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American History
Scots in the American Civil War

This is a very good site giving lots of information on the Scots in the American Civil War.  It's published by Larry and Allan and here is what they say about themselves... 

We're just a couple of poor ole country boys who want to bring some enlightenment into y'alls lives.

Larry is a 26 year veteran U.S. Ranger. He lives in Kentucky (The Dark and Bloody Ground) and is a keen historian of the Late War of Southern Independence. He is of course of Scottish descent like so many of his states people, and he can trace his family back to the 1750's when they came over from the "Auld" country during the Highland Clearances after Culloden. One of his claims to fame (or infamy as the case may be) is his clan is a sept of the Clan Campbell famous for the Massacre of Glencoe. Between us we are researching Scots who fought or were involved with the Civil War.

Allan is an ex Royal Marine and lives in Inverness, Scotland. The Highland Capital and the epi-centre of the Highland Clearances. I actually live within 3 miles of the Battlefield at Culloden, within 300 yards of Culloden House, where Bonnie Prince Charlie had his meal on the night before the battle. My interest in the Civil War began in the early 90's when visiting the United States on holiday. I turned in to Petersburg, Virginia was directed to the battlefield by the tourist office and I've been hooked ever
since. The idea for the site came when Larry e-mailed me something he had found in OR's about a Scotsman and he thought I might be interested. Well you can see I was, and WE ARE.

So you now you know a bit about them go visit their web site!

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