"Sixteen of the seniors claim the
distinction of having parents or grandparents who also attended Chilocco.
Mr. Louis McDonald, father of Cynthia McDonald, and Mr. Frank Garen,
father of Cladue Garen were at one time members of the class which became
the first graduating class. Other former students whose sons or daughters
are in Class '39 are William F. Harjo, father of Viola Harjo: Albert
Waters, father of Alford Waters; Bertella Longshore and John Carnes
parents and Annie McKinley, grandmother of Lavona Carnes; Byrd Jackson,
mother of Hawii Jones; Henry Rattler, father of Heber Rattler; Paul Little
Eagle, father of Leota Little Eagle; Thomas B. Rhodd, father of Henry
Rhodd; Leota Hinman, mother of Lucille Big Goose; Richenda Davis, mother
of Ester Eades; Madelene Lasley and Grant Cleghorn, parents of William
Cleghorn; Paul Goose, grandfather of Norma Rhoads; Blanche Lewinin, mother
of Oswald Parton; Louisa Pickett, mother of Dan Posey; John McIntosh, and
Flora Smith parents of Francis McIntosh.
Some of the current events around the year
1939 were:
France and Britain declare war, German U
Boat war, Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, John Steinbeck wrote "The
Grapes of Wrath." The film, "Gone With the Wind was
Released." Nylon stockings were around and, radar was used in
There was total war. Civilians remember
watching their homes and families being destroyed in air raids. There was
extraordinary suffering of the peoples in war.
Churchill declared "We will mete out,
and more than they are meting out to us."
In WW II, fire bombs, air raids, and
finally the atomic bomb killed millions of citizens, leaving many more
Now back to Chilocco. This is out of the
Whose Who of Chilocco.
Lucille Big Goose. Four years at Chilocco.
Y.W.C.A. Epworth League. Museum Society. Pepper Upper. She practices the
slogan of "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest
of men."
Cynthia McDonald: Seven years at Chilocco.
Indian Dramatics Club. Girls' Trio. Pepper Uppers. Home Economics Club,
Hobby Club, Museum Club. A versatile girl, is Cynthia, because she can add
to her other interests that of being a good pianist. She claims to agree
with Edison that "Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent
