Couple of photos taken of the Tower this
August. Hope to be complete - at long last - by early 2017 and
family moved in by summer. Getting there.
Photos show Tower from Cherry Picker after windows re-painted. The
Laird's Room with Scottish Monarch Theme Painted Ceiling, The Gt
Hall Fireplace. All flooring yet to be laid just waiting for the
screed cover over UFH to fully dry out. By the Fire Place is Meryl,
my partner and her daughter Catherine. And lastly me with Tower in
back ground.
See it is sunny in Scotland a lot of the time..!!

Over the past 6 or so months I have had
to make some major changes to the finishing detail of the Tower
internally as costs, as you will have noted from re-reading episodes
1 to 3, have continued to spiral upwards and by the end of this year
I will have broken the 1 million £ barrier and I know it will go
higher too. Also, with Colin Thompson, my Building Site Manager and
Graham Buxton, my principal Building Contractor, we have had to
review what we need to actually complete to gain Building Warrant
Completion Certificate and leave other works until we have moved in
and complete at a more leisurely pace. I will make reference to the
changes in episode 4. |