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Bible Reading
The Song of Solomon (Comment)


    King Solomon of Jerusalem was the writer of this song, as is borne out by its introduction. He was highly qualified to write this supremely beautiful example of Hebrew poetry. It is an idyllic poem loaded with meaning and most colorful in its description of beauty. The reader who can visualize the Oriental setting will appreciate this still more. The occasion for its writing was a unique one. The great king Solomon, glorious in wisdom, mighty in power, and dazzling in the luster of his material wealth, which evoked the admiration even of the queen of Sheba, could not impress a simple country girl with whom he fell in love. Because of the constancy of her love for a shepherd boy, the king lost out. The book, therefore, could rightly be called The Song of Solomon's Frustrated Love. He wrote the Song in Jerusalem. Perhaps around 1020 B.C.E., some years after the temple had been completed. By the time he wrote the song, Solomon had “sixty queens and eighty concubines,” compared with “seven hundred wives, princesses and three hundred concubines” at the end of his reign.

    The material in the book is presented through a series of conversations. There is a constant change of speakers. The persons with speaking parts are Solomon the king of Jerusalem, a shepherd, his beloved Shulammite, her brothers, court ladies (daughters of Jerusalem), and women of Jerusalem (“daughters of Zion”). They are identified by what they say of themselves or by what is said to them. The drama unfold near Shunem, or Shulem, where Solomon is camped with his court entourage. It expresses a touching theme-the love of a country girl of the village of Shunem for her shepherd companion.

    What lessons are taught in this song of love that the man of God might find beneficial today?  Faithfulness, loyalty, and integrity to godly principles are clearly shown. The song teaches the beauty of virtue and innocence in a true lover. It teaches that genuine love remains unconquerable, inextinguishable, unpurchasable. Young Christian men and women as well as husbands and wives can benefit from this fitting example of integrity when temptations arise and allurements present themselves.

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