The English army continued steadily to advance in the
order already described, and, after a march of eight miles, formed in order of battle, in
consequence of the advanced guard reporting that they perceived the Highland army at some
distance making a motion towards them on the left. Finding, however, that the Highlanders
were still at a considerable distance, and that the whole body did not move forward, the
Duke of Cumberland resumed his march as before, and continued to advance till within a
mile of the position occupied by the Highland army, when he ordered a halt, and, after
reconnoitring the position of the Highlanders, again formed his army for battle in three
lines, and in the following order.
The first line
consisted of six regiments, viz. the Royals, (the 1st,) Cholmondeley's, (the 34th,)
Price's, (the 14th,) the Scots Fusileers, (the 21st,) Monro's (the 37th,) and Barrels's,
(4th). The Earl of Albemarle had the command of this line. In the intermediate spaces
between each of these regiments were placed two pieces of cannon, making ten in all. The
second line consisted of five regiments, viz. those of Pulteney, (the 13th,) Bligh, (the
20th,) Sempil, (the 25th,) Ligonier, (the 48th,) and Wolfe's, (the 8th,) and was under the
command of General Huske. Three pieces of cannon were placed between the exterior
regiments of this line and those next them. The third line or corps de reserve , under
Brigadier Mordaunt, consisted of four regiments, viz. Battereau's (the 62d,) Howard's,
(the 3d,) Fleming's, (the 36th,) and Blakeney's, (the 27th,) flanked by Kingston's
dragoons, (the 3d). The order in which the regiments of the different lines are
enumerated, is that in which they stood from right to left. The flanks of the front line
were protected on the left by Kerr's dragoons, (the 11th,) consisting of three squadrons,
commanded by Lord Ancrum, and on the right by Cobham's dragoons, (the 10th,) consisting
also of three squadrons, under General Bland, with the additional security of a morass,
extending towards the sea; but thinking himself quite safe on the right, the duke
afterwards ordered these last to the left, to aid in the intended attack upon the right
flank of the Highlanders. The Argyle men, with the exception of 140, who were upon the
left of the reserve, were left in charge of the baggage.
The dispositions of both armies are considered to have been
well arranged; but both were better calculated for defence than for attack. The
arrangement of the English army is generally considered to have been superior to that of
the Highlanders; as, from the regiments in the second and third lines being placed
directly behind the vacant spaces between the regiments in the lines respectively before
them, the Duke of Cumberland, in the event of one regiment in the front line being broken,
could immediately bring up two to supply its place. But this opinion is questionable, as
the Highlanders had a column on the flanks of the second line, which might have been used
either for extension or echelon movement towards any point to the centre, to support
either the first or second line.

In the dispositions described, and about the distance of a
mile from each other, did the two armies stand for some time gazing at one another, each
expecting that the other would advance and give battle. Whatever may have been the
feelings of Prince Charles on this occasion, those of the Duke of Cumberland appear to
have been far from enviable. The thoughts of Preston and Falkirk could not fail to excite
in him the most direful apprehensions for the result of a combat affecting the very
existence of his father's crown; and that he placed but a doubtful reliance upon his
troops, is evident from a speech which he now made to his army. He said that they were
about to fight in defence of their king, their religion, their liberties, and property,
and that if they only stood firm he had no doubt he would lead them on to certain victory;
but as he would much rather, he said, be at the head of one thousand brave and resolute
men than of ten thousand if mixed with cowards, if there were any amongst them, who,
through timidity, were diffident of their courage, or others, who, from conscience or
inclination, felt a repugnance to perform their duty, he requested them to retire
immediately, and he promised them his free pardon fro doing so, as by remaining they might
dispirit or disorder the other troops, and bring dishonour and disgrace on the army under
his command.
As the Highlanders remained in thier position, the Duke of
Cumberland again put his army in marching order, and, after it had advanced, with fixed
bayonets, within half a mile of the front line of the Highlanders, it again formed as
before. In this last movement the English army had to pass a piece of hollow ground, which
was so soft and swampy, that the horses which drew the cannon sank; and some of the
soldiers, after slinging their firelocks and unyoking the horses, had to drag the cannon
across the bog. As by this last movement the army advanced beyond the morass which
protected the right flank, the duke immediately ordered up Kingston's horse from the
reserve, and a small squadron of Cobham's dragoons, which had been patrolling, to cover
it; and to extend his line, and prevent his being outflanked on the right, he also at same
time ordered up Pulteney's regiment, (the 13th,) from the second line to the right of the
royals and Fleming's, (the 36th,) Howard's, (the 3d,) and Battereau's (the 62d,) to the
right of Bligh's, (the 20th,) in the second line, leaving Blakeney's, (the 27th,) as a
During an interval of about half an hour which elapsed
before the action commenced, some manauvering took place in attempts by both armies to
outflank one another. While these manouvres were making, a heavy shower of sleet came on,
which, though discouraging to the duke's army, from the recollection of the untoward
occurrence at Falkirk, was not considered very dangerous, as they had now the wind in
their backs. To encourage his men, the Duke of Cumberland rode along the lines addressing
himself hurriedly to every regiment as he passed. He exhorted his men to rely chiefly upon
their bayonets,6 and to allow the Highlanders to mingle with them that they might make
them "know the men they had to deal with." After the changes mentioned had been
executed, his royal highness took his station behind the royals , between the first and
second line, and almost in front of the left of Howard's regiment, waiting for the
expected attack. Meanwhile, a singular occurrence took place, characteristic of the
self-devotion which the Highlanders were ready on all occasions to manifest towards the
prince and his cause. Conceiving that by assassinating the Duke of Cumberland he would
confer an essential service on the prince, a Highlander resolved, at the certain sacrifice
of this own life, to make the attempt. With this intention, he entered the English lines
as a deserter, and being granted quarter, was allowed to go through the ranks. He wandered
around with apparent indifference, eyeing the different officers as he passed along, and
it was not long till an opportunity occurred, as he conceived, for executing his fell
purpose. The duke having ordered Lord Bury, on of his aides-de-camp, to reconnoitre, his
lordship crossed the path of the Highlander, who, mistaking him, from his dress, for the
duke, (the regimentals of both being similar,) instantly seized a musket which lay on the
ground, and discharged it at his lordship. He missed his aim, and a soldier, who was
standing by, immediately shot him dead upon the spot. |