Name and Boundaries.—Some
trace the origin of the name of this parish to the Latin terms Lana and
area, quasi the wool-chest; others to Lan-arig, the bank of the river;
or to the Gaelic words Lan, signifying a house, repository, or church,
and deare, a bilberry. A derivation equally probable is that given by
Chalmers in his Caledonia; namely, from Llannerch, which in several
places in Wales is applied to a slip of level ground, or a vale.
[Several places in North Britain have the same name; thus Lendrich in
Kilmadock; Lendrich in Dumblane; Lendrich in Callander; Lendrich Hill in
Fossaway; and Drumlanrig, the former seat of the Duke of Queensberry;
all these accord with the colloquial name of Lanerk, and are probably
from the same British source.]
The parish lies pretty
nearly in the centre of the county to which it gives its name. It is of
an irregular oblong form; in the south about 3, in the north about 5
miles broad. It is from 6 to 7 miles in length; and stretches along the
eastern bank of the river Clyde, which separates it on the south from
Pettinain and Carmichael, and on the west from Lesmahagoe. The adjacent
parish on the north is Carluke, from which it is partly divided by
Mashoch burn. Carstairs bounds it on the east. The town of Lanark is
situated in 550 34' of north latitude, and 3° 5' of west longitude from
Greenwich. It may be considered as the central town of the Lowlands,
being 31 miles distant from Edinburgh, 35 from Stirling, 23 from
Glasgow, and 47 from Ayr.
Appearances.—The ground nowhere rises into any eminence deserving the
name of a hill. It may be described in general as an elevated plateau,
declining on the south and west towards the River Clyde, sometimes in
gentle slopes, sometimes in steep declivities. From east to west, it is
bisected by the deep and irregular valley of the Mouss. The flat uplands
on either side of this valley, where they rise to the highest elevation
at Lee moor on the north, and Lanark moor on the south, are pretty
nearly of the same height,—being about 670 feet above the level of the
sea. The same valley presents two very remarkable chasms. The river
Tlouss shortly after it enters the parish, near Cleghorn, plunges into a
deep ravine, which it seems to have formed through the solid rock as a
channel for its waters. Lower down, and at little more than a mile from
its junction with the Clyde, the river, abruptly leaving its direct
course, although the comparative lowness of the ground seems favourable
for its continuing in it, again, by a sudden bend, seeks its way in a
deep chasm through the hill of Cartlane. This tremendous ravine is about
half a mile in length. It is composed of two faces of irregular,
precipitous and lofty rocks, and describes in its course a zig-zag line.
Where-ever the cliffs come prominently forward upon the one side, there
is a corresponding recession on the other. The north bank is about 400
feet high, the south is at least 100 feet lower. Various conjectures
have been proposed as to the manner in which this remarkable chasm was
formed, but these it is unnecessary to discuss or to notice in this
Meteorology—Climate.—Owing to the elevated situation of the parish,
there is at times very intense frost. A gardener in the neighbourhood
during several severe winters, comparing the cold here with simultaneous
observations made at Edinburgh and Glasgow, generally found it to be 100
more intense than at either of these places. This applies, however, only
to the uplands; for in the lower situations, the frosts are less severe,
and the snow disappears much sooner than in most of the surrounding
districts; and it is no uncommon thing to see the plough going on the
banks of the Clyde, while the ground cannot be broken in the adjacent
parishes. The seasons formerly varied with the soil along the banks of
the river. Where the subsoil is a hard rock, and the soil itself light
and gravelly, they were always remarkably early. But along the north and
east sides of the parish they used once to be proverbially late; and
there are persons still alive who have been known to engage themselves
to do the harvest work consecutively in both situations in the same
year. Since fencing, draining, and a better mode of cultivation,
however, have been introduced, this variation has almost entirely
Its central situation
saves the parish alike from the fogs of the eastern, as from the
superabundant rains of the western coast. The atmosphere is much less
humid than at Glasgow, and even Hamilton. It has often been observed
that not more than one out of five of the spring and autumnal showers
which rise duly to windward pass over this parish, being either
attracted by the range of mountains to the south, or by the high wet
ground on the north-west ; and that the thunder storms which succeed the
summer droughts commonly drench all the neighbouring districts before
they reach this place. The prevailing winds are west and south. The
latter is generally attended by rain. Any permanent drought usually
begins with an east wind.
Diseases.—Lanark is
celebrated, and deserves its reputation, as a remarkably healthy
place,—an advantage for which it probably is indebted to its open, dry,
and elevated situation, and the absence of all noxious effluvia. There
is no endemical disease. Cases of wen sometimes occur, and at particular
seasons, especially in spring and autumn, the variation of the
temperature and the prevalence of rain occasion all kinds of catarrhal
complaints, such as colds, sore-throat, &c. and likewise diseases of the
viscera, chest, and abdomen often accompanied by fluxes and spasms.
Typhus fever also prevails more or less at these seasons. Yet, on the
whole, the quantity of disease is unusually small. In the village of New
Lanark, where the inhabitants are exclusively employed in the
manufacture of cotton yarn, and exposed many hours at a time to the
inhalation of an atmosphere loaded with cotton flocculi and dust,
numerous cases of pulmonary disease might be expected. Yet, on
consulting the medical records of that extensive establishment, such
cases are found to be much rarer, in proportion to the number of the
inhabitants, than in the neighbouring town. This may arise partly from
the equable temperature which is maintained in the rooms of the
manufactory, and partly from the low and sheltered situation of the
place, exposing the inhabitants less to the influence of those exciting
causes which would bring the latent disease into action.
Hydrography.—There is no
extensive sheet of water in the parish. Lang-loch, to the south-east, is
the largest. There are places, however, which bear evident marks of
having formerly been under water, particularly the low valley adjoining
the house of Lee, amounting to more than 100 acres.
The River Mouss, which we
have mentioned as traversing the parish from east to west, has its
source in the northern parts of Carnwath moor. It draws its
contributions principally from the adjacent mosses, the dark colour of
whose waters it retains, and to that circumstance has probably been
indebted for its name. It is in general an insignificant stream, but is
occasionally swelled by copious rains into a powerful torrent. In
summer, it is subject to such decrease, as scarcely to be sufficient for
supplying the numerous mills erected upon its banks. Its course is
irregular, westerly in its direction, with a slight inclination to the
south. After emerging from the rocks at Cleghorn, it finds a more
expansive channel through finely wooded banks, steep upon the south, and
gently sloping upon the northern side. On issuing from the Cartlane
Craigs, it pursues but a brief course before it falls into the Clyde,
opposite the village of Kirkfield-bank.
Cartlane Craigs.—There
are few specimens of rocky scenery in the country to be compared with
the Cleghorn, but more especially the Cartlane Craigs. Even when seen
from the walks which skirt the summit of the precipice on either side,
they present the most romantic views of bold and lofty rocks, combined
in endless variety with wood and water. But the traveller who visits
this spot in summer, (at which season alone the passage by the bed of
the river is practicable,) and will submit to the toil of an occasional
scramble over rocks, will enjoy the highest gratification. At every turn
of the river, a new and varying scene of rocky grandeur, heightened by
the accompaniments of the stream, and a rich and varied foliage, bursts
upon the view. The popular tradition, that a cave in this ravine once
afforded a refuge to the patriot Sir William Wallace, gives additional
interest to the scene. It also a few years ago received a new ornament
by the erection of a bridge, which spans the chasm at its lower
extremity, with three arches, and whose Roman simplicity and elegance
are in the finest keeping with the scenery around.
Clyde.-The Clyde is here
a large and beautiful river. It approaches the parish from the east with
a scarcely perceptible motion, after flowing through a long track of
holm land, which, being very little elevated above the bed of the
stream, is liable occasionally to be overflowed, and seems to have once
formed the bottom of an extensive lake, before the waters had worn their
channel sufficiently deep to drain it. It then takes a long sweep
towards the south and south-west with a more accelerated motion; the
high grounds 'advance on each side, and the channel becomes uneven and
rocky. But upon passing Hyndford Bridge, it assumes its former placid
aspect, and, receiving a considerable augmentation from one of its
principal tributaries, the Douglas Water, soon reaches the Boning-ton
Fall, where, in a divided stream, it is abruptly precipitated over a
ledge of rocks of about thirty feet of perpendicular height. Its channel
from this point, for about half a mile, is formed of a range of
perpendicular and equidistant rocks on either side, which are from 70 to
100 feet high, and which Mr Pennant has well characterized as stupendous
natural masonry. At Corehouse it encounters another fall 84 feet in
height, and immediately assumes a more tranquil character until it
reaches a small cascade called Dundaf Lin, about a quarter of a mile
farther down. The banks now slope more gently, sometimes covered with
natural wood, and sometimes cultivated to the water's edge. This
character it preserves for a distance of about three or four miles,
until it reaches Stonebyres, where it passes through another rocky
ridge, and projects itself in three leaps over a precipice of 80 feet in
height. In its farther course, which extends about a mile and a-half in
this parish, the stream in general flows quietly between gently sloping
and beautifully wooded banks.
The breadth and depth of
the river vary at different places. At the broadest a stone may be
thrown across; and there is a spot between the Bonington and Corra Falls
where the whole volume of its waters is so confined between two rocks,
that an adventurous leaper has been known to clear it at a bound. There
are fords which children can wade across, and pools which have never
been fathomed.
The scenery along the
banks of the Clyde is acknowledged to be scarcely equalled in this
country, and rarely surpassed abroad. It has for a long period attracted
multitudes of admiring visitors during the fine season, and still
continues to be as much visited as ever. The country above the falls is
comparatively tame and uninteresting. But from that point nothing can
surpass the variety and beauty of the prospects, which successively
present themselves to the eye of the traveller.
waterfalls, however, are the chief objects of attraction. The uppermost,
called the Bonington Fall, is about two miles and a-half distant from
Lanark. The way lies for the most part through the beautiful grounds of
Bonington; and, with a liberality worthy of imitation, the Ross family,
to whom the property belongs, allow free access on every day but the
Sabbath, and at all hours, to the public, who find tasteful walks kept
in the highest order, and seats at every fine point of view for their
accommodation. The upper is perhaps the least beautiful of the falls,
owing to its smaller height, and to the bareness of the southern bank
above it. Still, when seen from the point at which it first bursts upon
the view, it is very imposing; and the present proprietor, Lady Mary
Ross, by means of a bridge thrown across the north branch of the stream,
immediately above the precipice, and points of observation happily
selected, has secured some charming coups d'oeil to the admirers of
nature. The Corra Lin, which is about half a mile farther down, is
generally allowed to be the finest of the three. Until a few years ago,
this splendid cascade could only be seen from above. But fine although
it must ever be from whencesoever contemplated, all former views of it
were greatly inferior to one which the present proprietor has opened up.
A flight of steps has been formed along the face of the opposite rock.
By this, the traveller descends into a deep and capacious amphitheatre,
where he finds himself exactly in front, and on a level with the bottom
of the fall. The foaming waters, as they are projected in a double leap
over the precipice, the black and weltering pool below, the magnificent
range of dark perpendicular rocks 120 feet in height, which sweeps
around him on the left, the romantic banks on the opposite side, the
river calmly pursuing its onward course, and the rich garniture of wood
with which the whole is dressed, combine to form a spectacle with which
the most celebrated cataracts in Switzerland and Sweden will scarcely
stand a comparison. The lower or Stonebyres Fall, so named from the
adjacent estate of Stonebyres, belonging to the ancient family of Vere,
it is unnecessary to describe. It has great similarity in many of its
features to the Corra Lin, and it is sufficient to say, that, in the
opinion of many it is even superior in beauty.
Geology.—The parish lies
upon a mass of old red sandstone, which probably forms the basis of the
country to the south and east. This mass is composed of strata from a
few inches to many feet in thickness, having a considerable declination
towards the east, but upon the surface they generally follow the
declination of the ground in which they are situated. It is also divided
by perpendicular fissures, which become less perceptible as they descend
below the influence of the sun and air. In some places it is likewise
traversed by narrow dikes of trap rock, sinking perpendicularly, and
cutting the general stratification nearly at right angles. The trap rock
of these dikes is often disintegrated, or if solid, appearing composed
of a congeries of elliptical balls, and has evidently been in a state of
fusion at the time of its formation. Many of the internal crevices are
filled with heavy spar, some of which is found in a state of complete
crystallization. On the lands of Jerviswood, a thick vein of quartz,
intermixed with small veins of rich iron ore, was discovered many years
ago, which for some time raised sanguine expectations that lead or other
valuable minerals would be found in its neighbourhood. But these
expectations have not yet been realized. The surface of the rock is very
rugged and uneven, consisting of several conical eminences, which
sometimes rise with a gentle ascent, and sometimes abruptly terminate,
forming precipices of several hundred feet in height.
No beds of coal have
hitherto been discovered in the parish, excepting at the north-west end,
where it encroaches for about half a mile upon a coal district, and
where all the minerals common to that district are found to crop out,
but in such shallow strata as to render their working impracticable,
Carboniferous limestone is wrought in considerable quantities in
Craigend-hill, on the north-west corner of the parish, accompanied by a
small seam of coal, but which does not yield sufficient to burn the
limestone. Nodules of clay-ironstone are likewise found here imbedded in
clay. Specimens of petrified wood have also been met with in the
limestone rock. Small detached pieces of jasper have been picked up in
the bed of the Mouss, with ochre, and several other mineral productions,
which have probably been carried down by the river from the upper part
of the country. A detached and water-worn piece of limestone was found
near the old bridge upon the Clyde, containing petrified shells
resembling on a general view pholades and cockles. Masses of freestone
are frequent near the Chapel on the lands of Nemphlar, and near
Moussbank, where a quarry was opened some years ago, but which has since
been abandoned. Several attempts have been made to discover coal upon
the estate of Lee, and upon Lanark moor, hitherto without success.
Few places present more
evident traces of a deluge than the parish of Lanark. hills of gravel,
beds of clay, banks of sand, and large masses of mud, are heaped
together in the wildest confusion. The uneven nature of the surface
would naturally produce different currents, which, meeting together,
would forum, at their junction, beds of gravel; and, in the eddies
betwixt them, banks of sand. In more still water, mud or clay would be
deposited according as the waters were charged with a greater or less
proportion of sand. This arrangement is very conspicuous along the banks
of the Mouss and Clyde, from the Hyndford Bridge on the latter, but more
especially at their confluence. Where the waters flowed over a less
rugged surface, a sort of hard till has been deposited, which is
scarcely pervious to water, and consequently renders the soil more
unproductive. Upon examining twenty stones taken promiscuously from a
gravel pit, there were found ten of the common red sandstone, five of a
hard kind of sandstone, and the other five of various kinds, some of
which are not found in masses in any part of the neighbourhood. Detached
pieces of granite are also found here, which, notwithstanding their
hardness, have all the asperities rounded off, proving that they must
have rolled from a vast distance ; and indeed no rocks of the kind are
known to exist within many miles of the parish. These rocks are very
much prized for curling-stones. Marl has also been found at Bonington
and Sunnvside, but has not been dug to any extent.
Soil - From what has been
said, it is obvious that the soil must vary with the subsoil.
Accordingly, along the west end of the parish for nearly a mile in
breadth, it is generally composed of a stiff clay. Along the banks of
the rivers it is light and gravelly. In the east it is wet and clayey.
Nemphlar and Cartlane moors consist of a hard till, and this soil
prevails more or less in all high and exposed situations. It is the most
stubborn of all kinds of soil, and has longest resisted the efforts of
the farmer. But in every part of the parish, sometimes even in the same
field, all the different varieties of soil are found. In Lanark moor, in
the low grounds adjoining the house of Lee, and elsewhere, some
inconsiderable beds of moss are met with.
Zoology.—The only cattle
bred here are horses and cows, all of the best kinds, for draught and
dairy, which are sold young. There are no sheep kept but by gentlemen
for their private use.
The only fish in the
Mouss are minnow and trout. In the Clyde, besides these, there are pike,
eels, and very rarely perch. The Stonebyres Fall arrests the further
ascent of salmon. Formerly two or three individuals in the town of
Lanark used to pick up a livelihood by catching and selling fish, but
their business has been much injured, and the sport ruined for amateur
anglers, by the numbers, who, owing to the dulness of trade, now engage
in it, and by the new and deadly tackle which they employ.
The common insects are
wasps, gad-flies, gnats, and the gooseberry, apple, and cabbage
caterpillar. The cabbage caterpillar is destroyed by sprinkling with
powdered lime; the gooseberry caterpillar, by searching the centre of
the bush near the ground at the time when the leaves expand, and picking
off such as are found riddled, and full of holes. The apple and pear
caterpillars are of two kinds, the one a small green worm, with a black
head, that breeds in the blossom-bud and consumes its heart; the bud
does not expand, but soon turns brown, and then the tree is said to be
fired. The cobweb, or, as it is called in some places, the cotton
caterpillar, is sometimes so very destructive, that the trees in the
month of June appear as bare as in January; if picked off once a-day at
the opening of the season they may be destroyed; as they surround
themselves with a round ball of cobweb, they are easily seen, and a few
boys would soon clear an orchard. The small black-headed caterpillar is
less easily overcome; it does its mischief before the blossom expands.
Mr Sinclair, late gardener at Bonington, discovered a method, by which
for many years he effectually saved his trees and bushes from these
destructive insects. It is to mix sifted lime in a tub with water, and
by means of a gardener's engine to project this with force upon the
plants ; in this manner, the moss upon the branches in which insects
harbour is destroyed.
Botany.—The recesses of
Cartlane Craigs present a rich variety of plants to the botanist'; among
which may be named Berberis vulgaris, Pyrola rotundjfolia, Pyrola,
minor, Saxifraga oppositofolia and granulata, Prunus padus, Bird Cherry
or Hawk-berry, Spirea salicifolia, Bubus saxatilis, Cistus Helianthemum,
Aquilegia vulgaris, Cardamine impatiens, Geranium lucidum, Oro-bus
sylvaticus, Vicia sylvatica, Doronicum pardalianches. There are said to
be a considerable variety of mosses of rare species above the falls.
There are several large
plantations in the parish, consisting chiefly of Scotch, larch, and
spruce fir. The grounds of Lee, Bonington, and Cleghorn are ornamented
with fine old trees, such as oak, beech, larch, and lime. The banks of
the Clyde and Mouss are covered with natural wood of various kinds, viz,
oak, ash, hazel, birch, alder, hawkberry, hawthorn, and mountain-ash.
Close to the House of Lee
are two trees which deserve particular. mention. The first is an oak of
prodigious size. According to a late measurement; it was found to be 60
feet of perpendicular height, and 30 in circumference, and to contain
1460 cubic feet of wood. It is called the Pease tree; is understood to
be a relict of the ancient Caledonian forest, and still continues to
vegetate, although its huge trunk is hollowed to such a degree that ten
persons .have been crammed into the excavation. The other is a
magnificent larch, said to have been one of the firs brought into this
country; it is 100 feet in height, and 18 in girth, containing 320 cubic
feet of timber.
Historical Notices.—There
does not exist any ancient account of this parish. The town is
acknowledged to be of very great antiquity; but all the information we
possess with respect to it in former ages, consists in a few rare and
incidental notice's scattered throughout the general histories of the
country. It is supposed to be the Colaenia of Ptolemy; a Roman road
having passed through, or near it, to its castle, on the south-west
side. In subsequent ages, it must have been a place of considerable
importance, as may be inferred from the fact recorded by Buchanan, that,
in the year 978, Kenneth II. here held an assembly of the states of the
realm. That it was a royal town at a very early period is certain; for
Malcolm IV., in granting a toft in Lanark, speaks of it as in burgo meo; and William, the successor of Malcolm, also designates it his burgh.
It possesses charters ; the original one erecting it into a royal burgh
was granted by Alexander I.; there is also one by Robert I., dated at
Linlithgow, the fourth year of his reign; another without date, by
Alexander III.; a fourth by the same monarch in the thirteenth year of
his reign; there are besides two by James V.; and afinal one,
confirmatory of all the rest, given by Charles I., and bearing date 20th
February 1632.
Chalmers is certainly
wrong, when he says in his Caledonia, that "we hear nothing of any royal
castle or place of royal residence in this city." On a small
artificially-shaped hill, between the town and the river, at the foot of
the street called Castle Gate, and still bearing the name of the Castle
hill, there stood in former times beyond all doubt a royal castle.
Tradition ascribes it to David I. It was the place from which the
charter of William the Lion, in favour of the town of Ayr, was dated in
1197. In the treaty negotiated in 1298, respecting the marriage of the
niece of King Philip of France, with the son and heir of John Baliol,
the Castle or Castelany of Lanark was mortgaged as part of the security
for the lady's jointure. We hear of it as being in, the thirteenth
century in the hands of English soldiers. Besides, there are places in
the neighbourhood of the town which, even to this day, bear the names of
King-son's Know, King-son's Moss, King-son's Stane, which seems to
favour the tradition, that it was once a place of royal residence.
We have already mentioned
the circumstance related by Buchanan, although passed over in silence by
Fordun, of Kenneth II. having in 978 summoned at Lanark a convention of
the estates of the realm ; the first of which there is any record in
In 1244, Lanark was burnt
to the ground; a fate which befell several other towns at the same
period, and to which they were liable from having been then built of
wood. In 1297 it was the scene of the first military exploit of Sir
William Wallace, who there slew William de Hesliope or Heselrigg, the
English she-, riff, and expelled his soldiers from the town. It seems to
have been a garrisoned place in 1310, for we read of its having then
surrendered to King Robert Bruce, with Dumfries, Ayr, and the We of Bute.
On the 12th of January 1682, the Covenanters here published a
declaration, which Wodrow calls the first essay of the "societies united
into a correspondence." This act roused the indignation of the
Privy-Council, who fined the town 6000 merks, and issued processes
against the freeholders for not preventing it, nor seizing the parties
concerned in it. Several persons were executed at the place about the
same time, and among the rest William Hervie, who was charged with being
at Bothwell Bridge, and publishing Wood's declaration. The grave of this
person is still seen in the churchyard of the parish, and is an object
of great reverence.
Lanark formerly enjoyed
the privilege of keeping the standard weights of the kingdom. An act of
Parliament in 1617 narrates, that of old, the keeping and out-giving of
the weights to the burghs and others was committed to this town, and
charges it again with the "care of the weights." The old standards are
still preserved. They are stamped with a spread eagle, with two heads,
the arms of the burgh, although some have supposed this to be a foreign
mark. In -1790, they were measured by Professor Robison of Edinburgh;
and, for the second time, about ten years subsequently, for the purpose
of rectifying those of Edinburgh. It was then discovered that the pound
had lost something less than seven grains English Troy, weighing 7613
instead of 7620 grains, which, in terms of the act of Parliament 1618,
it ought to have contained. Dr Robison says, that this standard is
better ascertained than any other in Europe, except that of Brussels,
and its copy at Paris. At the time of the union, a new set of weights
was sent from London to the burgh. They are of very, handsome
workmanship, and are thus dated, "Primo Maii Anno Dom. 1707—A. R.—An.
Regni vi." But by the act of 1826, these have been superseded by the
introduction of the imperial standard, and the ancient prerogative of
the town disannulled; every burgh and county having been enjoined to
procure and keep a set of standard weights.
Eminent Men.—Sir William
Wallace was connected with this parish, having resided in the town after
his marriage with the coheiress of Lamington.—James Birnie, secretary to
John Cassimir, King of Poland, was the son of Mr William Birnie, who was
appointed minister of Lanark in 1597.—Sir William Lockhart of Lee, a
great statesman and general under the Protector, and afterwards Lord
Justice-Clerk, was born in the parish, and received the first rudiments
of education at the school of Lanark.—The estate of Jerviswood was the
family property of Robert Baillie the martyr. In the mansion-house,
which is now fallen into decay, he found concealment from the pursuit of
his enemies, and is said to have owed nis life upon one occasion, to a
spider, which spun its web over the door of the oven in which he was
lurking, thus averting the suspicions of the soldiers.—Lithgow, the
traveller, was born in this parish, and lies buried in the churchyard ;
but the site of his grave is unknown.—Dr William Smellie, the celebrated
accoucheur; and the learned and ingenious General Roy, were both
educated at Lanark school, to which the former left as a memorial his
valuable library, with L. 200 to build a room for its accommodation.
—Robert. Macqueen, Lord Justice-Clerk for Scotland, was born in the
parish, and educated at the schools of Lanark.—Sir John Lockhart Ross,
so renowned in the naval chronicles of Great Britain, as captain of the
Tartar, although born in the adjacent parish of Carstairs, acquired by
his marriage with the late Lady Ross Baillie, the beautiful property of
Bonington in Lanark parish, where he built, the present mansion-house,
and occasionally resided. —Among other celebrated men, we must not omit
the excellent and pious Mr David Dale, founder of the village and
manufactory of New-Lanark; nor his son-in-law, Robert Owen, who here
excogitated and made an abortive attempt to reduce to practice, his wild
theories for the renovation of society.
principal land-owners are Sir Norman Macdonald Lockhart., Bart. of Lee;
Lady Mary Ross of Bonington; Mrs Elliot Lockhart of Cleghorn; George
Baillie, Esq. of Jerviswood; Thomas Young Howison, Esq. of Hyndford; the
Misses Carmichael of Smvllum Park; Walker and Company of New Lanark; Sir
Richard Honyman of Huntly Hill; Archibald Nesbit, Esq. of Carfin;
Alexander Gillespie, Esq. of Sunnyside. Besides these, there are 65
smaller heritors in the out-parish, and 100 in the in-parish, possessing
burgh lands.
Parochial Registers.—The
parochial registers consist of 14 volumes; 7 of births, and 7 of
marriages. The date of the earliest entry is 1647. The session records
reach no farther back than 1699.
Castle-Hill, which we have already mentioned as a small mount in the
immediate vicinity of the town, towards the river, is supposed to have
been originally a Roman castellum; and General Roy mentions a fine
silver Faustina as having been found here. But at present there is
scarcely left a single vestige either of the ancient Roman work, or of
the royal castle, which in later times occupied its site. It has been
converted into a bowling-green.
There are remains of two
Roman camps in the neighbourhood of Lanark. The most considerable is not
far from Cleghorn-house, and was thought by General Roy to `have been
the work of Agricola. It measures 600 yards in length, and 420 in
breadth, and at the south-west angle has a small post or redoubt. The
other is situated upon the Lanark moor, on the opposite side of the
Mouss, and is within a mile of one in the adjoining parish of Carstairs,
apparently of later construction, and of which the vestiges are much
more distinct. Through this passed the great Roman road from Carlisle to
the wall of Antoninus, leaving the camp at Cleghorn upon the right.
About half a mile below
Lanark, upon an elevated situation on the banks of the Mouss, stands the
picturesque remnant of a lofty tower, of which little or nothing is
known. The eminence is called Castle Hill, and from it the Lockharts of
Cambusnethan take their title.
On the very brink. of
Cartlane Craigs, and overhanging a precipice of above 200 feet of
perpendicular height, are to be seen the vestiges of an old stronghold,
called by some the Castle of the Quaw, probably from the Gaelic cuas or
cave. Neither history nor tradition has preserved any record of what
this was, or of the date of its erection. And it is only remarkable for
certain subterraneous caves or arched ways of rather a singular
description, which have probably given the place its name. One of them
was explored by Mr Lockhart, who has given a description of it in the
former Statistical Account. He there argues, from the absence of all
traces of lime, that it must have been of a date anterior to the
introduction of the use of mortar by the Romans. Another person to whom
it was shown was of a different opinion, and says, that the arch
appeared to him more like the work of some cow-herd boy than anything
Old Church.—About a
quarter of a mile to the south-east of the town, and seen from all the
country around, rise the beautiful ruins of the old parish church. There
still remain traces to show that it must have been a building of great
elegance. Six fine Gothic arches, supporting a wall which seems to have
separated the body of the church from a side aisle, along its whole
length, are at present standing. It is altogether unknown by whom, and
at what exact period this fabric was erected ; but Chalmers, in his
Caledonia, has collected some interesting particulars with respect to it
which had previously fallen into oblivion. It appears to have been in
existence at the beginning of the twelfth century, before the
re-establishment of the bishoprick of Glasgow by Prince David, and was
dedicated to Kentigern, the patron saint of that city, and founder of
the episcopate. In 1150, David I. granted it, with its tithes and
pertinents, to the monastery of Dryborough,—a grant which subsequent
monarchs successively confirmed, and which was afterwards extended to a
chapel at Cleghorn. In 1297, Blind Harry alludes to it, making his hero
"On from the kirk that was
without the town."
The canons of Dryborough
continued in possession of it, drew the revenues, and served the cure by
establishing a vicarage until the period of the Reformation. In 1589-90,
the presbytery passed a resolution "that the kirk of Lanark should be
removed from the auld place to a situation within the
town."—"Notwithstanding of this resolution," says Chalmers, "the kirk
still remains in the old place, and continued to be the parish church
until 1777, when a new one was built in the middle of the town." Long
before this period, however, it had fallen into a ruinous state, and had
ceased to be used for public worship. The inhabitants of the town
attended Divine service in the chapel of St Nicholas, which devolved to
the burgh at the Reformation, and in which the lofts and galleries were
set apart for the magistrates and corporations. It seems impossible to
ascertain at what precise period the old church was abandoned as a place
of public worship. In former times it seems to have had various altars;
one consecrated to the holy cross, was styled the Ruid Altar, and
another to the Virgin, Our Lady's Altar. To the chaplain who served the
latter, James IV. granted in mortmain a tenement in Lanark, which had
fallen to him by royal right. The charter is thus noted in the general
index of charters in the Register office. "Willielmo Clerkson, capellano
moderno ad altare gloriosissimoe Virginis Mariae, infra ecclesiam
parochialem de Lanark," dated Lanark, ].8th October 1500. In the reign
of Robert III. John Simpson, a burgess of the town, founded and endowed
a chaplainary in this church. The ground around it continues as of old
to be the parish cemetery. For a number of years it was abandoned to
shameful neglect; and the hands of mischievous boys co-operated with
time in accelerating the destruction of the venerable ruin. Its
appearance has also suffered very materially by the erection of an ugly
square tower in the centre, for the accommodation of grave-watchers. But
better feelings have lately prevailed. The churchyard has been enclosed
with a wall; and a small fund was raised for the purpose of using means
to prevent the total dilapidation of the ancient pile. Considerable
repairs were made, which it is hoped will uphold it a century or two
longer to grace the spot where so many generations of Lanarkers repose.
[If the dead were conscious of what takes place above them, the ashes of
at least one of the sleepers in this churchyard must have been disturbed
by the profanations which used to take place in it. I allude to Mr
William Birnie, of whom it is said in Nesbit's Heraldry, that when of
age, and after three years study abroad, he was, upon the 28th of
December 1597, presented by King James VI. to the parish of Lanark. An
interesting reprint of an old and learned work of this person, entitled
"The Blame of Kirk Burial, tending to persuade to Cemeterial Civilitie,"
has lately been made by William Turnbull, Esq. advocate. The author, in
quaint but powerful language, inveighs against the practice of burying
in the area of churches, but delivers many admirable sentiments on the
honour due to the resting-places of the dead. It would appear that in
his day the ecclesiastical profession required more various and
extensive accomplishments than are now deemed necessary, or even
becoming in clergymen. For it is said of Mr Birnie, "that he not only
learnedly preached the gospel in this parish, but, because of the
several quarrels and feuds amongst the gentlemen, was obliged many
times, as he well could, to make use of his sword."]
Before the Reformation
there were various chapels in this parish, of which, however, there
remain at the present day scarcely any other memorial than the tradition
of their existence, and the names which they have given to the spots at
or near which they were situated. [Some notices respecting the chapels
of St Nicholas, St Leonards, and the chapels at Cleghorn and East
Nemphlar, will he found in the original MS. Among.the minor antiquities
may be mentioned the church bell. It was removed from the old to the
present parish church, and has been several times refounded. It bears
the date of these. The first is so early as 1110; the second 1659 ; and
the last 1740.]
In the Thansion-house at
Bonington are preserved a few interesting relics of Sir William Wallace,
of whose family the Rosses claim to be the representatives in the female
line. These were brought from the old castle of Lamingt.on. A portrait
there shows the chieftain in look and features much as lie is
represented in the common pictures. There is also a broad oaken seat,
which has borne from time immemorial the name of Wallace's Chair. The
four large posts which compose its frame-work, and of which the two at
the back are considerably higher than those in front, are the only parts
which have any claim to antiquity, and certainly are sufficiently rude
for the fourteenth century. All the rest together, with the bear skin
with which it has been covered, are modern additions. A third object is
a small oaken cup, called Wallace's quaigh, evidently of very great
[Its history is thus
recorded in verse upon the silver hoop which encircles the edge:-
At Torwood I was cut from
that known tree,
Where Wallace from warres toyls took sanctarie.
For Mars's sonnes I'm only now made fist,
When with the sonnes of Bacchus they shall sitt.
Sir Walter Scott, in the
Tales of a Grandfather, mentions his having forty years ago examined the
roots of the oak here alluded to, which at that time were all that
remained of it.]
Lee-penny.--The most
celebrated antiquity, however, which we have to mention is the
Lee-penny. This is a small triangular stone, of what kind, a lapidary,
to whom it was shown, confessed himself unable to determine. In size, it
is about half an inch on each side, and is set in a piece of silver
coin, which, from the traces of a cross still discernible, is supposed
to be a shilling of Edward the First. The traditional history of this
gem is as follows :—King Robert Bruce had ordered, that after his death
his heart should be carried to the Holy Land, and one of those who
joined the expedition, appointed to carry the royal wish into effect,
was Sir Simon Lockard of Lee. To defray his expenses, he borrowed a sum
of money from Sir William de Lindsay, prior of Ayre, to whom he granted
a bond of annuity for L. 10 upon his estate of Lee. This bond, bearing
date 1323, is still preserved amongst the family papers. As a memorial
of his services upon this occasion, the family name of Locard was
changed into Lock-heart or Lockhart, and he obtamed for arms a heart
within a lock, with the motto, Gorda serata pando. Sir Simon is said in
this journey to have taken prisoner a Saracen chief, for whose liberty
his lady offered a large sum of money. In counting it out, she happened
to drop the gem from her purse, and showed such eagerness in recovering
it as drew the knight's attention, and raised his curiosity to learn
what it was. Being told of its remarkable virtues, he refused to
liberate the husband, unless it were added to the ransom. With this
demand the lady unwillingly complied, and thus the talisman came into
the possession of the family with whom it has ever since remained.
Formerly it bore a very high and extensive celebrity for extraordinary
medicinal properties. Water in which it had been but dipt was supposed
to be an effectual remedy for all diseases of cattle, and has been sent
for as far as the northern counties of England. It was also considered
to be a specific against hydrophobia. The most remarkable instance of
its efficacy in that distemper was the cure of a Lady Baird of Saughton-hall,
near Edinburgh, who, by using draughts and baths of it, recovered from
the bite of a mad dog, after, it is said, hydrophobia had actually
begun. When the plague was last at Newcastle the inhabitants borrowed
the Lee-penny, giving a large sum in trust for the loan, and so
convinced were they of its good effects, that they were willing to
forfeit the deposit and retain possession.
[Various, of course, are
the opinions held as to whether these virtues are real or imaginary,
natural or miraculous. The following authority upon the subject is
perhaps curious enough to deserve a place:—
Copy of an Act of the
Synode and Assembly apud Glasgow the 25th of October, Synode Session 2d.
Quhilk daye amongest the
referics of the Brethern of the ministrie of Lanark, it was propondit to
the Synode, that Gawen IIammiltoune of Raploeh had preferit ane
complaint before them against Sir Thos Lockhart of Lee, anent the
superstitious using of ane stone set in silver for the curing of
deseased cattel, qulk the said Gawen affirmed could not be lawfullie
used,—and that they had deferit to give any desisioune therin till the
advise of the Assetnblie might he heard concerning the same. The
Asse:nblie having inquerit of the ivaner of using therof, and
particularlie understood be examinatioune of the said Laird of Lie and
otherwise, that the custom is onlie to cast the stone in sume water, and
give the deseasit cattel theraf to drink, and yt the same is done wt-out
using onie wordes, such as charmers use in their unlawful practissess,—and
considering that in nature they are monie thinges scin to work strange
effect, qrof no humane witt can give a reason, it having pleasit God to
give unto stones and herbes a special virtues for the healling of mony
infirmities in man and beast,—and advises the Brethern to surcease thair
process, as qr-in they perseive no ground of ofi ncc,—and admonishes the
said Laird of Lie in the using of the said stone, to tak heid it be unit
heir after wt. the least scaudall that possiblie maybe.]
Modern Buildings.—There
are several very handsome seats iii the parish. The lordly-looking
mansion of Lee, the seat of Sir Norman Macdonald Lockhart, was renovated
a few years ago, after a design of Mr Gillespie Graham. The style is
castellated. Its principal ornament is the lofty Gothic hall in the
centre, which replaces the open court of the old house, rises high above
the rest of the building, and is lighted by twelve windows, three on
each side near the roof.
Bonington, the jointure
house of Lady Mary Ross, is an elegant modern mansion, delightfully
situated within a quarter of a mile from the Corra Lin. It was lately
much improved by the addition of a handsome porch in front, also from a
design of Mr Gillespie Graham.
Smyllum, a spacious
mansion of imposing appearance, was built about twenty years ago. It is
in the castle style, and stands in a high and very conspicuous situation
half a mile above the town.
Cloghorn is an old and
comfortable dwelling-house, finely situated upon the north bank of the
Mouss, and surrounded with fine wood.
Sunnyside Lodge is an
elegant English villa, beautifully placed upon the steep bank of the
Clyde, about a mile and a-half below Lanark. A particular point in the
avenue commands one of the richest and most extensive prospects in the
Many of the houses in
Lanark have been rebuilt within the last ten years, in rather a handsome
style, which has greatly improved its appearance, although it has
deprived it of its ancient title to be considered a finished town. The
best house in it was built a few years ago by the Commercial Bank for
the accommodation of a thriving branch of their business. The stones
principally used are rag and freestone, the former from quarries near
the town; the latter is brought from the adjoining parishes of
Lesmahagoe and Carluke. The Auchinheath and Maingill quarries yield a
stone which is found not to bear exposure to the weather. A new quarry
has lately been opened at Pittfield, on the road to Carluke, the rock of
which promises fair, but has not yet been sufficiently tried. Time is
brought a distance of four miles from Craigend-hill.
Extract out of the Bookes
of the Assemblie holden at Glasgow, and subscribed by Chair clerk at
thair command.
Clerk to the Assemblie at Glasgow."
The great increase
observable between 1781 and 1792 took place chiefly in consequence of
the erection and prosperity of the cotton manufactory at New Lanark; but
it is in some measure also to be ascribed to the improvement and
extension of trade, manufactures, and agriculture in general.
The number of the
population at present residing in the town, 4266; in New Lanark, 1901;
in the country, 1505; total, 7672.
The nobility and persons
of independent fortune in the parish amount to 10.
There are 16 persons who
possess land of the yearly value of L. 50 and upwards,—besides the burgh
of Lanark, and the Company at New Lanark.
Belonging to the parish
are 4 insane persons kept in asylums; 4 fatuous; 6 blind, 3 of whom are
resident, and 3 are kept in asylums; 2 deaf and dumb.
Families which have for
several generations been domiciled in the town are remarked to be in
general small in stature compared with the population of the country
district, who are tall and robust.
Character, Habits, and
Customs of the People.—Within the last forty years the language of the
people has improved much, and especially of late among the young. The
natives have a striking peculiarity of accent, which consists in
lengthening the last syllable, raising the voice upon it, and adding the
sound of an a.
Palm Saturday was
observed as a holiday at the grammar school until within the last thirty
years. The scholar who presented the master with the largest Candlemas
offering was appointed king, and walked in procession with his
life-guards and sergeants. The great and little palm branches of the
Salix caprœa in flower, and decked with a profusion of daffodils, were
carried behind him. A handsome embroidered flag, the gift of a lady in
the town to the boys, was used on this festival. The day concluded with
a ball.
On the Lanemar or
Landmark-day, there are processions to inspect the marches of the town
lands. As a method of impressing the boundaries upon the memory, all
persons who attend for the first time are ducked in the river Mouss, in
the channel of which one of the march-stones is placed: and horse and
foot races take place upon the moor. It is a day of great festivity.
The people are, upon the
whole, cleanly in their habits. But the late severe depression in the
weaving trade has reduced great numbers to such a state of destitution
as calls for the liveliest sympathy. They not only want decent clothing,
but can hardly procure sufficient food. At the cotton-works the people
are well dressed, and live in general very comfortably. In all parts of
the parish, oat-meal porridge for breakfast, potatoes with herrings for
dinner, and again porridge or potatoes for supper, form the usual diet
of the labouring-classes. Tea is used whenever it can be afforded.
Poaching prevails to a considerable extent, with its usual bad effects.
Agriculture and Rural
Economy.—As much of the land in the parish, both arable, waste, and in
wood, has never been measured, it is only by approximation that the
following results have been obtained:
Of late years there has
been very little planting in this parish, and that little confined to
the estates of Lee and Cleghorn. An intelligent nurseryman in the place
says, that the forest trees planted in the whole of the upper ward of
Lanarkshire amount to 700,000 and 900,000 annually for the last ten
years. These have been in the proportion of two parts of larch to one of
spruce and Scotch fir. The larch is found to grow best upon the high
lands, and is of more value to the planter, and hence is now in far
greater demand than about twenty-five years ago. Little oak, ash, elm,
or hard-wood, of any kind is planted, except in the more sheltered
situations, as it is found they seldom come to perfection on the light
heathy lands.
Rent, Prices, Wages,
&c.—The average rent of arable land is L. 1, 3s. per Scotch statute
acre; the average price of a cow's grazing on good land, L. 4; on
inferior, L. 1, 10s.; that of an ox varies from L. 3 to L. 3, 10s. The
common labourer's wages is 9s. per week; women get is. per day.
Breeds of Live
Stock.—There are no store-farms in the parish. The cattle are all of the
Ayrshire breed, and, owing to the premiums given by the agricultural
societies, they are greatly improved.
Husbandry.—A great part
of the arable land is said to be unfit for green crop. After four or
five years pasture, it is top-dressed and two crops of oats taken, with
the last of which grass seeds are sown. It is then again pastured for
four or five years. About a fourth part of it, however, is of a very
superior description. It is cultivated with a rotation of four
years-1st, oats; 2d, green crop, consisting of potatoes, turnips, or
beans; 3d, wheat or barley; 4th, hay. It is then pastured one or two
years, but in many cases not at all. The land of the orchards is
generally cropped in a similar manner, but is dug instead of being
ploughed; and, instead of its being pastured, a hay crop is taken.
A good deal has been done
in the way of irrigation, principally at Cleghorn, and likewise in
draining at the joint expense of landlord and tenant.
The leases being for
nineteen years are favourable to the occupier, and the rents are in
general well paid. The farms are all small, and the buildings and
enclosures indifferent.
Quarry.—There is only one
lime quarry in the parish, which is wrought partly by open cast, and
partly by mining. It produces 7000 bolls annually, and has a seam of
coal eighteen inches thick, capable of burning about one-third part of
the lime.
Produce.—As various
courses of cropping are adopted, and the land is of very unequal
quality, the average value of the gross produce can only be given in a
very vague approximation:
* Fifteen years ago, the
orchards would have brought double the sum; but of late, the value of
fruit has been gradually falling, partly owing to the larger quantities
produced, and partly to its being brought from other districts to
Glasgow by means of steam-vessels, with greater safety and expedition
than formerly.
Manufactures.—Cotton-spinning.—The principal manufacture in the parish
is cotton-spinning at New Lanark. The establishment formerly acquired
very extensive notoriety, under the superintendence of Mr Robert Owen,
son-in-law of David Dale, the original founder. But in 1827, that
gentleman ceased to have any interest in the business, which has since
been carried on under the firm of Walker and Company.
There are 1110 persons
employed in this manufacture, of whom about 60 are mechanics and
labourers. Children are not admitted into the factory under ten years of
age. The hours of work are eleven and a quarter daily throughout the
year, whatever be the state of trade. ` The people are very comfortably
supported,—are in general healthy,—and, in comparison with other
establishments of the kind, remarkably decent in behaviour.
extensive branch of manufacture in the parish is weaving, in which 873
persons are engaged; 702 in the town, and 171 in the country. This trade
is at the very lowest ebb, and scarcely yields the means of support to
those who are employed in it. There are a few of the weavers who, being
in the prime of life, and endowed with superior strength and skill, can
gain 8s. a-week; but to do this, they must sit from fourteen to sixteen
hours a-day, and the exertion soon ruins the health of the most robust.
The common wages scarcely average 6s. per week, from which a drawback
must be made of 1s. 3d.; 10d. for loom-rent, 3d. for light, and 2d. for
carriage of the web. Men advanced in life, dispirited by the remembrance
of better times, may make about. 3s. 6d. The only addition to this
miserable pittance is what their wives can earn by winding the waft upon
pirns, and which varies from 6d. to 1s. 3d. per week. [Since the above
was written, the condition of the weavers has been considerably
improved,—in consequence of the cheapness of provisions, a greater
supply of work, and a small advance on the price of the yard.]
When three or four in one
family are employed, and the joint gains are under the management of a
thrifty wife, they are able to make a tolerable shift. But nothing can
exceed the misery of those who have themselves and a family to support
by their single-handed industry. The misery they have suffered has had
the unhappy but too common effect of plunging some of them into careless
and dissipated habits; but the majority are well behaved and intelligent
men, and bear their hardships with commendable patience. The following
fact will illustrate the melancholy depression of this branch of
industry. On Martinmas fair day 1812, a general strike took place, and
continued for nine weeks, because a certain description of work, 1200
policuts, fell from 8d. to 6d. per yard. For the last three years, the
same description of work has been, upon an average, at 1½d. Accustomed
at the former period to better days, the weaver believed that 6d. was
too low a rate to afford him a livelihood, and it is only because it
came upon them gradually that they have been able to survive the present
depression. Forced by the pressure of immediate want, they are
accustomed to put their children of both sexes upon the loom at the
early age of nine or twelve, by which means their numbers are
continually augmenting, and the evil is increased.
Shoemaking, &c.—There are
in the parish 96 shoemakers. This trade is at present in as flourishing
a condition as was ever known. The weekly wages which a tradesman
actually gains average 8s.; but, with steadiness and skill, he may
easily increase them to 12s. Boots and shoes for foreign export are
occasionally made here.
The tailors are 24 in
number, and their wage is about 9s. per week. There are 51 wrights and
34 masons, who gain about 14s. per week. Occasionally more are required
than live in the place, but they are easily procured from the adjoining
parishes. Building is rather expensive, in consequence of the distant
carriage of the materials. There are in the parish 13 smiths, 14 bakers,
8 butchers, 45 young females employed in mantua-making, 120 in
embroidering gymp lace. Three brewers carry on business to a
considerable extent in the town. There are three mills, two of which are
for grinding flour.
Town and Villages.—The
town of Lanark stands in nearly the centre of the parish. It is under
the government of magistrates; who employ five or six town-officers. A
large body of constables can likewise be called out when occasion
requires. Here the principal business transactions of the surrounding
district are carried on. There are markets on Tuesday and Saturday; the
former in general is very numerously attended. In Lanark, as the county
town, the Sheriff and Justice of Peace courts are held, and the election
of the member of Parliament for the county takes place.
New Lanark is a large and
handsome village, lying on the southwest from the town. It stands low
upon the river side, and is completely surrounded by steep and
beautifully wooded hills. It owes its existence to David Dale, who built
the first mill in 1784. It has always been and still continues a
remarkably thriving manufactory.
There are, besides, three
considerable hamlets,—Cartland in the north-west, Nemphlar in the west,
and Hyndford Bridge-end in the south-east quarter of the parish.
Means of
Communication.—The parish enjoys the most ample means of communication.
There is a post-office ; fifteen miles of turnpike road traverse the
parish in different directions. In the fine season, a stage-coach goes
to and from Edinburgh every lawful day ; in winter, three times a-week.
There is also a stage coach to Glasgow, in summer twice, and in winter
once a-day,—besides a number of carriers.
There are two bridges
over the Clyde. The old bridge, about a mile below the town, is of a
very indifferent description. It was built about the middle of the
seventeenth century, at an expense of L. 56, 11s, 7d., which was raised
by private contributions and parochial collections. [The following
extract from the presbytery records connected with this bridge is
curious. "March 29th 1649.—It is ordained the act of Parliament which is
granted in favour of the town of Lanark for building a bridge at
Clydesholm,—a work of great necessity and public concernment, be
presented to the synod that we may have the help and advice of the synod
for the furtherance of the work. April 19th 1649. —The brethren, after
their return from the synod, report to the baillies of Lanark being then
present, law willing, all the brethren of the synod were to further the
work of building a bridge at Clydesholm by a contribution of their
several parishes,—and desires the baillies not to neglect speedily to go
on with the work, which the presbytery will further all they can."]
The New or Hyndford
Bridge, a little more than two miles from the town, is remarkable for
its elegance. Over the Mouss, there are no fewer than five bridges, at
Cleghorn, at Lockhartford, at Cartlane Craigs, and two at Mouss Mill.
The Cartlane bridge was built in 1822, from a design of Mr Telford,
engineer, and is one of the most beautiful in the country. The height
from the bed of. the river to the parapet is 125 feet, and to the spring
of the arch 84. It has three arches of 52 feet span each.
One of the bridges at
Mouss Mill is very ancient and curious; it has a semicircular arch. When
the new one was built, this was condemned to be demolished, but, being
an object of considerable beauty, it was purchased for L. 50, and
preserved by Michael Linning, Esq. and is a great ornament to his
beautiful little property in the vicinity.
State—Patronage of the Parish.—The patronage is in the hands of the
Crown ; but from the time of Charles II. it had been claimed by the
family of Lee. The Laird of Lee, in 1748, granted a presentation in
favour of the Rev. Robert Dick, one of the most pious and learned
ministers ever belonging to the church of Scotland, the kin; presenting
at the same time the Rev. James Gray. The people, unjustly prejudiced
against the former presentee, tumultuously opposed his induction, for
which several of them were tried. The civil question of right was at
that time brought before the Court of Session, and decided in favour of
the Laird of Lee; but, upon an appeal to the House of Lords, this
decision was reversed, and the Crown has since exercised the patronage.
The parish church is
situated in the middle of the town, and is in so far convenient for the
large majority of the population, although a few families residing at
the extremities of the parish may be between four and five miles distant
from it. It was built in 1774. For many years back it had been in a very
dilapidated state. During last autumn, however, it underwent
considerable repairs, by which it has been greatly improved. *
Elegant silver communion
cups were anciently presented to the church by the Laird of Lee. Lady
Ross Baillie likewise presented the church with a handsome baptismal
bason, a clock, and a pair of stoves, and in other ways also contributed
to its comfort.
By the original contract,
the church should have been seated to accommodate 2300 persons. But such
a number would scarcely find room. There are about 100 free sittings,
and these might easily be increased, if necessary, by benches along the
The manse was built in
1757. It received repairs and an addition in 1811, and is now in a
tolerably comfortable state.
The glebe is four acres
in extent, and is worth about L. 16 per annum. The amount of the stipend
is 19 chalders, half barley, half meal, with L.20 for communion
There is no chapel of
case attached to the Established church, although one is much needed,
especially at New Lanark.
The dissenters have three
places of worship in the town,—one Relief, the others belonging to the
Burghers. One of the dissenting clergymen is promised L. 120, another
L.100, and the third L. 60 per annum.
As many families and
persons frequent the Established church as can procure seats; and here
and at the Relief Chapel divine service is well attended. The average
number of communicants at the Established church is 1100.
Societies.—There is a Bible society and a ladies' Bible association in
the parish. Previously to 1827, they were accustomed to send their funds
to the British and Foreign Bible Society. But since that period they
have deemed it more proper to employ them otherwise; and to different
institutions and societies for the spread of the gospel, they have
contributed the following sums:- In 1827, L.100; in 1828, L.70; in 1829,
L.80; in 1830, L.40; in 1831, L.20; in 1832, L20.
There is likewise a
missionary society; but neither this nor any other institution of the
kind is now prospering as it ought, and what they have been able to
effect has been in consequence of handsome legacies left them by a
benevolent lady. Formerly, the private subscriptions and collections at
the church door for religious and charitable purposes were wont to be
liberal, but of late years they have unhappily very much decreased.
Education.—The number of
schools in the parish is 12, none of which is parochial. One is endowed,
and one is supported by a society.
The grammar-school once
enjoyed high celebrity as a seminary of education. The rector's salary
amounts to L.40; that of the assistant is L. 20. The wages are 4s. per
quarter for Latin; and 2s. 6d. for English, writing and arithmetic Is.
more. Connected with this school there are twenty-eight bursaries; nine
of them were endowed in 1648 by Mr John Carmichael, commissary of
Lanark, who mortgaged the lands of Batiesmains for the purpose. The rest
were endowed by one of the Earls of Hyndford, by the family of Mauldslie,
and by a former chamberlain of the name of Thomson. The patronage of
these bursaries is in the hands of the magistrates. They are of
different value, and, after the payment of the school fees, may leave
about L. 2 or L. 3 over, for the support of each of the boys who enjoy
them. This school possesses a library, which we have already noticed as
having been left to it by Dr William Smellie; but, as the books are
principally medical, it is of little use.
Some years ago a
benevolent lady of the name of Wilson endowed a free school in the town
of Lanark for the instruction of fifty poor children. The sum mortgaged
was L. 1200.
The subscription school
has long been well managed, and is a blessing to the place.
The teachers of the
Nemphlar and Cartlane schools have each an allowance of L. 5 yearly from
the heritors. At New Lanark there is a day-school, frequented by about
500 children, who receive instruction in the ordinary branches, more
suitable to their rank of life than the ornamental accomplishments to
which, under a former management, an exclusive attention had been paid.
In general, the people
are alive to the benefits of education. There is no part of the parish
so distant as to be out of the reach of a school, and no additional
schools are required.
Libraries.—There is a
subscription library on a small scale, which is tolerably flourishing.
There are also two circulating libraries in the town. Several efforts
have been made to set a weekly periodical agoing, but hitherto without
success. A reading-room was attempted some years ago, but
failed.Benevolent Societies.—There is at .Lanark a brotherly society, to
which about 100 persons subscribe. Its object is the relief of members
when in distress, and at the present moment five are receiving
assistance from it. It would probably have declined like other
institutions of the kind in this place, but the funds were laid out in
the purchase of three roods of land in the vicinity of the town, which
is advantageously feued, and to this it owes its continuance. There were
once many more such societies; but two or three years ago a groundless
alarm, that Government meant to seize upon their funds, produced their
immediate dissolution.
At New Lanark, a sick
society for the same benevolent object is in existence. The maximum
contribution is 3d. weekly; rate of aliment when sick, 7s. 6d.; when
recovering, 5s.; superannuated, 3s. Besides these there are 3 funeral
societies in the parish, 1 in Lanark, and 2 in New Lanark. On the death
of a member or his wife, the family receives L. 4, and L. 2 on the death
of a child. The sum is gathered as occasion requires, the societies
accumulating no funds.
There is a society in
Lanark for the relief of sick, aged, and indigent females. It is
supported by subscriptions, &c. amounting to about L. 40 annually, and
has proved of signal benefit, in distributing pecuniary relief, coals,
and clothing. This society is well conducted, and the objects carefully
selected by the respectable females of Lanark.
Savings Bank.—In 1815, a
savings bank was instituted, in which, for each of the last three years,
there has been invested about L. 200; withdrawn L. 342. The deposits are
all made by the working-classes, chiefly maid-servants. There is a sum
amounting to L. 1400 in the bank belonging to about 410 depositors.
Poor and Parochial
Funds.—The number of the poor amounts in the in-parish to 71, in the
out-parish to 36. In virtue of a mutual agreement made seventy-five
years ago between the two classes of heritors, each to support their own
poor, the management of the former is in the hands of the kirk-session
and in-town heritors, while that of the latter is in the hands of the
kirk-session and outheritors. Paupers in the burgh are paid from Is. to
10s. per month, according to circumstances; country paupers on an
average, 5s. per month.
The contributions at the
church door now amount annually to no more than L. 37. Of this, L. 8
are, by agreement, paid to the landward heritors for the support of
their poor. What remains after that and the other drawbacks, together
with an annual assessment of L. 230, goes to maintain the poor of the
in-parish; besides L. 70, the annual rent. of the hospital lands, is
distributed by the magistrates among the poor of the burgh, and L. 40 by
the corporation of shoemakers to the poor belonging to them.
The landward paupers are
maintained by the L. 8 received out of the church collections, and an
assessment. amounting to L. 100 annually, which has been levied for a
period of seventy-five years, without undergoing any considerable
Mrs Wilson mortified a
sum which yields about L. 32 per annum, for the aid of indigent persons
not upon the poor's roll; and for the same class of persons, the late Mr
Howison of Hyndford, left L. 700, which is to be invested in land, and
the produce annually distributed. Formerly it was considered disgraceful
to receive parochial relief, but for some years past, this honourable
feeling has been gradually wearing away.
Jail.—There is a jail in
the town, under the government of the magistrates. But it has, for a
long course of years, been in so insecure a condition, that none have
staid in it but such as were prisoners de bonne volonte. An act of
Parliament, however, has been obtained for the erection of County
Buildings at Lanark, including a Prison for the Upper Ward; and the
foundation stone was laid on 21st March 1834.
Fairs.—Seven fairs are
held at Lanark every year. The one on the last Wednesday of May, old
style, is for black cattle; that on the last Wednesday of July for lambs
and horses; and the one in October, on the Friday after the Falkirk
tryst, is for horses and black-cattle.
Inns.—There are 53
persons licensed to keep inns in the parish. Of these, however, 14 are
merely spirit-dealers, and do not sell any kind of liquors but in the
way of retail over the counter. The Clydesdale Hotel in this town is one
of the handsomest and best kept inns in Scotland. A few years ago, the
shareholders expended L. 2400 in adding to it an elegant assembly room.
Fuel.—Fuel is excellent
and cheap. Coal is brought from the adjoining parishes, some of it six,
and the rest nine miles distance, and is laid down in the town at an
expense of from 4d to 4½d per cwt. A few peats are also cast in the
adjoining moor.
April 1834. |