the study was executed by Italian workmen brought
from Holyrood House. One of the owners was, as we have said,
Alexander Miln. His family had for long been master builders to
the King, and in his time we once more find evidences of
alterations. In fact, it was during these that the discovery was
made that the house actually stood on what had been a Roman
station in connection with the Roman wall.
The mansion-house is now surrounded on the east,
west, and south by well-laid-out grounds and fine trees. On the
north the ground falls suddenly, and forms a richly wooded slope
extending about a mile along the shore, recessing itself into
picturesque glens intersected with many pretty walks. At one
time the garden was east of the house, but it is now in a fine
enclosure considerably to the west of it. The extent of the
estate is 734 acres, divided thus—Home farm and policies, 150
arable acres; farms of Stacks and Walton, 480 arable acres;
woods, lawn, and garden ground, 91 acres; buildings, yards, and
roads, 13 acres. Burnfoot did not form part of the estate. It
was always separately held until 1891. In 1647 it belonged to
Florence or Laurance Gairdner, designed as bailie in Grangepans.
Later he disponed to Patrick Gairdner, and afterwards it was
possessed by James Kid, "Seaman and Mariner in Carriden Burnfoot."
The latter was a gentleman of very independent character and
bearing, as will be seen in his stormy interviews with Carriden
Kirk Session. After this it was in the possession, first, of
Andrew Cruickshanks, and then of John Cruickshanks. Burnfoot
was bought by George Hope Lloyd Verney from R. R. Simpson, W.S.,
in 1885, and was included in the entail of the estate executed
by G. H. L. Yerney and J. H. L. Yerney in 1891. It is held of
and under H. M. Cadell of Grange.
No information is available to indicate the date
of the erection of the first church of Carriden, the ruins of
which are yet to be found to the south-west of the
mansion-house. We have an impression that the first house and
the church, with its adjacent burial-ground, would all originate
about the same period. The church, like that of Kinneil, was a
pre-Reformation chapel, and the old collection plate is
impressed with the Bishop's mitre. In feudal days it was common
to find— and Kinneil is an instance—the feudal mansion, the
feudal village, and the feudal lord's chapel and burying-ground
all within a stone's throw of each other. And at Carriden, when
we glance at the ancient title deeds of the main estate and of
the smaller holdings in the near neighbourhood, we can readily
construct circumstances similar to those of Kinneil. We can
imagine the old place or keep, the chapel and burying-ground to
the west, and further west still the one-time populous but now
long-demolished feudal village of Little Carriden.
The church is described elsewhere.2 As
to the location of the first manse and glebe, the manse was
situated on the flat shore land, in what is now the wood west of
Burnfoot. Here were found the remains of an old well and
indications of a garden and a walk leading up to the old church
road. There are a number of interesting references4 to
manse and glebe in the Presbytery records during the ministry of
the Rev. Andrew Keir, who was presented to Carriden in 1621. On
16th July, 1628, he craved a visitation of his church, and
presented a precept for designation of his manse and glebe from
the Archbishop of St. Andrews direct to the Moderator. The
Presbytery therefore fixed the visitation for 24th July, and
appointed eight of their brethren for that purpose. Shortly
after follows this quaint entry: —
Die 23 July 1628: The visitation of Carriden is
remembered again to be keiped the morne and the visitouiris
nominat ut
The explanation of this anxious reminder lies in
the fact that the Carriden minister was also clerk to the
What is quoted here and elsewhere from the
Presbytery and Heritors Records is from certified extracts.
When the important event took place "the sermon
was maid be Mr. Thomas Spittall upon 2 Tim. 8-17, quherin was
handled the dutie and dignity of ministeris. Efter the sermoun
the holl gentilmen of the said parochin being present—to witt
Sir John Hamiltoun off Lettrik, Sir Jhone Hammiltoun of Grange,
Walter Cornwall of Ballinhard, Mr Alexander Hammiltoun of
Kinglass, the Laird of Cleghorne, Alexander Bruce, David
Carmichall, Constabil of Blacknes, with the holl elderis and
deconis off that paroche—the brethren ordeined Mr Jhone Drysdall
to be Clark to the said visitation becaus Mr Andrew Keir, Clerk
to the Presbytery is Minister to this Kirk of Caridenn and is to
be removed now that the visitouris may try off his doctrin,
disciplin, and conversatioun."
The precept from the Archbishop was then " red
publictly," and the brethren signified that they would again
attend before the third Thursday in November, when they " wold
tak a course for the designatioun off the said manse and gleib."
On 4th March the following year a report was made to the
Presbytery of the " designatioun of the gleib off Caridenn out
off the landis off Grange neirest to the said kirk." This was in
the time of the Hamiltons of Grange, and also when they were
possessed of portions of ground near Carriden House. A year
after it was pointed out to the Presbytery on behalf of Sir John
Hamilton that he was prepared to give them in exchange for the
parts of his lands designed the year before to be the manse and
glebe of Carriden, other parts of his lands "far neirer and more
ewous" to the kirk of Carriden. While making this offer he
stipulated that "iff it were fund that these landis off Grange
designed befoir wer better land than these his other lands
wuhilk he now offeris that, upon the astimatioun and valuation
of three or four honest skilled men off the paroche of Cariddenn,
he suld gie so much mor land in quantatie as may mak out the
equalitie of the ane land with the other, and offeris also to
mak a disposition or resignatioun off these lands in the hands
of the kirk to be ane manse and gleib in all tym coming." The
brethren consulted with Mr. Keir. A fortnight later they agreed
to the excambion, and instructed the manse and glebe to be
designed. This was done on the afternoon of 30th March, 1630.
The documentary evidence concerning the removal
of the church at Carriden House to Cuffabouts and the opening of
a new burial-ground there is curiously meagre. At a meeting of
the Presbytery held at Linlithgow on the 3rd of April, 1765,
Colonel Campbell Dalrymple of Carriden represented that the
church and churchyard dykes of Carriden were ruinous, and needed
repair. The Presbytery therefore appointed Messrs. Hogg, Baillie
(of Bo'ness), and Ritchie as a committee of their number to meet
at Carriden with properly qualified tradesmen in order to make
up estimates of the repairs wanted and to report. They also
appointed edictal citation to be given and letters to be written
to the non-residing heritors. On the 26th of the same month the
committee gave in their report in writing bearing that they,
with proper tradesmen, upon oath, had found the church and
churchyard dykes in a ruinous-condition, and that the tradesmen
had made up estimates for repairing the same, amounting to the
sum of £174 8s. 8d. They also reported that there was a design
to remove the church and churchyard near to the village of
Bonhard-pans. This-place they had inspected, and were of opinion
that it was very convenient. Further, a cast of the assessment
among the several heritors according to their respective
valuations had at. the same time been made. The Presbytery
therefore having read this report and examined the cast of the
assessment approved of the whole in all points, and decerned
accordingly, humbly beseeching the Lords of Council to interpose
their authority.
This is really all the authoritative information
on the subject, for it seems a search was made in later years in
the-minutes of the heritors and of the kirk session, but without
anything being found on the subject. It was also about the-same
time stated that there had been a process between Colonel
Campbell Dalrymple and the other heritors of the parish over the
expense of building the new church. Extensive searches were
accordingly made in the Court of Session records, and amongst
the printed papers in the Advocates and Writers to the Signet
Libraries, but no trace could be got of any such proceedings. A
search was also made amongst the papers at Hopetoun House, but
without discovering any document relating to the process in
The change of church site has all along been laid
at the door of the Colonel and his family, who were said to have
wished the church and churchyard to be more distant from their
mansion-house. For this reason, and with the view of quieting
the minds of the parishioners, and so doing away with all
opposition, the tenantry and other householders, it was said,
were permitted to remove the seats or pews of the old church and
place them in the new one as they thought proper. In this way,
and without any other right or title whatever, the greater
portion of the area, and even part of the lofts or galleries of
the church, were possessed to the great inconvenience of the
other heritors and their tenants.
This irregularity gave, in subsequent years, very
considerable trouble. As a consequence, the heritors, consisting
of his Grace the Duke of Hamilton, the Hon. the Earl of Hopetoun,
Sir James Dalyell, Bart, of Binns; James John Cadell, Esq. of
Grange; and James Johnston, Esq. of Straiton, submitted a
memorial to Mr. John Connell, advocate, for his opinion.
In answer he held that the possession above
described was illegal, and could be annulled by the patron and
heritors. And had it not been for the long possession which the
occupiers had had of their seats, a process of removing before
the Sheriff would have been sufficient. In view of this
possession, however, he thought it would be more advisable to
bring an action of declarator before the Court of Session.
Although this opinion would have warranted what
we might fitly term a "redistribution of seats," we have not
found that any steps were taken, so that things apparently
remained much as they were.
Considerable excitement was caused in Grangepans
throughout most of the year 1767 over the circumstances
attending the burial of a child in the old churchyard at
Carriden. The direct result of this burial was the serving of a
complaint at the instance of James Watsone, the
procurator-fiscal for the county, against several local people
in the month of February. The accused were John Sword, jun.,
mason in Grangepans; George Younger and James Gibb, indwellers
there; Christian Crocket, spouse of George Thomson, sailor in
Grangepans; Barbara Nicol, spouse of James Donaldson, Salter in
Thirlestane; Katherine Drummond, spouse of Gilbert M'Naught on,
salter; Euphaim Ritchie, spouse of John Drummond, salter;
Magdalene Govan, spouse of Thomas Robertson, indweller in
Cuffabouts; Robert Waldie, farmer in Muirhouses; James Kidd,
indweller there; and James Anderson, sailor. They were each and
all of them charged with breach of the peace, assault, and
housebreaking. The circumstances, as set forth in the complaint,
were these—A male child belonging to Robert Scott, salt
watchman, in Grangepans, having died there on the 20th day of
January, the father on the day following went in quest of the
gravedigger, whom he found at Muirhouses, and desired him to dig
a grave for his child in the new churchyard of Carriden. When
Scott was upon this mission the accused were said to have
assembled in a riotous and tumultuous manner along with a number
of other persons, and attacked him when returning home from the
Muirhouses at or near Coulthenhill, and gave him many blows with
sticks, snowballs, and other offensive weapons, by which he was
much hurt and severely wounded to the effusion of his blood. On
the evening of the same day they also in a most outrageous and
forcible manner went into Scott's house by breaking open the
doors and insisting in carrying off the body of the dead child,
using at the same time threatening expressions against Scott and
his family, whereby they were put in terror of their lives. With
great difficulty the accused were ultimately prevailed upon to
desist from carrying off the body. Having gone out of the house,
however, they did notwithstanding continue till about three
o'clock next morning throwing stones at Scott's door, uttering
the while many threatening expressions against him. Next
day—22nd January—the accused once more came to Scott's house,
and forcibly and without his consent carried off the body, which
they interred in the old churchyard. It was craved that upon the
charges being proven the defenders ought to be fined in the sum
of £100 sterling, conjunctly and severally, and otherways
punished in their persons and effects to the terror of others in
time coming.
On 6th March all the accused appeared in Court,
attended by Walter Forrester, their procurator. The fiscal
craved for the apprehension and imprisonment of all the accused
until they found caution to attend all the diets of the Court.
The Sheriff granted this crave, and also allowed a full proof.
Due caution seems to have been found. The proof was conducted in
a very leisurely way, only the evidence of one or two witnesses
being taken at a sitting. Even by the month of December the case
does not appear to have been decided. Unfortunately we have not
been able to discover what was the Sheriff's decision. The
complaint may have ultimately been withdrawn, but, judging from
the evidence we have read, we do not expect the complaint was
proved. It is quite evident there was considerable feeling on
the part of the lairholders in the old churchyard over the
suggestion that they should abandon it and use the new burial
In the course of the proof, notes of which we
subjoin, the statement in the complaint that Robert Scott
ordered the gravedigger to dig a grave in the new churchyard was
emphatically denied. Agnes Bell, spouse to Alexander Smith,
sailor in Grangepans, and mentioned as being "aged twenty and
upwards," said that the day after the child died she heard the
bell go through the town of Grangepans in the forenoon, and
intimation made to the people to come against three o'clock in
the afternoon, and bury the child in the old churchyard of
Carriden. She saw the bellman come to Scott's house with the
hand-spokes about three o'clock, set them down, and go in. She
also saw Sir Alexander Brown go up to the house, and go in, but
by this time the bellman had left in order to again ring the
bell for the people to come to the burying. But during Sir
Alexander's presence in Scott's house he was called back, where
he stayed but a short time. When he came out again he told
Marion Blackater, in presence of the deponent, that he had got
orders to go away, but he did not mention who gave them, and the
child was not buried that afternoon. Scott was in a somewhat
difficult position. Here on the one hand was his superior
officer, Sir Alexander Brown, making a strong personal appeal to
him; and it is evident that Sir Alexander was one of those who
were most anxious to get the parishioners prevailed upon to
abandon the old burial ground. It was reported, too, that Scott
was even to get some money, presumably to induce him to bury the
child in the new churchyard. On the other hand Scott and his
wife distinctly wanted the child buried in the old churchyard "alongst
with its brothers and sisters." Scott in his dilemma apparently
played the part of diplomat. He, we fear, feigned illness the
next day, and indicated to Charles Wood, weaver, Grangepans,
that he wished he and some of the neighbours would attend the
burying, saying at the same time that if it had not been for Sir
Alexander Brown, who had stopped the bellman, the child would
have been buried the day before in the old churchyard, as the
grave had been digged there for that purpose. Agnes, we should
have said, testified that Scott's wife joined with her husband
in wishing that some honest neighbours would come and bury their
child, that they both repeated it twice, and wished to God it
were so. Scott, she mentioned, said he was indisposed and unable
to go to the burial himself. She further .stated that on the
afternoon of the burial Mrs. Scott came out to her stairhead
along with the defender Barbara Nicol, who had the dead child in
her arms, and that Mrs. Scott called to James Gibb to come and
take her dear child or dear baby. There were, she said, very few
persons at the burial except children.
Some further light on the subject is afforded by
the evidence of Magdalene Mein, spouse to Adam Taylor, salter in
Grangepans. She was standing at a neighbour's door the day of
the burial. She saw the accused Barbara Nicol and one Margaret
Young bring the corpse out of Scott's house. Mrs. Scott came to
the stairhead after them, and Magdalene heard her desire the
defender James Gibb, who was standing at the stairfoot, to
receive the corpse and carry it away. Gibb refused at first, and
asked where the father was that he might carry it. To this Mrs.
Scott answered that he was not well, and was unable to go to the
interment himself. She again desired Gibb to take the corpse and
inter it, declaring it was perfectly agreeable to her
inclination that he should do so, and desired the other people
who were present to stand until they received a shilling from
her to pay the bellman for digging the grave. Thereafter Mrs.
Scott delivered the shilling to Walter Miller, who delivered it
to Thomas Walker, to be given by him to the bellman. Mrs. Taylor
did not see any mob or tumult at this time. Those assembled went
off calmly with the corpse.
Margaret Young, an appropriately youthful witness
of fourteen, daughter of William Young, flesher in Grangepans,
deponed that she, with the accused Barbara Nicol and Catherine
Drummond, went into Scott's house on the day the child was
buried; that the two latter on entering wished Scott and his
wife good-day, and asked if they intended to bury their child
that day. To this Scott answered " Yes," adding that there was
his child, coffined and mortclothed, and all in decency and
desired them to carry it away and bury it in the old churchyard
beside its three brothers, for he was not able to go to the
burial himself. Upon the saying of which Scott went into his
bed. After this Scott's wife lifted the coffin and gave it to
Barbara Nicol and Catherine Drummond, who carried it out of the
house and delivered it to James Gibb at the stairfoot. She
further stated that Gibb asked Mrs. Scott, who came out to the
stairhead, if she desired her child to be buried, to which she
answered " 0 yes." Gibb then came off with the child, and was
joined by several people at a small distance from the house.
Margaret accompanied the corpse to the place of interment. She
returned to Scott's house with Nicol and Drummond, and there
told the Scotts that their child was decently buried in the old
churchyard, and they thoroughly approved of what had been done.
A few weeks after this burial Thomas Brown, the
beadle and gravedigger, was dismissed. From a minute of the
Carriden session, of date 22nd February, 1767, we find a letter
addressed to the Rev. Mr. Ellis, and signed by Galloway A.
Hamilton, Willm. Muir, Arch. Stewart, and And. Stewart. It ran—
"Reverend Sir, Whereas we are informed that Thomas Brown, Beadle
and Gravedigger at Carriden, did lately refuse to do his duty by
digging a grave to a child when ordered to do so, which delay in
some measure occasioned the late riot, we therefore desire that
you in concurrence with the Session and heritors would displace
the said Thomas Brown and appoint another beadle in his place of
whom we will approve, and are, Reverend Sir, Your most humble
The following concurrence is likewise recorded in
the same minute: —
"I William Maxwell of Carriden do concur with the
tutors of his Grace the Duke of Hamilton in depriving Thomas
Brown of his office of Beadle, Gravedigger, and Session Officer
of the parish of Carriden, and the said Thomas Brown is hereby
from this day deprived of and is declared to have no right to
any fees, perquisites, or dues that might arise in any manner of
way from said office which is hereby declared vacant until it be
supplied by the heritors of the parish or by the majority of the
valued rent: and whoever shall presume to employ him or pay him
as Beadle, &c., will be accountable to the heritors, and
prosecute according to law.—(Signed) William Maxwell."
Then the minute proceeds—
"The Session hereby considered the same; they
neither approve of riots nor any that will contribute to them,
or do not pretend to employ any officer or beadle that the
heritors or the majority of the valued rent think proper to turn
out, and will concur with them in any fit person that they shall
approve of for that office, and appoints the same to be inserted
in their minutes. Adjourns till Sabbath next, and concludes with
One of the results of the removal of the church
and churchyard to CufEabouts was the removal in course of time
of the glebe also. This came about by the Presbytery giving up
the old glebe lands which lay in the vicinity of Carriden House
for a new glebe, which was designed by them out of Admiral Sir
George Hope's lands at Cuffabouts. The process was effected by
an excambion or exchange of the old glebe lands for new lands.
Towards the close of the life of the second
William Maxwell of Carriden, application was made by him to the
Commissioners of the roads for the Parish of Carriden under date
30th April, 1802, for authority to close one of the old church
roads running through his estate. This was the road originally
used by the Blackness people. It began, his petition said, to
the east on the shore at Carrispans, then in ruins, passed to
the east and south of Carriden House, and terminated at the
village of Muirhouses to the west. Of so little importance was
it and so little used that it had not been repaired by the
Parish Commissioners for upwards of forty years before the
application. In fact, it was said to be of no importance
whatever to the inhabitants of the parish. Besides it had been
long almost impassable, for during the spring tides the east end
of it could not be approached from the east or west, the shore
road being then, at high water, covered by the sea in several
places. Moreover, it was explained, that within the period of
forty years, before mentioned, a more convenient, and in every
respect a better, road had been made in a new line from
Blackness by Burnshot and "Waltoun to Bonhard and the Muirhouses,
which were the only places to which this road could be
considered to lead. Mr. Maxwell also alleged that the old road
was a great inconvenience to him, as it enabled idle and
disorderly people to pass at all times through the grounds and
within a few yards of Carriden House. These people, besides
leaving open the gates which he by immemorial practice had a
right to have upon the road, frequently committed wanton
mischief to his great detriment. He therefore craved the
Commissioners to give their consent to the shutting up of the
old road in all time coming, and that it be no longer considered
as a public road nor any person suffered to pass the same. The
Commissioners, who were James Dalyell and James John Cadell,
gave their consent. The matter in course came before the
justices for their confirmation, and they appointed a committee
to examine the road. A quorum of this committee, consisting of
James Dalyell, Alexander Marjoribanks, Dav. Falconer, and
Patrick Baron Seton, reported, under date Carriden, 26th June,
1805, that having met and examined the road, they considered it
of no use to the public, and that it ought to be shut up. The
Quarter Sessions therefore, on 10th November, 1805—the sederunt
consisting of Sir Alexander Seton of Preston, Dr. Patrick Baron
Seton, Yr. of Preston, William Napier of Dales, and James Watson
of Bridge Castle (Sir Alexr. Seton, preses)— having taken the
petition and report into consideration, approved thereof, and
condemned the road, finding it of no use or utility to the
public, and authorising Mr. Maxwell to shut up the same. The
petition and whole proceedings were at the same time ordained to
be engrossed in the books of the Quarter Sessions.
In the light of what is related further on
regarding the strenuous objections which were taken to proposals
to shut up the other church roads throughout the estate it seems
surprising that this road was closed without the slightest
opposition. It may have been that the road was, in truth, of
little or no public service, because of the opening of the newer
road by Burnshot.
But the main reason would seem to lie in this,
that the proposal came before the days of James White and James
Duguid, who in turn were the leaders and champions of the
parishioners in all such matters. We may be sure that, whether
the road was used or not, they would have fought against its
closing as an infringement of a long-recognised public right. As
it was, though no objection was taken in Mr. Maxwell's time, the
matter gave his successors considerable apprehension until it
had been closed for forty years, for it came to be whispered
that the procedure taken was not in order, inasmuch as it was
closed by the wrong authority.
In the month of January, 1819, a meeting of
proprietors of burying-ground in the old churchyard of Carriden
was held in the house of Mr. James White, wright in Grangepans.
Those at the meeting were under the impression that Lady Hope,
the widow of Admiral Sir George Hope, intended to remove the
walls of the burying-ground, which were then in a most
dilapidated state. Such action, it was thought, would have the
effect of doing away with the place as a burial-ground
altogether, thus compelling those who had still a right of
burial there to use the new churchyard at Cuffabouts. The
meeting unanimously determined that the walls should be rebuilt,
and they expressed the view that in taking them down a right was
being exercised which was unjustifiable in law or in any other
sense whatever. It was mentioned at the same meeting that an
attempt had previously been made on two other occasions to
remove the burial-ground, first by Colonel Dalrymple, and
latterly by Mr. Maxwell, and that money had been transmitted
from different parts of the Continent to resist it. Mr. White,
as the preses of the meeting, was instructed to communicate the
above resolution to Lord President Hope, who was one of the
trustees of the late Admiral, which he accordingly did in very
courteous and respectful terms.
The Lord President immediately acknowledged Mr.
White's letter at considerable length, and expressed extreme
regret at the evident misunderstanding which had arisen. He
assured him that it never was the intention of Lady Hope or of
Sir George's trustees to remove the burying-ground or to violate
it in any way that might hurt the feelings of those whose
relations were buried there. He stated that the old ruinous wall
which surrounded it was not only a great deformity to the place
of Carriden, but actually rendered the lower part of the south
front of the house dark. It was therefore proposed merely to
take down part of the wall and erect a handsome and substantial
iron railing in its place, which should be sufficient not only
to exclude man and cattle as effectually as the old wall, but
even to exclude dogs. He explained that it had been his
intention to have spoken to the principal persons concerned
before operations were commenced, but that Lady Hope had
misunderstood him, and wishing to employ the stones for some
other purpose had begun to take down the wall before he had had
an opportunity of conversing with the people concerned. He goes
on to say, however, that he understood from Mr. Keir, Philpstoun,
who on his behalf attended a recent meeting in the churchyard,
that it had been explained there that there was no intention to
remove or touch the burying-ground, and that the people then
present had expressed themselves satisfied with the assurance he
gave them that a substantial iron railing was to be immediately
In consequence of the consent then given, or at
least certainly understood by Mr. Keir to be given, the trustees
had concluded that Lady Hope might proceed to take down the
wall; and the iron railing would have been finished and probably
erected by that time if they had not been obliged to stop it in
consequence of hearing that there was some opposition going
forward. His lordship further pointed out that it was not
intended to touch the west side of the wall, against which alone
any monuments ever were erected; and no headstone or flat stone
would be defaced or touched in any shape. He then says that
while the old walls stood the inside of the burying-ground was
not visible, and no attention had ever been paid to it. It was
overgrown with nettles, thistles, and wild raspberries, and was
as dirty and unpleasant a looking place as could well be
imagined. If enclosed with an iron railing the greatest care
would be taken to keep it clear of weeds and the turf clean and
neat, but without touching it with a spade. There, therefore,
seemed to him, when the matter was explained, nothing to go to
law about, for the trustees had not the most distant intention
of removing the burying-ground; and as the people concerned
could have no interest but to have it properly secured and
enclosed both parties would be just where they were, only Mr.
White and the others would have a neat and creditable-looking
burying-ground instead of a place full of weeds and dirt and
rubbish not fit for a dog to lie in, and enclosed with a strong
iron rail, which the trustees would keep in repair, instead of
an old ruinous wall, which would soon have required repair at
the public expense. His lordship then concludes his epistle in
the following paragraphs: —
"Therefore as you, James, by your letter seem to
be a man of sense and education, I trust you will explain all
this to the people, who have thus misconceived our intentions.
To rebuild the wall would cost us not one quarter of the price
of an iron railing; and while it would not be so good and secure
an enclosure to the burying-ground, it would be a great
deformity to the place, which Lady Hope is very fond of, and
where she hopes to live, doing as much good to her poor
neighbours as she can.
"If you wish for any further explanation, and
will yourself with one or two more of your friends, come to town
I shall be glad to see you, and most willingly pay your expenses
out and home. You will find me generally about one o'clock at my
chambers in Hill Street, Edinburgh, every day except Monday, on
which day you will be almost certain of finding me at my house
at Granton, on the Banks of the Forth, about 2 miles
from Crammond."
The writer of this very gracious and peace-making
epistle was, as we have indicated, Lord President Hope,
otherwise Charles Hope of Granton, son of John Hope and grandson
of the first Earl of Hopetoun. He was born in 1763, admitted to
the Bar at twenty-one years of age, appointed Lord Advocate in
1801, Lord Justice-Clerk in 1804, and Lord President in 1811. He
retired in 1841, and died ten years after. Lord Cockburn5 has
left us this description of his friend. "He was tall and well
set up, and had a most admirable voice— full, deep, and
distinct, its very whisper heard along a line of a thousand men
(Hope being a most ardent Volunteer and Colonel of his
regiment). Kind, friendly, and honourable, private life could
neither enjoy nor desire a character more excellent. No breast,
indeed," continues Cockburn, "could be more clear than Hope's of
everything paltry or malevolent; and indirectness was so
entirely foreign to his manly nature that even in his plainest
error his adversaries had always whatever advantage was to be
gained from an honest disclosure of his principles and objects."
To the letter of the Lord President Mr. White
replied that he had submitted it to his committee, who had
ordered a general meeting to be called to consider it on 3rd
February. We have not seen any record of this meeting, but it
appears that it had been resolved to meet his lordship on the
ground. Accordingly we find from another document that he had
met the committee at Carriden on 17th March, and had no
difficulty in arranging everything to their mutual satisfaction.
The enclosure was to consist of a wall of only 2 feet high,
including the coping, which was to be 8 inches thick in the
centre, sloping to 6 inches at the edges—the wall to be
surmounted with an iron railing, double at the bottom; the
railing to be 4½ feet high, including the arrowheads at the top.
The committee most readily agreed that the north-east corner
next the house, in which there were no graves, should be rounded
off, and pins were accordingly fixed in. They mentioned at the
meeting that the people were impatient till the work was begun,
and his
"Cockburu's Memorials of his Time."
His lordship had pledged himself that it should
be gone about directly. The new wall was to be "founded" exactly
on the old, except at the curve at the north-east. The committee
also agreed to transfer the gate to the south-west corner
furthest from the house, so that the old west wall was to be
finished off with a substantial stone pillar for hanging one ,
check of the gate upon, and another was to be built for hanging
the east check. The west wall, it was agreed by the
representatives of the Hopes, should be pointed up with lime on
the outside and the top; and there was to be a pillar at the
north end of it to receive the bars of the railing. The
committee, lastly, had agreed to give up the old burial road,
and to use the back entry in front of the garden instead of it.
The railing was to be supplied and erected by
Thompson, Lady Hope's smith, and one Gib was to be the mason.
Weir, the gardener, was to superintend generally. These
alterations were all carried out, and the place to-day is pretty
much as' just described.
The vigilant Mr. White and his committee,
however, thought it right and proper to get a letter from the
Earl of Hopetoun and the Lord President, the late Admiral's
trustees, on the subject of the removal of the gate to the
south-west corner. As it was considered of great importance to
the public, and might easily have been mislaid or lost, Mr.
White, for himself and the others interested, petitioned the
Kirk Session of Carriden on 5th August, 1820, to record it in
the register of the Kirk Session. We do not expect that this
request would be acceded to, as the matter was for the records
of the heritors, not of the session. The letter was dated
Edinburgh, 23rd June, 1819, and is addressed to Mr. White, as
Preses of the Committee on the Old Churchyard of Carriden. It
rims—" Some apprehensions having been expressed on the part of
those having an interest in the old burial-ground at Carriden
that the trustees of the Carriden estate, in removing the gate
of the churchyard from the south-east to the south-west corner
of said churchyard, in conformity
to what had been agreed on between the trustees
and the committee, have in view to interrupt access to the
burial-ground, now we, on the part of the trustees, have no
hesitation in assuring you and all concerned that there does not
exist any intention of such interruption, and that the access by
the new gate shall be free as formerly by the old one, and that
the trustees will be ready, if necessary, to enter into any
written obligation to guarantee the old burial road or the one
by the garden instead of it, and access to the burial-ground by
the new gate as formerly enjoyed. (Signed) Hopetoun: C. Hope."
For a time, therefore, public anxiety with regard
to the preservation of the rights of proprietors in the
burial-ground was ended.
The following is an excerpt from minute of a
general meeting of the heritors of the Parish of Carriden held
upon the 19th day of June, 1801 :—
"The Meeting considering that some person has
lately been interred in the old Churchyard near to Carriden
House without its having been ascertained that the individual
had any right of burial there, direct that henceforth the Beadle
shall not be allowed to dig any grave or permit burial in the
old Churchyard without the sanction of the Minister and Kirk
Session, who shall make particular enquiry that the predecessors
of the defunct have enjoyed the uninterrupted right of burial in
that churchyard before they authorise the Beadle to break ground
Lady Hope, about April, 1825, desiring to improve
the old burial road (there being about the middle of it a bend
or crooked part which occupied only a very short distance, but
was extremely awkward both for the road and the adjoining
lands), had the road made perfectly straight at that place. This
improvement was completed without objection from any person
whatever. Some time after this her ladyship gave orders for
planting the piece of ground which had been taken from the old
road to effect the above improvement. Thereupon as a document
dealing with the subject has it, " Certain individuals in the
village of Muirhouses and others actuated by troublesome
dispositions or some other unreasonable motives began to
complain of the alterations on the road, alleging that Lady Hope
was not entitled to have made such alterations without their
concurrence and consent previously obtained, and they then
threatened to prevent the piece of the old road which was
superseded from being planted."
The planting, however, proceeded, and was
finished without any interruption. The objectors apparently were
James White, wright at Grangepans, Bo'ness; John Aitken,
residing at Muirhouses; James Duguid, residing there; William
Moodie, smith, there; and Alexander Findlay, residing there. The
innocent and well-meant action of her ladyship had once more
raised their suspicions, and made them again become exceedingly
zealous in the public interest. It was said that these persons
in name of themselves and others addressed letters to some of
the curators of James Hope, son of Sir George, threatening in a
very alarming tone to restore the road to its former situation
by their own operations and horses and carts. It was expected
that if they did so they would destroy the fences which were
erected at both ends of the bend, and would root up the young
trees planted. It was also anticipated that they would create a
great disturbance in the vicinity of Carriden House, and perhaps
under the influence of violent dispositions do a great deal of
other mischief and injury which could not be calculated.
Therefore young James Hope, with the advice and consent of the
Honourable Dames Georgiana Mary Ann Hope, relict of Vice-Admiral
Sir George Hope of Carriden, K.C.B.; Miss Margaret Hope,
residing at Hastings; the Right Honourable Charles Hope, Lord
President; and the Honourable Sir Alexander Hope of Waughton,
G.C.B., accepting and surviving curators and guardians appointed
to the said James Hope by his deceased father, applied to the
Court of Session to suspend and interdict James White and the
others from proceeding with their threatened operations. On 10th
June interim interdict was pronounced, and the respondents
ordered to see and answer the complaint within fourteen days.
The matter apparently ended here, for we have no further trace
of it. The parties with the "troublesome dispositions" no doubt,
on taking legal advice, were assured that Lady Hope had acted in
perfectly good faith, and that their legal rights were not being
jeopardised in the slightest degree by the improvement which had
been carried out.
In 1838 Captain James Hope, as he then was,
desiring to more efficiently protect his pleasure grounds, but
without any intention of prejudicing the rights of the
proprietors of lairs in the old burial-ground, petitioned the
county justices for authority to shut up the old church road
running from the manse entry at Cuffabouts up through the glebe
lands to the old church and churchyard at Carriden, and also the
road running from there on to the Muirhouses. In lieu of these
he offered a public access to the churchyard by the road leading
along the south side of Carriden garden (from the west lodge
eastwards). This new access he held, being shorter and more
direct than the old one, would be much more convenient for all
concerned. A sketch of the old lines of road and also the
proposed new access was lodged with his application. The
petition was brought before the justices, because they were
vested with certain powers relating to the county roads, and
especially the power to alter the direction and course of
improper and inconvenient roads and to shut up superfluous and
useless ones. It was first considered on 4th October, when there
were present Sir James Dalyell, Bart, of Binns, preses; Sir
William Baillie, Bart, of Polkemet; John Stewart, Esq. of Binny;
Major Norman Sharp of Houston; William Baillie, Esq., younger of
Polkemet; James John Cadell, Esq. of Grange; John Ferrier
Hamilton, Esq. of Westport; and William Wilson, Esq. of Dechmont.
A remit was then made to a committee, consisting of Sir James
Dalyell, Bart, of Binns; James Dundas,

The Old Kirk Roads, Carriden.
(Sketched by permission of Mr. Lloyd Verney, by
Matt. Steele, Bo'ness, from an old plan.)
Esq. of Dundas; James John Cadell, Esq. of
Grange; John Stewart, Esq. of Binny; Gabriel Hamilton Dundas,
Esq. of Duddingstone; and Major Norman Shairp of Houston, any
three a quorum, and Sir James Dalyell, convener. They also
ordered the public intimation required by the Act.
As a result of this remit there assembled within
the church of Carriden at one o'clock, on the 21st day of
November, 1838, the following members of committee: —Sir James
Dalyell, Gabriel Hamilton Dundas, and John Stewart. The
petition, with the deliverance thereon, the plan of the roads,
the Act of Parliament, and also an execution by William Hendrie,
constable, bearing that he had made public intimation of the
petition on Sundays, the 7th and 14th days of October, at the
principal door of the parish church, and a further execution by
him that he, on 11th November, had given notice at same place of
the intention of the committee to meet at this place and hour
when all parties would be heard for their interest, were all
produced, read, and particularly examined by the committee. A
number of the inhabitants of the parish also assembled that day
in the church, and produced answers, and requested that these be
publicly read, which was done. They thereafter desired that the
same be entered in the minutes of the committee, which was also
The answers bear that they were for James Duguid,
shoemaker, Muirhouses; John M'Gregor, labourer, there; John
Black, cooper, Grangepans; James Stanners, sailor there; and
Thomas Christie, labourer, Gladhill, the committee appointed by
a meeting of the inhabitants of the Parish of Carriden having
right to the old churchyard as a place of sepulchre held on 20th
October, 1838. They then go on to argue in some detail that the
roads were neither useless nor superfluous, and, moreover, that
the Merrilees Turnpike Act did not apply to the present case.
With respect to the new road proposed, it was pointed out that
were it accepted the respondents would be deprived of a vested
right to the roads in question, which they at present held by
prescription. They also felt if they agreed to the new proposal
that they would then be compelled to accept of a sufferance from
the petitioner, which might afterwards be a source of vexatious
litigation. It was further stated by the respondents that by the
granting of the petition (which, however, they could not for a
moment suppose would be the result) the petitioner would be
enabled to improve his estate, and would also acquire several
acres of excellent land and £40 or £50 worth of full-grown
timber, to which, they alleged, he had "no more right than the
man in the moon, if there was such a personage." Several cases
in point are quoted, and then the respondents close by remarking
that they had no doubt their honours would dismiss the
application and find them entitled to expenses. The answers are
signed by all the respondents themselves, not by an agent.
Turning again to the official narrative of the
proceedings in the church we find that the petitioner and
various other persons, having been heard verbally, and the
committee having thereafter in their presence perambulated,
examined, and inspected the road, reported that the road desired
to be closed was awkward, ill-formed, in a bad state of repair,
and would not in their opinion admit of a funeral procession
passing along it; that the road proposed to be substituted was
not only in an excellent state of repair, but also on the whole
formed a more direct approach to the old churchyard. They were
further of opinion that the proposed alteration would be of no
disadvantage to those interested. On the contrary, they deemed
it would be a distinct advantage, and they proposed that warrant
should be given petitioner for shutting up the old line of road
and substituting the other line by the south side of the garden
in all time coming.
On the 4th December, same year, the justices
assembled at Linlithgow in adjourned Quarter Sessions. Having
again considered the petition, productions, and the report of
their committtee, and also heard John Hardy, procurator of
Court, on behalf of James Duguid and others who had lodged
answers, they ordained that before further answer the
respondents should see the whole process for ten days; that they
then lodge objections to the report of committee as craved, the
petitioners to lodge answers to such objections within other ten
days thereafter.
The respondents, in obedience to this order,
lodged further answers, in which they proceeded to largely
incorporate their original answers. They again strongly and at
considerable length argued that it was not competent for their
honours to entertain the petition at all. In particular, they
held that this road was not one of those public roads which did
fall within their jurisdiction, but, on the contrary, was just
that description of road from which their jurisdiction was
altogether excluded. Cases in point were quoted very
extensively, especially those going to show that no foot or
horse or cart road to kirk or mill could be closed. Coming to
the report of the committee, the objectors held, with great
deference, that it by no means came up to the point necessary to
be reached in order to justify the change proposed. The most
substantial conclusion of the committee only said the road was
an awkward and ill-formed one, in a very bad state of repair.
But this in the objectors' view was no sort of reason for
shutting it up. In fact, so very ridiculous was the argument for
shutting it that they thought they would be trifling with the
subject to pursue the topic, because the mere fact of a road
being out of repair could never for a single instant be
sustained as a reason for shutting it up and opening another
one. There must be, they argued, something in the character of
the road itself independent of its mere state of repair to
justify the proceeding. The old road must be proved in the
clearest and most indisputable manner to be disadvantageous to
those using it before their honours could be warranted in
interfering. In closing they pressed that it would not suffice
to merely say the road on the whole was as good as the others,
or even that on a critical balancing of their merits somebody
might be led to pronounce the new one rather the better of the
two. It must, they held, be made out in a strong and unequivocal
manner that under the words of the A.ct the road proposed to he
shut up was positively "improper and inconvenient" for those who
used it. With all deference they submitted there was nothing of
the kind established. The objections were drawn by William
Penney, advocate, and signed by John Hardy, writer, Linlithgow.
The strenuous and unflinching opposition thus put
forward, and very particularly the strong legal argument that
the justices had really no jurisdiction to deal with his
petition, caused Captain Hope considerable perturbation, and
made him take the opinion of counsel. This was Mr. John Hope,
Dean of Faculty, son of the Lord President, and latterly also a
judge. Following upon a long memorial of the whole facts and
circumstances, counsel, upon what he terms a full and calm
consideration of the whole matter, was clearly of opinion that
the justices had no jurisdiction. He therefore advised that the
proceedings be withdrawn as the object of the petition was
beyond the power of the justices. This was in January, 1839,
and, so far as we can make out. all proceedings were then
dropped. Nevertheless, Captain Hope, though disappointed that he
had gone to the wrong tribunal, remained firmly convinced that
his plan was really in the end the best for all parties
concerned. He took further legal advice, and was advised to
repeat his application in the Court of Session. Owing, however,
to his many enforced absences and a keen desire not to be
misunderstood or misrepresented by his people, he never sought
to press the matter further. So the burial roads remain to this
day as they were in old times.
In the year 1853 yet another misunderstanding
arose over the old churchyard. The cause was the blowing down of
a portion of the iron railing erected in 1819. Admiral Sir James
Hope was abroad at the time, and Mr. George Davidson, his land
steward, not having any instructions one way or the other, and
apparently not knowing of the terms of the arrangement in 1819,
would neither have the railing re-erected on behalf of the
Admiral nor allow those interested on behalf of the public to do
so. Mr. White was by this time dead, and his mantle had
descended on the shoulders of Mr. James Duguid. The latter made
diligent search among the writings connected with the
churchyard, and came upon the letter of the Lord President, of
22nd January, 1819, wherein he had, on behalf of the Admiral's
trustees, pledged himself to put up the railing and to keep it
always in repair. Satisfied with this, Mr. Duguid, on 4th July,
wrote the Admiral explaining the situation, and on behalf of the
committee respectfully requested him to have the broken-down
railing put in proper repair as speedily as possible. The
Admiral replied on the 5th that the request would be complied
with, although until he examined the papers on the subject that
day the existence of the obligation of the Lord President was
unknown to him. He added that he should have felt mortified if
the committee had gone to any expense on the subject themselves,
and he should have supposed they were too well acquainted with
him ever to have seriously entertained such an intention.
Sir James now conceived the idea of coming to
some clear understanding for all time coming regarding the old
burial-ground, and wrote Mr. Duguid to call a meeting of the
parties interested at which his proposals might be submitted. He
mentioned that the only papers he had in his possession relative
to the kirkyard were the protest by R. Campbell and others,
dated 7th January, 1819; Mr. White's letter to the Lord
President, of 19th January; the Lord President's letter, of 22nd
January; Mr. White's reply, of 27th January; and the joint
letter of Lord Hopetoun and the Lord President, dated 23rd June.
If there were any other letters or papers which the parties
interested considered of importance he would be happy to have a
complete copy made of those just named and such others as might
be furnished, and have them all placed in the Kirk Session
records for future reference. He also desired that the parties
interested should elect two trustees, one resident in the
Muirhouses and the other at Grangepans, who should be authorised
by them to communicate with him as to the mode in which the
kirkyard was kept or any other subject connected with it on
which they desired their wishes to be made known. He explained
that he rented the grass in the kirkyard merely for the purpose
of keeping it in a decent state, and not for any profit, and he
should at all times be glad to meet their views on this
subject.. But now came the vital part of his communication. He
was, in pursuance of his letter of 5th July, in the course of
having the damaged coping replaced and the railing re-erected,
but before giving the final directions he made them this
proposal. Their right to have the railing put up being clear and
undoubted, would they be disposed to waive that right in his
favour and permit the entire railing to be taken down, leaving
only the dwarf wall as a boundary? Those parties, he said, who
wished to do so could use the railing to fence their own
particular burying-places, which they could keep locked, as was
usual in such cases. The dwarf wall would remain as a clear and
sufficient boundary of the kirkyard, which might be visited and
reported on once a year on a regular day by the trustees, while
the views of those parties would be met who would like their
burying-places more strictly enclosed. His lawns were never
pastured, and no accident had ever happened to the numerous
evergreens about them. He therefore considered that the kirkyard
would be effectually secured in the future from all intrusion as
it was then. The improvement to the cheerfulness and amenity of
Carriden House was obvious, and he could not help thinking that
even those who did not at first like the idea would in a very
short time consider the kirkyard much improved by what he
proposed. He would be obliged by their taking a month to
consider. In a second letter sent the next day he made
particular reference to this last proposal, and observed that
while on the one hand he considered both he and his family were
entitled to, and did enjoy, the goodwill of their neighbours to
a very considerable extent (and that this was most undoubtedly
an occasion on which that goodwill should be exercised), still,
on the other hand, he both respected and fully under stood the
feelings which prevailed relative to the old kirkyard amongst
those who had friends interred there and who intended to be
buried there themselves. Whatever decision, therefore, they
might come to on the subject they might rest assured that it
would make no difference to those feelings of cordiality which
he desired to entertain for his neighbours of all classes.
Mr. Duguid and his committee did not, as the
Admiral suggested, take a month to consider. A meeting was
called immediately, and their decision was communicated by
letter dated 26th July, signed by Mr. Duguid as preses. It was
pointed out in that letter that the Admiral was already
possessed of all the letters of any importance which the
committee had, and no reference was made to the suggestion to
appoint two trustees. With regard to the chief proposal, they
were all decidedly of opinion that the iron rail should be
repaired and kept up round about the churchyard, as formerly
agreed upon. The letter closed with this somewhat stern, blunt,
and no doubt characteristic paragraph—
"As you appear to wish to keep up friendly
feelings with us, the committee desire me to say that those
feelings are likeliest to last longest when each party shall
fulfil all those duties and obligations which as moral and
accountable beings rest upon us; therefore, we trust that you
will go on with the necessary repair without delay."
So the public rights in the old churchyard were
once more vindicated, and the "necessary repair" carried
Scott3 in
his references to the ministers of Carriden makes a note, that
after the Reformation the charge was joined with Linlithgow and
afterwards with Kinneil.
The first minister he refers to is Andrew Keir,
A.M. As already mentioned, he was presented to Carriden—the old
church beside Carriden House—in July, 1621, and remained there
until his death in November, 1653, in the fifty-fifth year of
his age and the twenty-third of his ministry. Mr. Keir was clerk
to the Presbytery in 1629 and for many years thereafter. He was
a member of the General Assembly in 1638. Apparently he was
translated to Linlithgow. The Assembly confirmed the
translation, but the Presbytery declared it null, and he
refused, on 31st December, 1641, to transport himself. For
preaching for the Engagement in 1648 he was suspended. When he
died a few years after, his executor raised a question regarding
the stipend alleged as due; and in 1661 the Lords found that the
suspension of the minister did not make the stipend vacant, and
that the annat or ann needed no confirmation. His wife was
Euffame Primrose, and they had three sons and three daughters.
Mr. Keir's successor was Robert Steedman, A.M.,
of Edinburgh University. He seems to have been made Mr. Keir's
colleague and helper in July, 1646, probably at the time of his
suspension. He was one of the protesting ministers of the
Presbytery, and had to escape after the English entered the
Lothians in 1651; he officiated for some time at Cleish; was
loosed and deposed in August, 1661. Mr. Steedman then seems to
have taken to field-preaching, for we find him denounced by the
Privy Council in August, 1676, for keeping conventicles. After
the toleration was granted he returned to Carriden, and once
more became its minister, as we shall see.
The church evidently was without a minister for a
time, for the next name is that of Mr. James Hamilton, A.M., of
Edinburgh University. He was first of all schoolmaster at
Colinton; was presented to Carriden in March, and ordained in
April, 1663. A year after he was translated to Bedrule.
Mr. Hamilton's successor was Mr. John Pairk, an
Episcopalian curate, already alluded to in our Covenanting
chapter as the discoverer of Donald Cargill and others. He was
licensed by the Bishop of Edinburgh, and ordained here on 9th
June, 1665. For his behaviour towards the local Covenanters and
their leaders he was much disliked. At the Revolution he held to
his old opinions and doctrines, and was, in September, 1689,
accused before the Privy Council of not reading the Proclamation
of the Estates and not praying for William and Mary; he was
further accused of baptising the children of scandalous persons
without demanding satisfaction; and of praying that the walls of
the Castle of Edinburgh might be as brass about George Duke of
Gordon. He was acquitted by the Council, but having fallen into
drunken and other evil habits he was deposed on 28th August,
1690. When he left, he -carried off the parochial registers.
As we have said, Mr. Steedman returned here after
the Declaration of Indulgence in 1687, and was chosen moderator
of the Presbytery when it was constituted at Bo'ness on 30th
November of that year. He was one of those restored by Act of
Parliament in April, 1690. His death occurred in September,
1710, in his seventy-sixth year and the fifty-second of a very
chequered ministerial career. Mrs. Steedman was a daughter of
Sir Alexander Inglis, of Ingliston, and she survived her husband
by ten years. Their son became one of the ministers of
The next ordination at Carriden was that of Mr.
John Tod, a Glasgow student, on 19th January, 1704, so that he
appears to have been minister some years prior to Mr. Steedman's
death. We know nothing further of Mr. Tod except that he died in
January, 1720, and was survived by his widow. His marriage took
place a few months after his settlement at Carriden, his bride
being the relict of George Dundas, skipper, At Queensferry.
The parish seems to have been without a minister
for the next five years, when Mr. Alexander Pyott, sometime
schoolmaster of Benholme, and afterwards chaplain to the Marquis
of Tweeddale, was settled here on 29th October, 1725. Eight
years after he was translated to Dunbar. Things were not done
hurriedly at Carriden, for another interval without a minister
followed. However, in 1734 Mr. James Gair, who two years before
had been licensed by the Presbytery of Zetland, was presented to
the parish by James Duke of Hamilton. Mr. Gair was not ordained
until September of the following year, and he was translated to
Campvere in April, 1739.
The names to follow are not unfamiliar to
Carriden people. The first is Mr. George Ellis, who in April,
1740, commenced his long ministry of fifty-five years. It was
during his incumbency that the church and churchyard were
removed from Carriden House and established at the village of
Cuffabouts. He died in March, 1795, in his eighty-third year.
Four years before, he had contributed the account of the parish
which stands under his name in Sinclair's Statistical Account.
It is very short. That, however, is not to be wondered at
considering his great age, and it is much to the point. One of
his brief observations is to the effect, that the living would
have supported a family fifty years ago better than £120
sterling could do at the time he wrote. His wife, who was a Miss
Alice Drummond, died in 1790; they had a daughter, Katherine.
On the death of Mr. Ellis the Duke presented Mr.
John Bell, who was licensed by the Presbytery of Lanark in 1786,
and who, it would appear, had not entered the ministry until he
was middle-aged. He was ordained here on 21st January, 1796, and
died unmarried on 14th December, 1815, in the seventieth year of
his age and the twentieth of his ministry. It is recorded of him
that he possessed the dispositions to charity and benevolence
without ostentation, and that, though worn out by weakness and
infirmity, he persevered without intermission in discharging his
ministerial duties to the end. His tombstone in Carriden
Churchyard bears the following words:—"Good and just in action,
charitable in speaking of the character of others, and void of
envy and detraction. Erected out of grateful remembrance of his
worth by his nephews."
The last of the Carriden ministers in the period
we are treating of was Mr. David Fleming, A.M., who was licensed
by the Presbytery of Hamilton in June, 1813. He was presented
here by Alexander Marquis of Douglas, and ordained on 22nd
August, 1816. Mr. Fleming ministered at Carriden for forty-four
years, dying there on 19th January, 1860.

James Duguid. b. Little Carriden, 1796; d.
Muirhouses, 1887.
(From a photograph in possession of Mr. Wm.
Duguid, Bo'ness.)
The parish includes other landowners than the
proprietor of Carriden estate. Among them is Lord Linlithgow,
who owns the farm of Burnshott. Fully three hundred of the acres
of Binns estate also lie within it, including the farms of Cham-pany
and Cauldcots and parts of Mannerston. And on the east side of
the Castlehill, Blackness, there is a strip of land known as
Binns Beach.
Binns House itself lies in the parish of
Abercorn. An irregular mass of building garnished with turrets
and embrasures, it is beautifully placed on the western slope of
Binns Hill. Built in 1623, it has been enlarged from time to
time. The park around is highly picturesque, the graBsy
acclivities of the hill being interspersed with scattered
trees-and groups of evergreens. The policies are further adorned
by two avenues and fine gardens. On the summit of the hill is a
high, round tower forming a conspicuous landmark, and affording
excellent views. It is said to have been erected to surmount the
difficulty of seeing past the belt of trees to the eastward. The
land in this part originally belonged to the Binns, but was sold
to one of the Earls of Hopetoun.
Binns has been the residence of the family of
Dalyell for upwards of three centuries. The famous general, Sir
Thomas Dalyell, son of Thomas Dalyell, of Binns, was born in
Abercorn Parish, but not, we think, in the present house.
In the dining-room of Binns House appears a
portrait with the following inscription:—"Lieutenant-General
Thomas Dalyell of Binns, a general in the Russian Service;
Commander of the Forces in Scotland 1666 to 1685; raised a
regiment of infantry 1666, and the Scots Greys in 1681."
The name of the foot regiment is apparently not
known, nor can its place in the military lists be traced.
In the blue room is another portrait, and below
is given the year of Dalyell's birth, 1599, and that of his
death, 1685, together with the following note:—"After he had
procured himself a lasting name "in the wars, here it was"
(evidently referring to Binns) "that he rested his old age, and
pleased himself with the culture of curious flowers and plants."
There stands in the front hall an inlaid table of
ivory, measuring five feet by three feet, at which Dalyell, so
legend says, played cards with the devil. Another version is
that the House of Binns was ransacked by Dalyell's enemies—and
he must have had many—and all suitable furniture was carried
off. The heavier furniture was said to have been consigned to
the sergeant's pond, situated close to the house, from which the
table was recovered many years later.
In one of the bedrooms the Royal arms appear over
the fireplace, the King4 having,
it is said, passed one night at least at Binns. The ceiling of
this room is very artistic, and bears, among others, the heads
in plaster of King David and King Alexander. There is also a
very handsome frieze. Other bedrooms also have richly decorated
ceilings. This work is stated to have been executed by the
Italian workmen engaged at the embellishment of Linlithgow
Palace during the residence of Queen Mary.
Downstairs, in the south-east part of the
building, is a dungeon-like apartment known as the oven where
Dalyell baked the bread for the regiment of Scots Greys which he
raised here. Not far from the oven is to be found the entrance
to the underground passage which is said to have existed at one
time between Binns House and Blackness.
The family vault erected in 1623 is attached to
the Abercorn Church. The general died in Edinburgh, but there is
no record of his place of sepulture so far as we have seen.
It has been written5 of
him that his private eccentricities furnished scope for the
sarcastic pen of Swift in the memoirs of Captain Creighton,
while his public history forms an important element in the
narratives of the troubles of the Kirk of Scotland. Undaunted
courage and blind, devoted fidelity to his Sovereign were
conspicuous traits in his character. He was so much attached to
Charles I. that, when the King was beheaded, Dalyell, to show
his grief, never afterwards shaved his beard. At the battle of
Worcester he was taken prisoner, committed to the Tower, and his
estates forfeited. After the Restoration Charles II. restored
his estates, appointed him Commander-in-chief of the Forces, and
a Privy Councillor. On the accession of James VII. he received a
new and enlarged commission, but died soon afterwards.
The comb with which Dalyell used to dress his
wonderful beard is still preserved at Binns.