During the time John Earl of Caithness governed the
county, our local annals do not furnish us with any public events of
much interest or importance. He died in 1705, and was succeeded by his
son Alexander, who married Lady Margaret Primrose, daughter of the Earl
of Roseberry. He was present at the last Scots Parliament in 1707, when
the Treaty of Union was discussed, but he appears to have declined
voting. About three years afterwards an occurrence took place in
Caithness which created a considerable sensation in the county at the
time. This was a duel which was fought by two of the
proprietors—Alexander Sinclair of Olrig, and Captain William Innes of
Sandside. Sinclair of Olrig, who, it is said, was proud of his strength,
and moreover a man of a quarrelsome disposition, insulted Captain Innes
at a public meeting in Thurso, and the result was a challenge from the
latter gentleman. The principals, with their seconds, met at a place
called Tongside, about seven miles south from Thurso. Their weapons were
swords; and after fighting for some time, Captain Innes, who was an
expert swordsman, gave his antagonist a wound, of which he died in the
course of a few hours. On this he and Sinclair of Dunn, his second,
immediately fled the country. Innes went to France. Donald Sinclair, son
of the deceased, raised a criminal process against them before the
Sheriff of Caithness, for murder; but in consequence of the absence of
the parties, it was not brought to any decision. After the lapse of a
few years, Innes and Sinclair of Dunn both received a remission of the
crime for which they had fled, and returned to Caithness. Captain Innes,
however, was so much afraid of his life from the relatives of the man
whom he had unfortunately slain, that he ever after kept a strong
muscular Highlander as a life-guard, who accompanied him wherever he
The exiled Stuarts had many friends among the better
class of families in Caithness, and in 1745 not a few of them warmly
espoused the cause of "bonnie Prince Charlie." Circumstances, however,
prevented them from giving him any effective aid. Alexander Sinclair,
Earl of Caithness, who then lived at Haymar, and George Sinclair of
Ulbster, the sheriff of the county, were both staunch friends to
Government, and gave no countenance to the rebellion. Early in the
spring of 1746, Lord Macleod, son of the Earl of Cromarty, entered the
county with a body of the rebels under his charge, for the purpose of
procuring men. They fixed their head-quarters in Thurso, where they
billetted themselves on the inhabitants. From thence they went in
detached parties through the several parishes, beating up and down for
recruits, and endeavouring to enlist the sympathies of the people in
behalf of the prince, whom they represented as the rightful heir to the
throne. They wore white cockades in their bonnets, and were all armed.
Their conduct was inoffensive, and they offered no violence to any one.
Notwithstanding their peaceable deportment, the inhabitants in general,
and particularly the women, unaccustomed as they were to the sight of
armed men, and those armed men rebels, were greatly alarmed at their
first appearance in the county. Several families hid themselves in caves
and subterranean recesses along the coast; while others deposited their
little money underground, and fled, some to Lord Reay's country, and
some to the Orkneys. In order to expedite matters, Cromarty himself set
out for Caithness; but he had scarcely reached the entrance into the
county, when he heard of the advance of the Duke of Cumberland, and at
the same time received instructions to hasten forward with all his
available force to Inverness, where the main body of the Highlanders
were assembled.
Lord Macleod, with the party he commanded, hastily
marched from Caithness to join his father in Sutherland, and both, in a
day or two after, partly by treachery, were taken prisoners in the
castle of Dunrobin. It would appear that on this occasion Cromarty, so
far from exhibiting any tact as a leader, did not exercise even ordinary
prudence and circumspection. Sir Walter Scott says: [Tales of a
Grandfather.]—"The Earl and his son remained at the castle witnessing
the tricks of a juggler; while his men, 350 in number, were marched
under the command of subaltern officers, and with little precaution, on
to the ferry, where they were to embark. Thither they were chased by
comparatively a mere handful of the Sutherland militia, and the greater
part of them were destroyed." If the defeat at Culloden had not occurred
so soon, it is believed that a considerable body of Caithness men would
have joined the rebels; but the news of this unexpected disaster came
like a thunderbolt on the principal Jacobites in the county, and blasted
all their hopes. "Many in Caithness," says Mackay, "had purposed to join
the rebel standard, were at considerable pains to persuade others, and
several of them assumed the rank of captains, lieutenants, ensigns,
etc.; but a fear of being interrupted by the Royalists, prevented them
from marching southwards." About 45 men joined Lord Macleod in
Caithness; and before leaving the county, the only compulsory measure he
used was that of obliging the landholders to pay a part of the land tax.
One of our Caithness proprietors, John Sutherland, Esq. of Forse, was a
staunch friend of Government. This gentleman, grandfather of the present
Mr Sutherland of Forse, raised a company of men on his own estate, had
them enrolled among the " Loudon Highlanders," and was with them as
their captain in the celebrated battle of Culloden. Caithness,
therefore, may be justly said to have had her share in the achievement
of that field which happily and at once placed on a firm foundation the
civil and religious liberty of the country.
Alexander Sinclair, Earl of Caithness, died in 1765,
leaving only one daughter, Lady Dorothea Sinclair, who married the Earl
of Fife. He was succeeded in the property by Sir John Sinclair of
Stevenson (Haddingtonshire), as heir-substitute under the entail
executed by the Earl of his lands of Murkle and others. The estate is at
present possessed by Sir John's grandson, Admiral Sir John Gordon
Sinclair. On the demise of the late Earl, two claimants appeared for the
title, namely, James Sinclair [James Sinclair
of Broynach, who claimed the earldom in preference to William Sinclair
of Rattar, was son of David Sinclair of Broynach, brother of Alexander,
the ninth Earl. As a lineal descendant of Sir James Sinclair of Murkle,
the eldest brother of George, the fifth Earl, he had undoubtedly a
better claim to the title than William of Rattar, who was only a lineal
descendant of Sir John Sinclair of Greenland, the Earl's second brother.
Broynach's claim, however, would seem to have been vitiated by his
father's marriage with Janet Ewan not having been found valid.]
of Broynach, and William Sinclair of Rattar. A long process took place.
The case was finally brought before the British Parliament, and in that
last court of appeal, Rattar carried the peerage in 1772.
About this time a band of robbers, consisting of some
ten or twelve of the strongest men in the county, carried on a regular
system of burglary by breaking into houses, shops, and granaries, and
abstracting therefrom, money, goods, and meal, to a large extent. They
were mostly all individuals in good circumstances; and it would appear
to have been nothing but sheer covetous-ness that prompted to this
dishonest course. They resided in different parishes, but they kept up a
secret correspondence, and had certain places where they met from time
to time, and concocted their villanous schemes. The county was then
entirely destitute of anything in the shape of police. It had not even a
sufficient prison or lock-up for malefactors; and such of the
inhabitants as were possessed of any little means or money, lived in
constant dread of a visit from the gang. There was a large granary at
Murkle well stored with victual, belonging to the proprietor of the
district. The robbers had forcibly entered it and carried off a rich
booty in meal. Not long after this, one Swanson, an inhabitant of Thurso,
nicknamed Canny, was returning home in the evening along with some other
persons from a market in Olrig, and the conversation turning on the
recent robbery, he happened to say that if he chose, he could tell who
they were that broke into the storehouse at Murkle. This being reported
to some of the band, he was decoyed out one night after he had gone to
bed, and the next morning was found lying dead at a short distance from
the town, with seemingly the mark of a joiner's hammer on his forehead.
In order to make it appear as if his death had been the result of
accident, the body was laid to an old stone fence, with the feet
uppermost, and the forehead resting on a sharp stone. This clumsy
attempt at disguise excited the public suspicion more strongly. From the
appearance of the wound and other circumstances, there could be no doubt
that the poor man was foully murdered. A precognition was made, but it
failed in bringing out any positive proof of guilt against the parties
The villains now laid a desperate plot to murder
William Sinclair, the Laird of Freswick, who was believed to have a
considerable sum of money in his repositories, which they resolved to
seize on and divide among themselves. . Mr Sinclair, who was a man of
peculiar habits, resided, at the time, in a large house which he had
lately erected on the south side of the Bay of Freswick. The following
minute account of the discovery of the plot, and of the punishment of
the robbers, is given by Robert Mackay:—"This gentleman (Mr Sinclair)
had got into a habit of lying in bed awake all night, during which one
of his numerous tenants alternately sat beside him. The murder and
robbery were to be perpetrated on the night on which Donald Rugg, one of
his tenants, who was one of the band, was to sit up with him, of which
he was to give previous notice to his accomplices. A few days before it
came to Rugg's turn to attend his landlord—the latter having had
occasion to send a bearer with a letter to Mr Henderson of Stempster on
some business—Rugg sent a letter by the same bearer, addressed to John
Swanson, joiner in Thurso, another of the band, to whom he was to
deliver it. When he arrived at Stempster, as he could not read, he gave
both letters to Mr Henderson, who, on being informed that the one to
Swanson had come from Rugg, both of whom were suspected to belong to the
band, desired the bearer to return home, saying that he would convey the
other letter to Thurso by a runner he was sending there. He broke open
the letter, the import of which was that the 'black ox' was to be
killed on a certain night. He sent the letter to Mr John Sinclair,
sheriff-depute of the county, who was son of Mr Sinclair of Freswick,
with a list of the suspected persons. Mr Sinclair immediately despatched
a party of twenty-four Highlanders from Dunbeath, who seized most of the
band, some of whom afterwards turned evidence, by which and other means
the plot was discovered. They were tried by a jury, and having been
publicly whipped, were banished the county. Some of them had fled, and
escaped punishment." Swanson, the joiner in Thurso, who was considered
the leader of the gang, and was commonly known by the appellation of "Achgillan,"
was a tall, handsome, fine-looking man, and connected by marriage with a
respectable family in the county. His mother-in-law, a woman of a proud
spirit, felt very deeply the disgrace which he had brought upon them,
and on the day on which he was to be whipped, came purposely to Thurso
to witness the punishment. The town was full of people from all parts of
the county, attracted thither by the novelty of the spectacle. While the
culprit was being flogged, the old lady, his mother-in-law, stood
looking on with much apparent satisfaction, and is said to have called
out to the man with the lash, "Lay it well into the scoundrel, and don't
spare; he richly deserves all that he can get." Being a determined
character, and possessed of more than ordinary talent, Swanson was
transported to the Plantations; and his success in after life was not a
little remarkable. When the Colonies rebelled against the mother
country, in 1775, he heartily espoused the cause, volunteered into the
service, and rose, it is said, in the revolutionary army, to the rank of
lieutenant-colonel. Rugg, the Canisbay robber, escaped punishment by
flight. He went to America, also, but of his future career in that part
of the world, whether he became a reformed man, or committed deeds which
brought him to the gibbet, there is no account. His relatives in
Caithness were very respectable people; and he had a nephew, David Rugg,
who was many years an elder in the Church of Canisbay.
While on this subject, I may give some account of a
celebrated bandit, named David Marshall, who flourished in the county
some time before the event which has just been described, and who was in
many respects an extraordinary character. Marshall lived at a place
called Backlas, in the parish of Watten. His real name was Sutherland,
and he was a native of Kildonan, on the borders of Sutherlandshire. In
the traditional annals of Caithness, he is styled, par excellence,
the Robber of Backlas. This daring vagabond, who supported himself
entirely by robbery, was upwards of six feet in height, stout in
proportion, and possessed of extraordinary bodily strength. It has been
truly said that "none are all evil." Nature rarely produces monsters in
the moral world any more than in the animal kingdom. The very worst
characters have often some good points about them; and the Robber of
Backlas was not without some redeeming qualities also. To the poor he
was uniformly kind and generous, and seldom meddled with anything
belonging to them. It was the rich only, or such as could spare a
portion of their means, that he robbed. His creed was that this world's
goods were very unfairly divided, and that the man who had not enough
was perfectly justified in taking from him who had a superabundance.
Marshall openly attended all the country markets in
the neighbourhood, equipped in full Highland costume, with dirk and
broadsword; and when any of the small farmers or cottars of his
acquaintance disposed of any of their live stock, they had such perfect
confidence in his honesty in this matter, that they handed him their
money as to a banker, in order to be kept for them until it was called
for. Without this precaution, they ran the risk—such was the condition
of the county at the time—of having their cash taken from them by other
thieves before they reached home. In "Guy Mannering" the notorious Dirk
Hatteraick is represented as saying that he always acted honestly by his
employer's, and never cheated them of a stiver. The Robber of Backlas
could have made a similar averment in regard to his conduct as banker
for the poor. He never proved unfaithful to his trust, or appropriated
to his own use a single farthing of their money.
Of the various anecdotes which tradition has
preserved respecting Marshall, the following is perhaps one of the most
curious and interesting. The proprietor of Pennyland sent one day for
one of his tenants, named John Tait, whom he was in the habit of
employing on confidential errands.
"John," said the laird, "there is a very particular
business which I wish you to do for me. I have some money in the hands
of a friend at Inverness, and you will have to go there for it."
John at first hesitated. He was willing, he said, to
do anything in his power to serve his Honour, but the journey was long
and dangerous; and, should he meet with no accident in crossing the
several rivers and ferries on the road, he was sure to be robbed on his
way home, as soon as he came into Caithness, by David Marshall or some
of his gang. David would to a certainty hear of the journey and its
object, for there was nothing that he did not hear of.
"Nonsense," said the laird, "there is no fear of
that; only don't tell your wife where you are going, or anything about
it. Women are so fond of gossiping, that not one in a hundred can keep a
secret. Here is a good pocket-pistol to carry with you for a protection.
Keep it well charged, and if any villain should attempt to rob you, use
no ceremony with him, but draw the trigger, and give him the contents in
his stomach."
John at length consented to go, and the necessary
credentials were delivered to him.
"Now," said he, "if anything should happen to me, I
hope your Honour will look to my poor wife and family."
The laird promised that in such an event he would
show them all the kindness and attention in his power. John arrived safe
in the Highland capital, got the money, and was now on his way home
ascending the steep mountain pass of the Ord, when whom should he see
advancing towards him with a smile on his countenance but the dreaded
David Marshall.
"Hollo! John, is this you?" cried David. "How are
you? You have been at Inverness, I understand."
John saw that it would be of no use to deny it, and
replied in the affirmative.
"And you have got the money?" He said he had.
"And none attempted to relieve you of it by the way?"
"None," said John.
"Well, I'm glad of that. Come, let us sit down and
rest us here for a little."
John, although a man of more than ordinary nerve and
courage, felt exceedingly uncomfortable. The old road, or rather
foot-path, across the Ord at this time ran along the face of a sheer
precipice over-hanging the sea in a terrific manner. They were in the
middle of this fearful pass; and if the robber was inclined to take the
money, and dispose of the bearer, he had nothing to do but give him a
push down, and he would be precipitated three hundred feet to the
bottom. It was a dreadful situation for one to be in, and at the same
time completely at the mercy of a determined outlaw. John instinctively
put his hand into his coat-pocket to take out his pistol, but on second
thoughts he drew it back again, as he knew this would only serve to
hasten his fate. Besides, the robber never went without a sword and a
brace of pistols himself, and he was not a match for him in any way.
"I see, John," said Marshall, "that you would rather
have met any one than me on the Ord, but don't be alarmed, my good
fellow. I have no intention of taking a farthing of the money from you.
You are a decent trustworthy chap, and though I am a villain myself, I
have a respect for an honest man. Now, when I think of it, we will be no
worse of a little refreshment."
So saying, he drew out of his pocket a flask of
brandy and a small drinking-horn, and, treating himself to a bumper, he
filled another to John.
"This is not bad stuff, friend," said he, smacking
his lips, "I had it from the Laird of Stangergill's cellar."
After chatting together for half-an-hour, they rose
to depart.
"I'm on my way to Helmsdale," said Marshall, "and as
it is possible you may meet some of my friends on the road, show them
this (handing him a bit of soiled paper with the initials ' D. M.'
rudely scrawled on it), and they will allow you to pass on without the
least molestation. By the bye," added he, "one of my firelocks is
getting rather the worse of the wear. If you please, I will relieve you
of the one you have belonging to the laird, your master, and you may
tell him, with my compliments, that I will keep it for his sake."
John gave him the weapon, very glad to get off so
easily. They then bade each other good bye, shook hands at parting, and
continued their respective journeys. John fortunately met with none of
Marshall's associates, and had no occasion to make use of his passport.
On reaching home, he repaired immediately to the residence of his
master, delivered him the full sum of money, and astonished him not a
little with an account of his adventure with David Marshall at the Ord.
In his more daring exploits as a robber, Marshall
generally availed himself of the aid of accomplices. With their
assistance he had twice broken into the castle of Keiss, and once into
the castle of Dunbeath. In a second attempt on the latter castle a
desperate encounter with fire-arms took place between the domestics and
the robbers. The latter were in the end obliged to take to flight. One
of the gang was killed by a musket shot; and Marshall, it is said,
carried the dead body on his back all the way from Dunbeath to Dirlet,
in the parish of Halkirk, where the man resided.
Many attempts were made for a long time to seize
Marshall, but he either beat off the parties sent to apprehend him, or
dexterously eluded their search. At length Sir William Sinclair of Keiss,
who suffered much from his predatory visits, was determined, if
possible, to take him, and put a stop to his lawless proceedings. With
this view he got together twelve of the strongest men on the estate,
and, heading the party himself, set off one night for the residence of
the robber. They reached Backlas a little after daylight; and, having
ascertained that he was at home, Sir William ordered six of the party,
to keep watch outside, while he with the other six forced open the door
of the hut, and rushed in with loaded pistols in their hands. Marshall
had just risen from bed, and was in the act of combing his hair, which,
not having been subjected to the scissors for years, was of great
"If you stir a foot, or make the least resistance,"
cried Sir William, presenting a pistol to his breast, "you are a dead
The robber for once appeared utterly confounded and
paralysed. He made no attempt to resist the party, but quietly allowed
himself to be handcuffed; and in this state he was marched off to Wick,
and lodged in jail. His malpractices and deeds of robbery were so
notorious that it was deemed quite unnecessary in his case to go through
the formality of a trial. After remaining in durance for a few days, he
was taken out, publicly whipped, and banished from Caithness. He retired
to his native county, but, as he still continued to follow his old
profession, the authorities in Sutherland subsequently managed to get
him transported to America.
William Sinclair, Earl of Caithness, died in 1782.
His son John, Lord Berriedale, was at the time in America. He entered
the army when a young man, and rose to be major of the 76th regiment,
or, as they were called, the Macdonald Highlanders. It was the hottest
period of the unfortunate war in the colonies. The Macdonald Highlanders
were ordered to America; and the command having devolved upon his
lordship, he embarked with his regiment for New York, where they landed
in the month of August, 1779. He was present at the siege of
Charlestown, and was severely wounded on that occasion. Having on the
death of his father become Earl of Caithness, he returned to Britain,
and died unmarried soon after in London. The earldom then descended to
Sir James Sinclair of Mey, in whose family it still remains.
During the first burst of the French Revolution,
which threatened to overturn every kingdom in Europe, the national
defences became a subject of anxious consideration to Government. At
this fearful crisis, rendered still more alarming by the state of
matters in Ireland, several patriotic noblemen and landed gentlemen
throughout Scotland, prompted by a high spirit of loyalty, offered to Mr
Pitt to raise fencible regiments for the general safety in their
respective counties, as auxiliaries to the line, and to take the command
of them themselves. This offer was gladly accepted by the Premier, who
issued letters of service accordingly. Among the first who nobly came
forward in this emergency, was the celebrated Sir John Sinclair. In the
course of a few months he raised a body of 600 men—chiefly from his own
estate in Caithness—and was invested with the full rank of colonel. They
were appropriately named the Caithness Fencibles; but as Caithness and
Bute then united in sending alternately a member to Parliament, and the
Prince of Wales was pleased to grant permission that Rothesay, his chief
seat in Scotland, should be added, they were subsequently called the
Rothesay and Caithness Fencibles. Their uniform differed from that of
the other fencible corps. It consisted of a bonnet and feathers, with a
plaid thrown across the shoulders, tartan pantaloons, surmounted with a
stripe of yellow along the seams, a fringe of tartan on the outside of
the thigh, and the same around the ankle. The regiment was embodied at
Inverness in the month of October, 1794, and passed a highly favourable
inspection before Lieutenant-General Sir Hector Munro. In their handsome
uniform they had a remarkably fine appearance; and the tallness of the
officers, nineteen of whom exceeded six feet in height, attracted
particular notice. The first station of the regiment was at Aberdeen,
where they lay encamped for six months. They were ordered there by the
Commander-in-chief for the purpose of defending that city, in the event
of an invasion (which was then much apprehended) of the French army in
Holland. After doing duty in different quarters through Scotland, this
battalion was reduced in 1799. In 1795, Sir John raised a second
battalion, of 1000 effective men, under the designation of the
"Caithness Highlanders," whose service was extended to Ireland. Their
uniform was the same as that of the first battalion. Captain Benjamin
Williamson of Banniskirk, was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel. After being
inspected by Lieutenant-General Hamilton at Forfar, the Caithness
Highlanders were immediately sent over to Ireland, where they did duty,
in camp and barracks, during the whole period of the Rebellion. In 1798
an address was presented to the lieutenant-colonel of the regiment by
Viscount Gosford, in name of the magistrates of Armagh, thanking the
officers, non-commissioned officers, and men, for their excellent
conduct and efficient services. In 1802 the regiment returned to
Scotland, and was disbanded in Edinburgh. "Sir John Sinclair," says the
writer of a memoir of his life, "made them a farewell speech in front of
his house in Charlotte Square, where refreshments were liberally served
out to the regiment; and after three enthusiastic cheers for their
much-honoured colonel, the soldiers then dispersed, though many of them
enlisted immediately afterwards to serve abroad."