(Lecture to St. Andrew’s Scots Church Literary and
Debating Society (44th year) on September 18th, 1933.)
Social unrest dates from the arrival of Eve on this
sublunary abode. That statement contains no specific indictment against
Eve. It merely carries our thoughts back to the social unit — viz, two or
more — man and woman — father and mother — the family.
Now there is perhaps no bit
of advice which clergymen receive, both openly and by implication, more
often that this — to speak on practical matters and modern subjects. Yet
how little new there is under the sun. A few thousand years ago "the whole
congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses". And there
are modern murmurers at Moses, who, like the Israelites, place all the
blame for the present world upheaval on the shoulders of their leaders and
their government. The promised land seems still a long way off. The
multitude to-day is not very unlike the wanderers in the Egyptian
wilderness. They hurled their taunts at Moses, but Moses was innocent.
Modern leaders of the people have certainly not always led aright. But
leaders could never lead anywhere, were there no followers who vote and
follow! And so, nations do often get the Government and the leader they
deserve. To find where the root of much of the trouble lies, it is
necessary to look in, as well as to look around. That however, would
translate me to the pulpit, and I am on the platform.
During the last three years (1930-33), Argentina has
felt the pinch of things probably less than any of the major nations of
the world. Argentines themselves admit this. A country whose most
populated parts enjoy a sub-tropical climate with about 300 days of sun
and blue skies out of the 365, a country with less than three times the
population of Scotland but 30 times its area, a country. producing meat,
wool, grain and fruit in such abundance that it can export 9/10ths of
its products and still live in plenteous luxury, such a country should be
less liable than most to suffer from the clash of parties seeking to make
capital out of distress. Men here need seldom to tighten their belts in
place of a meal, and they can sleep out for about 8 months of the year in
the central and northern provinces, and come to little harm.
But the shores of Argentina have welcomed (at least up
till quite recently) all men of white skin. Italy, Spain, Russia, Great
Britain, France, Germany, Checko-Slovakia, have poured their thousands
across the water. In Buenos Aires alone with its 2 1/4
million population, there are said to be some 350,000 Italians. On
Argentina’s thousands of immigrants, not a few have known what it is to be
continuously hungry in their own country; they have known the depression
of long unemployment, and in some cases of oppression. Yet despite
immigration which, till recently, was practically unrestricted, the
unemployment question is comparatively insignificant (about
3/4 per cent of the total Population). And while
nations the world over are bewailing the loss of exports, Argentina’s
exports during the past black year— 1932,
although diminished, still exceeded her imports by almost two hundred
million gold dollars in a total Foreign Trade (Imports and Exports) of
nine hundred and thirty million. I recall President Justo’s words
— "En horas dificiles como las actuales, se
necesita el concurso de todos". Given that, Argentina will be able to
count yet further material blessings.
Immigrants, especially of the illiterate type, nearly
always include a proportion of undesirables. Illiteracy unfortunately does
not imply any inability to talk. Socialism and communism are easy words on
many a tongue. Oratory is a real national Argentine achievement, and as it
proves infectious, we are blessed here with a larger proportion of
tub-thumpers than we deserve. Those I have heard do not certainly speak
for the Argentine nation, whose growing solidity, and sense of nationhood,
and pride of place amongst the countries of the world have been strikingly
apparent lately. But the recent 50th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx
has been widely advertised, and gives some point to our survey tonight.
Let us recognise at the outset that social unrest is
not confined to one class of society, but pervades wellnigh every class.
Its symptoms are manifest in a general discontent with the conditions of
life: while its most emphatic expression is in the protest of the masses
against the terms of their labour and the reward thereof. No isolated evil
is supremely assailed, although the landowner in this country of vast
areas probably receives an undue meed of opprobrium. The murmurs of Moses’
time, and the conditions which necessitated the Roca Mission to London
some months ago, both originated in social unrest. There is a vast stretch
of time between the wanderings of Moses and the voyagings of Dr. Roca. You
will agree therefore, that the problem persists. Its solution has been
delayed for two main reasons.
(1) In earlier and less cultured, though not less
sincere times, social unrest expressed itself in rebellions of
violence. It does so occasionally still, even in South America. If History
is to be our teacher, then we ought to know by now that such unrest may be
suppressed but never will be healed by violence. Our local Revolution here
of 1930 was a comparative success just because it was of short duration
and has been succeeded by a period of quiet constructive de jure
government. Violence does not build up, and the pages of History witness
to the fact that they who take the sword, and rely on it alone, shall
perish by the same instrument. Violence destroys just those very materials
out of which a stable society can be built. A division of property by
force makes for no permanent settlement.
(2) The other main factor in allaying social unrest has
been the almost literal expansion of the world since the middle of the
19th century. White men’s graves have become —
if not white men’s paradises —at least habitable
for them. The crowded cities of the old world have been able to disgorge
their surplus population upon virgin soil. Even our own much discussed
Victoria Colony up the river has taken its share of adventurous spirits,
and they are still there so far as I know. This expansion of the world
must certainly have lessened industrial pressure in the older world, and
prevented the possibility of blood-spilling schemes of revolutionary
Nor must we forget the growing sense of brotherhood the
world over, and the many organizations for protection and
assistance—Benevolent Societies — Savings Banks
—Unemployment Relief —
Compulsary Insurance — Pensions for the Aged
— Soup Kitchens —
Night Shelters. All these have tended to allay, if not cure, the social
As two broad reasons have been adduced for the
persistence of Social Unrest, let us consider two like reasons for the
intensification of the problems in the recent history of the Argentine.
(1) First, I would place the really wonderful advance
which Education has made in this comparatively new Country. The
implication of the statement that St. Andrew’s Scots School (1838)—a
"foreigners’ school"—is the oldest existing school in the Argentine
Republic is deeply, almost astoundingly, significant. Fifty years ago,
only parents living in or near towns of some size had a reasonable chance
of giving their children an education that would fit them for any post
higher than that of a peon or, at most, a skilled workman. Even to-day in
such vast and thinly populated and un-railwayed parts as much of the
territories of Santa Cruz, (Patagonia), Neuquen, Los Andes, the Chaco,
Formosa, the problem of education is most difficult except for those of
means. The return Boat or train fare to Buenos Aires, with extras, would
represent in some cases the total Government cost of a child’s ten years’
education in Scotland. Yet there has been vast advance, even though the
school accomodation in this City is still so limited that there have to be
two sessions per day—a.m. for one lot of children and p.m. for the next.
The University of Buenos Aires (one of five national universities) has
10,000 students and 8 faculties.
The Argentine youth is eating more and more of the tree
of knowledge, and if he is occasionally having indigestion when he becomes
a young man, we cannot blame him overmuch. It is impossible to educate
young folks here and develop their tastes for what is beautiful, and then
ask them to return home happily to a biscuit-tin hut amongst the mud and
mosquitoes on the banks of the Riachuelo. The transition is not conducive
to contentment. Education creates new knowledge and new tastes, and
prompts your fluent street orator to speak of discontent as divine,
without qualifying his statement thus—that the moral quality of discontent
is wholly dependent on what we are discontented with. It may be a very low
and selfish outlook that makes you discontented with your monthly salary.
It is a very honourable outlook that makes you discontented with
the quality and quantity of the work you are giving in return for that
monthly wage.
(2) The other big contributing reason for the
intensification of social unrest is the particularly unequal distribution
of wealth in Argentina. Here, the percentage of millionaires to the total
population is generally accepted as greater than in any other country in
the world. This does not matter nearly so much as many think. Yet
unfortunately to thousands, the inequalities of life are the only things
that matter, and it is to the extremes at either end of the social scale
that attention is chiefly paid. Certainly he who can spend his summers at
Mar del Plata and his winters at Rosario de la Frontera is in different
case from the permanent dweller in the Boca or water-logged Gerli, who is
becoming increasingly convinced that the wealth, of the upper classes is
the product solely of his labours. His labour, when employed by the
capitalist, produces a value greater than his wage. This is Karl Marx’s
"surplus value". The history of modern society is the record of antagonism
between the class which absorbs surplus value (the capitalist) and the
class which produces it (the worker). The worker today is not only
talking; he is often thinking. Conditions of life are not now merely
accepted — they are questioned. Life must be a
thing of comfort, security, interest and ease, else it isn’t worth living.
This is the worker’s ideal.
Which brings us to politics and parties which give
expression to the ideals of the people. The Argentine political firmament
has many constellations of greater or lesser magnitude. The Cámara de
Diputados is represented just now as follows: Demócratas Nacionales 56
members; Socialistas 43 ; Unión Civica Radical Antipersonalistas 17; Unión
Civica Radical (Entre Rios) 6; Demócratas Progresistas 14; Socialistas
Independientes 10; Liberales (Corrientes) 5; Defensa Provincial (Tucumán)
3; Partido Popular (Jujuy) 2. Total 156, and 2 vacancies. There are many
other parties springing up, which have not as yet obtained a seat:
Comunistas, Georgistas, Feministas, and so on. Which of these parties
shade easily into each other it is difficult for an "extranjero" to say.
If I be permitted a football metaphor, the parties include outside left
and outside right, inside left and inside right, and centre forward.
Argentine politics and elections seem to be influenced by personality and
personalities more than British. This is not to be wondered at in a young
country where oratory is a national endowment, and the Latin blood runs
strong. Parties here will always be many, for the country includes
tropical and sub-arctic regions with such different interests and problems
and outlooks. But for all their number, these parties fall into some niche
under three broad categories, taken in their historical as well as logical
sequence — Controlled Individualism, Communism
and Socialism.
1. Pure individualism is outwith reasonable conception,
for the individual cannot be the unit of society. A world of hermits would
soon be a world of mis-shapen men. If there is one lesson that the world
should be learning just now, it is that no man liveth unto himself. If the
arrival of Eve meant social unrest, so also did it doom pure
But a controlled individualism means that each man can
live his life, independently of his fellow but not forgetful of him,
combining with him for the protection which both need, and for their
mutual outward wellbeing. Here we have society’s first form. Members of a
family, a clan, a tribe, found very soon that they had obligations to each
other which, when fulfilled, were mutually beneficial.
As units grew and contact with outsiders became easier
and more frequent, the obligations became more numerous, and so, too, did
the laws. An interesting if tragic study on this point in the Argentine is
the history of the white man versus the Indian. Now, every common law
means really a limiting of individualism. In Argentina we have some 12,000
laws — 12,000 limits to our freedom, say some.
These "some" are those who forget that no man liveth unto himself. With
the increase in laws and in the number of officials to see that the laws
are obeyed, the modern state has evolved a tremendously controlled
individualism, yet socially we are not at rest. The unemployment figures
of Great Britain or the U. S. A. are sufficient warrant for believing
this. Or a walk in some parts of Avellaneda, followed by the contrast of a
saunter along Florida, or a drive in the Avenida Alvear, will be equally
2. Of Communism the best known example is probably in
the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. It can hardly be cited as a sample
of what modern Communism means, for every man could do as he liked with
his own property. He could keep it or give it up of his own free will. It
was an attempt to find a means of escape from a selfish individualism, and
theoretically, has a persistent charm. But Ananias and Sapphira have
walked continuously across the stage of its long history, and its triumph
would seem to be as far off as ever. The biggest attempt (only preliminary
so far) it has made is the Russian Experiment, and it can hardly be said
to have secured social rest for that multitudinous people. Russia has also
sent communistic missionaries into China, and it is a curious commentary
on the state of affairs there that Japan, where life centres round the
Throne, the Home, and Religion, is claimed by competent observers to be
fighting the white man’s battle in the East in her recent unofficial war
with China.
Communism is a system of Society where property is held
in common. For such a Society it will be obvious that the citizens should
be industrious, thrifty and law-abiding. Our local Communists would hardly
appear to satisfy the requirements — a
considerable proportion of them are living temporarily where they cannot
break the law. Until a general state of the human mind and heart has been
secured which will ensure sacrificial and complete loyalty to its
principles, Communism will be likely to fail.
3. Socialism is the third broad solution. It differs
from Communism in that:—
1) The individual’s personal liberty is not infringed.
A certain margin of personal possession would be allowed.
2) The State, and not any exclusive fellowship or
community, should be governor and (up to a point) owner of all. Especially
must this ownership and government be exercised over the means of
production and distribution. Socialists point you to the collective supply
of water and electricity. They want the same method applied to the public
milk, bread and beef supply and, in time, to much more. Successful minor
experiments in such distribution have been made, under the guidance of
capable men specially picked for those public services. The door of
entrance to this public service such as administration, finance, customs,
law, sanitation etc. is open (if all things are above board) only to the
physically fit and the mentally sound. And the general criticism can be
made that our social problems are concerned not with such men, but with
the physically unfit and the mentally incompetent —
i.e. with just the folk that Socialists would not and could not
It cannot, however, be said that Socialism has failed
as Communism has, for it has not been extensively tried out. But the
problem of Social unrest is still with us here. The parties in power
change as they do elsewhere and we seem no nearer a solution.
Let me here interpose a word on nationalism and
internationalism before I close. If it be a controversial word, all the
better for the discussion. Internationalism is such an easy word on many
lips to-day that I confess to hesitancy in expressing my difficulties and
doubts. The whole world be.lieves that charity begins at home. Mercifully
the whole world does not believe that it ends there. A brilliant economist
has recently attributed the failure of the World Economic Conference in
London (July 1933) to Internationalism pushed too far. Beyond a point it
will not serve. In agriculture, nationalism is often a necessary
condition. In France, for instance, the great majority of peasants would
not tolerate a Government that did not give first consideration to their
interests. In the economic sphere, a Canadian Cabinet which accentuated
the existing divorce between the dollar of Canada and that of the U
. S . A., would
destroy the basis of national prosperity and let loose a discontent that
might end in Bolshevism. From the point of view of world unrest and the
possibility of war, it will be more practical to remember that peace is
a balance, not a fixed condition; and for many and many a year peace,
I believe, will have to be maintained on the basis of nationalism. So at
least says, Yeats Brown, in "Golden Horn". When we look around, and also
know (as just one example) the national and patriotic teaching that
Argentine children daily receive, we shall know too that most probably we
have need of flags and frontiers for centuries to come. We are within the
bounds of practicality when we seek to teach that Patriotism is love of
one’s own country, not hatred of another, that War is frankly a mug’s
game, and that battles are very ugly things when the Captains and the
Kings depart.
Has Democracy then failed? I would hope that you do not
finally think so, despite its frequent futility, and much dishonesty
practised in its name. What do you mean by failure when you use the word
with reference to an institution or an idea? If it be failure not to
realise to the full the dreams of its founder or its prophets, then the
Christian Church has failed. So long as human nature is imperfect, its
creations and its methods will be imperfect too. So it is fairer to ask
— Is Democracy advancing towards the light? The
very travail of its soul is, I believe, assurance that it is.
Democracy has been described as "Everyone a subject and
everyone a sovereign." This means the sharing of power, the sharing of
opportunity and not least the sharing of responsibility. If we believe
ultimately in the good intent of the heart of the average man, if we
believe that human nature in general has hitched its wagon to a star, then
we believe in Democracy. Democracy amongst self-seeking men of ill intent,
is like to be anarchical, and in the end, suicidal. Many of all
nationalities here seem to me to be Democrats in theory but Dictators in
practice. Their gentle method of persuasion is the revolver. One bright
spirit, who perhaps mistook my nationality, chalked recently on the walls
of my home this dictatorial tit-bit — "Se
patriota; mata un Ruso". (Be a patriot; kill a Russian.)
There are today, who shout for the strong arm of a
Mussolini, an Ujriburu, a Masaryk or a Hitler. There are, too, at the
other end of the political pole, who unceasingly proclaim the sovereignty
of the people, and find the maximum of virtue near the bottom of the
social scale. But we need be neither cynics nor doctrinaires. Man is a
teachable animal and the centuries are bearing their legacies of wisdom
for his instruction. Through fire he has built up the glittering fabric of
civilisation and his soul is still marching on. Democracy has assumed many
forms and will, doubtless, assume more. Government by Parliament is the
prevailing type — Presidential Government is an
option. But all changes must be within a frame-work of self-determination.
Our alternatives are responsible or irresponsible government.
Today a first need is, that individually we cultivate a
clear conscience and grow a thick skin. Then, nationally, let us win
wisdom and ensue it from the mistakes of the past, and hold fast to
principles which have stood the test of time and of experience. The Ten
Commandments are not out of date yet.
That way lies the fairest hope of peace and progress,
and it is a path that will shine more and more unto the still far-off
perfect day. |