The government of towns by Magistrates and
their Councillors, was especially suited to the rude times of
early Scottish history, when the burghal system was growing into
coherence and paternal rule had become essential to its
development. The workmen who were without feudal protection, and
had joined themselves into crafts for self defence, and the
merchants who found their single-handed ventures precarious, and
had united into guilcis for mutual aid, all recognized how needful
it was for their safety and strength, that the fathers of the
burgh should govern with arbitrary sway, and that themselves
should render a ready obedience; and so the rule of Town Councils,
and the transmission and continuance of their authority, became
established as necessary for the well-being of the community.
The manner in which burgesses were then placed upon the Council in
Dundee, could scarcely be tenned an election in the ordinary sense
of the word. The old body annually nominated the new—two of the
number being craftsmen, and ten, merchant venturers, while the
past Magistrates were continued in office for another year as
Councillors. The old Council and the new, along with the nine
deacons of crafts, then met "in the revestrie of the kirk on
Sunday efter forenoon sermon, according to the laudable custom
observit be long antiquitie, past memorie of man," and there, from
out out of lists prepared by the old Council, elected the Provost,
Dailies, Dean of Guild, and other officers. At one time the
elections appear to have taken place with some irregularity, but
it was enacted "that all common offices, sic as Provost, Dailies,
Councillors, Dean of Guild, Treasurer, Kirkmaster,
Almshousemaster, Vesiomasters, and Deacons of Warkmen, shall be
vacant ilk year at the feast of Michaelmes, and persons of new
electit and chosen thereto." And afterwards, when it was found
that some had neglected their duty, and " absentit themselves fra
the leeting and election of the Magistrates and Council, to the
grite hintlerance of his Majestic's service, and the prejudice of
the common weill of the burgh, it was ordaint that in case ony
person that lies vote sall absent himself heirefter upon the
ordinary days fra the leeting and election, that lie sail pay
twenty pounds unlaw but favour." No one was allowed to decline
office. "Quhen ever ony person be common suffrage and vote, is
electit to be Provost, Bailie, Dean of Guild, Treasurer,
Almshouse-master, Piermaster, or Commissioner to Parliament, he
sall accept the office upon him, and use the samyn faithfully
according to his conscience, [giving] his aith to that effect; and
quhatsumever person he be that refuses or defers to accept and use
his office efter he be chargit thereto, sail incontinent
theirefter be either wardit or poyiidit until he pay ten pounds to
the common warks;" and notwithstanding, "sail nocht be dischargit
of office, but compeilit to accept and use the samyn be our
Soverane Lord's letters, or wardit until he accept."
On entering into their places, "the Bailies were sworn and gave
their aiths for faithful administration for the year to come,
according to their conscience and knowledge, and as God should
give them grace and "the hail Council were also sworn and gave
their aiths for the faithful discharge of their offices in giving
true counsel to the common weill, in convening on the ordinary
days and uthier times quhen they sall be chairgit, and in keeping
close and secret that quhilk sail be spoken in Council, as also
for assisting the Magistrates at all times convenient—be the haly
name of God." And it was ordained "that "if ony sall reveal or
open the secrets quhilk he hears in Council to ony manner of
person, then the revealer sali be dischairgit of fbrder place, and
never bruikl office in time coming," but be held as ane mensworn
At a season when some negligence had been shown toward civic
duties, the Council moralized upon how "the common affairs and the
business quhilk tends nocht to ony private man's profit and
commoditie, does oft times pass in oblivion, is forgot and
negiectit, as we may daily see and understand in the common weill
and business of the burgh, which is wonderfully hurt and hinderit
in as meikie as almaist na man remembers thereon;" and they
enacted, for the better ordering of the meetings, "that ane
officer pass and warn the Bailies and Council to assemble ilk oulk
on Tuesday at ten hours before noon in the Council- house, there
to treat, deliberate, advise, and determine upon the common
affidrs, on all business pertening to the common weill, and all
uther things being thocht expedient for the present time;" and
those not then attending to be each fined two shillings—the Bailie
or Clerk four shillings, "and the box to be set on the
Councilhouse buird for receiving the pains the next day efter the
absents compeir." At a later time, "they reiterat their aiths
anent the keeping of the Council ilk oulk on Tuesday, and
promittit upon their fidelities and consciences to observe the
acts made thereanent, and in case they should be found
contravening, to paythe penalties contenit therein,but grudge or
contradiction." The enforcement of fines did not, however, amend
"their slow and ( negligent convening upon the ordinary days and
other days when they were chargit"—of which "lawful warning, sic
as had been accusit" for absence, " commonly pretendit ignorance,
quhairthrow the affairs of the common weill were oftimes neglectit
and overpast; for remeid quhairof it was concludit that the
Council be convenit be ringing of the bell quhilk is hung at the
east end of the tolbuith, and was usit of before as the common
bell of the burgh, but sail not serve to that heirefter, only to
the use appointit; and that ilk Tuesday the said bell sail be rung
be the officer, fra half-hour to ten, until it be ten stricken;
and sic persons as convene nocht before the end of the bell
ringing sail pay twa shillings, and sic as absent themselves all
the time of the Council, they being within the burgh and able to
have convenit, sail pay ten shillings."
But the ringing of this bell, which not long before had been hung
"upon the north-east nuik of the tolbuith " for summoning the
Guildry and crafts to assemble, did not cause the Councillors to
attend as they ought; and the unlaws were increased, so that " he
quha convenes nocht at the bell-ringing—at the least by ten
hours—sail pay ten shillings for ilk time of his absence, and the
Bailie or clerk notit absent, twenty shillings;" notwithstanding
which, " the rare assemblies and convention of persons "
continued, and recourse was then had to extreme measures. "It was
ordaint that in case ony person be notit absenting himself three
days togidder fra the Council, he being within the burgh, and
nocht diseasit, that he sail be dischairgit and deleit furth of
the number immediately theirefter, and also pay the penalties for
his absence." And afterwards this ordinance was made even more
stringent. "Sic < persons as have made faith for administration of
their offices ilk oulk on Tuesday at ten hours, failing be the
space of twa days togidder, they being within the burgh and nocht
obtening liberty, sail be deprivit of their offices, and uthers
electit in their places but ony calling of them judicially."
These rules were, however, found after trial to be too exacting;
constant attendance was impossible, and the expulsion of absentees
was impracticable; so the Council resolved to reduce the penalties
to reasonable limits, and "concludit that the hail persons absent
on the ordinary days and hours, sall pay forty pennies preceislie
for ilk day's absence, ilk Bailie six shillings eight pennies, and
the Provost, with his awn consent, sall ilk time pay ten
shillings." Sir James Scryrngcour, a "dour" and overbearing man,
was then Provost, and the Council, not yet having begun to fight
with him, prudently gave him the option of paying his own fines.
In prospect of a steady accretion of penalties, a new pirlic box
of copper was made for their safe reception. This article, which
was probably fashioned by David Gray, a noted pewterer in the
burgh, is still preserved, and forms a rather interesting relic of
those times and of their craftsmen's work. It is of spherical
shape, about nine inches diameter, having a stud passing through
which held it to the table, and whereon it revolved. In the side
is a slit for the admission of coins, and also a hole, secured by
a lock, out of which they might be emptied when the vessel had
been turned over, but this could only be (lone after a nut upon
the end of the stud, which required a peculiar key to turn it, had
been removed. The surface of the box is engrave(l with boldly
executed ornamentation, and has several inscriptions in separate
round compartments. The first of these is—"Payment for not coming
to the Counsell of Dundie," enclosing the initials of the "Baizeis,
1602." The next is—" Lord bless the Provost, Bailizies, and
Counsell of Dundie;" in the centre, " Sir James Schrimgeour,
Provost, Anno 1602, 14 May." Then a shield having the town's
badge—the lily, and the motto, "Dei Donum;" and another shield
with the Scottish Lion, surrounded by the words, "Feare God and
obey the King."
Shortly after this coffer was made, the fines "upon the persons of
the Council quha convened nocht immediately efter the
bell-ringing," were again increased to six shillings eight
pennies, and upon the Provost, to thirteen shillings four pennies;
and the box was ordered "to be set every Council day upon the
buird for receiving them," and also "ilk court day for receiving
unlaws; and to have twa keys, ane thereof to be delivered to ane
Bailie, and the uther keepit be the Kirkmaster." During a time of
plague, when all felt a dread at meeting their neighbours, heavy
penalties had to be exacted from those absent. "The haul Council
agreed to convene ilk Tuesday at ten hours but warning, and remain
till twelve, for handling the common affairs, and sielike, at sic
uthcr hours as they sail be warnit to keep, under the pain of five
pounds." When the pest ceased, the fines were again reduced. It
was enacted that "every magistrate that beis absent furtli of the
Council- house upon Tuesday immediately efter the preaching and
before the dn(ling of the ringing of the Council bell, sail pay
thirteen shillings four pennies, and ilk Councillor quha sail
nocht " be then present, or "sail nocht keep the preceise hours
upon utlier extraordinar days, sail pay six shillings eight
pennies, to be presently imput in the common box hinging in the
Council house."
The common kist, which contained the charters, writs, and valuable
documents belonging to the burgh, was secured by three locks, the
keys of which were, "according to the accustomat order, disponit
for tine year," to the treasurer ane key, to a councillor ane key,
and to a representative of the crafts ane key, who were required
to be together present at the opening of the kist, "and when any
evident was taken out to tak ane pledge for inbringing of the
same." It was, however, ordained that "the kist should nocht be
opened without ane Bailie and three of the Council at the least
being present, and the three keepers of the keys also, and (,,If
it beis done utherways, it sail be repute ane prove draucht, and a
defamation to the keepers for ever, and they sail never [again]
bear office in the guid town."
In order that the business of the burgh might be transacted openly
and honestly, and without the influence of improper motives, it
was enacted "that na common office or public action suld be given
or disponit be private or sinister reasons or wayings, but in
convenient public time and place, quhair Provost, Bailies, and
Council, and all uthers having votes, suld be presently warnit to
reason the matter and give their determination as they think best
for the common weill. And it was declared that all private
donations, bypast, "or that may be proponit, contrair to these
terms, shall be of nano avail, force, nor effect."
The inhabitants of the burgh were generally law-abiding, and ready
to give to the Council the honour which was due to unquestioned
authority; but some of them—men and women—were turbulent railers
that did not show themselves amenable to the paternal rule. For
these, condign punishments were provided. "Gif oiiy person be
fundin missayingl or blaspheming ony of the Council chosen for the
time, or oiiy taxters,2 or eujr3 of wine or ale, or ony person
doing business at the command of the Provost, Bailies, or
Council," that blasphemer "sail pay to the Kirkmaster forty
shillings; and gif the person " pay not, and "lies not guids
strenzeable to be poyndit, then the man [offending shall] lie in
the stocks forty-aucht hours, and the woman in the cuckstule."
Disobedience was, however, punished more rigorously than evil
speech. "Gif ony person be fundin disobeying any one bearing
office within the burgh, he sail pay five pounds of money but ony
forder process," and if lie pay not "his readiest guids sail be
poyndit therefor and quha beis convictit sail come to the Mercat
Croce and upon his knees desire forgiveness of the person quhom he
has offendit, and gif lie disobey shall tyne his freedom." But if
the offender "lies not guids nor geir strenzeable for the soum, in
that case he sall lie forty-aucht hours in the stocks," and then
the next market day make amends upon his knees; "and "if lie
disobey thereafter, shall be banished the town for year and day,
but ony mitigation." It was a grave offence to "give ane cuff or
draw ane whinger in presence of the Provost, Bailies, and Council,
in the court, or any uther convention that should be made," for
which the offender had "to pay ten pounds to the common guid, by
satisfaction of the paiitie;" but if committed elsewhere, it was
more venial, for "quhaever gives ane cuff or draws fine whinger
utherways privately, sail pay to the common guid forty shillings,
by the said satisfaction of the pairtie."
At one time it was considered desirable to encourage the burgesses
to attend the meetings and express their Judgment upon public
affiuirs, and it was declared "to be lesum for ony neighbour or
inhabitant that lies knowledge of ony purpose concerning the
common weill, to come before the Council in the Council house and
declare his gude purpose." But too many had gone to give advice,
and after a while it became necessary to restrain public opinion
by ordaining "that na person heirefter sail presume to speak in
the Council without he first crave licence of the Provost and
Bailies to that effect, that matters may be cumlie and ordorlie
intreated as effeirs." There were other disquieting influences
which sometimes disturbed their deliberations. In the street below
the meeting-place, hucksters and shoemakers had established their
booths, and upon market days they made much noise, probably by
crying, as the fashion then was, What d'ye lack?" and by "using of
their craft, thereby continually perturbed the judgements and
counsels halden in the Tolbuith and Councilhouse." So it was found
necessary to make the street "red and wadi of the hucksters, and
have the shoe market removit at the feast of Whitsunday, and
placit and put be- east the bear market—because the hucksters are
against the common weill to occupy that place."
The persons of the Council in these old days, appear to have
generally performed their difficult work with much judgment and
discretion. Perhaps they were narrow in their opinions and
restricted in their sympathies, but these were characteristics of
the time which they could not avoid; and if often too rigorously
severe, they were usually influenced by inflexible impartiality,
by conscientious convictions, and a high sense of Christian duty.
The business which belonged to the general good, was always to be
considered before any matter of personal interest; for "na
particular actions shall be receivit be the Council but only what
appertenes to the common weill, until the common actions be first
discussit." All was done with dignity and in order; even in small
matters they acted "high and clisposedly," whether it might be in
hearing "the bellman give his aith for faithful administration of
his office," instructing "the Dean of Guild to wair the sylver
being in his hands upon ane green clayth to the Councilhiouse
buird," or ordaining "the treasurer to deliver to the officer, ane
cloke, in recompense for his cloke tynt in the town's service."