Who have Laboured in Prince
Edward Island
The Arrival of the Emigrants in 1772
Till The
Erection of the Monument at Scotchfort in 1922
Born in Scotland. Made his early studies at
home. Went to the Scots College in Rome, where he was raised to the holy
Priesthood in the year 1769. Labored on the Missions of Scotland for three
years. Came to P. E. Island with the immigrants of 1772 and remained with
them till his death in 1885. His remains lie in an unmarked grave, in the
old French cemetery at Scotchfort.
First Bishop of Charlottetown. Born in
Scotland. Studied with Bishop Hugh Macdonald, Vicar Apostolic of the
Highland District. Finished his studies at Valladolid in Spain, where he
was ordained priest in the year 1787. A missionary in Scotland for three
years. Came to P. E. Island with immigrants in the year 1790. Became
Auxiliary Bishop in 1819. Consecrated Bishop at Quebec in 1821. Became
Bishop of Charlottetown in 1829. Died at Savage Harbor in the year 1835.
Second Bishop of Charlottetown. First native
of Prince Edward Island raised to the priesthood. Born at Allisary, near
Mount Stewart. Made principal studies at the Seminary of Quebec. Ordained
there in 1822. Labored on the missions of the Diocese of Charlottetown for
about thirty seven years. Succeeded Bishop MacEachern in 1836. Consecrated
Bishop in St. Patrick's Church Quebec, in October 1837. Died at Saint
Dunstan's College, on the 30th of December in year 1859. His remains lie
under the sanctuary of St. Dunstan's Cathedral, Charlottetown.
of Capt. John McDonald of Glenaladale. Born in Scotland. Ordained priest
in Rome. Spent over thirty years on the missions in Scotland. Came to
Prince Edward Island in his old age, and went to live with his brother at
Tracadie, where he remained till his death.
Son of Captain John Macdonald of Glenaladale.
Born at Tracadie. Made his primary studies at his home. Later, studied in
England, and finally went to Paris for the study of Theology, and there he
was ordained priest in the year 1825. Spent five years on the Missions of
the Diocese of Glasgow in Scotland. Returned to P. E. Island, in the year
1830, bringing with him the original settlers of Fort Augustus. Spent
eight years on the missions of King's County. Afterwards went to England,
and lived at Brighton near London, where he died in the year 1874.
First student of St. Andrew's College raised
to the priesthood. Born at East Point. Made his early studies in the
district school. Entered Saint Andrew's College soon after it opened. Went
to St. Hyacinthe College in the Province of Quebec, and later to the
Seminary of Quebec, where he was ordained Priest in the year 1840. In the
fall of that year came to Launching and for the next sixty years had
charge of many of the missions of King's County. Died at Saint George's in
the Month of August 1900.
Born at Saint Andrew's. One of the first
students to enter Saint Andrew's College. Completed his studies at the
Seminary of Quebec, where he was ordained priest in the Cathedral, on the
26th of June 1842. Spent a short time in Quebec, to gain some insight into
the work of the ministry. Returned to Prince Edward Island, and was
appointed to the missions of eastern Prince County. Was rector of St.
Dunstan's College for many years. Became Pastor of Saint Andrew's and
Morell in the autumn of the year 1880. Named Domestic Prelate by his
Holiness Pope Leo XIII in August 1887. Died at Charlottetown in the year
1905, and was buried in the cemetery of St. Andrews' Parish.
Born at East Point. Made primary studies at
Saint Andrew's College. Went to Rome, and was there ordained priest in the
year 1842. Received the title Doctor of Divinity at the Propaganda at the
close of his studies. Returned home in the following summer and forthwith
became assistant to Father Brady, at Vernon River and Saint Andrew's.
Later, he became pastor of Saint Andrew's and Morell. Built the original
church at Baldwin's Road. Left the Diocese of Charlottetown at the close
of the year 1848, and repaired to Upper Canada. Thence he passed to the
United States, where he remained till his death.
Third Bishop of Charlottetown. Born at Cable
Head, in King's County. Studied at Saint Andrew's College, and afterwards
at the Seminary of Quebec, where he was ordained in the Cathedral on the
26th of February 1843. Appointed to the western missions of Prince County
and went to live at Tignish, where he resided till he was consecrated
Bishop in the Month of August, 1860. He ruled the diocese of Charlottetown
for upwards of thirty years with consummate skill and prudence. He died
suddenly at Antigonish, April 30, 1891, and is buried under the Church of
St. Peter's in his native parish.
Born at St. Margaret's. One of the earlier
students at St. Andrew's College. Continued his studies at the Seminary of
Quebec. Ordained at Rustico by Bishop Macdonald in August 1843. Served on
the missions of King's County, particularly at St. Andrew's and St.
Peter's. He died suddenly at Tracadie on the 2nd of July 1889, and was
buried in the parish cemetery of Saint Bonaventure's Tracadie.
A native of Saint Andrew's Parish, where he
commenced his studies. When the College was closed in 1844, he set out for
Rome, entered the Propaganda College, and was raised to the priesthood, on
the 5th of April 1851. On his return to Prince Edward Island he was
appointed assistant to the Bishop in the Parish of Rustico, and Hope
River. Later he had charge of the most eastern missions of King's County.
Was parish priest in Charlottetown for some years. Afterwards professor at
Saint Dunstan's College, and finally pastor at Georgetown, where he died
in the beginning of the year 1886. He lies at rest, in the cemetery of the
Parish of St. James, Georgetown.
Born in the Parish of St. Columba's, East
Point. Made early studies at the Central Academy in Charlottetown. Entered
the Seminary at Quebec, but after one year was obliged to return home on
account of bad health. Made private studies with Bishop Macdonald at
Rustico, and was there ordained priest on November 21st, 1855. First
Rector of St. Dunstan's College, a position he held for almost fifteen
years. Pastor at Fort Augustus, Baldwin's Road and Cardigan Bridge. Spent
some time as assistant at Rustico. Died in Charlottetown April 29th 1889,
and was buried in the cemetery of St. Dunstan's, Charlottetown.

Born in Invernesshire, Scotland. Came to
Prince Edward Island about the close of the year 1858. Appointed assistant
to Bishop Macdonald at Rustico. Later served at Kinkora and Kelly's Cross
and Tignish. Went to Miramichi early in the year 1861, where a few years
later, he met his death by drowning.
Born at Pisquid in the Parish of St. Andrew's.
Made his earliest studies in the district school. Entered St. Dunstan's
College soon after it opened. The first student of St. Dunstan's to be
raised to the priesthood. Studied Theology at the Grand Seminary of
Quebec. Ordained in Charlottetown by Bishop MacIntyre on November 21st,
1861. He immediately took up work in the Parish of Tignish. Later was
appointed to the missions in eastern King's County. Some years afterwards
he returned to Tignish, where he continues his ministerial labors, despite
the infirmities of old age. In the month of November 1886, he celebrated
the silver jubilee of his ordination, and was raised to the dignity of
Domestic Prelate, in recognition of his long service to the Diocese.
Twenty five years later he had the rare privilege of celebrating his
golden jubilee. While still in the active discharge of his duties as
parish priest, it was his great distinction to celebrate his diamond
anniversary in November 1921.
A native of Vernon River Parish. Amongst the
earliest students at Saint Dunstan's College. Studied Theology at the
Grand Seminary of Quebec. Ordained Priest by Bishop MacIntyre on the 20th
of August 1863. His first charge was at Tignish, where he spent about four
years. Left the Diocese, and went to the United States. He never again
returned to Prince Edward Island.
of Saint Andrew's. Studied at Saint Dunstan's College. Afterwards at the
Grand Seminary of Quebec. Ordained in Charlottetown by Bishop MacIntyre
November 23rd, 1864. Spent the first months of his priestly career with
his uncle Very Reverend James Macdonald, Pastor at Indian River. Took
charge of the Missions of Souris, Rollo Bay and Little Pond, in King's
County, and died at Souris on the 17th of April 1902, and was buried in
the Parish cemetery.
Born at Bedeque. Attended the district school
for some time. Entered St. Dunstan's College at an early age. Finished his
studies at the Seminary of Quebec. Ordained priest by Bishop MacIntyre on
September 14th, 1866. Professor at St. Dunstan's College for some time.
Pastor at Miscouche, Wellington and Grand River. Joined the Jesuits in the
United States, with whom he remained some years. Returned to his native
Diocese, and having spent some time as Pastor at Rustico and afterwards at
Souris, he retired from the active ministry, and took up his quarters at
the Charlottetown Hospital where he remained till his death in the month
of November 1922.
A native of the Parish of St. George's.
Attended the district school. Studied privately for a time under the
direction of his pastor Rev. Francis J. Macdonald. Made his theological
course in France. Ordained Priest, by the Bishop of Evreux, on June 29th,
1867. Had charge of St. Andrew's and St. Peter's for a time. Had charge of
Rustico, till the year 1888, when ill-health forced him to retire. Spent
some time in Colorado, whence he returned and took up his residence in
Charlottetown, and later at Georgetown, where he died in the month of
November 1900. His remains lie in the Cemetery of his native parish of St.
George's. REVEREND
Born at Pisquid in the Parish of St. Andrew's.
Made his classical course at St. Dunstan's College. Took up the study of
Theology in the Grand Seminary of Montreal. Ordained priest in the
Cathedral of Charlottetown by Bishop Maclnyre on December 22nd in the year
1867. Had charge of various missions throughout the Diocese, notably at
Cascumpec, Brae, Lot 11, Kelly's Cross and Hope River. Died at the
Charlottetown Hospital, August 9th, 1913, and was buried in the cemetery
at St. Andrew's.
Born in Scotland. Came to Prince Edward Island
in the fall of the year 1868. Professor at St. Dunstan's. College, and
afterwards Pastor at St. Andrew's, Morell and St. Peter's. Went abroad to
the Province of Ontario, where he labored till his death.
Born at Miscouche. Made his classical studies
at St. Dunstan's College. Went to the Grand Seminary of Montreal for the
study of Theology. Ordained in the Cathedral of Montreal on May 1st, 1870.
Has been Pastor at St. Andrew's, St. Peter's, Morell, East Point, Indian
River and Freetown. Raised to the Dignity of Domestic Prelate by Pope Leo
XIII. Gave a splendid contribution towards the monument erected at
Scotchfort. Continues to labor in the vineyard of the Lord, with the
energy and zeal of his& earlier years.
Born at St. Andrew's. Studied at St. Dunstan's
College and afterwards in the Seminary of Montreal. Ordained in the church
of his native parish, by Bishop Maclntyre on the 23rd of October 1870. His
health was, for his friends a constant source of anxiety, and in fact he
was never able to take up the work of the holy ministry. He continued to
live at the home of his father at St. Andrew's, and there he died on the
11th of August 1872, leaving behind him a wonderful reputation for
personal sanctity. His remains lie under the sanctuary of St. Andrew's
Church, close to the tomb of the illustrious and saintly Bishop MacEachern.
A native of St. Andrew's Parish. When quite
young he entered St. Dunstan's College, and later went to Rome to continue
his studies. Failing health obliged him to return home, and after a period
of forced repose, he entered the Seminary of Montreal, where he was raised
to the holy priesthood on the 8th of October of the year 1871. His first
employment in the Diocese was that of assistant to Reverend Peter MacPhee
at Rustico. Later he was in charge of East Point and St. Margaret's, and
from there he moved to St. George's. Finding the infirmities of old age
coming fast upon him, he retired from the active ministry, and is spending
his declining days, in his private home at Morell.
The fourth Bishop of Charlottetown. Born at
Allisary in the Parish of St. Andrew's. Studied at the Central Academy in
Charlottetown, from which he graduated with a teacher's license. He
afterwards entered St. Dunstan's College, and having finished his
Classical course, he went to the Grand Seminary of Montreal for the study
of theology. Ordained to the priesthood, in the Cathedral of
Charlottetown, by Bishop MacIntyre on the 4th of July 1873. He was for a
time Professor at St. Dunstan's College, and somewhat later Pastor of
Cardigan Bridge, Georgetown, and Baldwin's Road. Became Rector of St.
Dunstan's College and whilst holding that position was appointed Coadjutor
to the Bishop of Charlottetown, to whom he succeeded on the death of the
latter on the 30th of April, 1891. Ruled the Diocese, for upwards of
twenty years, and died at the episcopal residence in the Month of December
1912. His remains lie under the sanctuary of St. Dunstan's Cathedral,
A native of the Parish of Indian River. Spent
several years at St. Dunstan's College. Made his theological studies at
the Grand Seminary of Montreal. Ordained in Charlottetown by Bishop
MacIntyre, on July 4th, 1873. Spent a short time at the Cathedral of
Charlottetown. Afterwards had charge of the Missions of Grand River West,
and adjacent Missions. Transferred to St. Theresa's, where he died July
12, 1898, and was buried in the Parish cemetery.
A native of St. Andrew's, where he received
the rudiments of his education. Entered St. Dunstan's College, and on the
completion of his classical course, went to Montreal to the Grand Seminary
for the study of theology. Returned home and was ordained priest by Bishop
MacIntyre, in the Parish church of Indian River, on the 5th of July 1874.
A few years professor at St. Dunstan's College, and later was appointed to
the Parish of Fort Augustus, where he is still engaged in the work of the
ministry, after a period of forty five years.
Born in the Parish of Morell. Educated at St.
Dunstan's College. Continued his studies at the Seminary of Quebec, where
he was ordained priest on the 24th of February 1878. After his ordination
he spent some time at Sillery Quebec, and on his return home was appointed
assistant at the Cathedral of Charlottetown. Some time later was placed in
charge of the Missions of Grand River West and Lot II, and Brae and
continued in that locality till his health failed and he was obliged to
retire from the active ministry and take up his residence at the City
Hospital, Charlottetown. During the time of his retirement, he founded the
Orphanage of St. Vincent de Paul, near Charlottetown. He died at the
Hospital on the 4th of March 1916, and was buried amongst his kindred in
the cemetery at St. Andrew's.
A native of Launching in the Parish of St.
George's. Studied in the district school, where he won a scholarship at
Prince of Wales College, and later spent several years at St. Dunstan's
College. Made his theological studies at the Grand Seminary of Quebec.
Ordained Priest by Bishop MacIntyre in the Cathedral of Charlottetown,
July 9th, 1877. Professor at St. Dunstan's College. Appointed Pastor at
Rollo Bay and Little Pond, where he sill carries on the work of the
ministry. REVEREND
A native of the Diocese of Antigonish. Came to
the Diocese of Charlottetown in the fall of the year 1879, and was
appointed to the Cathedral in Charlottetown. He founded there a branch of
the St. Vincent de Paul Society, which continues till this day its
charitable work amongst the poor of Charlottetown. He died at the Bishop's
Palace on the 4th of July 1883, and was buried in the Cathedral cemetery,
where his friends raised a fitting monument to his memory.
Another priest of the Diocese of Antigonish,
who labored in the Diocese of Charlottetown, was Rev. Roderick Macdonald.
He came to Prince Edward Island in the autumn of the year 1876, and was
placed in charge of the Parish of St. Peter's. He remained here almost two
years, and returned to his native Diocese where he still lives. He has
been for some time in retirement and lives in a private residence in the
town of Antigonish.
A nephew of Bishop MacIntyre, was born in the
Parish of St. Margaret's. Studied at St. Dunstan's College, and later at
the Propaganda College in Rome, where he was raised to the priesthood on
February 8th 1883. Was for a time at the Cathedral in Charlottetown, and
again served the missions of Tracadie, Corran Ban, Covehead, East Point
and Morell. Resides at the present at the City Hospital in Charlottetown.
Born at Pisquid in the Parish of St. Andrew's.
Made his studies at St. Dunstan's College and at the Seminary of Quebec,
where he was ordained priest, on the 4th of January 1885. Professor at St.
Dunstan's College, and later appointed pastor at Miscouche and Wellington
and finally at Grand River and Lennox Island, where he still carries on
the work of the ministry. Appointed by the Government Indian Commissioner
for all the Micmac Indians residing in the Province.
Born in the Parish of St. Andrew's. Made his
studies at St. Dunstan's College and at the Propaganda College in Rome.
Ordained priest in Rome on the 24th of April 1886. Assistant to Bishop
MacIntyre at St. Peter's Bay, and afterwards Pastor of the Parish. Died in
the Charlottetown Hospital on the 12th of December 1912, and was buried
under the sanctuary of the Church of St. Peter's beside the tomb of Bishop
De Gros Marsh in the Parish of St. George's. Made his early studies under
the direction of Reverend Francis J. Macdonald. Spent some years at St.
Dunstan's College. Finished his preparation for the priesthood at the
Seminary of Quebec, and received ordination there on the 13th of June
1886. Assistant in his native Parish, and again for some time at the
Cathedral of Charlottetown. Appointed to the spiritual charge of East
Point and St. Margaret's. Thence he returned to St. George's, where he was
pastor till the death of Reverend Francis J. Macdonald. His next position
in the Diocese was Pastor of Summerside, and later he was appointed to the
Parish of Souris, where he still labors for the honor and glory of the
Divine Master. Was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese by His Lordship
Bishop Henry J. O'Leary, and confirmed in that position by the present
incumbent of the Diocese of Charlottetown.
Born at Glenfinnan, in the Parish of Fort
Augustus. Studied at St. Dunstan's College, and afterwards at Montreal
where he was ordained priest on the 22nd of December 1888. Was for a time
assistant at the Cathedral of Charlottetown. Afterwards Pastor at Kinkora
and Seven Mile Bay, where he spent almost thirty years, when ho was
transferred to Summerside, where he still labors with zeal and success for
the salvation of souls.
Born at Dundas in the Parish of St. George's.
Studied under the direction of his pastor Reverend Francis John Macdonald,
and afterwards at the Prince of Wales College. Went to the Seminary of
Quebec, where he was raised to the priesthood on the 22nd of December
1888. Assistant at St. George's for two years. In charge of the Parish of
Palmer Road till forced to retire from active labor owing to ill-health.
Pastor at Cardigan Bridge, for upwards of twenty years. Is now in
retirement, and lives at the Charlottetown Hospital.
Born at Grand River Lot 14. Studied at the
Normal School in Charlottetown. Taught school for years. Entered St.
Dunstan's College. Later he went to the Seminary of Quebec, and at the
completion of his studies was ordained at Montreal on the 5th of June
1890. On two occasions he was appointed Rector of St. Dunstan's College.
Pastor at St. Margaret's and at present Pastor of St. Andrew's, where he
cares on the work of the ministry in the interest of the souls committed
to his care.
A native of the Parish of St. Peter's. Made
his studies at St. Dunstan's College, and afterwards at the Seminary of
Quebec. Ordained in Montreal on the 5th of June 1890. Assistant at the
Charlottetown Cathedral and Secretary Lo the Bishop. Appointed Pastor at
Morel]. Later in charge of the Mission of Hope River. At present Pastor at
St. Peter's, his native parish, where he labors successfully in the
interest of the people under his care.
Born in the Parish of St. Andrew's. Studied at
the Normal School, and graduated with a teacher's license. Spent some time
at St. Dunstan's College, whence he set out for Rome and entered the
Propaganda College. Ordained priest in Rome on the first of November in
the year 1889. On his return to Prince Edward Island, he spent some time
as Professor at St. Dunstan's College, and assistant at the Cathedral, and
afterwards he became Pastor of Vernon River Parish, and while there, he
was appointed Bishop of Antigonish. In this sphere of action, he has
achieved a great measure of success, and continues the good work to the
joy and edification of his flock.
Born at Charlottetown. Made his studies at St.
Dunstan's College. Completed them at the Seminary of Quebec. Ordained
priest in Charlottetown on June 25th 1893. For a time Professor at St.
Dunstan's College. Appointed Pastor of St. Theresa's Parish, in the year
1898, where he still remains, laboring with success in that portion of the
Vineyard of the Lord.
A native of the Parish of Grand River west. He
spent a term at the Normal School in Charlottetown. Taught school for a
time. Entered St. Dunstan's College. Continued his higher studies in the
Seminary of Quebec. Ordained priest by Bishop Macdonald in the Cathedral
of Charlottetown on the 5th of June 1893. Remained for some years as
professor at St. Dunstan's College. Appointed Pastor of the Missions of
Brae and Lot II. Became assistant to Reverend Dugald Macdonald in Tignish,
where he continued till his death early in the year 1923. He lies buried
in the Cemetery of St. Simon and Judge, Tignish.
Born at Glenfinnan, in the Parish of Fort
Augustus. Entered St. Dunstan's College at an early age, and subsequently
went to the Grand Seminary of Quebec, where he was ordained. Served as
assistant to Reverend Francis J. Macdonald at St. George's for a few
months. His health was poor all the while, and at the beginning of
November 1891, he was forced to take a complete rest. He retired to his
former home at Glenfinnan, and there on the 23rd of November 1891, he
breathed his last. His remains lie buried in the cemetery of his native
Parish Fort Augustus.
Born at Grand River West. Studied at the
Normal School in Charlottetown, and afterwards taught school. Entered St.
Dunstan's College for a time, and later proceeded to Montreal, where he
took up the study of Theology in the Grand Seminary. Ordained priest at
Grand River on the 24th of June 1905. Employed for a time as professor at
St. Dunstan's College, and later was appointed Pastor at Lot Seven. At
present he is in charge of the Missions of Tracadie, Corran Ban and
Covehead. Where he carries on the work of the ministry to the joy and
admiration of his flock.
A native of Orwell. Had studied at the Prince
of Wales College, whence he went forth with a teacher's license, and spent
some time as teacher in the public schools. He subsequently entered St.
Dunstan's College, and later went to the Seminary of Quebec for the study
of theology. Here he was ordained in the Month of June 1896. He spent one
year as a professor at St. Dunstan's College, and at the end of that term,
went west to the Diocese of Fargo, and thus severed his connection with
the Diocese of Charlottetown. Some years later, whilst in failing health,
he paid a visit to his former home, and during his stay he died rather
suddenly, and was buried in the cemetery of his native parish of Vernon
Born in the parish of St. Francis De Sales at
Little Pond, and began his studies in the district school. He taught in
the public schools for a time, and subsequently entered the College of the
Propaganda in Rome where he continued his studies and was raised to the
holy priesthood in the year 1904. He returned to his native Diocese and
spent nine years as professor in St. Dunstan's College, and at the end of
that time he left Prince Edward Island, and went abroad, settling down in
the Diocese of Calgary, in Alberta, where he is still employed in the work
of the sacred ministry.
Born at Millcove near Tracadie and entered the
district school at an early age. He afterwards spent a term at the Normal
School in Charlottetown, and took up the profession of teacher in the
public schools of the Province. He entered St. Dunstan's College, and at
the completion of his classics set out for Rome, where he took up
Philosophy and Theology at the College of the Propaganda. There he was
raised to the priesthood on the 15th of June 1898. On his return home, he
was named professor at St. Dunstan's College, and later became Rector. Was
for a time Pastor of Kelly's Cross and Lot 65, and later was transferred
to Alberton, where he still devotes himself to feed the flock of Christ.
A native of St. George's Parish, where he
acquired the rudiments of an education in the district school. He spent
some time at the Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown, whence he came
forth with a teacher's license, and spent some time teaching in the public
schools. Aiming higher, he entered St. Dunstan's College, and at the close
of his classical course, he went to the Seminary of Quebec where he
studied Theology, and received the title Doctor of Divinity. He was
ordained priest in the Cathedral of Quebec on the 17th of May, in year
1903. Professor at St. Dunstan's College, and later Priest in charge at
the Cathedral of Charlottetown. Later appointed Rector at St. Dunstan's
College a position he still fills to the satisfaction of all.
A native of the Parish of Vernon River. Having
begun his education in the primary schools, he graduated with a teacher's
license from the Normal School, and devoted himself to teaching in the
public schools. He again took up his studies and went for a time to St.
Dunstan's College, and afterwards to the Seminary Quebec, and having
finished his studies, he returned home and was raised to the priesthood in
the Cathedral of Charlottetown the 25th of July 1903. He has been for a
time at the Cathedral of Charlottetown and at St. Dunstan's College, and
later was appointed to the Pastoral care of the parish of St. Margaret's,
where he still continues to work efficiently in the interest of souls.
Born at Glencoe, in the Parish of Vernon
River. He studied in the district School, and entered the Prince of Wales
College, where he procured a teacher's license. He taught school for a
time and later entered St. Dunstan's College, and at the close of his
classical course, he went to the Seminary of Montreal. Ordained priest by
the Bishop of Charlottetown on the 5th of January 1908. He next was
engaged at the Cathedral of Charlottetown, and from there went to Morell,
where he was named pastor. Soon after this latter appointment, the Great
World War broke out, and Father Pius at once offered his services as
chaplain at the front. He was overseas till the close of the war, and
returned home and was named Parish priest at St. George's. His health
failed, whilst in the strength and vigour of his early manhood, and he
died at the Charlottetown Hospital in the month of November 1922.
the parish of St. Theresa's. Student at St. Dunstan's College, whence he
went to the Seminary of Quebec, where he was raised to the priesthood on
June 14th, 1908. In a short time became pastor of the Missions of the Brae
and Lot II, and somewhat later was appointed to the spiritual care of the
Parish of East Point. Here he continues to carry on the good work of the
Lord, amongst the people committed to his spiritual care.
Born at Indian River. Made his classics at St.
Dunstan's College. Thence he went to the Seminary of Quebec. Ordained
priest at Souris on the 25th of October 1908. Remained assistant at Souris
for a number of years, and was appointed Pastor at Lot Seven, where he
still resides, and carries on with great success, the spiritual
ministration of his parish.
A native of Saint John, New Brunswick. Studied
at St. Dunstan's College. Entered the Seminary of Quebec, where he was
ordained priest on the 21st of May 1910. Assistant at East Point for a
time, and afterwards pastor. Appointed to the spiritual care of the Parish
of All Saints, Cardigan Bridge, where he is still building up the kingdom
of Christ amongst souls.
Born at Orwell in the Parish of Vernon River.
A student of St. Dunstan's College. Finished his studies at Quebec.
Ordained at Vernon River, on June 11th, 1916. Professor at St. Dunstan's
College. Lately appointed Pastor of St. George's, where he has taken up
with determination, the good work interrupted by the untimely death of the
late Father Pius.
A native of Corran Ban. Taught school for a
time. Studied later at St. Dunstan's College. Continued his higher studies
at Quebec. Ordained at Tracadie, June 10, 1917, at the Cathedral in
Charlottetown. Named pastor of Hope River, where he still labors for
Christ and for Mother Church. |