Several of the Established schoolmasters and
ministers of Caithness of a former age, were highly talented men. Among
the more distinguished of the latter for learning and ability, may be
instanced the late Alexander Pope of Reay, Thomas Jolly of Dunnet, Dr
Morison of Canisbay, and the two brothers, William Smith of Bower and
James Smith of Canisbay. A brief account of each of these clergymen may
be interesting.
The late Mr Pope of Reay was in some respects a
remarkable man. He was a native of the parish of Loth, in the county of
Sutherland, of which parish his father, the Reverend Hector Pope, was
Episcopal clergyman. Having adopted Presbyterian views, the son became a
licentiate of the Church of Scotland, and on the 5th September, 1734,
was ordained minister of Reay. The new incumbent was admirably fitted
for the charge. He was possessed of great bodily strength as well as
vigour of intellect; and strange though it may sound, he was not a
little indebted to the former quality for his success as a moral and
religious reformer. At the time of his induction, the parish of Reay
might be said to be in a state of semi-barbarism. The natives were in
general grossly ignorant, disorderly, and intractable, and in his
intercourse with them Mr Pope had frequent occasion to avail himself of
his physical powers. During the first year or two of his ministry, he
never went through the parish, or even ascended the pulpit without a
good cudgel in his hand, either to defend himself in case of attack, or
to inflict corporeal punishment on such reprobates as were inaccessible
to reproof in any other way. Mr Carruthers, in his excellent memoir of
Pope the poet, having occasion to allude to the minister of Reay, says,
"He used to drive his graceless parishioners to church with a stick,
when he found them engaged on Sundays at games out of doors. Another of
his reforming expedients was making all the rough characters of his
parish elders of the church, so that, invested with ecclesiastical
dignity and responsibility, they might be ashamed of vicious practices."
Touching this matter, there are several amusing
anecdotes told of Mr Pope. I will just mention one of them. There was
one resolute character in the outskirts of the parish, who had hitherto
defied all attempts to get him to come to church. The minister had
repeatedly sent messages to him, expressing a wish to see him at the
manse, but Donald always declined the honour, and said that he had no
desire or ambition to cultivate his acquaintance. The parties as yet had
not seen each other; and as Donald would not visit the minister, the
minister resolved to visit Donald. Accordingly he set out one day, and
arrived in the evening at the house of his refractory parishioner. He
passed himself off as a wayfaring man, and as Highlanders have at all
times been noted for hospitality, he no sooner solicited quarters for
the night than it was granted him. He was provided with a homely but
substantial repast, and he and his host chatted away very agreeably till
bed-time. Donald then pointed to his couch, a primitive shake-down of
heather, with a deer-skin for a coverlet, in one corner of the hut. But
the stranger declined betaking himself to repose until they had gone
through the duty of worship.
"You will have to pray, Donald," said he.
Donald looked at the man with astonishment, and said
he would do nothing of the kind; he had no talent in that way.
"But you must pray," rejoined the stranger; "I will
make you do it, and on your knees too."
"Will you?" said Donald; "you'll be a clever fellow
then; no, Mr Pope himself, the minister, strong man though he be, will
not make me do that."
"Well, I'm Mr Pope," said the stranger; "and as you
are an obstinate sinner, I order you to go to your knees instantly, or
you'll repent it from every bone in your body."
Donald's wrath was now fairly kindled. Up he started
to his feet, and up started the parson at the same time, and, without
further parley, they set to with clenched fists in regular style. But
Donald, though he fought like a hero, was no match for the minister; and
at length yielding up the contest, he said that he would try to do his
bidding. He then knelt down, and uttered the following ejaculation:—"O
Lord! thou knowest herself cannot pray."
"That will do," cried Mr Pope, "that is a very good
beginning. I shall conclude the service of the evening myself with a few
words of exhortation, after which we will retire to bed."
This singular visit to Donald was, under Providence,
the means of producing a complete and happy change in his conduct. From
that day henceforward, he became a reformed man; and the minister, who
felt a peculiar interest in his new convert, made him an elder of the
The worthy minister, with many solid and excellent
qualities, had a strong dash of eccentricity and enthusiasm in his
composition; and one romantic adventure of his forms a highly
interesting passage of his life. Mr Carruthers thus tells the
story:—"The northern Alexander Pope entertained a profound admiration
for his illustrious namesake of England; and it is a curious and
well-ascertained fact that the simple enthusiastic clergyman, in the
summer of 1732, [There is an error of date here. Mr Pope was not
minister of Reay in 1732, but was residing at Dornoch, and it must have
been from the latter place that he rode to Twickenham.] rode on his pony
all the way from Caithness to Twickenham, in order to pay the poet a
visit. The latter felt his dignity a little touched by the want of the
necessary pomp and circumstance with which the minister first presumed
to approach his domicile; but after the ice of outward ceremony had in
some degree been broken, and their intellects had come into contact, the
poet became interested, and a friendly feeling was established between
them. Several interviews took place, and the poet presented his good
friend and namesake, the minister of Reay, with a copy of the
subscription edition of the Odyssey in five volumes quarto."
Besides being an able and popular preacher, Mr Pope
of Reay was a man of considerable literary talent, and a celebrated
archaeologist in his day. He translated from the Latin into English as
much of the "Orcades" of Torfaeus as bears on the ancient history of
Caithness; and he is the author of the Appendix, No.
V., in Pennant's Tour, which gives a brief account of the
antiquities and statistics of the several parishes in Caithness and
Sutherland. He died on the 2d March, 1782, after an incumbency of
forty-eight years.
The late Mr Thomas Jolly, minister of Dunnet, was a
native of Mearns or Kincardineshire, and was born on the 24th January,
1754. His parents belonged to the Scotch Episcopal Church, and he
himself was, of course, bred up in that form of worship; but he changed
his views, and joined the Established Church. This step, it is said,
greatly displeased his relatives, who were keen Episcopalians, and
looked upon the Church of Scotland as no church at all. He came first to
Caithness as tutor to the late James Traill, Esquire of Rattar. In 1778
he was appointed assistant to Mr Traill's father, the Reverend Dr Traill
of Dunnet; and, on the death of that clergyman, was presented to the
church of Dunnet, by the late Sir John Sinclair, and settled minister
thereof, in the year 1784. Mr Jolly was a most ingenious man, and an
excellent scholar. Previous to receiving the presentation to Dunnet, he
had been offered the professorship of humanity in one of the colleges of
the United States—a situation for which he was eminently qualified by
his high classical attainments, and his profound and accurate knowledge
of the Latin language. He was perhaps the best Latinist of his time in
the north of Scotland. Being unwilling, however, to relinquish his views
towards the ministry, he declined the honour of the academical chair.
At the time of his settlement at Dunnet, there was no
medical practitioner nearer than Wick or Thurso; and having a good deal
of medical skill himself, he was for many years both the physician and
the pastor of his people. He always kept a stock of medicines, which he
gave gratuitously to the sick; and his manner of treating diseases was
so successful, that individuals came to consult him from all parts of
the country.
Though highly esteemed by his congregation, Mr Jolly
was not what is usually termed a popular preacher. He never indulged in
vague declamation, or in any of those extravagances of gesture and
expression that are so taking with the uneducated vulgar. He chiefly
addressed himself to the understanding of his hearers; and while he gave
due weight to the fundamental doctrines of religion, he always insisted
on the practical effects which those doctrines were intended to produce.
The matter of his discourses was always instructive, clear, and well
arranged, and his style of composition singularly neat and chaste. In
1822, he published a sermon "On the Redeemed from the Earth," from Rev.
xiv. 3. The leading idea is original, or at least not very common among
divines; and the discourse is a remarkable production, full of
ingenuity, and written in his usual chaste and perspicuous style. Dr
Andrew Thomson, in his review of the sermon in the "Christian
Instructor," gave it all due praise as a most ingenious exposition,
though he would not say the point was demonstrably established of that
particular passage of the Apocalypse. Mr Jolly was also the author of a
letter to Dr Chalmers immediately before the Disruption, which letter,
from its remarkable ability—for he was then verging on ninety years of
age—and its mild but earnest tone of remonstrance, coming from an aged
brother, who, it might be said, was calmly waiting his removal to a
better world, excited at the time a good deal of public attention. Being
zealously and conscientiously attached to the Established Church, as, in
his view, the noblest and most perfect Christian institute in the world,
he deeply deplored this calamitous event, which he considered calculated
to embitter all the sources of social happiness, and to exercise an
injurious effect on the best interests of religion. He devoted much of
his time to the study of the Scriptures in the original; and amongst his
unpublished writings was found an elaborate treatise, entitled an "Essay
on Justification," extending to upwards of 100 pages. It is divided into
seven sections; and from the great care with which it is written, he
would seem at one period to have had the intention of publishing it.
At the time of his death in 1845, he had nearly
completed his 91st year, having held the incumbency for the unusually
long period of sixty years. In person Mr Jolly was considerably below
the middle size, but his head was large and well developed, and his eye
keen and penetrating. In his habits he was remarkable for his
regularity, and this must no doubt have greatly conduced to that
uninterrupted good health which he so long enjoyed. He never had an
assistant, and ho preached until within a fortnight of his death. He was
succeeded in the charge by his son, the Reverend Peter Jolly, a highly
talented man, and an excellent preacher, who, at the time of his
father's decease, was minister of Canisbay.
Dr John Morison, the author of some of our finest
paraphrases, was a native of the parish of Cairnie, in the presbytery of
Strathbogie, and county of Aberdeen. He was born in the year 1750. After
finishing his academical course at King's College, Aberdeen, he came to
Caithness in the year 1768, to teach the family of a Mr Manson of
Greenland. [The Greenland mentioned above is the name of a township in
the parish of Dunnet.] Having remained two years in Greenland, Mr
Morison removed to the parish of Halkirk, and was tutor for three years
in the family of Mr Williamson of Banniskirk. After that, he taught the
school of Thurso for about half a year. On becoming a licentiate of the
church he went to Edinburgh, where he resided some months, improving
himself in the art of elocution, and enlarging his knowledge of the
Greek language and literature, of which he was passionately fond, under
Professor Dalziel. While in Edinburgh, he made the acquaintance of Dr
Macfarlane, who was afterwards appointed one of the committee for making
the selection of the paraphrases that were added to the psalmody. After
leaving that city he went north, and was engaged as tutor in the family
of Colonel Sutherland of Uppat, in the county of Sutherland. While
there, he was fortunate enough to meet Mr Sinclair of Freswick, Sheriff
of Caithness, who formed such a high opinion of Mr Morison's talents,
that on the death of Mr Brodie, the minister, in 1780, he presented him
to the church of Canisbay, of which he was patron. As a preacher, Mr
Morison was greatly distinguished for his eloquence. His command of
language and liveliness of fancy, it is said, were such, that he seldom
was at the trouble to write out his sermons, but preached extempore, or
at least with very little previous study. Of his uncommon readiness in
this way an interesting anecdote is told. Being in Wick on a certain
occasion, Mr Sutherland, the minister, happened to ' say that he would
give him a text from which ho would not be able to extemporise a sermon.
Mr Morison said if it was a scriptural text he would try it. Accordingly
on the Sunday forenoon, after he had ascended the pulpit, the precentor
handed him a slip of paper on which was the following from Luke xiv. 34,
"But if the salt has lost its savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?"
When the introductory part of the service was over Mr Morison gave out
his text, and seemingly with the greatest ease preached a most eloquent
and instructive discourse, to the great delight of the congregation and
the utter astonishment of their pastor.
On the 3d of August, 1792, he obtained the degree of
D.D. from the University of Edinburgh, on the recommendation of
Professor Dalziel.
He sent twenty paraphrases to Dr Macfarlane, who laid
them before the committee. [In the list of members of this committee
appear the names of Principal Robertson, Dr Hugh Blair, Dr Webster,
Professor George Hill, Dr John Ogilvie, and Dr Alexander Carlyle of
Inveresk.] The merit of the whole was acknowledged; but owing to the
great number of contributors, and the limited number of pieces to be
printed, only seven of Dr Morison's were selected. One of his rejected
paraphrases is the following, which we think equal in point of poetical
merit to any of those that were admitted into the collection:—
Isaiah xlii. 10-13.
A new song to the Lord our God,
All ends of th' earth begin;
In songs of praise break forth, ye isles,
And all that dwell therein.
Ye rocks with all your vocal tribes,
Aloft your voices raise;
Ye seas with all your swarms declare
The great Creator's praise.
And ye that oft in whelming floods,
His works of wonder view,
O sing of Him whose saving light
Beams marvellous on you.
In hallelujah's long and loud,
To Him all praise be given,
Whose presence fills the spacious earth,
And boundless waste of heaven.
The committee at the same time expressed their regret
that more could not be admitted, without seeming on their part to
neglect or overlook the many contributions of others. His paraphrases
are the 19, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 35. Several poetical pieces of his
on various subjects appeared in "Rudi-man's Weekly Magazine,"
between the years 1771 and 1775, bearing the signature of "Musaeus." But
these do not rise above the ordinary magazine poetry of the period,
which, the student of English literature knows, was dull and mediocre
enough. It is only as a sacred poet that Dr Morison shone with any
brilliancy. His genius kindled at the Christian altar. It seemed to
catch inspiration from the divine theme; and his compositions in this
way are characterised by a beautiful simplicity and depth of poetic
feeling, that strike the most careless reader.
Among other amusements of his leisure hours, he
translated Herodian's history from the Greek, a part of which, as a
specimen of the performance, he sent to professor Dalziel, who praised
it very highly; but, from the original work not possessing any great
inherent interest, it was never published. He also collected the
topographical history of Caithness for George Chalmers' "Caledonia."
Soon after his induction to Canisbay, he married Miss
Catharine Black, only daughter of Mr James Black, factor for the Duke of
Gordon. By this lady he had a son and three daughters.
Dr Morison died on the 12th June, 1798—comparatively
a young man—in the forty-eighth year of his age, and eighteenth of his
ministry. The last time he appeared in the pulpit, was during the war
with France, when, the country being menaced with danger from her
enemies at home and abroad, the church was, on some particular occasion,
called upon to arouse the patriotic feelings of the people, and to set
before them the many blessings and advantages, civil and religious,
which they enjoyed under the British constitution. His text was from 1
Samuel i. 10, 24, "God save the King." The subject was one. peculiarly
suited to his genius; and his discourse is said to have been a
masterpiece of eloquence, and to have electrified the congregation. The
complaint of which he died was a decline brought on by exposure to wet
and cold. His remains were interred in the churchyard of Canisbay; and
it is mortifying to think that not even a common slab indicates the spot
where reposes the dust of one of the best poets of the Church of
Mr William Smith was a native of the county, and the
eldest son of the reverend Alexander Smith, minister of Olrig. On the
death of the Reverend James Oliphant of Bower, he was presented to that
living, on the 17th September, 1788, by Miss Scott, eldest daughter and
heiress of Major General Scott of Balcomie, in whose family the
patronage was then vested. The presentation was signed by commissioners
appointed by Miss Scott, one of whom was the celebrated Henry Dundas,
treasurer of the navy. At the time of his induction he was quite a young
man, and for many years he was one of the most popular preachers in the
county. He was particularly distinguished as a linguist. Besides being
acquainted with several of the modern languages, he was a thorough
proficient in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. Latterly, he applied himself
vigorously to the study of the Gaelic, under the instruction of an old
catechist from the Highlands, and he made such progress in that
language, that he fancied he could preach in it. At any rate, he was
fully bent on giving it a trial. Accordingly, having on one occasion
gone to Halkirk to assist at the communion, (Gaelic and English
discourses being regularly delivered there,) he intimated to Mr Cameron,
the minister, his wish to preach a Gaelic sermon to the people. Mr
Cameron, a noted humorist, was amazed at the proposal, and it was with
no little difficulty that he got him advised to give up the idea. He
assured him that none but a born Highlander could preach in Gaelic, and
that if he attempted to open his mouth in that tongue, he would, with
his bad pronunciation and his blunders, set the whole congregation
a-laughing at him.
With a vast fund of learning, much quaint and
satirical humour, and a great knowledge of human nature, Mr Smith
mingled a strong dash of eccentricity. One of his peculiarities was a
fondness for travelling in the night season, and particularly in bad
weather. If he happened to be at a meeting of Presbytery in Wick or
Thurso, the darkest and stormiest night in winter would not deter him
from setting out, and proceeding on his journey homewards.
Allusion has been made to his knowledge of human
nature. None knew better than he the habits, modes of thinking,
prejudices, and superstitions of the peasantry of Caithness; and when he
descanted on this subject from the pulpit, "holding the mirror up to
nature," it was a perfect treat to hear him. In what may be termed moral
anatomy, he wa8 unrivalled as a dissector. His knife was blunt, but it
did the work of cutting up effectually. He was particularly severe on
those who gave long prayers, and made a great noise about religion, but
whose conduct did not correspond with their profession. It happened that
one of his own elders, a decent sort of man upon the whole, had, on one
occasion, imbibed rather more liquor than was consistent with the
dignity and responsibility of his office. The matter soon reached the
ears of the minister, and the method he took to rebuke the erring member
of his kirk-session was not a little strange. The next Sabbath, when the
religious service was over, but before the pronouncing of the blessing,
and when the elder in question was going round with the "brod," or
ladle, for the usual collection for the poor, Mr Smith rose and thus
addressed the congregation:—"My brethren, we are told in Scripture that
the elders of old were filled with the Holy Spirit; but nowadays they're
filled with John Barleycorn!" Having thus delivered himself, he resumed
his seat in the pulpit. As the fama against the elder was widely known
through the parish, every eye in the church was instantly turned on the
poor man, and the congregation could not help giving way to a smothered
Mr Smith published one or two sermons during his
lifetime ; but although they were highly evangelical and learned, they
did not add much to his literary fame. He was unfortunately a careless
composer, immethodical, and digressive; and his discourses wanted that
connected train of thought and elegance of style so necessary to secure
the attention of the better class of readers. He died in 1846, in the
78th year of his age.
Mr James Smith, who succeeded Dr Morison, was a most
amiable and accomplished man, and an excellent classical scholar. Before
his appointment to Canisbay, he was for a short time tutor at Barrogill
Castle, in the family of the Earl of Caithness. Mr Smith was a man of
fine taste. His sermons, which he wrote with great care, were models of
elegance, and reminded one of the style of Blair. They were indeed too
fine for his audience; and the consequence was, that he was not popular
as a preacher, though in every other respect he was much esteemed and
beloved by his people.
Mr Smith's life presents few incidents or salient
points of much biographical interest; but the following anecdote may be
given as a proof of his kindly, unsuspecting nature:— Living, as he did,
so near John O'Groat's, and being noted for his hospitable disposition,
Mr Smith had occasionally a visit from some of those tourists who, in
the summer and autumn months, came to see that celebrated locality. One
forenoon a stranger gentleman called at the manse, and, addressing the
minister in Latin, told him that he was a native of Hungary, a
Protestant, and a Professor of Humanity in one of the colleges in that
country, and that he was at present travelling through Britain chiefly
for the benefit of his health. He had only a few words of English; but
he knew his reverence was a scholar, and would be able to converse with
him in the good old Roman tongue. Mr Smith felt interested, and,
brushing up his Latin, said he was happy to make his acquaintance, and
asked him to remain and take dinner with him, which he readily consented
to do. The conversation was carried on in Latin—rather stiffly at first
on the part of the minister, who was often at a loss to give the Latin
terms for common things. , The professor, considering that he was a
valetudinarian, played a capital knife and fork, and relished very much
his tumbler of toddy, declaring that the man who first invented it
should have had a statue erected to his memory! To entertain his host,
he sung with great spirit some of the odes of Horace; and, in short,
proved so intellectual and fascinating a companion, that Mr Smith—who
was then untroubled with the cares of matrimony—kept him at the manse
for about a month, during which time the professor enjoyed himself
greatly, and made a rapid proficiency in English! On taking his leave,
the kind-hearted clergyman expressed himself as sorry at parting with
him, and said he sincerely hoped he would get safe home to his own
country. But the good worthy man was in this instance imposed upon. The
professor was not the "genuine article;" for it was afterwards found out
that he was an accomplished rogue, and a Jesuit in disguise.
Mr Smith died in 1826, at the comparatively early age
of 51.
The Established Church and the Free Church embrace
the greater part of the community in Caithness. The other religious
denominations are the Original and U. P. Seceders, the Baptists and
Independents, with a small body of Reformed Presbyterians, and another
of Episcopalians. The Romish, Church has no footing in the county; and
there is not, we believe, a single pervert to Romanism among the entire
population. There is a chapel in Pulteneytown for the accommodation of
such strangers of that communion as come to Wick at the time of the
herring fishing, which usually lasts about three months, but except for
that brief period, the chapel is seldom opened or used as a place of
religious worship. The Original Seceders and the Baptists have long been
established in the county. One of the first ministers of the former was
a Mr Dowie, whose memory is still held in great veneration by that body.
The founder of the Baptists in Caithness was Sir William Sinclair of
Keiss, who belonged to the Dunbeath family, and was, properly speaking,
baronet of Dunbeath. His lady was a daughter of Sir James Dunbar of
On embracing Baptist views, Sir William went to
London, and was there formally baptised, and admitted a member of his
adopted church. He commenced preaching in Caithness about the year 1750,
and continued to do so with great zeal for the space of fourteen years.
He formed a church at Keiss, over which he regularly presided as pastor.
In 1765 he left the county and went to Edinburgh, where he died two
years afterwards. Sir William published in his lifetime a small
collection of hymns of his own composition, sixty in number, which are
still sung—-or were till very lately—at the meetings of the Baptists for
religious exercises at Keiss. In this peculiar department of sacred
literature the worthy baronet did not shine. The hymns contain no poetry
properly so-called, but they indicate a mind imbued with deep and
fervent piety. Sir William, we have heard, was in his younger days a
short time in the army. While there, he learned to become an expert
swordsman; and touching his skill in this way the following curious
anecdote is related:—A good many years after he had retired from the
service, and while he was one forenoon in his study intently engaged in
perusing some treatise bearing on his peculiar religious views, his
valet announced that a stranger wished to see him. The servant was
ordered to show him into the apartment, when in stalked a strong
muscular-looking man, with a formidable Andrea Ferrara hanging by his
side, and making a low obeisance, thus addressed the baronet:—
"Sir William, I hope you
will pardon my intrusion. I am a native of England, and a professional
swordsman. In the course of my travels through Scotland, I have not yet
met with a gentleman able to cope with me in the noble science of
defence. Since I came to Caithness, I have heard that you are an adept
at my favourite weapon, and I have called to see if you would do me the
honour to exchange a few passes with me, just in the way of testing our
respective abilities."
Sir William was not a little astonished and amused at
this singular request, and replied that he had long ago thrown aside the
sword, and except in case of necessity, never intended to use it any
more. But the stranger would take no denial, and earnestly insisted that
he would favour him with a proof of his skill.
"Very well," said Sir William, "to please you I shall do so."
And rising and fetching his sword, he desired the
fellow, who to appearance was an ugly-looking customer, to draw and
defend himself. After a pass or two, Sir William with a dexterous stroke
cut off a button from the vest of his opponent.
"Will that satisfy you," inquired the baronet, "or
shall I go a little deeper and draw blood?"
"O, I am perfectly satisfied," said the other. "I
find I have for once met with a gentleman who knows how to handle the