Act of Union comes into Operation in January,
1801—Presbyterians seek Relief from their Disabilities—Lord
Castlereagh's Plans for their Relief— Thomas Russell of Downpatrick
engaged in Emmett's Rebellion—He is taken, tried, and executed—First
Roman Catholic Petition for Emancipation—It fails —Castlereagh seeks
re-election for Down—He is defeated—Hamilton Rowan released — "Ulster as
loyal as any Part of England" — Outrage at Newry— Orangeman executed at
Enniskillen—First Agitation for Repeal of the Union— Daniel O'Connell's
Sentiments—He denounoes Religious Dissensions—Death of George III.
On the 1st of January, 1801, the Act of Union came
into operation, from that date Ireland ceased to be a distinct kingdom,
and became an integral portion of the British Empire. For a long period
after the Union the history of the country presents very few events of
any importance. Ulster remained in tolerable tranquillity, and did not
suffer to the same extent as did her sister provinces, which were thrown
into great distress by the failure of the crops in the years immediately
following the Union; especially of potatoes, which formed the staple
diet of the people in the south and west.
In 1802, Catholic emancipation being in the air, the
great Presbyterian body in Ulster also sought relief from disabilities
under which they laboured. On this subject Lord Castlereagh, who had
been appointed President of the Board of Control, and was now busily
engaged seeking re-election as member for Down, wrote, on the 21st July,
to Addington, who was Prime Minister: "Nothing but time, and the
operation of a steady and impartial administration of the
government, such as it is your determination, and not less that of my
Lord Hardwicke [the Viceroy], to employ, can mitigate the religious
animosities that unhappily prevail in this country, which, I am sorry to
say, exist at present in a very strong degree, and have recently
manifested themselves, both in the counties of Derry and Down, in an
unpleasant manner. In the former a riot took place between the Orangemen
and the Catholics, in which several of the latter, though supposed to
have been the aggressors, lost their lives. A riot between the same
parties took place near this town on the 27th of last month, at a well
where the Catholics assemble at midsummer to perform their penances,
which terminated in two Catholics being killed and several wounded. In
this instance, I fear the Protestants very much misconducted themselves.
"On this occasion Lord Londonderry assembled the
magistrates; and the determination which has been shown to put the law
rigidly in force against all parties, without favour to any, will
prevent further mischief, and give the proper impression to the minds of
both; but still, to soften religious contention in this country, and to
bring it gradually to a temper which shall, in future wars, deprive our
foreign enemies of a certain ally in the resentful feelings of one of
two contending parties, some effort must be made by the State to
mitigate the struggle, which I see no means it has of accomplishing, if
seven-eighths of our population are to remain wholly out of the reach of
any species of influence or authority, other than that of the mere
operation of the law."

Castlereagh then proceeded to develop a scheme for
rewarding loyalty in the Presbyterian body, and discouraging "the
democratic party in the synod, most of whom, if not engaged in the
Rebellion, were deeply infected with its principles". "In our Church,"
he writes, "which is naturally attached to the State, I should dread
schism as naturally weakening its interests. But in such a body as the
Presbyterians of Ireland, who, though consequently a branch of the
Church of Scotland, have partaken so deeply first of the popular and
since of the democratic politics of this country as to be an object much
more of jealousy than of support to Government, I am of opinion that it
is only through a considerable internal fermentation of the body,
coupled with some change of system, that it will put on a different
temper and acquire better habits."
Castlereagh's plan was to increase largely the grant
known as Regium Donum, instituted in the seventeenth century, and
to entirely change the mode of its distribution. It had previously been
given to a commission of the Presbyterian body, who apportioned an equal
sum, amounting usually to £16, to each minister. It was now
proposed that for the future there should be three scales of payment,
rising from £50 to £100. But this sum was to be given to each recipient,
not by the synod, but by the State. "On the appointment of a minister,
certificate of his character must be laid by the Presbytery before the
Lord-Lieutenant. After the congregation has chosen a minister, he should
not be entitled as of right to derive a provision from the State without
a guarantee that he is a loyal subject."
An active correspondence was kept up with the leading
Presbyterians on this method of dealing with the question, Castlereagh's
plan meeting with universal approbation. Alexander Knox, writing to
Castlereagh on the 15th of July, 1803, when the new votes had passed
Parliament, said: "On the whole, if nothing is now done or omitted to
lessen its efficacy, I believe a happier policy has never been resorted
to than this plan of your lordship's. Never before was Ulster under the
dominion of the British Crown. It had a distinct moral existence before,
and moved and acted on principles, of which all we could certainly know
was that they were not with the State; therefore, when any tempting
occasion occurred, ready to act against it. Now the distinct existence
will merge into the general well-being, the Presbyterian ministers being
henceforth a subordinate ecclesiastical aristocracy, whose feeling must
be that of zealous loyalty, and whose influence upon their people will
be as surely sedative, when it should be so, and exciting when it should
be so, as it was the direct reverse before."
On the 23rd of the month Robert Emmett's insurrection
broke like a bolt from the blue. In his manifesto he did not venture to
address the men of Ulster, although he addressed those of the other
three provinces. Thomas Russell, who had undertaken the agitation of
Down and Antrim, on his mission to Ulster met with nothing but
disappointment. He collected some people together, and addressed them,
but ineffectually, for the revolutionary spirit of the north appeared to
be extinguished. He was not only avoided, but he was threatened and
denounced, and the Catholic priests publicly exhorted those under their
charge not to listen to him. Suspecting that he was in peril, he hid
himself, and from his place of concealment published an inflammatory
proclamation, in which he designated himself "General of the Northern
District". When brought to his trial at Down, he followed the example of
Emmett, who had been executed on the 20th of September, and delivered a
long speech in justification of his conduct, a speech which is
remarkable for its many expressions of religious emotion. Russell, who
was a close friend and associate of Wolfe Tone, as well as of Robert
Emmett, was executed at Downpatrick, where a memorial to him was erected
in the graveyard, bearing on it no inscription save the letters of his
Spies and informers reaped a rich harvest from the
general fear. A man named Houlton, early in August, succeeded in getting
an interview with the Under-Secretary, and was brought by request before
the Privy Council. Houlton told them that he had private information of
the fact that several of Russell's adherents in Ulster intended to
surprise the Pigeon-house fort, approaching it under the guise of
fishermen. He offered his services to the Government and they were
accepted, when it was determined to send him to the north, where he was
to pass as one of the rebel generals. Houlton was, accordingly,
furnished with a suitable uniform, and a superb cocked hat and feathers,
and, having been furnished with £100 to cover his expenses, was sent to
Belfast, instructions being at the same time sent to Sir Charles Ross,
who commanded there, advising him that Houlton was a confidential agent
of Dublin Castle, and directing him to give the agent all the assistance
in his power.
By some error Houlton reached Belfast before the
Government dispatches, and, with a want of discretion which proved how
utterly unfitted he was to act, he began to talk treason openly, with
the result that he was informed against, arrested, paraded in his
uniform round the town, and committed to prison. The dispatch having by
this time reached the hands of Ross, he had to meet the new condition of
things; but in order to save the face of the Government in Dublin he
sent Houlton under military escort back to the capital, when he duly was
imprisoned. A little later Houlton was rewarded by being given an
obscure appointment on the west coast of Africa.
In the spring of 1805 the Irish Catholics begged Pitt
to present their first petition to Parliament for emancipation. Pitt
refused; whereupon they approached Grenville and Fox, who consented. The
Petitions were presented to both Houses on the 25th of March. The
discussion was postponed until the 13th of May, when Fox rose and moved
that the reference to the petition be considered by a committee of the
whole House. Dr. Duigenan, member for Armagh, followed with vehement
anti-Catholic invective. When he had finished, Grattan rose in a full
House, tense with excitement, and said: "I rise to avoid the example of
the member who has just sat down. Instead of calumniating either party,
I defend both. The past troubles of Ireland, the rebellion of 1641, the
wars which followed, I do not wholly forget, but I remember them only to
deprecate the example and to renounce the animosity. You have been told
by the last speaker that an Irish Catholic never is, never was, never
can be, a faithful subject to a British Protestant King, for they hate
all Protestants and all Englishmen. Thus has he pronounced against his
country three curses: eternal war with one another, eternal war with
England, and eternal peace with France. His speech consists of four
parts: invective against the religion of the Catholics, invective
against the present generation, invective against the past, invective
against the future. Here the limits of creation interposed and stopped
him. It is to defend those different generations and their religion that
I rise: to rescue the Catholic from his attack, and the Protestant from
his defence."
After a two days' debate Fox's motion was defeated by
a majority of nearly three to one—336 votes against 124. Thus was the
question of Catholic Emancipation set aside, until on the list of a
committee appointed on the 9th of February, 1807, to draw up a new
petition, appeared the name of Daniel O'Connell.
In 1805 Castlereagh, having been appointed Secretary
of State, had to seek re-election as member for Down. After a poll of
thirteen days he was defeated by Colonel Meade, a son of the Earl of
On the 1st of July Hamilton Rowan, who had been
convicted of treasonable practices, pleaded the King's pardon at the bar
of the court of King's Bench, and was liberated. One reason for this
clemency lay in the fact that Fox in the House had declared that "the
Province of Ulster, which is by far the most populous and important
district of the country, and once the most suspected of disloyalty, [is
now] as sound, and well-disposed, and as loyal as any part of England";
a pronouncement which won the hearty support of Mr. May, member for
The agitation in Ulster against the Catholic claims,
which was promoted by the Government, and the resentment of the
anti-Catholic party at the indulgence which had been promised to their
opponents, resulted in an increase of discord between the two parties in
the province. The Orange yeomanry occasionally indulged in a lawlessness
which was very reprehensible and utterly uncalled for. One instance will
suffice. On the 23rd of June, 1808, a large number of men, women, and
children were collected in the evening round a bonfire at Corinshiga,
near Newry. They were engaged in rustic games and dances, when a party
consisting of eighteen yeomen, fully armed, appeared upon the scene. The
sergeant cried "halt", following up the command with an order to present
and fire, with the result that one young man was killed and several of
those present were severely wounded. Some of the local magistrates at
once proclaimed a reward for apprehension of the offenders, and also
made application to the Lord-Lieutenant, the Duke of Richmond,
suggesting direct interference on the part of the Government, but
without success. One of those concerned in the outrage was seized, but
he escaped with the connivance of the yeoman to whose custody he had
been entrusted by Lord Gosford. In 1809 an
Orangeman was executed at Enniskillen for the murder of a Catholic, and
it was found necessary to guard him to execution with a strong military
force, lest the Orange yeomanry, who had manifested an intention to
rescue him, should succeed.
Early in 1810 Grattan presented another Petition for
Catholic Emancipation, and in May he moved that this and other petitions
should be referred to a Committee. After a debate which lasted three
days, his motion was rejected by 213 votes against 109. In May, 1911,
the petition was again presented, and Grattan moved its reference to a
committee of the whole House. The motion was lost by 146 votes against
In the summer of this year, 1810, was commenced the
first agitation for the repeal of the Union. It originated from the
Corporation of Dublin. A meeting was held in the Royal Exchange on the
18th of September, when Daniel O'Connell said, in the course of an
animated speech: "Let the Union be only repealed, and then the country
will be truly anti-Gallic. You will then concentrate the resources of
Ireland, and then alone you will have Church and State in safety. You
have set an example this day. If you are loyal men, you will wish for an
Irish Parliament. Recollect the spirit which in 1788, spread from
Dungannon over Ireland, recollect the names of those who were
instrumental on that occasion, recollect the names of those who have
since died, and of those who yet survive, but let me conjure you to
begin this glorious career by rejecting all religious distinction, crush
to the earth the hydra of hell, clothed in the stolen garb of
religion—religious dissension. Set your hopes in Ireland, as you have
set your country the glorious example, be the first to step forward in
her cause. Be yourselves! Be Irishmen! . . . The Protestant cannot
liberate his country; the Roman Catholic cannot do it; neither can the
Presbyterian. But amalgamate the three into the Irishman, and the Union
is repealed."
Grattan made his final effort to effect the
emancipation of Catholics in the first session of the new Parliament in
1813. His Bill was simple and in many respects satisfactory. It gave all
the rights that passed into law sixteen years later: admission to
Parliament, to corporations, and to civil and military offices. The
Bill, in the end, was dropped. Grattan continued to the day of his death
to serve the Catholic cause "with a desperate fidelity, which sustained
him even when there was no hope of success".
In November, 1815, so rife was the spirit of
turbulence in the baronies of Dundalk, Ardee, and Louth, that
twenty-seven magistrates assembled in Petty Session in Louth
memorialized the Lord-Lieutenant, proving the necessity for further
police assistance in their county. These districts, accordingly, were
The years that followed Waterloo brought gloom and
oppression to Western Europe, in which Britain as well as Ireland
shared. One feature of the coercive legislation of 1817 is significant.
The Seditious Meeting Act was expressly made inapplicable to Ireland. On
Sir J. Newport moving that the Act be extended to Ireland, Lord
Castlereagh observed that Ireland was in so tranquil a state as not to
need unusual restraint.
In January, 1820, that—
Old, mad, blind, despised and dying king,
George III, expired. Few monarchs have had less said
in his favour, for, as Walter Savage Landor remarked: