It was a sweet spring day, the 12th of
March, 1820. The Parish Church was vacant, for Mr John had
died in the month of January. Mr Peter Grant, Balintua,
Baptist minister, commonly called "Peter Brachtair," was
holding an open-air service at Straanbeg, a little meadow
lying between the Nethy and the high bank that borders the
Dell Road. There, under the shade of a great fir,
the preacher stood, and round about and beneath him the
people were gathered together. Mr Grant was an able and
popular preacher, and in Gaelic was considered a master.
His sermon, as usual, was highly evangelical, and though
long, it was listened to with rapt attention to the end.
The last psalm was being sung, to the dear sacramental
tune of Coleshill, and the voices of the great
congregation, rising and falling with each line, made
grave sweet melody, all the more solemn and impressive, as
accompanied by the music of the waters, and the murmur of
the wind among the trees. But before the close, it became
clear that something unusual had happened. There were
signs of distraction. At the outskirts of the crowd,
people might be observed eagerly conversing, and in some
mysterious way the excitement spread all round. When the
benediction had been pronounced, freedom was restored.
There was an immediate buzz of talk. Groups were formed
here and there, evidently discussing some news of great
importance. Let us join one of these groups. "What has
happened ?" said Robert Murray, Causair, to Serjeant Roy.
The Serjeant, as already noted, had fought in Egypt and
Spain, and was a man of mark in the parish. His answer
was, "I’ll tell you all about it as we go along. You know
that there has been bitter strife for a long time between
the Grants and the Duffs as to politics, and it has come
to a head about the election of a member of Parliament for
the burghs. Elgin is the returning burgh this time, and
things are in a bad way. The Whigs are just mad. Grant
Lodge is in a state of siege, and Lady Anne is in danger
of her life. The rascals have already kidnapped good
Bailie Taylor, and shipped him off to Sutherland, and in
their desperation they may do worse. Word has gone forth,
therefore, to call out the Clan. There was a letter this
forenoon from Congash to Mr Forsyth of the Dell, and the
big Dubhlach has been out ever since, on Mr Forsyth’s
horse Marquis, warning the Abernethy men. The order is to
meet at Nethy Bridge at 6 o’clock. It makes my old blood
warm to think of it." "And are we to take guns and swords
?" "No, no; nothing of that sort, only sticks; so we had
better be off to dinner, for we have a long tramp before
us." "Yes, but not as bad as Corunna !" "Little you
know of Corunna, and yet there were weak women who went
through all the horrors of that time."
Before six o’clock, some 150 men had
mustered at Nethy Bridge. Captain Grant, Birchfield, and
Mr Forsyth explained to them how things stood, and gave
them words of counsel as to their behaviour. Then in
silence, as became the Sabbath, the start was made. Past
the church, and down by Balliefurth and Achernack, they
marched steadily on. At Spey Bridge they were joined by
some men from the Braes and the east end of the Parish.
Through Cromdale and Advie they passed in the darkness,
and by the time they had reached the Drum of Carron, it
was near midnight. At Aberlour they rested, and had some
refreshment. Then as the clock struck twelve, and the
Sabbath was past, Mr Forsyth said to Peter Bain, "Peter,
you might now give us a tune to cheer us." Peter was
nothing loth, and struck up "The Haughs of Cromdale." Then
having mustered again, they marched down the street to the
spirit-stirring strains of the "Highland Laddie." The
unwonted sounds startled many of the townsfolk from their
slumbers. Windows were drawn, doors cautiously opened, and
faces were seen here and there peering out, in wonder and
alarm. Telford’s iron bridge, then one of the wonders of
the Strath, was crossed, and as they halted for a minute
under the shadow of the rock, they made the woods ring
with their battle cry, Stand fast, Craigellachie!
Then on they went through Rothes, and the Glen, and down
by Longmorn, till they could see the towers of the
Cathedral and the smoke of Elgin rising near. On the
outskirts of the town they were met by friends, who took
them round by the quietest way to Grant Lodge. The time
was critical, and it was considered prudent to avoid the
principal streets, and to guard against giving provocation
to their opponents. Two incidents may be mentioned as
indicating the temper of the Elgin people. One young
fellow was loud in his menaces and jeers, swinging his
staff in the faces of the Highlanders. At last, a man
called "Allie Meenie" stepped out, snatched his stick from
him, and sent him staggering into the gutter. At another
point, as John Grant of Lynbreck used to tell, an old wife
stood by the roadside, crying "Lord Fife for ever !"
Provoked by her pertinacity, one of the Highlanders gave
her a push, bidding her be quiet. She stumbled and fell,
but getting up quickly, she shouted louder than before,
"Lord Fife for ever! Lord Fife for ever !" "Well done,
Cailleach," some of the men cried, for they could not but
admire her courage.
The Cromdale men had been the first to
arrive about 3 A M., then later came the Abernethy men,
and last the men of Duthil, and when they were all
mustered, there must have been more than 600 on the
ground. It was a brave sight, and Lady Anne’s heart
swelled with pride and delight. Here were 600 men, and
others were on their way from Glen-Urquhart, strong and
resolute, ready, if need be, to fight to the death for
their beloved Chieftainess. But happily no fighting was
needed. Enough had been done. The demonstration made was
sufficient, and would not be forgotten for many a day. The
men, therefore, were hospitably entertained, thanked for
their devotion and good services, and counselled to return
quietly to their homes. But two bright incidents must not
be left out. Lady Anne had a young Highland lady of much
grace and beauty staying with her at Grant Lodge, Miss
Christina Macleod of Drynoch, who in the August following
was to become the wife of Mr Charles Gordon of Forres.
When the first of the Highlanders appeared there was
tremendous noise and shouting in the town, and Lady Anne
misapprehending the uproar, feared that it was the Elgin
roughs who were coming, and almost fainted. But Miss
Macleod, whose quick ear had caught the sound of the
pipes, soon cheered her, saying, "Don’t you hear the
pipes, it’s your own people. Hurrah !" Miss Macleod could
speak Gaelic well, and Lady Anne, with the instinct of a
true Highlander, asked her to say something to the men
before they left. When she came out they all stood up, and
when they heard this charming lady address them in the
dear tongue of their fathers, they burst into cheers. Only
a fragment of Miss Macleod’s speech has been preserved,
but it is significant. With sly humour, she ended with the
words, "Now, men, take care, or the Elgin shoemakers will
prick you with their awls !’ At this there were shouts of
laughter, and ringing cheers repeated again and again. All
that night and morning Elgin was in a state of fear and
trembling, and there was good cause. "How great a fire a
little spark kindleth." And had it not been for wise
restraint and prudent management on both sides, the spark
might have fallen where combustibles were plenty, and a
fire broken out, which in its ravages would have rivalled
the sack of Elgin by the Wolf of Badenoch four hundred
years before.
But if the anxiety in Elgin was great,
the excitement in the glens was equally great. Take a
sample. Peter Bain’s wife was of the nervous, timorous
sort. She was out and in at the house of Rothiemoon, with
every fresh bit of news that came to hand. One time her
cry was, "There’s not a man left on Nethy side, they’re
all away." "Well," said Mrs Grant. "it’s in a good cause."
Next, it was, "The armoury is off from Castle Grant."
"Better that than to have our men without guns and
swords," was the reply. Then it was in a voice of despair,
"The Duffs have got the soldiers from Fort-George. Ochon!
it will be as bad as Culloden!" But this was too much.
"Out of this," said the brave good-wife, "and look to your
own house and bairns." And then, as a parting stroke,
"Peter, poor man, will be sore needing something good when
he comes, he will be tired enough with his short legs !"
And it was true. It had been a tremendous tramp, and it
was said there were never so many sore heels in Abernethy
as that night when the men came home from Elgin.
The story of the Grant Raid was tong
remembered in Strathspey. It was ably defended by K. K.
(Cap tam Patrick Cruikshank) in the newspapers; it was
commemorated in song, and it formed a favourite subject of
talk at all Ceilidhs. But year by year leaders and
men passed away. Robert Murray, Torniasgar; John
Macdonald, Balnagown; Peter Cameron, Old Bridge End; Alex.
Cameron, Badnaodinn; and Alex. Grant, Lynebeg, were the
last of the "Cearnachs" who survived. They, too, are gone,
and now not one remains who had taken part in that famous
expedition. |