1. Period of One Hundred Years : The Four Acts
Embraced in it—2. The Making of the Harbour Basin : "Slothfull"
Masons : £30 Expended on Street Repairs—3. Construction of the
Waggon Road and of New Street—4. Petitions from Inhabitants:
Providence Road: The Syver Well and Charles Addison's
Reclamation of Foreshore—6. Complaints about the Streets: The
Rouping of the Street Manure: The Letting of the Bye-ales:
Drummond's Imprisonment—6. Throwing Ballast into the Harbour : A Skipper
Severely Dealt with —7. Causewaying of the Streets: The Trustees
Get a Cart Made: Dr. Rennie's Description of the Town and its
Inhabitants—8. The Town in Distress for Want of Water:
Schoolyard Engine Water to be Drained off to Basin—9. Funds to
be Raised by Subscription: Water to be Brought from the Western
Engine: The Water from St. John's Well—10. Herring Curing at the
Seaport: Regulations Prepared : Shipbuilding and Details of the
Shipping—11. Trustees Decide to Erect a Patent Slip: Mr.
Morton's Offer: Subscription Taken and List of Subscribers—12.
Trustees Severely Criticised by Public: Their Reply to
"Misrepresentations and Unmerited Censure" —13. Copy of Town
Accounts for Year Ending 30th May, 1834—14. Trustees their own
Sanitary Inspectors: A Candid Report: Mr. Gillespie and the
"Sewers, Squalor, and Soot" of Bo'ness—15. An Urgent Appeal to
Duke of Hamilton for Assistance: Trouble with People of
Borrowstoun and Newtown over Water—16. The Last of the Water
Trouble: Various Sources Visited and Reported on : Employment of
Mr. William Gale: The Temple Pit Reservoir, Borrowstoun:
Capacity of New Supply—17. The Monkland Railway Brought to
Kinneil: Proposed Extension to Bo'ness: Opposition of Mr.
Goldsmith: His Advisory Letters—18. Summary of Admiralty Report
Ordaining Railway Company to make Promenade Rights in Promenade
Bought by Railway Company.
This second
instalment of early municipal history covers a period of fully
one hundred years. It is only possible therefore to indicate the
principal schemes undertaken by the trustees

The Old Town Hall.
(By permission of Messrs. F. Johnston &* Co.,
during that time. Four Acts are embraced, namely,
that of 1769, already referred to, which ran to 1794; one in the
latter year •which continued the term and enlarged the powers
granted under the two previous Acts for the further term of
twenty-one years; another in 1816, again continuing the term and
enlarging the powers of the other Acts for twenty-five years;
and yet another, the largest and most comprehensive of all, not
passed until 1843, which was to continue until repealed. It may
be mentioned that most of the larger schemes undertaken were
duly authorised by these various Acts. The chief feature of the
1816 Act was the power which it gave the trustees to assess and
levy from all occupiers of dwelling-houses, shops, and other
buildings within the town a rate or duty not exceeding one
shilling in the pound upon the rents of such, and to appoint two
or more assessors. This was in addition to the usual two pennies
in the pint, and was for the purpose of defraying the expenses
of lighting, cleaning, and improving the streets and of erecting
a town clock. The 1843 Act, again, changed the method of
election, stipulated for a qualification on the part of trustees
and electors, introduced a declaration when accepting office,
and arranged a rotation or period of service. Moreover, as the
brewing in the town and neighbourhood had become a thing of the
past by that time, the two pennies duty was dropped, and the
trustees for the future were known as "the trustees for the town
and harbour." Under this Act the number of trustees was to be
less than formerly—not fewer than nine and not more than twelve.
It also named the first trustees, and these were Robert Bauchop,
William Henderson, John Taylor, William Roy, John Hardie, John
Anderson, Henry Rymer, James Henry, Henry Hardie, John
Henderson, George Paterson, and James Meikle. Their methods were
much more modern than those of the old merchants and
shipmasters. And while their undertakings were important, yet
the records of these do not leave us with the same distinct
impression of care and capacity in all their work which those of
the "trustees for the two pennies" do. The old trustees were
exceedingly fortunate in having gentlemen of great diligence and
skill as their clerks. We cannot trace all these, but James
Scrimgeour, jun., and David Miln were both in long service under
the earlier Acts, while George Henderson served continuously for
a quarter of a century. A minute, dated the 4th of December,
1820, records—"The meeting takes this opportunity of expressing
their acknowledgments to Mr. George Henderson for his great
fidelity, accuracy, and zeal for the interest of the trust for
upwards of twenty-five years he has held the office of clerk."
Another George Henderson served the Town and Harbour Trustees
with much ability for many years, and carried through all the
intricate negotiations in connection with the extension of the
railway to Bo'ness and other important matters.
Between 1750 and 1780 Borrowstounness was one of
the most thriving towns on the east coast, and ranked as the
third port in Scotland. This commercial activity is reflected in
the minutes, for the trustees were constantly engaged in making
every possible improvement at the harbour for traders. Then, as
now, the continuous mud silt gave great trouble. But in October,
1762, it was resolved to construct a basin for cleaning the
harbour, and in due course the work was carried out by Mr.
Robert M'Kell, engineer. A double wall, moated in the heart, was
run across between the two piers, enclosing about one-fourth of
the harbour at the land side. This contained four sluices.
During spring tides these sluices were regularly opened, and
shut at full sea when a great body of water was retained. At low
water they were opened, and they emptied the basin with so rapid
a current that in the course of a few years a great increase to
the depth of water in the harbour was made. The basin wall was
of similar breadth with the two piers, and gave great
accommodation. From it a middle pier, or tongue, as it was
called, was also built parallel to the other two, so that the
construction of the basin was in every way a great and useful
scheme. Additions were afterwards made to the tongue and the
piers from time to time as necessity arose. It is minuted on one
occasion during the many repairs to the piers that the masons
"are very slothfull in performing their day's work." The
shoremaster therefore was instructed "to oversee said masons two
or three times a day, and if any of them be found idle or
neglecting their work to take a note of their names and to
report them to the trustees as often as they shall be found that
way." At a later date we find the same strict supervision over
the same kind of work—"It is agreed that Daniel Drummond, the
harbourman, shall work as a labourer with the masons, where he
shall be directed during the whole repairs. And if it shall be
found that he attends and works faithfully, and takes care to
make complaint when the other workmen do not their duty, the
trustees mean to make him some little present when the work is
In 1769 it was found necessary to repair the
streets, and £30 was allocated thus—£6 on
the east pier, and £6 on the west pier, to pave it down to the
basin wall; £8 from
the church westward; £5 at
the east end of the town; and £5 where found necessary. Dr.
Roebuck, Robert Hart, and John Pearson were to see that the work
was properly executed.
For several months onwards from June, 1772, there
is much to be found about the construction of the waggon road.
Dr. Roebuck's affairs were in the hands of his trustees,
Mansfield, Hunter & Co. They recommenced operations at the
coalfield, and John Allenson and John Grieve were their local
managers. Evidently some pits on the hill were then opened, and
the doctor's trustees wished to have a waggon way down the Wynd
and along the shore to the west pier for the shipment of the
coal. This presented the town trustees with several excellent
opportunities, and they did not fail to seize them. They were,
as it is written, "much disposed to accommodate Dr. Roebuck's
trustees, so that they might not be obstructed in prosecuting
their coalwork business." So they consented to the construction
of the waggon way, but upon certain important terms and
conditions. One of these was that a new street from the Wynd to
the harbour should also be formed. Everything was to be done to
the satisfaction of a special committee consisting of John
Walkinshaw, Robert Hart, Alexander Buchanan, John Pearson, and
John Cowan. The doctor's trustees, of course, were to bear the
whole expense, including the paving of the new street with
Queensferry stones "by proper bred pavers." It was thought that
some of the houses at "Kirkyard Wynd foot" might be damaged in
rendering entry to them more inconvenient. For these and all
other claims which might arise out of the construction of the
new street and the waggon way the town trustees were to be
freed, and an agreement in these terms was entered into and
carried out. The scheme was beset with difficulties, the chief
of which was the crossing of the old street at the foot of the
Wynd. Here and elsewhere the waggon way was to be 3 or 4 feet
above the street level, and it was to be safely "finished off."
The trustees thought that it would end at the head of the west
pier, and considerable consternation prevailed when they found
Allenson and Grieve proceeding with it down the pier. Such, it
was thought, would prove very prejudicial to the trade of the
town "by making it impossible for carts carrying down and up
goods from passing each other." It was discovered also that each
waggon ''is to carry about three tons of coal, which is about or
near to double the weight that Dr. Roebuck's waggons formerly
carried." The matter was adjusted, however, by allowing the
railway to proceed, "the trustees of the doctor to stand bound
to the town trustees and their successors in office to answer
for and make good every damage whatever that might then or in
the future be done to the pier in consequence of the railway."
All this was come to after grave deliberation;
and the reason for the consent was because " the trustees of the
harbour are perfectly disposed to indulge Dr. John Roebuck and
his trustees to the utmost of their power consisting with the
duty they owe to themselves and the public, being much convinced
that the success of the coalliery of this town is perfectly
connected with the trade and prosperity thereof."
Petitions from the inhabitants desiring redress
of various grievances were frequent. While the new street was
being made the Rev. Mr. Baillie and others craved that the road
called Providence leading into the south part of the town "might
either be made as it was before, or that the coal managers be
ordained to throw a bridge across the waggon way, so that the
said Providence Road may be rendered passable as before for
leading the grain to the barnyards and other goods to and from
the town." Mr. Grieve, on being sent for, agreed, "in presence
of the meeting," to execute the bridge forthwith.
Another petition was received representing the
ruinous situation of the "Syver Well," and praying that it might
be properly repaired and a pump put into it. The trustees
consented, and appointed Mr. John Cowan "to write to Mr. Sylby
at Edinburgh, or any other proper person, to know at what
expense the same can be done, and agree therefor, so as the town
may be supplied in this necessary article of life in the most
commodious manner." Mr. Sylby's estimate of £i 10s. was
accepted, and it was further resolved to have the well built in
with large stones.
Shortly after this Charles Addison & Sons craved
that a second pump be put in at the Syver well for the purpose
of supplying their brewery, the water to be filled with a cask
and & cart. The inhabitants petitioned against this, and set
forth the inconvenience that would arise to them if a second
pump was put in the"well for "shipping water in carts." The
trustees refused the request, but arranged that a pump should be
erected at the Run Well instead. With reference to the Addisons,
it is of interest to know that the large property to the north
of Market Square, which was burned down in 1911, was built by
Charles Addison. His feu charter of the ground was granted by
James sixth Duke of Hamilton on the 20th of September, 1752. The
narrative runs—"Whereas Charles Addison, merchant in my burgh of
Borrowstounness, hath already expended a considerable sum of his
own proper money in gaining the area aftermentioned from off the
sea (upon which there were never any house or houses built, and
which never yielded any rent or profite to me or my
predecessors), and in building a strong buttress or bullwork of
hewen aceler fenced with many huge stones for the support
thereof,, and will be farder at a very great expence in building
a dwelling-house, office houses, cellors, proper warehouses, and
granaries on the said area or shoar of the said Burgh, which
works were undertaken and are carrying on by him upon
the-assurance of his obtaining from me a grant of the said area;
Therefor and for his encouragement to compleat so laudable ane
undertaking which tends to the advancement of the policy and
trade of the said town," and in consideration of his paying a
yearly feu-duty and on several other terms and conditions, the
reclaimed ground referred to was granted him. The boundaries of
the ground so feued are given as the sea on the north; the
houses of Mary Wilson on the east; the High Street on the south;
and the easter pier and highway leading to the same on the west.
To return to the petitions, another is referred
to thus— "The trustees have laid before them a petition from the
inhabitants of this town setting forth that the streets are
exceedingly dirty and hardly passable, particularly at the
easter coalfold opposite to Taylor's pit; also at Margaret
Shifton's. door, where the water often collects so as to render
the passing difficult, and even so as to endanger the health of
the inhabitants; from colds and disorders in consequence of wett
feet." Though they had power under the Act to keep the streets
in order and " open the avenues to the town," yet the want of
funds prevented their doing so. These funds were, in the first
place, to be applied to the improvement of the harbour, and it
alone exhausted the whole. In order to give them funds so that
the requests in the above and other petitions might be attended
to, the trustees resolved to "lett to publick roup" the whole of
the street manure of the town. Meantime the collector
was-instructed to employ a carter and a raker to cart it away.
He-was also to give notice by the drum on every market day, till
2nd November, 1772, of the intended roup. William Robertson,
James Tod, Alexander Buchanan, John Paris, and John Cowan were
appointed to make proper regulations "as to the way and; manner
of carrying off the dung." The roup was adjourned from the 2nd
to the 9th, "on account of the badness of the weather." No
bidders appeared at the adjourned roup, except Charles Addison,
jun., who offered 5s. for the whole for the-half-year to
Whitsunday. The trustees refused this, but offered to take half
a guinea, and Mr. Addison agreed. In course of time this came to
be a source of considerable revenue. In 1783 the bye-ales alone
were exposed, and John Drummond, as the-last and highest bidder,
was preferred at the sum of £27 for the year to 1st July, 1784.
He failed to pay, and the trustees, got decree, and had him
imprisoned. Meanwhile he had gone "and declared himself bankrupt
on oath, in consequence whereof' the Bailies of Linlithgow
allowed him an aliment of 7d. per day." His two cautioners
attended a meeting, and the trustees, considering the hardship
of their situation, agreed to their proposal to pay by two
half-yearly instalments, provided they found a sufficient
cautioner in a fortnight. Then the minute-continues—"As the
meeting see no good reason for alimenting-John Drummond, they
resolve not to do it," and they left it to-his cautioners to act
in the manner as they saw cause. In after years we find that
John Black was almost a regular purchaser of the tack of the
bye-ales and also of the street manure, and it would thus seem
he had found them profitable-concerns.
To go back a little, we find James Baird, the
shoremaster,. reporting on the 8th of March, 1773, that Charles
Baad, master of the sloop "Venus," had come into the harbour on
Saturday with ballast, and, " contrary to the practice of all
harbours and: of all law," had thrown it out late on Saturday
night off the-head of the harbour. Band compeared and denied
that he brought in any ballast, upon which the trustees called
in John Thomson, workman, and put him on oath. He deponed that
he was sent on board to get "a parcell of wands" for Dr. Roebuck
& Co.'s coalworks; and that he saw a "parcell of ballast"—about
twenty carts and upwards. By mid-day the wands were all taken
out of the sloop, and Baad engaged him to come about eight
o'clock at night, when it was dark, to assist to throw out his
ballast. The sloop had been hauled off about a cable length
north of the west pier, and between eight and nine Baad took him
off in his small boat. When he got aboard he found Daniel
Robertson, carpenter, and Baad's own men busy throwing the
ballast overboard. He then commenced to help, and it was all out
in about an hour.
Daniel Robertson, being also called in and sworn,
corroborated. The trustees found it clearly proven that,
contrary to the regulations, Baad had, "when dark, thrown over a
considerable quantity of ballast off the mouth of this harbour,
to the great hurt and prejudice thereof," and decerned him to
pay "Ten pound sterling for this trespass." If he failed to pay,
the sloop was to be distressed "by carrying off as many of her
sails as when sold will amount to the sum of ten pounds, with
all charges of every kind." They had some difficulty in getting
the fine, but after taking possession of the sails the money was
On 9th December, 1776, the trustees had before
them a petition signed by William Anderson and James Dalgleish,
merchants, and a good many other inhabitants, once more
complaining of the great inconvenience that arose from the water
lodging at the street opposite to Margaret Main's door at
Taylor's " pitt," and praying the trustees to remedy the same
T>y opening a water passage across the street. Mr. Cowan, to
relieve the situation, gave leave to lay an open sewer across
the timber yard possessed by him opposite to that part of the
street complained of, and, as usual, a committee was appointed
to see the work done. At the same time, the committee were
empowered "to agree with causewaymen or others to execute the
necessary work near to Margaret Main's house, and also to repair
several broken parts of the street, namely, at Robert Beaton's
door—John Mitchell's door—opposite to the Syver Well—opposite to
Margaret Shifton's door—near to Mr. Thomson's, watchmaker—near
to Widow Mackie's house—near Captain Hunter's house—near Mr.
Edward Cowan's house, with several other small broken places of
the streets and vennels." Towards the end of the period under
review we find in the minutes a "copy of specification for
making a cart for taking the fulzie off Bo'ness streets." All
the parts are specified carefully, and the wealth of detail
given is amusing. The contractor was taken bound to uphold
workmanship and material for the space of twelve months after
date of furnishing, which was to be within fourteen days after
acceptance of estimate. James Meikle, William Marshall, and J.
M. Gardner were appointed to get estimates and to accept the
Dr. Rennie describes
some of the houses about this time as being low and crowded, and
bearing the marks of antiquity. For the most part, however, they
were clean and commodious. The smoke from the coalworks was a
great nuisance, and continually involved the town in a cloud.
Houses were blackened with soot, the air impregnated with vapour,
and strangers were struck with the disreputable appearance of
the place. But these nuisances were being removed from the
immediate vicinity to a considerable distance, and more
attention was being paid to cleaning the streets. Still, the
smoke from the Grange coalworks on the east, the Bo'ness
saltpans on the west, and the dust excited by the carts carrying
coals to the quays for exportation occasionally inconvenienced
the inhabitants. Crowded as the houses might appear to a
stranger, no bad consequences were felt. Ordinary diseases were
not more frequent here than in other places. In fact, health was
enjoyed to a greater degree in and around Bo'ness than in many
towns of its size and population. This was accounted for by the
fact that the shore was washed by the Forth twice every
twenty-four hours. Moreover, the vapours from the saltpans
corrected any septic quality in the air. The walks about the
town were romantic and inviting; the walks on the quays and on
the west beach were at all times •dry and pleasant, and greatly
fitted to promote health and longevity. Unfortunately, however,
tippling houses were too numerous. It was to be seriously
regretted that too many people were licensed to vend ardent
spirits in every town and village. Such places ensnared the
innocent, became the haunts •of the idle and dissipated, and
ruined annually the health and morals of thousands of mankind.
Perhaps if the malt tax were abolished, and an adequate
additional tax laid upon British spirits, as in the days of
their fathers-, malt liquor would be produced to nourish and
strengthen instead of whisky, which wasted and enfeebled the
constitution; or were Justices of the Peace to limit the number
of licences issued by apportioning them to the population of
each place and by granting them to persons of a respectable
character, a multitude of grievances would be redressed. Writing
of the inhabitants, Dr. Rennie •states that they were fond of a
seafaring life. Many able-bodied seamen from the town were in
His Majesty's service, and were distinguished for their
sobriety, courage, and loyalty. Adventurers from the town also
were to be found in the most distant parts of the globe. On the
whole, the inhabitants were in general sober and industrious,
and were of most respectable character.
The water supply of the town has been a subject
which has given much anxiety to the municipal authorities since
about the end of the eighteenth century, and has involved the
expenditure of very large sums of money. In early days the worry
was not that there were no water sources in the neighbourhood.
On the contrary, there were natural springs in abundance
containing water of an excellent quality. Coal mining
operations, however, diverted nearly all these from their
original channels. The Act of 1769 gave the trustees power to
contract for springs and build reservoirs, but there were no
funds. Petitions and complaints were frequently lodged, and in
June, 1778, it is minuted—"Almost the whole town is in great
distress for want of fresh water, which has of late become
exceedingly scarce." It was therefore resolved to get estimates
from properly qualified surveyors to bring water to the town
through lead pipes, earthen pipes, or through wooden pipes.
William Robertson, Alexander Buchanan, and John Cowan were
appointed a special committee to get these. The expense, of
course, was a great obstacle, for the trustees " did not at all
understand that they as trustees were to pay the sum that might
be found necessary for bringing water into the town, which they
know no way of doing but by a voluntary subscription, with such
aid as His Grace the Duke of Hamilton shall please to give."
They, however, agreed to pay the expense of such plan if it did
not exceed £5 5s., "and to be as much less as they can." But a
few years were spent in getting the estimates, and meantime the
trustees had to deal with other water affairs. For instance, it
was stated at a meeting in September, 1781, that water might be
had to supply the town about a hundred yards south of Mr. Main's
park, immediately to the south of the town; and a committee
consisting of Dr. Roebuck, John Cowan, and some others was
appointed to investigate the matter. They did so, and got
estimates of what it would cost to bring the said water in an
open ditch from near Graham's Dyke down to the meeting-house by
way of a trial. The offer of Charles St. Clair or Sinclair was
accepted, and the committee was continued to see the work
executed. Then, again, the water from the schoolyard engine
caused "great damage to sundries," and it was resolved to obtain
an estimate " for carrying that water into the bason by a level
under the street and by the shortest line." Estimates were
produced at next meeting from Charles Sinclair—one for £30 5s.
lid., and the other for £22 5s. lid. in another way; but the
trustees wished to go further into the matter, as it was
considered " of some consequence not only as to the convenience,
but even as to the health of many of the inhabitants,
particularly the younger part, such as school boys, &c., that
this hott engine water be carried off in the best and most
expeditious manner through and across the streets into the bason
or into the sea in the way that shall be reckoned best for the
inhabitants in general."
To bring this about they thought it necessary to
appoint a committee consisting of Dr. John Roebuck, James Tod,
James Main, James Drummond, and John Cowan, three a quorum,
"with power to them to examine, deliberate, and determine on the
tract that is reckoned the best." It was further resolved to get
a subscription opened for making up two-thirds of the sum
wanted, the trustees agreeing to pay the other third. And in
case the inhabitants fell short of subscribers for the
two-thirds, including what might be given by His Grace the Duke
of Hamilton, another meeting of trustees was to be called to
consider if they could contribute any more than the one-third.
The trustees met on 8th November, 1781, under the
presidency of Dr. Roebuck, to consider the plans, estimates, and
surveys for bringing water to the town in lead pipes and in
wooden pipes, to be brought from Torneyhill, from St. Johns, and
from the Western Engine. The meeting was of opinion that funds
could not easily be raised to bring the fresh water from any of
those places in leaden pipes, and they were of opinion that
wooden pipes would be insufficient. Mr. Charles Sinclair
estimated the cost of getting the water brought from the Western
Engine in wooden pipes at £187, which was considered reasonable,
and they unanimously approved thereof, and agreed to contribute
the sum of £30 towards it. Mr. James Drummond was appointed to
meet with the water subscribers of the town, and to communicate
to them the resolution of the meeting.
An important step in the progress of the water
question is recorded in a minute of meeting dated the 9th of
December, 1818. There were present Robert Bauchop, John Taylor,
William Henderson, George Hart, Walter Grindlay, James Tod,
Thomas Johnston, John Padon, Andrew Tod, James Johnstone, Ilay
Burns, and Thomas Cowan. The committee appointed to superintend
the bringing in to the town of the water from St. John's Well
then reported that the pipes were now completed to their
satisfaction, and that the well at the Cross was also finished.
They were glad to say that the supply of water proved to be
fully equal to the wants of the inhabitants. The committee also
produced the New Shotts Iron Company's accounts, amounting to
£218 10s. 4d., of which £38 9s. 4d. was the cost of the new
cistern and well at the Cross. This had been found necessary
after making trial of a less expensive mode of delivering the
water, which, however, did not succeed owing to the very great
pressure of water from the reservoir to the town.
Quite unexpectedly the Forth herring fishing,
hitherto unknown in this part, was so successful during the
season 1794-5 that hopes were entertained that herring curing
would be added to the industries of the place. We discover
evidences of this in the minutes. The trustees thought that the
herring vessels which then occupied the piers should be made to
pay a small allowance for the use of these, and also to meet the
necessary repairs which carts with a great weight of fish would
occasion the buildings. If "little ordinary trade was going
forward," they admitted, the use of the piers could be permitted
with little inconvenience. But "if trade otherwise was brisk,"
the herring curing would prove a great obstruction. In this
view, it was right the herring vessels should pay a little. At
the same time, they wished to do this " so gently as not to make
£he busses avoid the harbour." The trustees, indeed, were very
cautious, "this being the outset of a new business," and they
were anxious not to discourage its development. A committee of
three was therefore appointed to inquire into the practice and
mode of charge in other places where the piers were so used, and
to draw up such regulations as appeared to
R them
adequate before the return of the next
fishing season. On 3rd August, 1796, a meeting was called to
consider the report and draft of proposed regulations of the
committee. The regulations consisted of five clauses, "and with
a small addition to the sixth and a slight alteration at the
commencement of the seventh, unanimously adopted them, and
returned - their thanks to the committee for the pains bestowed
on this subject."
We can only briefly indicate these "Regulations
for the curing of herrings at the harbour of Borrowstounness."
The persons in charge of all "busses" or herring vessels on
entering the harbour were to state whether they meant to cure
any of their fish upon the quays. If so, they were to be charged
4d. per ton register for the privilege in addition to the
anchorage duty. If no notice was given, and herrings were found
on the quays beyond the space of forty-eight hours, they were to
be seized and sold, and the proceeds converted to the use of the
harbour. If any vessel did not cure to the extent of her full
loading, the person in charge, on making testimony of the
reason, was to receive a return of such part of the curing dues
as the collector thought fit. Those not having vessels, but who
might purchase herrings and cure them on the quays, were
likewise subjected to the payment of dues, six barrels to be
reckoned as equal to a ton register. Very unfortunately the
herrings never returned to this part of the Firth in any
quantity, and so the careful preparations of the trustees to
foster the "new business" and at the same time to increase the
harbour revenue proved futile.
Shipbuilding was engaged in on a fairly extensive
scale at Borrowstounness from about the middle of the eighteenth
to the middle of the nineteenth centuries. Towards the end of
the former there were two builders of note—Robert Hart and
Thomas Boag, and the vessels built were from 300 to 350 tons
burden. The Grays from Kincardine came later, and the last
builder on the ground was one Meldrum. He built a ship called
the "Ebenezer" and another called the "Isabella."
The shipping2 belonging
to the town at this time consisted of twenty-five sail, 17 of
them being brigantines of from 70 to 170 tons per register.
Eight were sloops from 20 to 70 tons per register, and
altogether the shipping employed about 170 men and boys. Of the
brigantines six were under contract to sail regularly once every
fourteen days to and from London. They were all fine vessels,
from 147 to 167 tons per register. The remaining eleven
brigantines and also one of the sloops were chiefly engaged in
the Baltic trade. The other seven sloops were for the canal and
We have seen how anxious the trustees always were
to improve and extend the trade, and therefore we are not
astonished to find that in July, 1781, they saw "of what great
utility the having a dry dock properly executed in the bason
would be to the trade and commerce of this town." They agreed to
meet again in a fortnight "to consider this very essential piece
of business," Dr. Roebuck and Mr. Cowan meantime to procure
plans and estimates. The proposal, however, fell through, but
was not entirely lost sight of. About forty years after it was
still thought necessary that either a dry dock or a patent slip
be erected for the purpose of repairing ships. After full
consideration, the trustees decided to erect a slip, as in their
view it would answer the purpose better and cost less money.
On 11th September, 1820, it was reported that a
letter had been received from Mr. Thomas Morton, Leith, offering
to execute the slip, with all its appendages and necessary
excavation and building, for £865. As this sum was not at the
disposal of the trustees, they proposed to make a public
subscription. Each trustee promised to exert himself to procure
the sum required. Mr. Morton was requested to guarantee the work
for two years, and to extend the size of the slip so that it
might be capable of taking vessels up to 360 tons register. Mr.
Morton's offer, however, was not to be accepted until it was
seen what subscriptions were obtained. By 4th December the
Harbour Committee reported that subscriptions to the amount
required had been received, and the meeting accepted Mr.
Morton's offer. This slip was the second of the kind he erected
in the country.
The following is a copy of the subscription list
as recorded in the minutes, with a note of the conditions on
which the slip was to be held. It was to be the joint property
of the subscribers; the subscriptions were to be paid as soon as
the work was completed and fit for use; the rates for the use of
the slip were to be fixed by a majority of the subscribers, who
were to vote according to their shares of £25 each vote. The
Harbour Trustees were to maintain the gate and the basin wall,
and the harbourmaster was to take charge of the slip and collect
the dues thereof. In consideration of all this and of the money
already expended towards the accommodation of the slip, one-half
of the revenue arising from it was to form a part of the town's
funds after deducting the rent of that part of the premises
taken by the trustees from the Duke of Hamilton.

The slip did not turn out a success, largely
owing to the falling fortunes of the seaport about that
time. And as the Rev. Dr. Rennie used to say, it certainly
proved a slip, for it did not pay any dividend.
As we have said more than once, the affairs of
the town and harbour were well managed. Nevertheless, the
actions of
the trustees were carefully watched and sometimes severely
criticised by various members of the community. This was
particularly the case in December, 1825. At a meeting of
trustees held on the 12th of that month a long letter or
memorial representing certain alleged grievances was submitted.
It was subscribed by John Stephens, Peter Petrie, Thomas Boag,
Arthur Thomson, Thomas Collins, Robert Boyd, and George Wallace.
These parties stated that they had consulted the Sheriff of the
county about their grievances, and had been advised by him to
apply directly to the Lord Advocate. Before taking this step,
however, and in the hope of rendering it unnecessary, they
thought it expedient to submit their complaints direct. They
hoped the trustees would consider them attentively, and grant
what they believed was the general wish of the inhabitants of
the town. Shortly put, their grievances were—(1) The want of a
sufficient supply of soft water, and the deficiency of wells. As
a cause of the deficient water supply, it was stated the
diameter of the water pipes was completely inadequate to the
consumption of 630 families. Seven years had elapsed without any
effectual steps being taken to remedy the evil, and, although
the assessment had been increased, they were not aware that it
was the intention of the trustees to apply it to this most
necessary purpose. (2) The assessment had not been imposed in
terms of the Act on proprietors occupying their own houses. (3)
That the specific, and consequently the primary, purposes for
which the power of assessing was granted by the Act had been
totally disregarded, and the intentions of the Legislature for
the good of the town entirely frustrated. The last, although
perhaps the most direct violation of the statute, was what the
complainers were disposed to insist least upon. Lighting the
streets and a public clock, however desirable, were not to be
compared with that essential necessary of life, an adequate
supply of good water. Their request therefore was that the
trustees would devote the assessment solely to the supplying of
all parts of the town with water, that they would cause pipes of
a sufficient size to be laid from St. John's Well to the
reservoir, that they would leave a branch pipe at the corner of
the school area for the accommodation of the scholars and of
nearly thirty families residing in that quarter (a great
proportion of whom were old people, and very unable to carry
water up the hill), and that they would cause two additional
wells to be erected for the benefit of the east and west ends of
the town, and adopt such regulations as would prevent any of the
water from being carried out of the parish. They concluded by
stating that if the trustees refused their requests, they would
feel it a duty incumbent on them to resist payment of the
assessment, and to seek redress in a higher quarter.
The trustees greatly resented the tone and temper
of this memorial, and especially the threat to appeal to the
Lord Advocate. Seven very lengthy resolutions were adopted by
them by way of reply, and the meeting authorised the clerk to
send Mr. Stephens a copy of them for the information of himself
and the other complainers. They also ordered two hundred copies
to be printed and circulated amongst the inhabitants. The
substance of their defence amounted to this—It was quite
erroneous to say that the house assessment had been laid on for
the special purpose of supplying water. On the contrary, as they
specially pointed out, the Act authorising its imposition did
not so much as mention the water question. They claimed that
they were as much interested as any one could be in the town
having a good water supply. Since 1816, they stated, no less
than £432 lis. 4d. had been expended for that purpose, being
upwards of £100 more than the whole sum yet levied by
assessment. They also fully explained their present financial
position, and what led up to it, and closed thus: — " The
trustees conclude by remarking that they have long suffered in
silence the misrepresentations and unmerited censure of those
who are more ready to find fault with than to aid them in the
service of the public. But now that a formal complaint is made,
they deem it only doing justice to themselves to submit this
explanation to the candid consideration of the inhabitants at
The following is a copy of the annual statement
of trust funds submitted by Mr. William Henderson for the year
ending 30th May, 1834. When we compare this short and simple
document with the elaborate annual volume of 80 folio pages
which is now its successor we rub our eyes indeed.

The trustees of the town and harbour were their
own sanitary inspectors. Below we give extracts from the report
of a special committee, which, along with the Parochial Board,
inspected the whole town in October, 1848. Their methods were
thorough, and they called a spade a spade. They found the
following : —
Gardner's Land—Horrid.
King Street—A yard and closed door heaped with
filth from the windows and two dunghills.
Peebles' pigstye—Bad; his cellar ought to have a
door or built up.
Beneficent Society's Land—Bad drain, dunghill,
and nuisance.
Slidry Stane—A noxious drain.
Wilson's house at Slidry Stane—One continued mass
of filth.
John Marshall's property—Horrid.
Providence stair—Three dunghills.
Mrs. Peddie's backdoor—The yard wants paving; two
ugly dunghills.
Robertson's dunghill, &c.—Disgusting.
Mrs. Wallace complains of two pools in the
foundry yard below her bedroom window.
Walker, butcher, kills at his shop, also
Stevenson, in his shop.
The Duke of Hamilton's property at the east end
of Corbiehall is in a most wretched condition, as the whole of
the Duke's property here is, without exception. Would recommend
the whole of the Duke's property to be divided into sections,
say, of four or five families each.
Nimmo obstructs the pen close with his carts.
Boslem's house ought to be whitewashed.
These things do not make pleasant reading, and
with the smoke of the saltpans and coalpits, they undoubtedly
combined to give the seaport the unenviable reputation of being
a "terribly dirty place." But it would be an entirely unfounded
statement to make now. It was, we think, even a bold thing to
say in 1879,3 when
Mr. Gillespie wrote about the "sewers, squalor, and soot" of
Bo'ness. We may as well hear him out— "Bo'ness, as we have said,
is both dull and dirty. Its situation, for one thing, is very
low, which militates against its sanitary interests. It is
ill-constructed and worse kept; each narrow, crooked street is
in a more neglected condition than its neighbour; and the
authorities apparently leave everything to the laws of Nature,
not thinking it part of their business to make the place clean,
healthy, or sweet. The architecture is said to have been once
admirably described by an old gentleman with the aid of a
decanter and a handful of nutshells thus— ' You see this
decanter; this is the church.' Then taking the shells and
pouring them over the decanter, he said, ' And these are the
houses.' Nothing could be truer. There is not one regular street
in the town. The poor lieges, too, have the same wretchedly '
reekit' appearance as the place itself. And thus, looking at
Bo'ness with its back to the wall, it is strange to think of it
as a proud Burgh of Regality. With the exception of the
queer-looking old church, it has not a house that would do
credit to the humblest clachan." No doubt Bo'ness was at that
time in a pretty low way. It was practically stagnant, and grass
grew in some of the streets. Mr. Gillespie termed it a condition
of comparative indigence. But he was good enough to herald the
approach of brighter and better days, in view of the
"enterprising and important works being carried out in the
extension of the harbour and the construction of a dock."
We must return, however, to the minutes. There
are frequent references throughout these to letters and appeals
to His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. We can only mention one,
which was in the form of a petition, and the most appealing of
all. It was apparently presented at Hamilton by a deputation
from the trustees, consisting of John Anderson, Archibald
Hunter, Peter Mills, and George Henderson, their clerk. The date
of the document is 19th October, 1848, and is signed by Mr.
Henderson, "your Grace's faithful and devoted servant." He
acquainted His Grace—(1) That the streets in many places were
very narrow and wretchedly paved, and susceptible of repair,
alteration, and improvement. (2) That the town was most
miserably supplied with water in consequence of the mineral
workings drawing off the chief supply. Also that the inhabitants
were unable to obtain anything like an adequate supply of fresh
water for domestic purposes even by standing their turn for
hours at the public wells of the town. This annoyance to the
inhabitants was the source of many unseemly brawls and disputes.
And the want of a copious water supply was clearly standing in
the way of the improvement of the sanitary condition of the
town. (3) That the authorities and people of the town were
without any proper place in which to meet for the discussion and
discharge of the town's business, nor was there a hall or public
room in which a public meeting of the inhabitants could for any
useful purpose be convened.
Coming to financial affairs, Mr. Henderson points
out that the trustees were deeply in debt, the arrears of many
years. They had not money to meet the ordinary expenditure
required for the town and harbour. They had not the means to
pave and improve the streets. They could not afford a better
supply of water to the inhabitants, and they could not provide
public buildings. In this dilemma they applied to His Grace for
assistance. And they respectfully suggested that the case would
be met by granting to the town at a merely nominal rent a lease
of the Town's Customs and the building called the Town House
(part of which is presently used as a county lock-up, a large
portion still remaining unoccupied). This favour, he was sure,
would go far to enable the trustees to execute the improvements
so much required, and would confer a lasting benefit upon the
The Duke was good enough to comply, and he and
his factor gave every assistance in connection with the
endeavours of the trustees to increase the water supply.
In October, the following year, "the people of
Borrowstoun and the inhabitants of Newtown" resented some
operations connected with the cutting of deep drains at
Borrowstoun, by which the trustees "had every prospect of
materially increasing their water supply." They therefore wrote
to Mr. Webster, the Duke's factor, to use his influence to stop
this interference and to assure the people that the trustees had
no intention whatever to deprive the Borrowstoun people of their
supply of water. On the contrary, they wished to improve it both
for them and the town of Bo'ness. For this purpose they proposed
to considerably enlarge the fountain of St. John's Well, which
was to be properly enclosed, and a pump put into it for the use
of the inhabitants of Borrowstoun.
The last phase of the ever-recurring water
question which comes within our notice here is by far the most
important. From 1846 to 1852 the trustees were almost constantly
engaged, sometimes unaided and sometimes with the assistance of
experts, in visiting and reporting upon various suggested
sources for a new and enlarged supply. They examined two springs
in the neighbourhood of Inveravon, the first called Langlands
and the second Cold Wells. Both were found highly satisfactory
in quality and quantity. No heavy cuttings were required for
•either. A spring on the lands of Balderstone was also visited,
and found suitable in every way. In fact, the committee of
inspection unanimously recommended the trustees "to turn their
attention to this quarter, being so much nearer to the town, as
well as to the pipes which bring the present supply." The method
of bringing the water over the hill was by "the plan of a syphon."
Mr. Wilson, of Kinneil Ironworks, was next approached for a
supply of pit water from the Snab pit. He was quite agreeable to
give this. The water was to be filtered, and a pond was to be
constructed near the east side of that field above the
distillery and south of Mr. Yannan's garden. In the midst of
these inquiries the trustees received a letter from James
Dunlop, Braehead, with " a short and simple" •suggestion. This
was that the Dean or Gil Burn, where
"a reservoir was formed by Nature capable of containing a
quantity of water sufficient to supply in the most complete
manner throughout the whole year the inhabitants of Bo'ness. It
is -excellently suited either for culinary or cleansing
purposes, and far superior for the latter purpose to your
present supply from St. John's Well." He also pointed out that
the quality of the water from the Snab pit was very hard, and
very likely would soon become salt or brackish. His suggestion,
he ventured to think, was a most useful one, and he hoped the
trustees would take the trouble to examine the site. They did
so, but considered the plan " quite ridiculous." A resolution
was then made to adopt the Snab pit scheme, but it was negatived
by a majority of one vote. Mr. Webster, the Duke's factor, took
a great interest in the Cold Wells scheme, and obtained
estimates for bringing that supply to the town. These amounted
to £1000, but the scheme was abandoned as being far beyond the
resources of the trustees even with the aid of a public
subscription. The Snab pit water was once more pushed for a
while, and Mr. Hall Blyth, C.E., Edinburgh, was engaged. After a
time, however, the idea was finally abandoned. The engineer who
at last relieved the minds of the trustees, after many visits
and the preparation of many specifications, was Mr. William
Gale, C.E., Glasgow. He was introduced to the trustees through
Mr. Robert Steele, of the Bo'ness Foundry Company. Mr. Gale was
stated to be eminently qualified for such an undertaking, and
was more employed in bringing water into towns by gravitation
than any other engineer in Scotland. The site ultimately fixed
on was known as the Temple pit at Borrowstoun. Much interest was
taken by the inhabitants in the selection of the site and mode
of construction. A public meeting was held, and a special
committee of the inhabitants, consisting of William Simpson,
James Gray, and Robert Morris, kept in close touch with the
movements of the trustees. They especially gave great assistance
with the public subscription lists which were opened. These were
"not confined to proprietors or any other class, but open to all
holding property in or otherwise connected with the town, or
having an interest in its welfare, whether residents or not."
The resolution to proceed with the Temple pit reservoir was come
to at a meeting of trustees held on 14th April, 1852. Those in
office at the time appear to have been John Anderson, John
Henderson, John Marshall, James Meikle, James Kirkwood, John
Taylor, Peter Mills, Henry Rymer, James Jamieson, William
Millar, Robert M'Nair, and William Donaldson. The contract was
advertised, and fourteen tenders were received, mostly from
Glasgow. The joint offer of Allan Henderson and George Gray was
accepted at £158 4s. 2£d., being the lowest. Some of the offers
were more than double that figure. The work was completed
towards the end of the year. Mr. Alexander Gale was inspector,
and in a long report made to the trustees in October we find
this information: —"As now completed, the reservoir will contain
182'900 cubic feet, or 1,143,100 gallons. Taking the population
of the town at 3000, this would keep up a supply of 5 gallons
per day for seventy-six days, independent of any supply from St.
John's Well or any casual shower that may fall during that
The establishment of the Kinneil furnaces by Mr.
John Wilson, Dundy van, resulted in the Monkland Railway
constructing a single line to Kinneil for goods traffic. It was
opened on the 17th of March, 1851, by a trainload from Arden for
the ironworks. And it is almost of romantic interest to know
that the engine of that train was in charge of Mr. William
Thomson, who afterwards became a successful merchant and Provost
of the seaport. The extension of the railway to Bo'ness was the
next 6tep, but it was a serious thing for the town in one sense,
for it meant the probable destruction of the west beach and the
Corbiehall foreshore. The trustees were fully alive both to the
numerous advantages which the extension of the railway would
give, and also to the curtailment of public rights which were
involved. Their minutes at this period are full of many
interesting items, and contain a lengthy correspondence with the
railway company, the Admiralty, and others. A Mr. J. H.
Goldsmith appears to have been the people's champion. His
letters are dated from Bo'ness, and he writes as if he were a
member of the legal profession. But who he was we have been
quite unable to discover. On the 13th of January, 1851, he wrote
the trustees pointing out " the great and manifest injury which
the inhabitants would suffer at the hands of the Slamannan and
Bo'ness railway now constructing." These evils, he stated, might
have been avoided by compelling the company to carry their
railway on arches to its terminus. The west beach and western
foreshore were then, we believe, much lower than now, and at the
time Mr. Goldsmith wrote it would seem that the railway could
easily have been led in as he suggested, on a long viaduct, thus
leaving free access to the shore as hitherto through its arches.
What, he continues, the inhabitants required, and had a right to
demand at the hands

James Watt and his Outhouse at Kinneil.
(From a photograph by David Grant, Bo'ness.)
of the trustees, was their ancient bleaching and
bathing ground, and the " freest possible unimpeded ebb and flow
of the tide." Should they be unfortunately deprived of these
rights compensation by thousands, not hundreds, should be sought
for by them and obtained. Was it too late, he asks, to repair
past inactivity by immediately sending a deputation to London?
He trusted that the ill-advised stipulation for the building of
three bridges did not give the power to fill up and make land
between the railway and the waggon way. If it did not do so they
had a good case, and their present negotiations might be broken
off. They thus would have a fair field to begin de
It had been resolved by the trustees that their
resolution asking for £1000 for servitude rights on the beach
should first of all be sent to Mr. Thomas Stevenson,5 C.E.,
Edinburgh, to be reported by him to the Admiralty. This produced
another letter of protest from Mr. Goldsmith on the 29th of
January. At the end he begs to be excused for his hasty and
rapidly digested remarks should they be deemed intrusive. The
"remarks" consisted principally of the advice that caution was
very necessary, and of a re-expression of his opinion that a
deputation should be sent to London. The railway company, he
says, had been there and told their tale. Why should the
trustees not do so also? The telegraph, railway, writers,
engineers, and London agents had been put in requisition against
them. Why not go and do likewise? The battle was not to the
strongest nor the race to the swiftest! "Remember," he
concludes, "the fable of the bundle of sticks. United, like you,
they were strong—disunited, easily broken and frail! "
By the 3rd of February an agreement had been
entered into between the trustees and the railway company. This
Mr. Goldsmith had perused, and on finding that it did not
exclude the right of the inhabitants to negotiate for
compensation for the loss of their beach servitude he once more
took up his pen. This time he urged the calling together of the
inhabitants. He says, " Had I seen the agreement sooner I should
have advised this course. The agreement is bad law in many
particulars." And with these words he disappears from the scene
as suddenly and mysteriously as he had entered upon it.
Amongst the other correspondence we find the
information that most of the young whales that were then caught
in the Firth near Bo'ness were cut up on the beach west from the
harbour, and thereafter carted along it to the whale-fishing
company's boil house.
The following is a summary of a letter from the
Admiralty to the trustees, dated 18th February, which explains
the exact position of affairs. It was based upon the careful
report of Mr. Stevenson, who on behalf of the Admiralty had
inspected the ground and heard the views of parties. It may be
mentioned that on that occasion the trustees took the
opportunity of mentioning to him that the slag thrown out at
Kinneil Ironworks into the Firth had done great injury to the
beach, and insisted on his reporting this to the Admiralty:—The
railway was to be carried on an embankment from the pier of
Bo'ness harbour to the salt pond. This was a distance of 500
yards. Being generally about 100 feet seaward of high water mark
the line would clearly be interposed between the shore and the
sea. All access by the public to the shore for the purposes of
walking, bathing, and drying clothes, and also for carts as
hitherto, would thus be cut off. Beyond the site of the railway
embankment the foreshore was flat and muddy, and there were one
or more jetties there which would be cut off and rendered
useless. It would be of little benefit to the inhabitants to
have openings or archways under the railway, as immediately
outside .of the embankment the foreshore was soft mud. The slip
of land intervening between the railway and the embankment must
be filled up, as otherwise it would become filthy and a nuisance
to the town when no longer washed by the sea. Undoubtedly by the
construction of the railway the public would be deprived of some
advantages and of access to the sea heretofore enjoyed.
The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, says
the writer in conclusion, could therefore only treat this case
in the same manner as a number of others of a like character,
namely, that at the embankment, and between the railway and the
sea wall for retaining the same, there be laid out and for ever
maintained by the company a public way or walk, not less than
300 yards in length and not less than 12 feet wide; that three
level crossings, or timber footway crossings, over the railway,
not less than 6 feet high, be provided to give the public access
to the public way at specified sites; that three flights of
steps leading from the public way to the foot of the sea wall of
the embankment be provided; and that the necessary culverts or
drains across the railway be put in to keep the town dry or
clean as heretofore. The parties having landing jetties on the
line of the shore to be cut off would require to have others
erected outside of the sea face of the railway embankment by the
company, with access thereto across the railway. And, lastly,
the arch already made under the railway near the salt pond would
fall to be maintained by the railway company, along with a
proper road leading to the same—a clear headway of 7 feet to be
allowed under the arch.
This then explains the origin of the promenade,
which was shortly afterwards constructed on the lines just
indicated. It existed for a long number of years, and, being the
property of the townspeople, was well taken advantage of. The
three level crossings were not a success, as they were
frequently blocked by long trains of waggons when railway
traffic at the harbour began to develop. Several accidents—some
of them fatal— occurred, for which the railway company had to
pay compensation. The inhabitants therefore were ultimately
approached many years ago to sell their rights to the North
British Railway Company. After long negotiations it was
eventually arranged that in exchange for their rights and
privileges they receive £150 per annum for all time. This was
then believed to he an advantageous arrangement, and the annual
income gradually accumulated and came to form what was known as
the Promenade Fund or Common Good. However, in the many changes
and re-arrangements made with the railway company in subsequent
years, the annual payment seems to have become merged in
something else, and the Promenade Fund long ago exhausted in
public improvements. |