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American History
The Chilocco Indian School

This is taken from one of the older annuals.

Chilocco is an incorrect spelling of the Creek word meaning Cherokee.  To a vast army of young people, however, it has come to mean Opportunity.  Ever since 1884 there have been passing into its doors Indian girls and boys needing and looking for training to fit them for the duties and obligations that henceforth must be performed and assumed by them if they are to account at all to whose natural equipment has been added some learning, some skill, some ideals, and some courage.

    The institution was established and is maintained by the United States Government, not to give its students anything but to loan them each a few hundred dollar's worth of Board, Clothing, and Tuition. The tuition is in the following lines:

       Academic.-This course is the equivalent of the usual  High School Course but not the same. Non-
essentials are eliminated and one half of each day is given to industrial training and the other half to academic studies.  All effort is directed toward training Indian boys and girls for efficient and useful lives under the conditions which they must meet after leaving school.

       Vocational.- Special stress is placed upon the courses in Agriculture and Home Economics for these reasons:
       1.   The Indian has nine chances to earn a livelihood and establish a permanent home in a congenial environment as a farmer to every one in any other pursuit.
       2.   His capital is practically all in land, of which he must be taught the value, and which is appreciated as of any considerable value only when he has gained the skill and perseverance by means of which he can make it highly productive.

       Our large farm of nearly 9,000 acres offers unusual facilities for giving practical instruction in Farming and Stock raising, Gardening, Dairying, and Horticulture.

       The course in Mechanical Arts offers Instruction in Printing, Engineering, Carpentry, Blacksmithing, Masonry, Shoe and Harness Making and Painting.

       The girls are furnished instruction in every department of home making including Domestic Science and Domestic Art and Nursing.  Instruction in instrumental music is provided for those who manifest talent for it.

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