I began the American History narrative solely for the
purpose of recording my family history and preserving what I could from the resources.
When I started writing the "Scots around the World", I knew I would have to
continue with the generations all through history. It was then I began to record my own
ancestry and came up with the Revolutionary War Patriots.
I decided no history would be complete or final unless it included the American War
Between the States or the Civil War, as I have 34 ancestors, beginning with my only son,
Tracy Eugene Holley, Sgt. Kansas National Guard, and ending with Ochiltree, Byrd,
Skidmore, Wilson, Ruddle, Cook, Miller and Caldwell, (and others too numerous to list) of
the Colonial Indian Wars that have fought for freedom on American Soil.
I want to express my appreciation and love to my three children; Kelly, Tracy and
Stephanie for their love and consideration while MUM spent many hours across the keyboard.
I want to thank Alastair McIntrye for his wisdom and patience. Tex Rogers, SW Scots
Magazine and Sons of the Confederate Veterans. Randy Howald and his Texas web page, Roger
Norton's writing of Abraham Lincoln. Last and most important, all of the web page
contributors that offered such valuable information.
I have undertaken this immense task of posting information for both sides of the war so
that personal and objective views could be read and pay tribute to some of those
"unsung heroes", the "Commoner, if you will" whose thoughts never had
the recognition. In this narrative, I have attempted to clarify the Constitution and its
amendments, not to quote "who was right, who was wrong and the ramifications that
come with big business."
War strategy is never understood by most and there are those who believe the War Between
the States government and secession constituted "High Crimes, Misdemeanors and
illegal acts." The reader should always keep in mind the Constitution is archaic by
modern thinking and it was written in 1775 by the first generation emigrants to American
soil. The Amendments and ratification must be categorized, as well. When reading this
narrative of the War between the States, please keep that in mind and don't allow modern
day prejudice be a veil..
Lu R. Hickey
Colonial Dames XVII Century
President at large-State of Kansas
Daughter of the American Revolution
Smoky Hill Chapter
Ellsworth Kansas
Historian at large
United Daughters of the Confederacy
No Man's Land Chapter #2566
Panhandle of Oklahoma
Founding Member
Hood's Texas Brigade
Hillsboro Texas
SOURCE DOCUMENTS:The Mark of the Scots--Duncan
Encyclopedia of the Confederacy--Vol. I-IV--R. Current
U.S.--C.S.--Time Life Publications
Timetables of History--3rd edition--Bern Grun
The United States to 1865--Michael Kraus
The Civil War-Day by Day 1861-1865--E.B. Long
The Lincoln Library
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Confederate Historians
You may also wish to check out other web pages on Electric
Civil War Notebook
| Col. Thomas Peck Ochiltree |
Hood's Texas Brigade
and check out other pages at:
Hearts at Home: Southern Women in the Civil War | Three Abbs
Texas Division of Confederate
Veterans | Sons
of American Revolution Lu's