Fifth President
William Alexander, who
claimed to be the Earl of Stirling, was the son of James Alexander and
Mary Sprott, the daughter of John Sprott, of Wigtown, Scotland, and
widow of David Provoost, an early Colonial trader, who was long known as
“Readv-Money Provoost,” on account of the large fortune he had acquired
by smuggling.
James Alexander, the
father of the Fifth President of the Society, had served as an officer
of engineers in the army of the Pretender and was forced to flee from
Scotland to America shortly after the rising of 1715. He first came to
the City of New York, and in 1716 was appointed Surveyor-General of the
provinces of New York and New Jersey. His scientific attainments were
considerable, and desirous of broadening his career, he studied law, was
admitted to practice, and became a prominent counsellor. He also filled
for many years the office of Provincial Secretary.
William Alexander, his
only son, was born in 1726 in the City of New York and died on the 15th
January, 1783, at Albany, New York, from a violent attack of gout
brought on by bodily and mental fatigue, a few days before the final
cessation of hostilities in the War of the Revolution.
As a youth he became
clerk to his mother, who even after her marriage with his father,
continued to carry on her first husband’s business, and appears to have
been a woman of exceptional energy and executive ability. The business
was a thriving one, and he soon became her co-partner.
Owing to his father's
influence in the Council of the Governor, Mr. Alexander secured a
contract to supply' the Royal troops with clothing and provisions, and
shortly after joined the commissariat department of the provincial army.
Here his talents soon brought him to the favorable notice of General
Shirley, the commander-in-chief, who made him his aide-de-camp and
private secretary.
William Alexander in due
course succeeded his father as surveyor-general, served as an officer in
the French and Indian War, and eventually was chosen a member of the
Provincial Council.
In 1756 he made a journey
to England to testify in favor of General Shirley, who had been accused
of neglect of duty, and appeared before the bar of the House of Commons
in April, 1757, where his statement was of much service to his chief.
It was during his sojourn
in the mother-country that he made claim to the titles and estates of
the Earldom of Stirling, which had been in abeyance since the death of
Henry Alexander, the fifth Earl, without issue, in 1739.
Large landed estates in
Scotland and England as well as charter rights to extensive tracts of
land in America, had been granted by the Crown to William Alexander, the
first Earl of Stirling, and it is presumed that William Alexander, the
American claimant, was actuated more by a desire to secure these
valuable lands in America than to obtain the peerage. He employed as his
agent, Mr. Andrew Stuart, a well-known writer to the Signet in
Edinburgh, who sought out the evidence in support of the claim. From
correspondence, still preserved, it is clear that William Alexander,
during the course of these investigations (1759-1760), and up to the
time of his service as next heir male by the jury, was not resolved
whether to claim descent from a brother or from a son of the first Earl
of Stirling.
His doubt was finally
dispelled, chiefly upon the deposition of two old men, who affirmed his
descent from John Alexander, “uncle of the first earl,” and a jury at
Edinburgh on the 24th March, 1759, served him as heir male of Henry,
fifth Earl of Stirling. It is thus evident that his actual knowledge of
his claimed relationship to the Earls of Stirling was vague and
The petition of his
agent, Mr. Stuart, claiming the descent from John Alexander “of Gogar”
and “of Middleton,” is also contradictory, as John Alexander “of Gogar”
and John Alexander “of Middleton,” were separate persons, and, in the
light of subsequent investigations the petition was found full of errors
and unsubstantiated statements.
It might be, however,
that his progenitor was John Alexander “in Middleton of Menstry,” son of
Andrew Alexander of Menstry, great-great-grandfather of the first Earl.
Absolute proof, however, is lacking.
Upon the service of the
Edinburgh jury, Major Alexander at once assumed the title of Lord
Stirling, and had his claim recognized by Mr. William Turnbull of East
Hempstead, and Mr. William Phillips Lee of Binfield, nephews of the
fifth earl, who negotiated with him in regard to their supposed rights
to the American lands granted to the first Earl. A legal contract was
drawn up and subscribed by them, under the terms of which they agreed to
accept one-half the proceeds of these lands, the other half to go to
Major William Alexander, as Earl of Stirling.
The formal service of a
jury at Edinburgh, however, was not sufficient to establish his right to
the peerage, and Major Alexander’s next step was to present a memorial
to the King praying for recognition as the rightful peer. This petition
was, on the 2nd May, 1760, referred to the House of Lords, and a second
petition, in the same words, was referred again to the Lords on the 14th
April, 1761. On the 10th March, 1762, the Lord’s Committee of Privileges
resolved that Major Alexander had not established his claim, and further
that he “be ordered not to presume to take upon himself the said title,
honour and dignity, until his claim shall have been allowed in due
course of law.”
Before this decision,
Major Alexander had left London on the 24th July, 1761, and returned to
New York, whither he was called upon the death of his mother. He had
expended large sums of money to prove his claim to the title and
estates, and somewhat embarrassed his fortune, and while in London had
the rank and style of Earl of Stirling. Despite the drastic resolution
of the House of Lords, Mr. Alexander, once in America, assumed and
continued to use the title of “Lord Stirling” to which he had not the
slightest legal right, and to the day of his death was addressed and
signed himself as a Scottish Earl.
It is an interesting fact
that one of the most celebrated trials in the history of the Scotch
peerage springs from the claim in 1829 of Air. Humphreys Alexander to
the Stirling titles and estates, in the course of which the American
claimant’s evidence was thoroughly sifted and found lacking, and the
ancient documents and muniments of title produced by the English
claimant pronounced forgeries.
Major William Alexander
actively championed the cause of the colonists in the agitations
preliminary to the Revolutionary War, and upon the outbreak of
hostilities was placed in command of the first regiment of militia
raised under the authority of the Provincial Congress. He distinguished
himself at the outset by capturing during January, 1776, in the Bay of
New York, a British armed transport of three hundred tons, for which
exploit he received the special thanks of Congress and was made a
During the month of
March, 1776, he was placed in chief command at New York City, which he
proceeded to fortify, and a few months later went to New Jersey for the
purpose of putting that colony in a state of defense. Returning to New
York, he once more took supreme command of the City until the arrival of
General Washington. His brigade was engaged in the Battle of Long Island
on the 27th August, 1776, when he was taken prisoner, but soon exchanged
and promoted to major-general in February, 1777. It was through his
fidelity that Washington was made acquainted with the intrigues of
General Conway in 1777.
Thereafter, his military
career was more substantial than brilliant, but his ability for
organization and extreme caution and foresight was of the greatest value
to the Continental Army. He fought at the Battles of Brandywine and
Germantown, and conducted the American retreat with discretion and
skill. He was also present with his command at the Battle of Monmouth on
the 28th June, 1778, and owing to the happy position of his batteries,
was able to repulse the British troops with heavy loss when they
attempted to turn his flank. During the New Jersey campaign he succeeded
in surprising and capturing a detachment of British troops in 1779 at
Powles Hook.
In 1781 he was appointed
to the command at Albany, and here planned the order of battle for the
expected attack of the British at Saratoga. This attack, however, never
took place, owing to the surrender of the southern British army at
Yorktown to General Washington.
He was one of the first
governors of King’s (now Columbia) College, in the welfare of which
institution he was keenly interested. He, furthermore, was a
mathematician and astronomer of repute, and the author of the pamphlets,
“The Conduct of Major-General Shirley Briefly Stated,” and “An Account
of the Comet of June and July, 1770.”
Elected a member of Saint
Andrew’s Society in 1761, he served as President from 1761-1764.
Notwithstanding a large
landed estate and fortune inherited from his mother, General Alexander
died in great poverty, leaving nothing to his wife and children except
the certificates of the State of New Jersey for his military pay. All
his lands in New Jersey and New York had been previously sacrificed at
forced sales brought by his creditors.
He married Sarah
Livingston, the daughter of Philip Livingston and Catherine Van Brugh,
an alliance which placed him in close association and relationship with
all the prominent Provincial and Colonial families, and was of the
greatest aid to him in furthering his own career and interests. He had
issue two daughters only, viz.: (1) Mary, born 1749, who married Robert
Watts, and had five children; (2) Catherine, born 8th March, 1755, who
married (1st) William Duer and had eight children, and who married (2d)
William Xeilson, but had no issue by this marriage.
The portrait of William
Alexander is reproduced from an admirable oil painting now in the
possession of his lineal descendent, Dr. Robert Watts. |