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Donna Flood
Classic Frugal Table

TableAbout the time we needed a large table the most was when we were least able to afford one. There was youth, strength and friends to be entertained with good food and drink.  Never to be discouraged we began to shop for a table to serve our needs.  The more we shopped the more discouraged we became. There was a glimmer once when we looked at a table on sale for four hundred dollars.  The legs were shaky from the length and width of the top of it though.  There were no chairs for this price, only the table.  The chairs would have been another one hundred dollars a piece.  With ten chairs, well?  At this rate it would have been better just to pay a couple of thousand for a set.

To make a long story short this is what we did.  My husband bought a piece of the heavier plywood, size four foot by eight foot.  On the older smaller sturdy  table with a pedestal we owned he screwed one by fours across the the top of it in strips. On this he then screwed this large piece of Tableplywood.  He had already trimmed the corners for the shape you see here. On this he applied several coats of a very good black enamel paint.  Over this he put several coats of Varathan paint, the heavy clear paint used for protecting objects.

The plywood cost was around thirty dollars, the paint somewhere around this too. For sixty dollars we now have this large table that has served us for a number of years, and I'm sure for a number more.  By changing the chairs,  the tablecloth and the table settings, one can come up with endless pleasant array of arrangements for dinner parties. I did have a set of lovely heavy carved chairs.  This was when we were younger and entertaining so much.  They have long since gone their way.  One day, when I can get to town to purchase some more I plan to do so,  since they really add a touch of class to the decor.

It has been said an artist is never impoverished.  These are the things I'm trying to share with my grandchildren.  Certainly,  adults enjoy the special attention one gives to this area of house.  However, it has been a great surprise to see how much the children enjoy these easy to do little extras.

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