follows
thirty kings of the name of Bruide. In a note among the additional notes,
page xlv., we are told: "The Pictish Chronicle says, upon the name. of
Bruide the first, a quo traginta Brude regnaverunt Hiberniam et
Albaniam pee 150 annorum spatium; and adds their private or personal
names. . . . If these thirty kings reigned over Albania, there will then
be a double list of the kings of Fortren, which absurdity has induced me
to analyse these statements." The analysis is followed by these remarks:
"Thus when it was merely a man’s name, we find it recurring occasionally,
but when it was titular to all alike, we find it entirely absent. Which
evinces that the words, Hibernia.. . . . spatium are
superfluous and false, as well as the thirty private names; and that these
thirty Bruides are simply the kings of Pictland from Brudi Bout to Talorc
Passing on, in the text of the work, to king "Drust,
the son of Erp, c. annis regnavit, and gained a 100 battles." Here
we find added: "Nonodecimo anno regni eius Patricius sanctus episcopus
ad Hiberniaim pervenit." The same passage appears in Fordoun’s list of
kings, thus: "Durst, qui alias vocabatur Nectane filius Irbii annis
xlv. Hic, ut asseritur, ‘Centum annis vixit et centum bella peregit.’ Quo
regnante sanctus Palladius (instead of Patricius as in the Irish
account), episcopus a beato Papa Caelestine missus est ad Scotos
docendos, longe tamen ante in Christo credentes." It will be noticed
that there is no Hiberniam in the passage as given by Fordoun; and
his notice of Palludius’ mission to the Scots is in accordance with the
Saxon Chronicle, which also leaves out all notice of Ireland and Hibernia
in conneetion with Palladius’ mission.
Passing Talore, the next king after Drust, we come to
Nectan Morbreac or Morbet, after whose name the following occurs: "Tertio
anno regni ejus Darlugdach, abbatissa Cille-Dara de Hibernia exulat pro
Christo ad Britiniam; anno adventus aui immolavit Nectonius anno uno
Apurnighe Deo et sancoe Brigida, proesente Darlugdach, quoe cantavit
alleluia super istam." A note to this passage, which appears on pages
161—3, says: These statements are false and out of chronology. Pictland
and Abernethy were not then Christian, nor was St Bridget then born, nor
was Darluchdach yet abbess of Kildare." Further on the same note informs
us that Fordoun ascribes the foundation of Abernethy to St Bridget and her
seven virgins, but places it in the reign of Garnard Makdompnach, the
successor of the Bruide in whose times St Columba preached to the Picts,
which is of course more probable."
It will be seen from the above that whenever the Irish
account of the Cruithnian kings and the early part of the Pictish
Chronicle introduce Ireland, or rather Hibernia, the information given
along with it is contradicted by other authorities who evidently used the
same original manuscript from which these two were compiled, and at the
same time interpolated.
Florence of Worcester’s Chronicle is the next work we
propose to analyse. It is mainly a copy of the Chronicle compiled by
Marianus Scotus, who was born in 1028
and died in
1052. Under the year 1028, Florence calls Marianus a Scot of
Hibenmia. [Translation in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, which is the edition
referred to throughout this notice.] Marianus himself says he was born in
Scotia; and he never expressly affirms that this was the name of Ireland
or Hibernia; but he gives a clear indication of the country of his birth
by connecting kings Duncan and Macbeth with Scotia. [Burton’s History of
Scotland, vi. i., p. 207, and Chalmers’ Caledonia, vol. i.,
p. 408, note.] lreland lays no claim to a monarch of the name of Macbeth
in the eleventh century.
At the year 446, Florence speaks of the Scots and Picts
coming from the north to invade the territories of the Romanised Britons
in unison with other writers. At 651, Finan is said to have been sent by
the Scots; and at 661 he is said to have been succeeded by Colman, who was
also sent out of Scotland. At 664, Colman, we are told, rejoined his
adherents in Scotland, which is also called his own country. From these
instances, selected from others of the same nature, and compared with what
has been said about these Scottish priests in reviewing Bede’s
Ecclesiastical History (above, page 39), it will be seen that Florence’s
Scotia was the Scotland of the present day, or at least a part of it.
Some of the interpolations which occur in Florence’s
Chronicle may now be given to show their character. A.D. 491. St Patrick,
archbishop of Ireland, made a blessed end, aged 122 years."
"521. St Bridget, the Scottish
nun, died in Ireland." " 672. As he (Bishop Ceadda) was departing out of
this world, the most reverend father Egbert, who had been his
fellow-scholar in Ireland, saw the spirit of St Chad, the bishop, Ceadda’s
brother, with an host of angels, descend from heaven, and bear it upwards
with them on their return to the realms of bliss." 674....Ireland, the
island of the saints, was gloriously filled with holy men and wonderful
works." " 687. St Killian, a Scot, born in Ireland, and bishop of
Wartzburg, became eminent." These interpolations in two instances connect
the Scots with Ireland; but that country is never called Scotia here or
elsewhere in Florence’s Chronicle. After these interpolations, however, it
may be as well to give a few more quotations from the genuine text, in
which Scots are connected with Scotland. At the year 901, in speaking of
the life of King Edward, it is said that "he also reduced to subjection
the king of the Scots, the Cumbrians, and the Strathclyde and Western
Britons." At 1050, "Macbeth, king of Scotland;" is spoken of. "A.D. 1054.
Siward, the stout earl of Northumbria, by order of the king, entered
Scotland, with a large body of cavalry, and a powerful fleet, and fought a
battle with Macbeth, king of the Scots, in which the king was defeated
with the loss of many thousands, both of the Scots and of the Normans."
The reader may now be able to judge whether the
following celebrated Scots belonged to Ireland or Scotland. They are
claimed by the Irish, but as Florence does not say they were born in
Ireland, or had ever been in that country, their claim cannot be allowed.
"974. . . . Eberger, archbishop of Cologne, gave the abbey of St Martin at
Cologne to the Scots for ever. Minborin, a Scot, was the first abbot."
"986....Minborin, the Scotch abbot, died in the abbey of St Martin at
Cologne. . . . Killin succeeded him." 1003. "Killian, a Scot, and abbot of
the Scottish monastery of St Martin, died. . . . Helias, a Scot, succeeded
him." 1042. "Abbot Elias, a Scot, died... of St Martin. He was succeeded
by Maiolus, a Scot, a holy man. 1061. "Maiolus, abbot of the Scots, died
at Cologne; Foilan succeeded him." As no distinction is made between the
Scots over whom Macbeth was king and these Scots just mentioned, they were
evidently all born in Scotland.
Between these notices the following relating to Ireland
appear, which are so characteristic as to be worth reproducing:—
‘A. D. 1043..... Animchadus, a Scottish monk, who led,
a life of seclusion in the monastery at Fulda, died...... Over his tomb
lights were seen, and there was the voice of psalmody. Marianus, the
author of this chronicle, took up his station as a recluse for ten years
at his feet, and sang masses over his tomb. He has related what follows
respecting this Animchadus: ‘When I was in Ireland,’ says Marianus, ‘in an
island called Keltra, he entertained, with the permission of his superior,
named Cortrarn, certain brethren who came there. Some of them departed
after their meal, but those who remained sat warming themselves at the
fire, and asked him for something to drink, and on his refusing to give it
without leave, they urged him to comply. At last he consented, but first
sent some of the beverage to his superior, for his blessing. On the
morrow, being asked for what reason he sent it, he related all the
circunistanoes. But his superior, for this slight fault, immediately
ordered him to quit Ireland, and he humbly obeyed. He then came to Fulda,
and lived a life of holy seclusion, as I have already said, until his
death. This was told us by the Superior, Tigernah, on my committing some
slight fault in his presence. Moreover, I myself heard, while I was in
seclusion at Fulda, a very devout monk of that monastery, whose name was
William, implore the aforesaid Animchadus, who was then in his tomb, to
give him his benediction; and, as he afterwards told me, he saw him in a
vision standing in his tomb, shining with great brightness, and. giving
him his benediction with outstretched arms; and I, too, passed the whole
of that night in the midst of a mellifluous odour.’ These are the words of
Marianus says he was obliged to leave his country,
winch in his own work he calls Scotia, on account of religions disputes.
This notice in Florence has evidently been fabricated, not only to connect
Marianus with Ireland, but also to show why he left his native couutry. It
is very unlikely that the slight fault noticed here is the religions
disputes referred to by Marianus; and the marvellous circumstances with
which it is connected, are alone sufficient to discredit it.
The other notice of Ireland appearing between the
notices of the Scots of Cologne is as follows: "1053.....Aed, a
long-bearded cleric in Ireland, a man of great eminence and earnest piety,
had a large school of clerks, maidens, and laymen; but he subjected the
maidens to the tonsure in the same manner as clerks, on which account he
was compelled to leave Ireland."
Henry of Huntingdon is considered to be the of the
earliest of the English historians as distinguished from chroniclers. He
lived in the first half of the twelfth century. The first two books of his
history are mainly a cornpilation from Bede’s Ecclesiastical history and
the Saxon Chronicle. The third book is an epitome of Bede's information
relating to the conversion of the English to Christianity. There appears
to be no manuscript extant which can be considerd to have been written by
Huntingdon. All the manuscripts, the earliest of which date from the
thirteenth or fourteenth century, are therefore only copies; and
this should be borne in mind in dealing with the statements contained in
the work, as it renders the task of tracing any interpolations more
difficult. It was first printed in the year 1596, that is, after the
period of the Reformation in Scotland.[Bohn’s Translation, preface, p.
It is difficult to say how much of this work is
Huntingdon's own composition, as already stated. He frequently speaks of
Hibernia or Ireland; but it has to be remembered that the former name had
probably become attachcd to Ireland before his day. Many of the
interpolations in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History are copied in this work;
but it is possible they may have been inserted in Huntingdon’s History by
other hands than his. It is significant to find that Ireland or Hibernia
is seldom mentioned in the work before us from the period of Bede’s death
till the eleventh century. Dealing with the work as we find it, however,
there is abundant evidence to show that Huntingdon understood Scotia to
have always been the name for the north—east of present Scotland; and
that, like all the other writers whose works have been examined, he was
ignorant of its having ever been applied to Ireland. It is necessary to
reiterate this statement in order to bring out the fact as clearly as
possible that all the ancient English historians who lived near the time
when Ireland is said to have been called Scotia, or when the. transference
of the name to present Scotland is said to have taken place, omit all
notice of such an important historical event, as it strengthens the other
proofs in favonr of Scotland being the only Scotia.
Having dealt at some length with the most of the
interpolations in Huntingdon in speaking of those in the Ecclesiastical
History of Bede, it is needless to go over the same ground again. A few
passages will be referred to in support of what has just been alleged, and
this is all that is necessary to add to what has already been said on the
subject. With regard to Huntingdon’s ignorance of Ireland being called
Scotia, we have a plain intimation near the begining of the history, that
is, supposing the passage to have been written by him. That it is an
interpolation made for the purpose of showing there were large numbers of
Scots in Ireland, has already been sufficiently demonstrated, but that
does not affect the present question. Near the beginning of the first book
[Bohn’s Translation, p. 2.] it is said that Albion was afterwards called
Britain, and then England. Shortly afterwards the Scots’ migration from
Ireland is spoken of, which country is described and mentioned several
times. [Ibid., pp. 9-12.] It is even stated that it was the original
country of the Scots. This was the place to say that Ireland was at the
time called Scotia, but there is not even a hint given here, or elsewhere
in this work, that such was the case. Although the Scots are connected
with Ireland, it is always called by that name, or rather Hibernia. This
is just what has been done in copying the same information into Bede’s
History; and in both instances the interpolators have so far missed their
mark. In speaking of Henry of Huntingdon’s statement about the Pictish
language being entirely lost, and the people being all destroyed, which
also occurs at the beginning of the first book, Professor Skene says it is
not true of the language, if it resembled one of the other languages
mentioned by Bede and Huntingdon so closely that one of the spoken
languages might equally represent it.. He adds that it is not true of the
people either, as almost in the very year Huntingdon says they were all
killed, he mentions the Picts as forming an entire division in David the
First’s army at the battle of the Standard.[Celtic Scotland, vol. i. p.
194, note.] This shows how inefficiently the manipulators of ancient
Scottish history discharged their task, and emphasises the remarks made by
Innes on their want of sense and judgment, as quoted above (page 15).
Passing on to the period when the Romans left the
island destitute of armed men, we find Hnntingdon repeating the substance
of the passages in Bede, and all the other ancient annalists, relating to
the incursions of the Scots and Picts.[Bohn’s Translation, pp. 38- 36]
These have been taken from a preceding writer, Gildas, who never speaks of
Ireland or Hlbernia. After describing the several successful inroads of
the Scots and Picts, Huutingdon then notices their defeat by the Britons,
and has the same sentence as we find in the Ecclesiastical History: "The
Scots with shame returned to Ireland," or Hibernia. [Ibid., p. 35.] Here
again no mention is made of Scotia as the name of Ireland.
Hnntingdon refers to Palladius being sent to the Scots,
as most of the other ancient writers do. [Ibid., p. 35.] Shortly
afterwards he tells us that the Scots and Picts again attacked the
Britons; and here he calls them northern nations, [Ibid., p. 36.] like
Gildas. With the interpolated passages about Scots coming from Ireland to
Britain, and returning there again, readers might have some difficulty in
saying which Scots it was to whom Palladius was sent; but they have just
to remember that Huntingdon lived when Scotia was the well-known name of
present Scotland, and if these Scots had been the inhabitants of any other
country he would have said so. In Book II. we are told that Oswy
subjugated most of the tribes of Scots and Picts who occupied the northern
districts of Britain; and shortly afterwards it is said that Edgar’s
dominion extended over all the Scottish people. [Bohn's Translation, p.
52] It requires to be noticed that the northern districts of Britain here
mentioned were not Scotia proper, but those districts of Britain adjacent
to its southern frontier. There must have been no Scots in Ireland in
Edgar’s time, for there is no evidence that his dominion extended over
that country.
Passing on to the letter addressed by Laurentius to the
Scots, [Ibid., p. 83] which has already been spoken of in dealing with the
same in the Ecclesiastical history, we have the first mention of Scotia or
Scotland by Huntingdon. If this had been the name of Ireland at time time
referred to, a writer, who lived when it was a name for Scotland only,
would have said so. And so with the Scots, to whom Pope Honorius wrote,
[Ibid, p.94] if they had been inhabitants of any other country but
Scotland Huntingdon would have said so. At page 96 [Ibid] we are told that
Osric and Eanfrid had been baptised while they were in exile among the
Scots and Picts; and on page 97 that "Oswald . . . sent into Scotland
where he had been exiled.’ Then these words occur in the next sentence:
"The Scots who dwelt in the south of’ Ireland." Here then we have not only
a distinction made between Scotland and Ireland, but also between the
Scots of Scotland and the Scots of Ireland. Of course this is taking the
work as it stands. Several of these passages are evidently interpolations,
especially those in which Ireland is mentioned, but their character in
this respect has been treated of already. It may not be out of place to
enumerate them all here, so that the reader may cornpare them with each
other, amid with the references to the Scots and Scotia.
In addition to the instances already noticed, Ireland
or the Irish are mentioned on pages 2, 3, 52,
60, 98, 99, 102, 106, 114, 117, which takes us up to the year
699, or about 35 years before Beck’s death. The words Ireland or Irish do
not occur again till the year 945, pages
169 and 170; and then not again till the year 1051, page 203. With
the exception of the two last, the others have all been dealt with in
speaking of the interpolations in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History. It is
remarkable to find that all the notices of Ireland which occur in
Huntingdon up to the year 699 appear also in Bede’s work, and that the
name is not found again in Huntingdon till the year 945, which is after
the time Ethelwerd says Ireland was first so called.
Besides the notices of the Scots and Scotland already
referred to, the following appear:—Pages 4, 8, 38,
54, 55, 80, 98, 104, 105, 147, 169,
170, 172, 173, 176, 184, 198, 204, which takes us to the year 1054. The
most of these seem to be a part of the genuine text, and they all refer to
the country now called Scotland or its inhabitants. It should be stated
that, in the passage on page 80, it is said that there was a controversy
with the Scots and Picts about Easter, The Scots are twice mentioned here
by Huntingdon. Wendover reproduces this passage almost word for word; but
neither Scots nor Picts nor anything about the Easter controversy appears
in connection with the same event as narrated by that writer.