HAVING taken notice of all the old works established in Tillicoultry, I
will now go over to Devonside, that thriving little suburb of our village,
most of which is built on the property of James Blair, Esq., of Glenfoot.The
first mill erected there was built by Mr. Thomas Monteith, of Tillicoultry,
in 1834; and in company with his son William, the business was carried on
there for a great many years under the firm of Thomas Monteith & Son. The
erection of this mill was the commencement of the village of Devonside. It
is the second one from the bridge.
The ground being once broken there,
others soon followed Mr. Monteith's example, and in 1836 the mill next
the, bridge was built by a company of three,— Messrs. James Henderson,
David Moir, and Robert Walker (a cousin of the present Mr. Robert Walker).
In the same year, also, the mill to the west of Messrs. Monteith's was
built by the following gentlemen,—Messrs. David Anderson, Robert
Blackwood, Peter Miller, William Young, and William Smith, senior; and the
one to the west of it again, in 1841, by Messrs. James and John Hunter,
Robert Young, and William Smith, junior.
Beyond this last spinning
mill, and farthest west of the public works, a weaving factory was erected
Messrs. James and Matthew Thomson about the year 1845 or
The first little one-storied mill at Keilersbrae was built by a Mr.
Keiller; and hence the name of the works. Mr. William Archibald (son of
Mr. John Archibald of Menstrie) who was for some little time at the
commencement of his business career in company with old Mr. Paton at
Kilncraigs, Alloa, left there, and bought Keillersbrae Mill, and commenced
business there by himself. He added two stories to the mill, thus greatly
increasing it in size. His brother, Mr. John Archibald ('Uncle John'), was
carrying on spin- fling at this time in Strude Mill, Alva, and Mr.
William's two Sons, John and William, were there with him. Mr. William,
senior, and Uncle John then changed places,—.Mr. William going up to
Strude Mill, and his brother coming down to Keillersbrae. Mr. William spun
stocking-yarn at Keillersbrae, and continued to do so at Strude Mill,
Alva; while Uncle John started the business of machine-maker at
Keillersbrae, and continued this as long as he lived.
After a time, Mr. William Archibald, senior, built Keillersbrae new mill,
for his three sons, John, William, and Andrew, and an extensive
manufacturing business was carried on by them there for a number of years.
To celebrate the start of it, a grand ball was held in one of the flats of
the mill, at which there was a very large
attendance,—the largest, I believe, that was ever seen in the county. The
walls were all hung with tartan, and great preparations made for it, and
the entertainment passed off with great spirit, and proved a great
When this business was given up, Mr. Andrew joined his father at Strude
Mill, Alva, where a most prosperous business of
stocking-yarn spinning had been established by him, and the firm was then
changed to William Archibald, Son, & Co. This business is still being most
successfully carried on—under the same old firm—by their successors,
Messrs. Cowan and Dawson.
When referring to Keilersbrae, it may not be
uninteresting to learn how the water-power for this mill and other mills
in Alloa was got. From the last Statistical Account of the parish of Aba
(drawn up by the late Mr. William Brodie, teacher, Alloa, in 1840), we
learn that about the year 1700 (183 years ago), 'the celebrated John, Earl
of Mar, who had a great mechanical turn, and attended much to the
improvement of hydraulic machinery (the steam-engine not having then been
brought forward), caused a strong dam-head to be thrown across the Black
Devon at Forrest Mill, in the parish of Clackmannan, by which he raised
the bed of this river 16 feet higher. From the top of this dam-head he
carried an aqueduct westward about four miles, which carried the water
into Gartmorn Dam, perhaps the largest artificial lake in Scotland,
covering, when full, above 160 imperial acres. It is about 160 feet above
the level of the Forth, and 92 feet above Alloa. In some places it is 36
or 37 feet deep, being sufficient to carry a seventy- four gun ship. Prior
to 1785, only a temporary dyke existed. A dam-head was then built of hewn
stone, measuring upwards of 320 yards, at an expense of several thousand
pounds. In the year 1827 this embankment threatened to give way, in which
case it would have swept away, with the torrent of its waters, all the
lower part of the town of Aba lying in its course. It then underwent a
complete repair by Mr. John Craich, the present manager of the colliery,
at an expense of only £300; whereas, in the opinion of a celebrated
engineer, the sum necessary for performing the work effectually would be
£3500. This lake is situated at the north-east extremity of the parish,
about two miles from Alloa. Its waters form a permanent supply for driving
the hydraulic machinery of the Alloa Colliery and the water-wheels of
various manufactories.'
The Earl of Mar could find no person in Scotland of
sufficient skill to carry out this undertaking, and in order that he might
have the most eminent person then known, he brought Mr. Sorocold, a mining
engineer, from Wales, at a great expense, to carry the scheme through. The
primary object the Earl had in view in the formation of Gartmorn was to
get a supply of water for the water-engine at the coal-pit near
The hamlet of Forrest Mill, from the neighbourhood of
which the supply of water is got for Gartmorn, was in the year 1766 the
abode of Michael Bruce, the poet of Lochleven, where he taught a little
school. He was suffering from consumption when he went there, and on his
journey thither from Kinnesswood his horse stumbled with him when passing
through the Black Devon, and, all dripping and wet, he arrived at his
lodgings there. This greatly accelerated his malady, which so soon after
terminated fatally. In writing to his friend Mr. David Pearson, he says:
'The next letter you receive from me, if ever you receive another, will be
dated 1767. . . . I lead a melancholy kind of life in this place. . . I
have some evening scholars, the attending on whom, though few, so fatigues
me that the rest of the night I am quite dull and low- spirited. Yet I
have some lucid intervals, in the time of which I can study pretty well.'
Michael Bruce was the author of some of the finest
compositions in the English language,— such as the 'Ode to the Cuckoo,' 'Lochleven,'
'The Last Day,' etc.; while some of the most beautiful of our paraphrases
were written by him. Dr. M'Kelvie of Balgeddie, in his biography of him,
clearly proves that Logan pilfered a great many of Bruce's finest poems,
and published them as his own. He died in 1767, at the early age of
twenty-one, and was buried in Portmoak churchyard. His father, Alexander
Bruce, was a weaver in Kinnesswood. He died in 1772.
OF 1877.
I will now refer shortly to those who occupied some of
the mills after the original proprietors of them had passed away, and to
some public works of more recent date.
On Mr. James Dawson and his family emigrating to
America, Messrs. J. & D. Paton and J. & R. Archibald jointly leased the
south part of this mill, having each one set of machines in it; while J. &
B. Archibald occupied the northern portion of it by themselves as a
weaving shop. In 1848 both of them gave up the whole mill in my favour,
and it was here I commenced manufacturing in that year, and continued in
it by myself till 1851. The south part, as before, was filled with carding
and spinning machinery; my office, ware- room, etc., were in the first
fiat of the north mill; while the upper flat, attics, and back weaving
shop were filled with looms.
In 1851 Mr. Archibald of Devonvale and I entered into
partnership under the firm of William Gibson & Co., and the office was
removed to Craigfoot; but we still retained Dawson's Mill, and have
continued the tenants of it ever since. Mr. William Anderson was my first
warper, and continued in my employment for a number of years. He then
commenced manufacturing on his own account in the old U.P. church
(latterly Mr. Browning's), and carried on a very successful business there
till his death, which took place in 1870, when forty-two years of age.
The next mill below Dawson's (The Horse, or Company
Mill) was long carried on by Mr. Alexander Harrower of Alva; and on his
death a Mr. Scott became the tenant of it, and continued in it for many
years. Edward Meiklejobn & Co. next became the tenants, and are carrying
it on at the present time.
On the death of Mr. Andrew Walker, his widow carried on
Castle Mills for a considerable time, under the management of Mr. Robert
Fotheringham. After his death they were bought by Alexander M'Nab, Esq.,
of Glenochil, in 1849; and the firm of William Hutcheson & Co. was then
staited, and carried on the works till the disastrous flood of 1877, under
the management of Mr. William Hutcheson, and for a short time after that
under that of his son, Mr. Abraham Hutcheson.
This great flood having had such an important bearing
on the present position of these works, I will now briefly refer to it. On
the 28th of August 1877, one of the most calamitous floods took place
along the front of the Ochil range that was ever known in the memory of
man, and that will be long remembered in Dollar and Tillicoultry, where it
seemed to have wrought the greatest havoc. After a deluging rain had
continued for some time, the clouds seemed to have suddenly opened out in
a series of waterspouts all over the front part of the Ochils, and,
without a moment's warning, Tillicoultry Burn came raging down in one
mighty wall of water of some seven or eight feet high, carrying everything
before it, and causing great destruction to property all down through the
village, leaving a scene behind it that would be almost impossible to
First in its progress of destruction, a large portion
of Mr. Ilutcheson's power-loom shed, with the ground between it and the
burn, and the strong-built wall at the side of the burn, with the private
bridge inside the works, were all swept away without a moment's warning.
Then the upper public bridge was left almost a total wreck, the water
careering over the high parapet wall on the north side of it, forming one
of the most frightful scenes ever beheld. On passing this bridge the
raging rush of waters then scooped out a large portion of Upper Mill
Street, right across to the houses, and to the depth of some seven or
eight feet, the pavement for a good distance being carried away, and the
houses escaping total destruction only by a hairbreadth. On leaving this
point the mighty torrent then proceeded to the work of destruction on both
sides of the burn. The street on the west side was, for a long distance
and to a great depth, carried wholly away, and the east end of Mr. Ure's
house was completely wrecked, leaving the rooms inside quite exposed. On
the east side of the burn it knocked down the wall at the back of Mr.
Browning's property, and, rushing through the east portion of it, filled
the rooms to a great depth,—Mrs. Alexander's invalid son John narrowly
escaping being drowned, and was carried out with considerable difficulty.
After sweeping away the Tea Bridge, and coinmitting terrible havoc on both
sides of the burn, part of the water then rushed along Frederick Street
(the 'Howdub') and down Stirling Street (to the great consternation of the
inhabitants), a deep stream of water the whole width of the street, having
never been seen there before since ever it was a street.
On the main body of the water reaching the lower
bridge, it then swept along the High Street in a great volume of some
three feet deep; and so frightened were the inhabitants, that some of them
were leaping out at their back windows into the gardens behind, and great
damage was done to both dwelling-houses and shops.
But the most painful part of the whole catastrophe was
the lamentable loss of life connected with it, my good kind friend and
neighbour Mr. Hutcheson and one of his workwomen (Isabella Miller,
daughter of Mr. Crystal Miller, Union Street) being swept away with it and
drowned. Mr. Hutcheson and his dyer, William Stillie, were in conversation
at the end of the private bridge within the works; and Isabella Miller
was, at the critical moment, passing them, when, without the slightest
warning, the ground gave way under their feet, and bridge and all three
were engulfed and swept away with the torrent. The dyer got hold of the
iron stanchions in the windows of Mr. Walker's house below the public
bridge, and held on there till assistance came to him; but the other two
were carried away and drowned, Mr. Hutcheson's body being got down at the
Oak Mill, and Isabella Miller's a good way down the Devon. This lamentable
loss of life cast quite a gloom over the town, and great sympathy was felt
for the bereaved families.
It would be next to impossible to give a proper idea of
the spectacle our burnside presented after the flood had passed, and it
would have required to have been seen to be properly realized. The channel
of the burn was not only filled to the brim with immense boulders, but was
actually piled above this in many places to a great height; while the
streets on both sides of the burn were covered with debris to a great
depth, some huge blocks of stone, of above a ton weight, being carried
right across the streets and deposited on the pavement.
The channel of the burn being thus so completely filled
up, the water had to make new channels for itself on both sides of its
usual course, the one below the upper bridge being of great depth and
extent, and entirely stopping all traffic for a considerable time. The
pavement in many places. was torn up and damaged to a serious extent; and,
besides the great loss to private individuals, it took about £2000 to
repair the damage to our streets and burn. The dam-head up in the glen was
filled to the brim (it is 35 feet deep) with debris, and cost the
manufacturers above £100 to get it cleared out and repaired. (The Alloa
Illustrated Family Almanac of 1878 gives some very good views of the
destruction caused by this extraordinary flood, both in Tillicoultry and
Dollar,—those two places having suffered more than any of the other
villages along the foot of the Ochils,—and they are repeated again in that
of 1879.)
The effects of those waterspouts can be seen all over
the south side of the Ochil range, great holes having been made at many
places, and the earth from these to the bottom of the glens torn up to a
great depth, showing clearly that these great floods in Dollar and
Tillicoultry were caused by a series of waterspouts. A fine specimen of
this can be seen in the front of Ellieston Hill above Harviestoun West
Lodge, where a deep and wide scaur was made from the top of the hill to
the foot, and a large portion of a field covered to a great depth with the
debris. The lodge was surrounded with water, and the wall opposite it, on
the south side of the turnpike road, was tumbled over into the field. In
rebuilding this wall, Mr. Orr made several loopholes through it at its
base, in case of a similar catastrophe again happening. It is to be hoped,
however, they will never be required.
In the Statistical Account of Tillicoultry parish, Mr.
Osborne gives an account of a very heavy flood on the Devon, but doesn't
refer to Tillicoultry Burn at all. From the great destruction caused by
the Devon, however, it is more than probable that its tributaries
Tillicoultry and Dollar Burns, etc.—would also commit great havoc. He says
'A very remarkable and uncommon flood happened in
September 1785, which carried away a prodigious quantity of cern, broke
down a stone bridge at the Rack Mill in Dollar, and occasioned other very
extraordinary damage. The river rose in four or five hours more than 13
feet above its usual height at Tillicoultry bridge. A woman who was
assisting a farmer in removing his corn, on the south side, was forced
away by the rapidity and violence of the stream, and brought in safety to
the opposite bank. Her clothes had made her float on the surface of the
water, though she was carried down about a quarter of a mile.'
Shortly after Mr. Hutcheson's death, the works were
brought into the market for sale, and lying adjacent to our other premises
at Craigfoot, we bought them, and have carried them on ever since.
Having, for business purposes, got views taken of both
our works, I herewith insert them; and they will give a better idea than
any description can give of what some of the first mills in Tillicoultry
are like. The mill in the foreground of the view of Craigfoot Mill is
Dawson's Mill, which we only lease; while the large mill at the foot of
the Craig is the one built by J. & R. Archibald in 1838; and the wing
behind it (increased in height when the big mill was built) by Mr. William
Archibald, their father, in 1806.
The one-storied building below the entrance gate (in
the view of Castle Mill) is the upper end of the first mill in
Tillicoultry, built by the Messrs. Christie in the end of last century.
The large mill is the one built by Mr. Andrew Walker; while the
dwelling-house is on the site of the old castle formerly referred to, and
from which the works got their name. The roof of a house in the foreground
of this view (on the opposite side of the street from the entrance gate)
is the roof of the Horse, or Company Mill.
After the deaths of Messrs. James and George Walker,
their mill. (immediately below the upper bridge) was carried oti for a
considerable time by Mrs. George Walker, under the management of Mr.
Thomson Dawson, until Mr. Robert Walker, her son, was the length of
managing it himself. This mill, the Bridge Mill at Devonside, and Thomas
Monteith & Son's mill (subsequently acquired by him), are now Mr. Walker's
In 1860 the finishing works of Mr. Robert Drysdale were
erected, and have been carried on with great spirit ever since. The
grounds around these works are laid out with great taste, and are quite an
ornament to this entrance to the village.

From a very old document that has been put into my
hands, I find Mr. Drysdale can trace his genealogy back to the beginning
of the sixteenth century. I herewith give a copy of it in full :-
'On the twentieth day of May, one thousand five hundred
and three years,—
'We, Thomas, William, and James Douglas, Sons of the
departed Thomas Douglas, of Brushwood-Haugh, in the parish of Drysdale and
shire of Dumfries,* left our native place for the reason here assigned,
viz.: Defending our just and lawful rights against our unjust neighbour,
Johnstone of Greenstone-hill, who being determined to bring water to his
mill through our property, and having obtained leave of his friend the
king, began his operations on Monday the 16th May. We prevented him by
'The next day he brought twenty of his vassals to carry
on the work. We, with two friends and three servants (eight in all),
attacked Johnstone with his twenty; and in the contest fourteen of his men
were killed, along with their base leader.
'A report of these proceedings was carried to the king,
and we were obliged to fly (the tocsin being sounded). We took shelter
under the shadow of the Ochil Hills in a lonely valley on the river Devon.
'After having lived there two full years, we returned
home in disguise, but found all our property in the possession of
Johnstone's friends, and a great reward offered for our lives. We having
purchased a small shot called the Haugh of Dollar, and changed our names
to the name of our native parish, and are clearly in mind to spend the
residue of our days under the ope of the Ochils, and wish the name of
Drysdale to flourish in the lonely valley. The king passed through this
with his court on the 12th of June 1506, going from Stirling to Falkland;
dined on Halliday's green (an eastern neighbour), but we were not known.'
The foregoing document had been preserved among the
descendants of those three brothers Douglas (now known by the name of
Drysdale), and copied first by Symon Drysdale, of the Haugh of Dollar, in
the year 1620; by Robert Drysdale, of Tillicoultry, in 1708, and renewed
at different times since then.
The spinning mill of Edward Senior & Co. was erected in
1864, and the Oak Mill—built by a limited liability company—in 1873. The
latter is now the property of Mr. Gill, and was acquired by him in 1881.
I will now shortly take notice of a number of
manufacturing firms who did not spin, but bought all their yarns, and some
of whom carried on pretty extensive businesses; and foremost amongst these
is the enterprising firm of Monteith & Drysdale. The original partners of
this firm were Mr. James Monteith and Mr. Alexander Drysdale; and they
commenced business in 1836, in premises nearly opposite J. & G. Walker's
Mill, and carried on, also, the dye-house in connection with this mill for
a good many years. They had no spinning mill at this time, but bought all
their yarns. Mr. James Monteith died in 1847, and the business for a long
period was carried on solely by Mr. Drysdale, until his son, Mr. James,
was of age to assist him in it. In 1849, Mr. Drysdale bought the two mills
at Devonside, to the west of Thomas Monteith & Son's, and built the fine
new spinning mill there, with the large power-loom shed and other premises
that now form their extensive works. Mr. Drysdale retired from the
business in 1871, and it is now being carried on by Mr. James Drysdale and
Mr. Allan Ritchie, under the same old firm of Monteith & Drysdale.
The next business I will refer to is that of our
respected townsman, Mr. Robert Young. Mr. Young, as already noticed, was
one of the original partners of the firm who built the farthest west
spinning mill at Devonside in 1841; so that he has now been for the long
period of forty-one years one of our local manufacturers. In 1860 he built
those commodious premises in the Moss Road, where he has carried on his
business ever since. He is now assisted in it—and has been for a good many
years —by his son Mr. James.
The firm of James Dick & Co. commenced business in part
of the Bridge Mill at Devonside in 1850. The original partners of this
firm were—Messrs. James Dick, Thomas Graham, William Miller, and Andrew
Lane. Mr. Dick retired from the firm about two years after it was started,
but the name of the firm continued the same as before. Mr. Miller died a
few years after Mr. Dick left the business; and it was afterwards carried
on by the two remaining partners, Mr. Graham and Mr. Lane. Their premises
were changed, first from the Bridge Mill to part of Thomas Monteith &
Son's Mill, and ultimately to the weaving factory at the west end of
Devonside (erected by the Messrs. Thomson), where they continued in
business for nearly twenty years. The business was given up in 1877, Mr.
Graham still residing amongst us in retirement, and Mr. Lane removing to
It may not be uninteresting to give a list of some of
the firms that were at one time in the trade here, most of the members of
which have either passed away or have left the district:-

Firms carrying on manufacturing here at present, but
who don't spin yarns, as follows:-

John Archibald & Sons, of Menstrie, commenced at a very
early period to manufacture broadcloth, but did not continue long at this
branch of business. They were for a long time, however, quite celebrated
for a superior class of tartan trouserings, which were at one time very
fashionable, and greatly worn. They were the first, I believe, to
introduce power-looms into the district, having had some at work as far
back as fifty years ago. J. '86 R. Archibald, also, from the very
commencement of their business, occasionally made broadcloths and
trouserings; but they formed a very small portion of their business.
Up till the year 1830, the principal goods, however,
manufactured at the foot of the Ochils were blankets and plaidings, which
were generally taken to Perth market, and exposed on stalls for sale; and
this continued, less or more, up till the year 1840. About the year 1830,
a new manufacture was introduced to the locality, which gradually
superseded the weightier and plainer goods, and eventually became the
staple trade of the district,—that was, the manufacture of tartans. These
goods by and by became so fashionable, that no lady considered herself
dressed without a tartan plaid or shawl; and tartan dresses became very
fashionable also. The result was, that the demand for them became so
great, the trade soon assumed gigantic proportions, and the villages of
Alva and Tillicoultry increased rapidly in size and population. New firms
started by the dozen; and in the town of Alva alone there could not have
been fewer at one time than from thirty to forty manufacturing firms.
About the year 1854 a change of fashion took place,
which had a serious effect on the tartan trade, and which eventually drove
some of our largest firms out of it altogether; and that was, the
introduction of cloaks or jackets as an article of. dress, which have
continued ever since, in one shape or another, to hold their place in the
favour of the ladies. It was then that J. & B. Archibald, Devonvale, J. &
D. Paton, Robert Archibald & Sons, and ourselves, commenced to make tweeds
or shirtings, which ultimately resulted in J. & R. Archibald giving up the
manufacture of tartans entirely, and confining themselves almost wholly to
tweeds; Robert Archibald & Sons, to shirtings and tweeds; J. & D. Paton,
to tweeds, shirtings, shawls, and other new fabrics introduced from time
to time; while for ourselves we gave up manufacturing altogether, and have
since 1858 carried on the spinning trade alone. Tartan handkerchiefs,
however, are still largely manufactured, and give employment to a great
many hands; but the yarn for them is principally spun in Belgium, and at
prices the Scotch spinner cannot compete with; and hence the spinning
trade of this district is not much benefited by this class of work. Raised
shawls are now also (and have been for a number of years) manufactured
largely, and have at present every appearance of continuing to be for some
time a staple part of our local trade.
Some very extensive businesses are being carried on in
Alva at the present time, in various branches of our local manufactures;
but it would take too long time, and is out of the scope of these
jottings, to refer to them in detail. I may just mention, however, the
large and prosperous business of Messrs. William Ross & Sons, whose
extensive and beautiful premises add greatly to the business look of the
town of Alva. The late Mr. William Ross, sen., was a man of great taste,
and had a thorough practical knowledge of his business, and did much to
raise the fame of our local manufactures, from the beauty of the goods he
produced. He was the architect of his own fortune, and was much esteemed
and respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. The
business is now being carried on with great energy by four of his Sons,
and gives employment to a very large number of hands. Mr. Ross commenced
business in 1838, and, from a small beginning, gradually enlarged his
premises as his business increased on his hands. In 1865 he erected the
fine spinning mill and other premises at Brookfield, which are at present
being about doubled in size. He died on the 12th of July 1877, aged
sixty-eight years, leaving his widow and six of a family to mourn his
I will only refer to one of the old firms that at one
time existed in Alva, and which occupied a very prominent place in the
tartan shawl trade, and carried on a very extensive business for a great
many years,—the Messrs. Drysdale of Boll Mill. There were three brothers
of them,—William, John, and Robert. In addition to their spinning mill and
other premises, they erected in 1845 that fine weaving shop which is such
a conspicuous building in the higher part of Alva, and gives such a
business-like look to the town. The two youngest brothers were cut off
while quite young men,— the youngest one, Mr. Robert, first (he died in
1852), and Mr. John in 1854, and Mr. William alone now survives. Their
premises are now occupied by Messrs. Tod & Duncan, Ramage & Sutherland,
and others.
While Alva and Tillicoultry were from time to time
adding to the number of their mills and factories, and increasing in size
and population yearly, Menstrie stood almost stationary for a great many
years, having only the original woollen mill built by the three brothers
Archibald in the beginning of this century. In the year 1864, 4, however,
the first part of the very extensive and beautiful works of Messrs.
Drummond & Johnston was erected, which has since been added to so very
largely; and now their works give employment to a great number of hands,
and must have proved of immense benefit to the village. The original mill
of the brothers Archibald is still being carried on; but it has now passed
into the hands of Messrs. Robert Archibald & Sons, Tillicoultry, the head
of which firm was one of the three brothers.
A woollen mill has been carried on for a very long
period at Glendevon. Previous to 1850, Mr. Thomas Elliot was the tenant of
it; but in that year Mr. John Clayton succeeded him, and greatly enlarged
and improved the premises. Since Mr. Clayton's death, the works have been
carried on by his sons, under the firm of Clayton Brothers. They are
situated at the foot of Glenquhey Burn, and near to its junction with the
When referring to Glendevon reminds me of an amusing
incident in connection with a worthy farmer, who lived in the glen about
forty years ago, and who, when a young man, had studied for the ministry,
and preached for some little time. He and two of his companions had been
in a very jovial, happy mood one day, and when walking along the road,
were 'chaffing' the passers-by, or, as we would say in Scotland, 'taking
their fun off them;' when, meeting a decent-looking old man, one of them
addressed him thus,—'Well, my man, and who art thou?' To which he at once
most suitably replied,—'I am the servant of Saul the son of Kish, sent to
seek his father's asses, and lo and behold! I have found three of them.'
The three students had met their match in the decent old body, and must
have felt rather 'taken down a peg' when they got this reply; and, I hope,
were more prudent in future.
This story of the minister farmer of Glendevon brings
to mind a rather good story in connection with farms. A herd laddie was
quarrelled by his mistress for running into the house whenever it came on
a slight shower of rain, and was told he was not to do so unless it was an
even-down, pour. One day, shortly after this, it was a regular drenching
day from morning till night, and to the guidwife's astonishment there was
no word of the laddie coming in; but at last, at night, he made his
appearance, thoroughly soaked through and through; and when taken to task
for his strange conduct, he said he was told not to come in unless it was
an even,-down pour; 'now it wasna that, for it was squint.' This worthy
lady would see the necessity of being more particular as to the terms she
used to this 'young hopeful' after this.
The principal warehouses in Glasgow, in the early days
of the tartan trade, that confined themselves exclusively to this branch
of business were—Robert M'Kay & Co., Drysdales & Wilson, John Wilson,
Sons, & Co., Charles M'Donald & Co., and Gow, Butler, & Co.; while some of
the general warehouses, such as J. & W. Campbell & Co., William M'Laren,
Sons, & Co., John M'Intyre & Co., Stewart & M'Donald, Tannahill &
Robertson, Broadfoot, Brand, Thomson, & Co., etc., did a very large trade
in them. The Messrs. Drysdale (of Drysdales & Wilson)—William, Archibald
Browning, and Thomas Monteith—were natives of Tillicoultry, and had always
a very 'warm side' to their native village. Their father, Mr. Alexander
Drysdale, was an elder for a very long period in the United Presbyterian
Church here, and lived in Stirling Street, in the house at present owned
and occupied by Mr. James Hay. Mr. Thomas is the only brother that now
Mr. Robert M'Kay visited the hill foots himself for
'many years, and bought all the goods required by his firm; and Mr. Gibb
(brother of Mr. Gibb in Dollar) then succeeded him, and for a very long
period was the shawl buyer for this firm.
Mr. James Liddell was buyer for a considerable time for
Broadfoot, Brand, Thomson, & Co.; and latterly for John Wilson, Sons, &
Co. He was then succeeded by Mr. George Wilson, one of the sons of the
Mr. David Pye was one of the first shawl buyers for J.
& W. Campbell & Co., and Mr. Robb succeeded him, and continued their buyer
for a great many years.
Mr. Butler himself for a long period bought all the
goods required by Gow, Butler, & Co., and was a frequent visitor at the
foot of the Ochils. He was then succeeded by Mr. Fisher, who after Mr.
Butlers death Joined the firm, which was then changed to Gow, Fisher, &
Co. Mr. Smith was shawl buyer for Stewart & M'Donald for a good many
years. Mr. Charles M'Donald was a regular visitor at the hill foots for a
long period; and Mr. Alexander Paterson was afterwards made buyer for Mr.
M'Donald's firm.
In order to stimulate the demand for tartan dress
goods, a ball took place in Alva about the year 1845 or 1846, at which all
the ladies had to be dressed in tartan, which was very largely attended,
and proved a great success. This assembly was very much talked about for
many a day after, and was always spoken of as the 'tartan ball.' Tartan
dresses came to be very fashionable and generally worn, and dress goods
was a most prosperous branch of the tartan manufacture at the foot of the
Ochils for many years. All-wool tartans, however, were too expensive for
'the million;' and this gave rise to a new branch of the trade, which soon
assumed enormous proportions. This was the manufacture of Gala tartans,
which were made with cotton warps and woollen wefts, and came in at a much
more moderate price than all-wool goods, and the quantity of them
manufactured for many years was something fabulous. This branch of the
trade, however, didn't benefit the 'hill foots' at all, as these goods
were made principally in Auchterarder, Perth, and Glasgow.