The Greater Canada—Wide wheat fields—Vast pasture lands—
Huronian mines—The Kootenay riches—Yukon nuggets—
Forests—Iron and coal—Fisheries—Two great cities—Towns and
villages—Anglo-Saxon institutions—The great outlook.
In 1871, soon after Rupert's Land and
the Indian territories were transferred to Canada, it was
the fortune of the writer to take up his abode in Winnipeg,
as the village in the neighbourhood of Fort Garry was
already called. The railway was in that year still four
hundred miles from Winnipeg. From the terminus in Minnesota
the stage coach drawn by four horses, with relays every
twenty miles, sped rapidly over prairies smooth as a lawn to
the site of the future City of the Plains.
The fort was in its glory. Its stone
walls, round bastions, threatening pieces of artillery and
rows of portholes, spoke of a place of some strength, though
even then a portion of stone wall had been taken down to
give easier access to the "Hudson's Bay Store." It was still
the seat of government, for the Canadian Governor lived
within its walls, as the last Company Governor, McTavish,
had done. It was still the scene of gaiety, as the better
class of the old settlers united with the leaders of the new
Canadian society in social joys, under the hospitable roof
of Governor Archibald.
Since that time forty years have
well-nigh passed. The stage coach, the Red River cart, and
the shagganappe pony are things of the past, and great
railways with richly furnished trains connect St. Paul and
Minnesota with the City of Winnipeg. More important still,
the skill of the engineer has blasted a way through the
Archaean rocks to Fort William, Lake Superior, more direct
than the old fur-traders' route; the tremendous cliffs of
the north shore of Lake Superior have been levelled and the
chasm bridged- To the west the prairies have been gridironed
with numerous lines of railway, the enormous ascents of the
four Rocky Mountain ranges rising a mile above the sea level
have been crossed, and the giddy heights of the Fraser River
canon traversed. The iron band of the Canadian Pacific
Railway, one of whose chief promoters was Lord Strathcona
and Mount Royal, the present Governor of the Company, has
joined ocean to ocean. The Canadian Northern Railway runs
its line from Lake Superior through Winnipeg and Edmonton to
British Columbia. It has in prospect a transcontinental
Railway from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway has in operation a perfectly built
line from Lake Superior through Winnipeg and Edmonton to the
Rocky Mountains, and with the backing of the Canadian
Government guarantees a most complete connection between the
eastern and western shores of the continent.

A wonderful transformation has taken
place in the land since the days of Sir George Simpson and
his band of active chief factors and traders. It is true,
portions of the wide territory reaching from Labrador to the
Pacific Ocean will always be the domain of the fur-trader.
The Labrador, Ungava, and Arctic shores of Canada will
always remain inhospitable, but the Archaean region on the
south and west of Hudson Bay undoubtedly contains great
mineral treasures. The Canadian Government pledges itself to
a completed railway from the prairie wheat fields to York
Factory on Hudson Bay. This will bring the seaport on Hudson
Bay as near Britain as is New York, and will make an
enormous saving in transportation to Western Canada. What a
mighty change from the day when the pessimistic French King
spoke of all Canada, as "only a few orpents of snow."
Mackenzie River district is still the famous scene of the
fur trade, and may long continue so, though there is always
the possibility of any portion of the vast waste of the Far
North developing, as the Yukon territory has done, mineral
wealth rivalling the famous sands of Pactolus or the riches
of King Solomon's mines.
Under Canadian sway, law and order are
preserved throughout this wide domain, although the Hudson's
Bay Company officers still administer law and in many cases
are magistrates or officers for the Government, receiving
their commissions from Ottawa. Peace and order prevail; the
arm of the law has been felt in Keewatin, the Mackenzie
River, and distant Yukon.
But it is to the fertile prairies of
the West and valleys and slopes of the Pacific Coast we look
for the extension of the Greater Canada. While the Hon.
William McDougall was arguing the value of the prairie land
of the West, his Canadian and other opponents maintained
"that in the North-West the soil never thawed out in summer,
and that the potato or cabbage would not mature." With this
opinion many of the Hudson's Bay Company officers agreed,
though it is puzzling to the resident of the prairie to-day
to see how such honourable and observing men could have made
such statements. The fertile plains have been divided into
three great provinces, Manitoba (1871), Saskatchewan and
Alberta (1905). Manitoba, which at the time of the closing
of the Hudson's Bay Company regime numbered some 12,000 or
15,000 whites and half-breeds and as many more Indians, has
(in 1909) a population of well-nigh half a million—the city
of Winnipeg itself exceeding more than one quarter of that
number. Saskatchewan and Alberta probably make up between
them another half million of people in this prairie section.
These being the three great bread-providing provinces of the
Dominion, produced in 1909 on 297,000,000 of acres, which is
but 8 per cent. of their total arable land, of wheat, oats,
barley and flax, 132 1/3 million dollars' worth of cereals.
The City of Winnipeg, which, when the
writer first saw the hamlet bearing that name, had less than
three hundred souls, has now become a beautiful city, which
drew forth the admiration of the whole British Association
on the occasion of their visit to it in 1909. Its assessment
in 1910 was 157 millions of dollars, and the amount of
building in that year reached 11,000,000 dollars. The city
has under construction at Winnipeg River, fifty miles from
the city, 60,000 horsepower of electric energy, which will
be transmitted by cable to the city in 1911 for
manufacturing purposes. Up till 1882 the Hudson's Bay
Company store was a low building, a wooden erection made of
lumber sawn by whip-saw or by some rude contrivance, having
what was known in the old Red River days as a "pavilion
roof." Its highly-coloured fabrics suited to the trade of
the country did not relieve its dingy interior. To-day the
Hudson's Bay Company departmental stores and offices, built
of dark red St. Louis brick, speak of the enormous progress
made in the development of the country. The Hudson's Bay
Company store, great as it now is, has been equalled and
even perhaps surpassed by private enterprises of great
magnitude. Winnipeg, as being from its geographical position
half way between the international boundary line and Lake
Winnipeg, is the natural gateway between Eastern and Western
Canada. It is becoming the greatest railway centre of
Canada, and is familiarly spoken of as the "Chicago of
Western Canada." It bids fair also to be a great
manufacturing centre. In spite of its recent date and
unfinished facilities for power its manufactured output has
grown from 8 2/3 millions of dollars in 1900 to 25,000,000
in 1910. From 1902, when its bank clearings were 188 1/3
millions of dollars, these grew in 1909 to 770 2/3 millions.
All this is not surprising when the marvellous immigration
and consequent development is shown by the railway mileage
of Western Canada, which has grown from 3,680 miles in 1900
to 11,472 miles in 1909 ; and when the annual product,
chiefly of cattle and horses, reached in the latter year the
sum of 175,000,000 of dollars.
British Columbia, including the New
Caledonia, Kootenay Country, and Vancouver Island of the
fur-traders, is a land of great resources. Its population
has increased many times over. Its groat salmon fisheries,
trade in timber, coal mines, agricultural productiveness,
and genial climate have long made it a favourite
dwelling-place for English-speaking colonists.
In late years much prominence has been
given to this province by the discovery of its mineral
products. Gold, silver, and lead mines in the Kootenay
region, which was discovered by old David Thompson, and in
the Cariboo district, have lately attracted many immigrants
to British Columbia; the adjoining territory of the Yukon,
brought to the knowledge of the world by Chief Factor Robert
Campbell, has surpassed all other parts of the fur-traders'
land in rich productiveness, although the region lying
between the Lake of the Woods and Lake Superior, along the
very route of the fur-traders, is becoming famous by its
production of gold, silver, and other valuable metals.
Throughout the wide West great deposits
of coal and iron are found, the basis of future
manufactures, and in many districts great forests to supply
to the world material for increasing development.
What, then, is to be the future of this
Canadian West ? The possibilities are illimitable. The
Anglo-Saxon race, with its energy and pluck, has laid hold
of the land so long shut in by the wall built round it by
the fur-traders. This race, with its dominating
forcefulness, will absorb and harmonize elements coining
from all parts of the world to enjoy the fertile fields and
mineral treasures of a land whose laws are just, whose
educational policy is thorough and progressive, whose moral
and religious aspirations are high and noble, and which
gives a hearty welcome to the industrious and deserving from
all lands.
The flow of population to the Canadian
West during the first decade of this century has been
remarkable. Not only has there been a vast British
immigration of the best kind, but some 150,000 to 200,000 of
industrious settlers from the continent of Europe have come
to build the railways, canals, and public works of the
country, and they have been essential for its agricultural
development. Several hundreds of thousands of the best
settlers have come from the United States, a large
proportion of them being returned Canadians or the children
of Canadians.
On the shores of Burrard Inlet on the
Pacific Ocean another place of great importance is
rising—Vancouver City, the terminus of the Canadian Pacific
Railway. Victoria, begun, as we have seen, by Chief Factor
Douglas as the chief fort along the Pacific Coast, long held
its own as the commercial as well as the political capital
of British Columbia, but in the meantime Vancouver has
surpassed it in population, if not in influence.
All goes to show that the Hudson's Bay
Company was preserving for the generations to come a most
valuable heritage. The leaders of opinion in Canada have
frequently, within the last five years of the century,
expressed their opinion that the second generation of the
twentieth century may see a larger Canadian population to
the West of Lake Superior than will be found in the
provinces of the East. William Cullen Bryant's lines, spoken
of other prairies, will surely come true of the wide
Canadian plains:—
"I listen long
.... and think
I hear
The sound of that advancing multitude
soon shall fill these deserts. From the ground
Comes up
the laugh of children, the soft voice
Of maidens, and
the sweet and solemn hymn
Of Sabbath worshippers. The
low of herds
Blends with the rustling of the heavy grain
Over the dark brown furrows."
The French explorers are a reminiscence
of a century and a half ago; the lords of the lakes and
forests, with all their wild energy, are gone for ever; the
Astorians are no more; no longer do the French Canadian
voyageurs make the rivers vocal with their chansons; the
pomp and circumstance of the emperor of the fur-traders has
been resolved into the ordinary forms of commercial life ;
and the rude barter of the early trader has passed into the
fulfilment of the poet's dream, of the "argosies of magic
sails," and the "costly bales" of an increasing commerce.
The Hudson's Bay Company still lives and takes its new place
as one of the potent forces of the Canadian West.