It is said that in India certain arts
were confined to certain families or castes, and that as
these families died out, the arts were lost. The same
thing has happened, though in a different way, in the
Highlands. When the people were divided into clans, and
lived by themselves, many arts and industries were in use
amongst them, which, from social changes and the progress
of commerce and civilisation, have passed away. The
making of cloth was once largely practised. First the
wool was prepared in the carding—mill, then it was spun
into thread, then it was dyed, and various kinds of bark
and lichens were employed to produce different dyes, then
it was woven, loom weavers being then common, then it was
‘‘ waulked," and when all was finished, it was turned to
use as required. These operations were mostly carried out
by women, and they used to lighten their labours by song.
It was said of the Roman matron, ‘‘ Domum mansit, lanam
fecit,’’ well rendered by Robertson of Struan, ‘‘ She
keepit weel the hoose, and birlit at the wheel." This was
true also of the Highlands in the olden time. The wheel
was found in every house, and pleasant it was to see
matron or maiden plying her task at the fireside with
simple grace and joy.
"Verse sweetens toil, however rude the
All at her work the village maiden sings,
Nor while she turns the giddy wheel around,
Revolves the sad vicissitudes of things."
Fuel had to be provided, and this was
chiefly taken from the mosses. Peat may be said to be
arrested coal. It is found in abundance in the cold north.
Before the days of railways the people were largely
dependent upon it for their fire. Mossing, which
was in May or June, was a lively stirring time. The
cutting was done by men from a bank with spades, and the
carrying by women and boys in light barrows. First the
peats were set up two and two together. Then when well
dried they were put in little heaps, and afterwards built
up into stacks, or carted home for use. The making of
charcoal for smithies was a more complicated business.
David Laing, Causair, who came from Kinloss in 1806. used
to make his coal at Plotta, near time old Tonmintoul road,
as the moss there was found most suitable for the purpose.
Calm weather was chosen for the work. First three or four
pits were dug, and these were built up with dry peats to a
height of 5 feet above the surface of the ground, leaving
an air-hole in the centre, and then carefully thatched.
Fire was applied by the vent. Soon a kind of sough was
heard, and then the vent was covered with small peats and
dust. The fire spread from windward. The heaps were
closely watched, and wherever the fire threatened to break
through, the weak places were strengthened by divots and
gravel. But no pressure or undue weight was applied. Soon
the heat became intense. The heaps were allowed to burn
for about a week. Then the charcoal was taken out, and
carted to the smithy, where it was carefully husbanded.
The work of the bellows and the anvil could not go on
without it. Hence the Gaelic proverb, ‘‘An uair a
theirigeas gual, sguiridh obair," When coal ends, work

Tar was much used in former days,
not only for sheep and cattle, but for carts, then made
entirely of wood, and for domestic purposes. It was made
in this way. First a pit was dug in firm mossy ground,
with a round hole at the bottom about 18 inches deep, to
hold a cask or jar, covered with a flag resting on stone
supports, so as to let the tar run in from above. The pit
was then filled with cut quick—fire, rich with resin, and
covered with divots packed close with moss. The fire was
lighted from the top, but allowed to burn slowly for two
or three days. The resinous sap oozing out dropped into
the central hole. When carefully done, the tar thus
obtained was of the finest quality. The quern was
still in use sixty years ago. Another important implement
was the knocking-black. In most parts of the
Highlands it was made of stone, but in Strathspey, where
wood was plentiful, it was generally made of wood. The
mode of manufacture was simple. First, a fir tree, well
matured, was chosen, and a piece sawn off of the proper
size. Then holes were bored in the centre with an auger
(G. Tora), and the wood cut out with a chisel (C
Glib) so as to form a cup-like hole of sufficient
depth. Then the hole was smoothed and hardened by burning
peat-coals inside, care being taken by means of a damp
cloth to prevent the wood from being burnt or cracked. The
mallet was also of wood, with the point rounded, and
generally studded with nails to make it the more firm and
durable. The block was called in Gaelic "An Cnap Eorna,"
the Barley Block, and often for shortness the Cnap,
or Cnotag. The mallet was called An
teangaidh, the tongue - probably from its shape, but
perhaps with a cunning reference to the purpose to which
it was applied. It was sometimes called "An slachdan,"
the Beater. The block was worked as follows:—Some
barley was put into a dish and damped with water. It was
then rubbed with the hand, and when so far cleaned and
moistened it was put into the block and beaten with the
mallet. The operator, usually a woman, was seated, and
carried on the process very methodically—first giving a
stroke downwards upon the barley, and then a lighter
stroke on the side of the block to shake off any grains
that might have adhered to the mallet. So on she went,
with a sort of musical rhythm, often with the
accompaniment of song, till the grain was loosened from
the husk. The next step was to winnow the grain, which was
done with a fan (an dallanach). The barley
was then put into a dish with warm water, and carefully
worked about with the hand, till it was perfectly smooth
and white. It was then fit for use, and was called "Cnots,"
pronounced "Grots." Perhaps this may be the origin of the
English word "groats." A specimen of a knocking-block and
mall, from Lynamer. Tulloch, was presented to the Museum
of Antiquities, Edinburgh. Stone blocks are common, but a
wooden block is a great rarity.
WOOD MANUFACTURE.—For long this was the
chief industry of our Parish. In winter the men were
employed in felling trees in the forest, and in bringing
the logs with horses to the river bank, and to the
saw-mills. There were dams or reservoirs on the Nethy,
and, by letting off the water from them, the river was
raised sufficiently to admit of the logs that had been
laid down at convenient points being floated to the Spey.
The men employed in this way were called "Floaters." The
scene on a floating-day was very picturesque and lively.
From thirty to forty men met at the appointed place, each
of them with his "deck," a wooden pole with a two-pointed
head of iron, fitted for pushing or hauling. The logs had
been rolled into the bed of the river, and, when the rush
of water came, the utmost endeavour was made to keep them
afloat and moving. From pool to pool the men plied their
task. Sometimes a block took place. Two logs got fast
across a stone, or in some narrow place; then others were
caught and heaped up. In a second or two there was a huge
pile, jammed and locked together in seemingly inextricable
confusion. But the men knew their business. Some stalwart
lad dashed in, fastened his cleek in the log that formed
the key of the lock, tugged and strained till he got it
free, and then in a moment the huge pile broke up. and the
channel again was clear. At the Dell intack, Benjamin
Lobban might be seen standing near the sluice, and deftly
picking out such of the finer logs as he fancied, to be
sawn into deals. But the bulk of the logs were taken to
the mouth of the Nethy (Broomhill), to be made up into
floats or rafts for Garmouth. These floats were formed
after the improved pattern by Aaron Hill. They were made
up of logs fastened together, with, perhaps, a cargo of
deals, and were managed by two men, one at each end, with
long oars. When the floats were buckled, and the Spey was
of proper size, one after another would start on their
40-mile voyage. For the first four miles the water was
sluggish and the progress slow. Beyond Kirkton the river
runs more quickly, and there are strong streams here and
there, all the way to Ballindalloch, so that the pace was
more satisfactory. The fork and shallows at Advie, and the
rapids at Dalgarvan and Dundurcas, had to he carefully
watched. Mishaps and losses happened at these places, but
the men had attained, by long experience, to such skill
and expertness that accidents were very rare. The cruives,
or braes, used by the Duke of Gordon’s fishermen,
sometimes gave trouble. Once a well-known floater, of the
name of Clarke, was asked by a watcher how he got over the
brae. " Never better, never better," was the cheery reply.
The fact was the worth floater had carried his float right
through, making a big gap in the brae! The best floaters
would make the trip to the sea in about twelve hours.
Starting early in the morning from Broomhill, they would
be able, not only to get to Garmouth by the evening. but
to reach Rothes on their home journey before night. The
number of tenants employed in this industry in Abernethy
was about 90, and their earnings were considerable—often
more than enough to cover the rent of their farms. In
1839, 91 tenants were paid the sum of £452 ; and in 1840,
95 tenants received among them £636. It is evident that
great advantages to the tenants accrued under the system,
and the landlord had not only the satisfaction of giving
employment in a way that encouraged industry and thrift,
but also of obtaining a safe and easy settlement of rents.
The old system was abolished in 1843, and now the
manufacture of wood is mostly in the hands of strangers.
With reference to some of the old
industries, such as dyeing, spinning, carving, and others,
it may be observed that they were practised when work was
slack, and filled up leisure hours which might otherwise
have been spent idly and unprofitably. In the Black
Forest, in winter, men are busy manufacturing wooden
clocks; in the Tyrol, in making and painting dolls; and in
Switzerland, in various forms of wood-carving. These
industries are supplemental to the ordinary work of
the place, and do good in many ways. Something of this
kind is much needed in the Highlands, and the efforts
being made, as by the Highland Industrial Association, to
establish such crafts, are deserving of every
encouragement. It is desirable also that our system of
compulsory education, which is becoming harassing and
oppressive to small farmers and labourers, should he
somewhat modified, and that it should be recognised that
boys and girls, above 12 years of age, who are employed
agriculturally, are really receiving a technical
education, which may be of more advantage to them in after
life than much of the learning of the schools. |