THE caterans were the thieves that
came from the hills. They had their home in the Central Highlands, from
whence they made raids in all directions on their richer neighbours. They
are often referred to in Acts of Parliament. As far back as
1389 there is an Act—"Contra omnes
malefactores viros, Kethranicos, &c." The Litany of Dunkeld is said
to contain the following clause—"A cateranis, et latronibus, a lupis, et
omnia mala bestia, Domine libera nos," where the caterans are put first,
as more to be dreaded than either wolves and other wild beasts! In legal
phraseology they are variously designated as loons, robbers, rievers,
somers, Hieland thieves, and in one signal case the band is graphically
described as "ane infamous byke of lawless lymmars." The following extract
is from a precept to Sir John Grant, 1635:—"That there is a number of
disordered and broken lymmars of the Hielanders that of late hes brokin
louse, and in troupes and companies comes down to the in-countrie and to
other parts and bounds next adjacent to the Hielands, where they have
committed cruill and barbarous murders, and slaughters and manie stouthes,
reiffs, heirships, and deprivations upon our peaceable and good subjects."
There had been complaint of the slackness of the Laird in dealing with the
Macgregors and other raiders, and he had excused himself on the ground
that he had no proper commission, but this was now supplied, with
caution "to follow and pursue thame with fire and sword." There were
great differences among the caterans. The bulk of them were simply
thieves, but there were amongst them men of a higher stamp, who, though
they would have scorned to take part in common theft, held it no crime to
make reprisals on their foes, or to replenish their folds and coffers by
plundering their enemies. What Leyden says of the Border moss-troopers
might be applied to the caterans—
"Here fixed his mountain home, a
wide domain,
And rich the soil had purple heath been grain;
But what the niggard ground of wealth denied
From fields more bless’d his fearless arm supplied."
Mr Lorimer, in his notes, has some
curious remarks in defence of spreachs. He imagines the raiders as
saying—"We are the descendants of the first natives, and original
proprietors of all this kingdom, both Highlands and Lowlands. The land all
belongs to us, consequently the grass on that land, and consequently the
cattle that is fed on that grass. The Lowlanders are Sassenach (this is a
corruption of Saxons), or Englishmen, who have come and taken our
country from us, and, by taking their cattle or corn, we only take what
belonged, or ought now to belong, to us." This is the very argument which
Scott puts into the mouth of Roderick Dubh
"Pent in this fortress of the North,
Think’st thou we will not sally forth
To spoil the spoiler as we may,
And from the robber rend the prey.
Ay, by my soul, while on you plain
The Saxon rears one shock of grain,
While, of ten thousand herds, there strays
But one along yon river’s maze,
The Gael, of plain and river heir,
Shall, with strong hand, redeem his share."
The Raider also quotes from the
Apocrypha the answer of Simon to King Antiochus (Maccabees xv. 33-34):—
"We have neither taken
other men’s land, nor holden that which appertaineth to others, but the
inheritance of our fathers, which our enemies had wrongfully in possession
a certain time. Wherefore we, having opportunity, hold the inheritance of
our fathers."
And he further strengthens his case by referring to the
customs of the Greeks, as narrated by Thucydides—"Robbery was
honoured, provided it was done with address and courage,
and that the ancient poets made people question one another as they sailed
by, ‘If they were thieves,’ as a thing for which no one ought to be
scorned or upbraided." Principal Sir W. Geddes has kindly verified the
reference to Thucydides—He says—"The passage, Book I., 5, is a famous one,
and suits the modern Klephts, as well as ancient AEtolians." Another
friend, Mr G. Harvey, Grantown, has supplied a note with translation
"In speaking of the early Greek tribes, Thucydides, in
the introduction to his History of the Peloponnesian War, describes them
as migratory, procuring a precarious subsistence, and with no common name
or interest, and the fifth chapter of his first book, which contains the
passage quoted by Sir Wm. Geddes, and here underlined, might be translated
as follows, keeping as literal a rendering as possible:-
‘For of old the Greeks and such of the barbarians [i.e.
non-Greeks] as were on the seaboard of the mainland or were in
possession of islands, when once they began to cross over in ships from
one to the other, betook themselves, under the lead of their strongest
men, to piracy (or robbery] to enrich themselves and maintain their
dependents [lit, weaklings]. They would swoop down on towns unfortified
and peopled like villages [i.e. exposed] and would take to
pillaging than and thereby would procure the bulk of their subsistence
[or livelihood]. This practice [employment]
did not yet [i.e. in those early times] entail any discredit
but rather brought reputation. Even in our own days some of those who
live on the mainland exhibit [this trait], as they take credit for doing
this [i.e. plundering] well, and in the old poets voyagers are
everywhere alike questioned whether they are pirates [buccaneers, rievers]
[on the assumption] that those to whom the enquiry is put would not disown
the practice, nor would those who sought to know regard it as a reproach.
They pillaged each other on the mainland, and to this day in many parts of
Greece they live in the old way among the Locri, the AEtolians, and the
Acarnanians, and in that part of the mainland; and the bearing of iron
weapons [i.e. arms] has continued with the mainlanders from their
old practice of piracy."
The Thieves’ Road (Rathad-nam-Mearleach) can be
traced from Lochaber to the East Coast of Scotland. In this parish it hugs
the hills. Entering from the heights of Rothiemurchus, it skirts the south
side of Loch Morlich, passes out at the Green Loch, then by the Sleighich,
the Eag-mhòr, and the Crasg, into the lowlands of Banff and of Moray. It
was a rule with the caterans to return by a different way than that by
which they had come. They generally made their raids when there was good
moonlight. They were also watchful of opportunities. Their spies, who were
resident in the country, or on friendly terms with the people, gave them
information, which they turned to good account. Once upon a time the men
of Tulloch were away at Forres for a millstone. They had to roll it along
by means of a pole thrust through the hole in the centre, and this took
time, and had to be carefully done. In their absence a Lochaber band made
a raid, and carried off much spoil. When the Tulloch men found what had
happened, they hurried off in pursuit. Next day being Sunday, the
Rothiemurchus men turned out from church and joined them. The Camerons
were found near Loch Ennich, and, after a sharp encounter, they were
driven off, and the spoil recovered. One man only fell in the fight—who is
known in tradition as Fear-na-casan-caol, the
man with the spindly legs. Weddings and other festivals sometimes afforded
a chance for a foray. At the marriage of Fear Dal-na-poit. in the
16th century, there was a great gathering. All went merrily, but next
morning the folds were empty. There was at once a call to arms—
"Ho! gur e ‘n latha e, ‘s
mithich bhi ‘g eiridh
Mhnathan a ghlinne, nach mithich dhuibh eiridh.
Ho! gur e ‘n latha e, ‘s mithich bhi ‘g eiridh
Mise rinn a mhoch eiridh, ‘s agaibh ‘s tha feum air!
Ho! gur e ‘n latha e, ‘s mithich bhi ‘geiridh
‘S Ian dubh biorach, a ‘gioman na spreidh."
Grant of Achernack commanded the party. They found the
Lochaber men resting at the Slochd of Bachdcharn. The assailants had the
advantage of the hill. They pressed their foes hard, and at last compelled
them to retreat. Achernack, who was a good archer, slit the Lochaher
Captain’s nose with an arrow, from which he got the name of Ian Dubh
biorach. Ian vowed revenge. Some time after, Achernack met the priest
of Finlarig at the mill of Drummuillie, and had a keen dispute with
him as to which should be first served, The priest won, and
Achernack said he would remember it to him. Ian Dubh heard of this. He
came at night to Pinlarig, entered the house by a window, and stabbed the
priest to the heart. There was great indignation for this cruel murder.
Achernack’s threat was remembered, and he was arrested by order of the
Bishop of Moray and taken to Elgin, where, it was said, he was put to the
torture. Some time after Ian Dubh was caught, and condemned to be hanged,
but before his death he confessed to the murder of the priest. On this the
Laird of Grant obtained the release of Achernack, and as some compensation
for the wrongs done to him, the Bishop settled upon him the lands of
Muckrach. Such is the tradition as to how the Grants got Muckrach. The
contentions between the clans frequently led to raiding. The chiefs
connived at such expeditions, as they got advantages from them in various
ways. The famous Raid of Moyness, 1645, affords an
illustration. This raid is described in the following letter from Mr
Grant, factor, Heathfield, dated 13th December, 1810:—
"When the Strathspey men, commanded by Grant of Lurg,
came near where the Camerons and the cattle were, one meikle or big
Lawson, one of Mr Lawson of Balliemore’s ancestors, was sent to the
Camerons to desire them to leave the cattle to prevent bloodshed. On his
way back to his own party, with the answer he got, one of the Camerons let
fly an arrow and shot him dead, upon which the conflict began. The
Camerons were worsted, and the cattle taken from them. The Strathspey men,
in their way after the Camerons, and as they passed by Kylachie, Mr
Mackintosh of Kylachie made offers of himself and his people to accompany
them, but they declined his assistance, excepting that of one man of the
name of Grant he had, who was a famous bowman. He went with them and acted
valiantly. Of the Strathspey men, there was one Grant of the old
Ballindalloch family, who in that affair behaved most cowardly. As a
punishment for his conduct he was obliged every Sunday, after sermon, at
Inverallan, during a year, to stand up and say, in the face and hearing of
the congregation, ‘I am the man who behaved most cowardly on
such an occasion,’ and opposite to him the other Grant who had gone
along with them from Kylachie, stood up and said, ‘I am the man who
behaved valiantly on that occasion.’ I know none of the
offspring of these two Grants now in the country. This anecdote and piece
of history I had two nights ago from my brother, the minister of Duthil."
The Laird of Grant complained to Lochiel of the
misconduct of his people, and received the following characteristic reply:—
"ALLAN CAMERON of Lochiel to Sir JAMES GRANT of Freuchie.
"Glenlocharbeg, 18 October, 1645.
commandationes being remembrit to your Worship. I have received your
worshipis letter conserning this misfortun aceidente that never fell out
houses the lyk before in no man’s dayes; be prased be God, I am innocent
of the samming and my freindis, both in respect that they got within your
worshipis boundis, bot to Morrayland, quhair all men taks their prey,
nor know not that Moynes was ane Graunt, but thocht that he was ane
Morrayman, and if they knew him, they would not stirre his land more than
the rest of your worshipis boundis in Straspy; and, sir, I have gotten
such a losse of my freindis, quhilk I hope your Worship shall consider for
hawe aught dead alredie, and I have 12 or 13 under cure, quhilk I know not
quho shall die or quho shall live of the samming. So, sir, whosoever hes
gotten the greatist loss I am content that the samm be reparet to the
sight of freindis that loveth us beth alyk; and ther is auch a truble heir
amongest us, that we can not look to the same for the present tyme, quhill
I witt who shall live of my men that is under caire. So not further
troubling your worship at this tyme, for your worship shall not be
offendit, at my freindis innocencie. So I rest yours,
"ALLAN CANERONE of Lochyll."
Raiding continued to the middle of the last century.
After Culloden, the practice was put down with a strong hand. A central
authority was established at Inverness, with local officers. When a
robbery was reported a detachment was sent out at once from the nearest
garrison, the country was scoured, the culprits arrested, and judgment
inflicted with stern severity. It is said that in the first five years
after 1746 more thieves were hanged in Inverness
than in the previous quarter of a century. But the practice lingered
later, for the Rev. John Grant says (O. S. A.) that he remembers when the
people of this country kept out a watch in the summer months for
protecting their cattle, and these watches kept up by a round of duty, and
relief at certain periods.
The following letter from the famous Rob Roy is
interesting, as referring to "lifting cattle," and the way of tracking the
"Rob Roy to Lieutenant-Colonel WILLIAM GRANT of
Ballindalloch, as to certain stolen cattle.
"Innerlochlarig, in Ballquidder,
"May the 26, 1726.
"Mv DEAR COLONELL, — I cannot express myself how much
we that are M’Gregor’s are oblidged to you. Yow are always reckoned a
great man in their books; but your last behaviour at Aberdeen will make
them adore yow as one of their litle gods upon earth. When our letter came
here from our friends in the north to show their friends here your acting
so much for them, that we cabal’d for twenty-four hours drinking your
health and Captain Grant’s. So, in short, I doe believe that there is none
of your friends in this country but what would venter their lives for yow
without asking questions.
"How soon I got your last letter I went to my Lord
Broadalbaine’s tennents, I having got formerly intelligence that they
receitted some of your country catell of the same mark and irons. After
being exaimined, one of them declares that he got a brown blackish cow
with a burning iron upon her hip in exchange of another cow from Donald
Bane Begg. There is nothing remaining of the cow but the half of the hyde
that the burning iron was one. This man is a son-in-law of Donald Bane
Begg’s. There is one Donald M’Grigor declares he got at the same time a
large brown cow from Donald Bane Begg in payment of mony he owed him. This
Donald M’Grigor likeways declares that Donald had cows alongs with the cow
he bought that had irons on verry like the irons I produced him, which was
the irons sent to me be Cluery with Grigor Roy. I knew it was Query’s cows
and yours that Donald Bane Begg had, so that I think shame to put hard,
tho’ it were in your power and mine, to any of my Lord Broadalbaine’s
tennents. While as yow have the actors with yourself, I doe not doubt if
yow put hard to Donald Bane but he’ill find Cluery’s cow alive yet. I doe
really think that ye should cause him pay the honest gentleman’s cows. Doe
with your own lady’s cow as you think fitt; but sure Donald Bane was the
stealler of her. Were he in this country I would make him pay both,
otherways I would make him string for it. When ye send the horse,
challanged in your country, belonging to my Lord Broadalbain’s tennant, be
sure to send a sure hand with him that will carry back to yow the mare
that was challanged in my Lord Broadalbain’s ground. Yow may assure
yourself that there is nothing that yow will ask in reason in this country
but what will be granted. I would send Grigor with the answer of your
letter, if it were not that he is going in pursuance of a horse stolen
from Robert Grant (Lurg). He swears that he will never face Straithspey
till he have him, or payment for him. I trouble yow with no more at
present, only that I offer my hearty service to yourself and lady; and I
am, dear Sir,
"Your own,
"Ro. Roy.
"Colonel WILLIAM GRANT of Ballindalloch—Huse." |