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The Royal Army in America During the Revolutionary War
The American Prisoner Records by Kenneth Baumgardt, Historian (2008)

The following is dedicated to the Revolutionary War soldiers who died in captivity at Camp Security in York, Pennsylvania, and to the Friends of Camp Security, who are striving to preserve their memory.

The following work is an attempt to collect together a wide variety of records relating to the Royal prisoners during the American War for Independence. A number of books are available which provide the records of the American armies during this period, but little work has been done to collect the records of the opposing Army. The British Army during the Revolutionary War was composed of a number of differing regiments, containing British, German, Canadian and Loyalist troops. As with any conflict, some of the troops were killed, injured or captured during military engagements. Absent spending months or years in the British records transcribing the original muster rolls, the prisoner records provide the only good source for the identification of not only the officers in the British Army, but the non-commissioned troops as well.

You can download these records in pdf format here

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