AT the entrance to Glenmore, a little
south of the Green Loch, there is a conical hill, called "
Sithean dubh-dà-choirnhead," the black Sithan of
the two outlooks. The name is descriptive. It appeals to
memory and imagination, and brings the scene before us as
in a picture. Standing on this height, you can look on the
one side to the great glen opening out before you, with
its far-stretching fir woods, mixed with birch and
juniper, its well-watered glades and sheltered nooks where
the deer love to feed, and its grand back-ground of snowy
corries and rugged cliffs, and lofty mountains whose tops
seem lost in the clouds. On the other side you look as
through a cleft in the sky, across the moors to the strath
of the Nethy, with its green fields and smiling
homesteads, and the many signs of life and civilisation.
This is the double outlook, which has charmed many an eye
in the course of the ages. Something of the same kind
happens now and again in human life. We come to some
height, from which, as from a vantage ground, we can look
before and after, and ponder the thoughts that arise from
the prospect. Solomon tells us how in his time there were
some who said, "The former days were better than these."
This is a common saying even still, but it is the result
more of sentiment than reason.
Macaulay in his famous chapter on the
progress of England (Vol. I.) endeavours, with much
ingenuity, to account for the belief—" it may at first
sight seem strange that Society, while constantly moving
forward with eager speed, should be constantly looking
backward with tender regret. But these two propensities,
inconsistent as they may appear, can easily he resolved
into the same principle. Both spring from our impatience
of the state in which we actually are. That impatience,
while it stimulates us to surpass preceding generations,
disposes us to over-rate their happiness. It is, in some
sense, unreasonable and ungrateful in us to be constantly
discontented with a condition which is constantly
improving. But, in truth, there is constant improvement
precisely because there is constant discontent. If we were
perfectly satisfied with the present, we should cease to
continue to labour, and to say with a view to the future.
And it is natural that, being dissatisfied with the
present, we should form a too favourable estimate of the
As to ourselves, there should be no
delusion or mistake. In what is set forth in this book
alone, there is sufficient evidence to enable us to come
to a right decision. "The former days were better." But
which days? "The days" of barbarism, when "wild in
woods the noble savage ran ?" No. "The days" of the
Caterans, when rapine and murder were common? No. "The
days" of the Baron Bailies, when life and liberty
were at the mercy of irresponsible power, and deeds were
done, as Parson John has told, rivalling the atrocities of
Tippoo Sultan ? No. "The days" of ecclesiastical state,
when the Parish Church was vacant for nineteen years,
and, according to Archbishop Spottiswood, "atheism,
idolatrie, and every sort of wickediness" prevailed? No. "
The days" of last century, when, as Lachlan Shaw records,
there was no School (legal) from Keith to Ruthven, and the
bulk of the people were still sunk in ignorance and
superstition ? No. Perhaps if the Elders were asked, they
would say, " The days of Mr Martin" were the best, "the
Golden Age" of Abernethy. At that time there were several
families of good position in our parish, who gave a higher
tone to society, and there was munch of the spirit of good
neighbourhood and brotherly sympathy among the people. At
that time there was virtually no dissent," and the people
went up together in unity to worship in God’s house. At
that time there was a marked revival of religion, and
Sabbath-schools, Bible Societies, and other benevolent
agencies were brought into active operation. But granting
this, it may still be held that " the present," and not "
the former days," are on the whole the best.
There have been losses, but there have
also been gains. There have been changes for the worse,
but there have been also changes that are greatly for the
better. The environment of the people is improved. Houses
are better, and home comforts are increased. Education is
free, and has been brought within the reach of all. Books
and newspapers are common, and facilities for intercourse
and travel have been multiplied. The management of the
poor, of schools, and of parish business is in the hands
of the people. Opportunities for culture and advancement
have been gained, while the Bible is still taught in our
schools, and the Gospel of Christ is preached in our
churches. In these and in other ways there has been
decided improvement, and if the people of the present time
are not equal to or better than their fathers, it must be
their own fault—they cannot rightly throw the blame on
circumstances. We cannot go back to the past. Our duty is
to make the most of the present. If each of us were to do
his part in his own place, living a Christian life in
peace and charity—if we were all, old and young, to "stand
fast" in truth, and ‘‘serve one another in love "—then we
might hope that God would bless us more and more, and that
our dear parish would be a praise in the land, and the old
glory be restored.