1. Local Disappointment over Selection of
Grangemouth as Eastern Termination of Forth and Clyde Canal:
Proposal of Merchants and Shipmasters to Make Branch Canal to
Bo'ness—2. Failure of First Scheme: Mr. Whitworth Consulted:
Extracts from his Report: His Plan and Profile—3. Further
Extracts from Report—4. The Estimate—5. Failure of Second Scheme
and Its Results.
In what
brief references there are in gazeteers and similar works
regarding Bo'ness we are almost sure to find this very
depressing sentence, "After the opening of the Forth and Clyde
Canal its trade gradually declined." And this was only too true.
It would be unjust, however, to dismiss the subject with this
sorrowful statement. As a matter of fact, no part of our local
history deserves to be more carefully recorded and emphasised
than the part we have arrived at. We mean the whole
circumstances attending the misfortune which was sustained
locally through the opening up of the Forth and Clyde Canal and
the selection of Grangemouth (or Sealock as it was then called)
instead of Borrowstounness as the eastern termination of the
canal. We believe heroic, if unsuccessful, attempts were made on
the part of the Borrowstounness merchants and shipmasters to
have the termination made there. In support it was argued that
Sealock, or Grangemouth, was considered by engineers and those
capable of judging, as a very unsuitable place for an entry into
the firth, vessels of that period having to lie a long time in
the roads opposite Sealock waiting for stream tides and suitable
winds before they could get in. Borrowstounness, on the other
hand, was claimed to be a port possessing great natural
advantages, and therefore the proper and more suitable terminus.
But Grangemouth was, as we have said, ultimately chosen, much to
the disappointment of Bo'ness. We cannot at this distance of
time find the true cause of this decision, although local
tradition puts it down to the exercise of sinister influences by
parties interested in Grangemouth.
The sturdy merchants and shipmasters of the old
port did not lie down to this reverse. They clearly foresaw that
the Forth and Clyde Canal, when finished, would practically put
an end to their trade with Glasgow. Hitherto this had been very
extensive, and was carried on by means of packhorses and
carriers' carts. It was no rare thing at this time, we have
heard, to see in a morning fifty carts of merchant goods start
off for Glasgow. In order therefore to avert the impending
calamity, what did these plucky residents do? They made one of
the boldest strokes that has ever been made in Bo'ness (and we
are not forgetting that there have been one or two bold and
creditable strokes made in the interests of the town in recent
times). They agreed to make a branch from the Great Canal, as it
was then called, at Grangemouth to the harbour of Bo'ness, and a
company called the Borrowstounnesa Canal Company was formed. In
briefly describing the undertaking Mr. M'Kenzie says—
"Two Acts of Parliament and subscriptions to the
amount of £10,000 were obtained. The canal was cut from the
river Avon eastward within a mile of the town, and an aqueduct
across the Avon was nearly completed; but after an outlay of
about £7500 the work was abandoned when not half-finished. The
circumstances which prevented the accomplishment of this
desirable undertaking need not be stated; but they were, and
still are, deeply regretted by the inhabitants of this town,
especially on seeing their trade turned into another channel.
Much of it passed by the canal direct to Glasgow, and the larger
vessels discharged at Grangemouth, which was only a creek of
this port, but then became its rival, and was eventually erected
into a separate port."
The promoters of this canal of communication
certainly undertook a long and tedious task. Evidently money had
come in freely at the first, and the work was set well agoing
according to a plan laid down by a Mr. Lowrie. Among the
enthusiastic promoters were, as might be expected, the members
of the Seabox Society, who invested in a number of shares. After
executing the work detailed above by Mr. M'Kenzie, and after
spending over £7000 of the £10,000 gathered, it was seen that
more funds would be needed, as the task had turned out to be a
much more difficult one than was at first anticipated. In a
brief reference to the reason of the stoppage Mr. Johnston1 says—
"No doubt want of funds was one of them, but, if
local tradition spealceth truth, a portion of the money raised
was not expended as it ought to have been, and some associated
with the project rendered themselves richer in pocket and poorer
in character by their conduct at that time."
Notwithstanding all this, the idea of completing
the task was not then abandoned. It was resolved to get a report
on the whole proposal from a skilled engineer, as well as an
estimate of the probable cost of completing the work, so that
more money might be raised. Accordingly, Mr. Robert Whitworth,
of Glasgow, under whom the Great Canal was completed, and who
was an engineer of great standing, was employed. We have had an
opportunity of perusing Mr. Whitworth's report and estimate with
accompanying plan.2 The
document is a long one, and it is only here possible to give a
few extracts from it.
It is dated Glasgow, 28th. December, 1789, is
addressed to the company of proprietors of the Borrowstounness
Canal, and opens thus— '
"Gentlemen,—In obedience to your orders, I have
taken the levels and made a survey of the line of the proposed
canal from Grangemouth to Borrowstounness, and made a plan and
profile of the same. The line laid down upon the plan, which is
nearly the same as that laid down by Mr. John Lowrie, is as good
a one as can be taken. The level of the reach of the Great Canal
above the second lock suits the level of the country very well,
as appears by the profile, and from Grangemouth to the river
Avon will be exceedingly easy to execute, except at the crossing
of the Grange burn, where a small aqueduct will be necessary."
We shall give further extracts later, but these
will be more readily understood if we first of all endeavour to
describe the plan. In following the description we must remember
that there was then no railway in Bo'ness, and therefore no
railway stations and sidings either in the neighbourhood of
Kinneil or Bo'ness. To begin at Bo'ness—the plan first shows the
harbour, then coming westwards a large canal basin is denoted,
which if constructed would have taken up the ground, now railway
lines, from Masonic Hall and the present passenger station to
the bend at West Pier. Along at Corbiehall, somewhere in the
vicinity of what was formerly the West End Foundry, now Avon
Place, was to be a supply pond. Next to that is shown the
"Bucket Pot," near the site of the present slaughter-house. Then
on the south side of the proposed canal, and to the westward we
think of the present distillery buildings, what was then known
as the "West Engine" is indicated. Near to this, on the shore,
is Copess or Capie's Point. Still going westward, and evidently
near the site of the present Furnace Yard pit, comes a place
marked "Castle." This is doubtless the remains of " Castle
Lyon," said to have at one time existed in this vicinity. More
will be learned of this when we refer to Mr. Whitworth's
estimate. The Snab is next clearly shown, with a natural
projection pointing northwestwards. In more recent times, of
course, this has been projected artificially much further in the
same direction by being made up with slag in the days of Kinneil
furnaces, and is now known as the Slag Hills. Further west, but
a little to the south, comes Kinneil Castle (Kinneil House).
Parknook ^presumably the present Dykeneuk) is the next point
marked, and from here the route of the canal struck away from
the roadside and kept along by the Firthside until it came
towards the mouth of the Avon. It then diverged to the left,
passing the farm steading of Kinneil Kerse on its south side,
and from there running to about where the present bridge over
the Avon stands, and where an aqueduct for the canal, as we have
seen, was at that time partially constructed. We need not follow
the plan further, as the Grangemouth territory is not so well
known to us. Besides, the route to Grangemouth from the Avon
aqueduct was quite easy, as Mr. Whitworth points out, and does
not call for remark.
There is a strong dotted line shown on the plan
running from Parknook along the present roadside, and then
deflecting at the Haining towards the Avon, almost on the same
line as the present Grangemouth Road. The part thus indicated
was evidently thought to be a more direct and less expensive
route than the old one along the shore and through the fields.
Mr. Whitworth was asked to survey it, and report on what he
thought* of its adoption. He took the levels, and reported that,
while he considered the canal could have gone that way very
well, yet seeing the shore route was fairly on the way to
completion, and that a large sum had been spent on it, he could
not advise its abandonment.
We must recollect that the road to Polmont was
the only road in that neighbourhood at that time, the plan
giving no indication of the new road to Grangemouth. As we know,
most of the canal from the Snab to the Avon had been excavated
when Mr. Whitworth was called in. On his plan therefore the
canal line is tinted red and yellow, and there is a note to the
effect that those parts shaded yellow were already dug in part;
those shaded red were yet to do. Even to this day the big ditch
or trench of the canal can quite well be traced on the roadside
beyond the Snab, and it is still to be traced in the fields near
Kinneil Kerse.
Consider now some further extracts from the
report. We add these, because they incidentally describe to us
the state of the Snab and Kinneil districts at that period: —
"From the Avon aqueduct to Parknook the canal has
been finished for seven feet water; but as it has now to be
raised to eight feet, the puddle will want raising on both sides
the whole way. The south bank is rather slender, it having been
formed with great economy for only seven feet, yet has stood so
long to consolidate that it may sustain eight feet without
enlarging the base.
"From Parknook to the Snab garden the bank has
been a good deal cut away, and will be attended with a good deal
of trouble and expense to replace it.
"In passing the Snab there are two ways of doing
it. One is round the house and through the offices, which appear
to be two pretty good new buildings which would be entirely
destroyed. The other is through the garden as represented on the
plan and profile. Which of these will be cheaper and more
eligible I cannot well say. The latter is more direct and out of
the way of the sea. For the present I will suppose the line
drawn upon the plan to be adopted and the canal to be finished
in the direction already begun to Copess Point, opposite the
West Engine.
"From the West Engine to the harbour will require
some consideration. There are two ways for it to go. One is
through the Salt Works; the other on the outside of the Bucket
Pan, which will, of course, take considerable hold of the sea,
and will require a strong and high wall to defend it; yet I have
no doubt of its being practicable, but will be very expensive."

Reduced plan of Borrowstounness and Grangemouth
Canal. (Sketched
by J. D. H. Dymock, A.M.lnst.C.E., from Mr. Whitworth's plan
lent by Mr. J. F. Macaulay.)
"If there was room to carry it through the Salt
Works without taking down some of the principal buildings, and I
fear almost destroying the works, it most certainly would be
desirable, but I cannot find there is. Indeed, if the worthy
proprietor was consenting, perhaps the works that stand in the
way might be rebuilt in another place at a less expense than the
difference of the two sea walls necessary to defend the canal;
but of this I am not certain. I can make no calculation of the
line through the Salt Works, therefore for the present I will
suppose it to go on the outside of the Bucket Pan, where, I
trust, I can be more certain in my calculations."
He also reports minutely on the various sources
which would require to be tapped along the route to supply the
canal with water, but he was relying also on a fair supply from
the Great Canal, as there was always a good deal of water
running over the gates of the second lock into the sea.
Mr. Whitworth closes the report by saying—
"If the works be planned and set out with
judgment and conducted with economy, I believe the canal may be
completed at the following estimate.
"I am,
" With the greatest respect,
" Your very humble servant,
" Robert Whitworth."
The estimate, which is divided into sections and
carefully detailed, is based on the supposition that the canal
be made fifty-four feet wide at top and twenty-seven at bottom,
and eight feet deep of water. Digging to be eight and a half
feet at the first, as otherwise the canal would soon become too
shallow for a vessel drawing eight feet of water to pass freely
The following is an interesting example of its
"To completing the canal (which is in some places
part dug) from the west side of the Snab garden to Copess Point,
opposite the West Engine. In this part there is a variety of
work, as cutting through the whin rock, taking down and
rebuilding three hundred and four feet in length of the castle
garden wall, completing and continuing Shaw's wall to Copess
Point. As one part of this, work depends upon another, it cannot
well be particularised; the whole, I judge from the best
calculations I can make of such an irregular business, may come
to about £750."
The total estimate from Grangemouth to the West
Engine was.....£10,406 7 6
And from there to the harbour - - - 7,357 2 6
£17,763 10 0
The latter sum included the cost of proposed lock
near the harbour and other expensive items connected with the
The issue of this report and estimate evidently
finished matters. It meant that nearly £20,000 would yet be
required —double that originally raised—and this was quite
beyond the practical compass of even the most sanguine and
enthusiastic of the promoters.
So a great and worthy scheme, originated by
worthy men and in a worthy commercial cause, had to be
reluctantly abandoned.
Perhaps it should be mentioned here that the
townspeople some thirty years before this had met with another
great disappointment. This was the strangulation of another big
scheme which would, if carried out, have added enormously to the
trade and prosperity of the town. It came about thus— The
enterprising Dr. Roebuck left his chemical manufactory at
Prestonpans, being strongly impressed with the mineral wealth
then lying unheeded between the Forth and Clyde, and took a
lease of the Duke's coal and salt works here. He was much
interested, along with Mr. Cadell, in the improvement and
development of the industries of Scotland. As is known, they and
others founded the Carron Ironworks in 1759. It is not so
generally known, however, that it was their first intention to
erect the works in the neighbourhood of Jinkabout Mill, and that
the ground was all carefully surveyed for the purpose and found
very suitable. But the land, unfortunately, was found to be
strictly entailed, and all that could be offered then was a
ninety-nine years' lease. This they would not accept, and so
were reluctantly compelled to abandon the project so far as
Bo'ness was concerned.
Stenhousemuir estate was for sale at the time, so
it was purchased forthwith, and upon it were built the Carron
Ironworks, whose reputation has been world-wide for a century at
To return to the dropping of the canal scheme.
Decay in the shipping trade of Borrowstounness did not
immediately set in. What with the coal shipments from Kinneil
Colliery, under Dr. Roebuck, the local shipbuilding yard, and
other industries, the town enjoyed a fair measure of prosperity
during the next twenty years. On the 1st December, 1810,
however, Grangemouth, which only ranked as an out-station or a
creek of Bo'ness, had a Custom-house of its own established,
with jurisdiction over Alloa, Stirling, and Kincardine. In that
year the total duties drawn at Bo'ness amounted to £30,485 17s.
O^d. Five years later the figures had declined to £3835 6s. 4£d.
These figures speak melancholy news for themselves. Grangemouth
is a creation of yesterday, so to speak, dating back to 1777
only. It is said to owe its origin to Sir Lawrence Dundas of
Kerse, an ancestor of the Earl of Zetland, who was the chief
landed proprietor in the district. He called the town into being
and patronised it in anticipation of the trade the Forth and
Clyde Canal—in which he was also largely interested —was sure to
bring to the place.
As a result of the tremendous decrease in the
trade of the port, the number of skippers and sailors resident
in and about Bo'ness fell away in a marked degree; and we
understand the membership roll of the Seabox Society showed a
corresponding decrease. For the same reason there occurred a
great exodus of well-known and substantial shipowners and
merchants, descendants of the men who, when the port began to
rise in the seventeenth century, had come from Glasgow and the
west, acquired property, and settled here. Among those who went
away to settle in Liverpool, Glasgow, and Leith were members of
such well-known families as the Grindlays, Hendersons, Cowans,
and Mitchells. |