Just a brief up-date on the Tower build -
not finished yet, but progress is being made even if only at a
snail's pace. Photos attached show the harling complete and all
scaffolding away. These photos were taken on 14th January on a
beautiful sunny and blue sky day in Bonny Scotland by my building
site manager. I have also attached photos of the plaques that will
go over the front door and the one that will go in the Gt Hall. They
makes reference to my Huguenot ancestry, the year reference is to
when I started the Tower build, seems a long, long time ago now.
I have also included a link below from Jennifer Merredell. She
painted the ceilings in the Gt Hall and Laird's Room as there are
some wonderful photos here and I'm sure she would not mind you using
some of these or showing her website on your site.
Regarding completion, hopefully by
the end of 2016, but cash flow is a bit restricted right now with my
work in the Oil & Gas Industry, so this has impacted on work
progress. This year as most of the outside work is now complete we
are concentrating on getting the internals finished, UFH, installing
floors at each elevation, 2nd fix electrics and plumbing, etc.
