[The proceedings consequent on the presentation to the parish of Marnoch
in 1837, led to the deposition, by the General Assembly in 1841, of the
Rev. William Cowie, minister of this parish; in which Mr Cowie and a
minority of the General Assembly do not acquiesce. They have obtained a
suspension and interdict from the Court of Session.]
I.—Topography and Natural History.
This parish is bounded on the north, by the parish of
Keith ; on the south, by Glass and Huntly; and on the east, by Huntly.
II.—Civil History.
This parish was part of the lordship of Strathbogie,
taken from the Cummings by King Robert Bruce, and given to Sir Adam
Gordon. It was the original estate of the family of Gordon.
Land-owners.—The principal land-owners are, Duke
of Richmond; Admiral Duff, Drummuir; and Mr Stewart, Achlunchart. The
Duke has about nine-tenths of the parish. There are no mansion-houses in
the parish.

Under this Head it need only be stated, that the
agriculture does not differ from that of the adjoining parishes.
There is a lime-work at Ardonald, where, from 1818 to
1841 inclusive, 620,269 bolls have been manufactured, at 2s. 3d. per
boll, yielding L. 69,771, 2s. 6d.
V.—Parochial Economy.
Ecclesiastical State.—Amount of stipend, L. 210.
The value of the glebe is about L. 12, 15s. per annum. The amount of the
ordinary collections in the church is about L. 30 per annum.
Education.—There are three schools in the parish.
The salary of the parochial teacher is L. 18, 16s. 7d. and 16 bolls of
meal. His fees may amount to L. 15; and he shares in the Dick Bequest.
The other two teachers are non-parochial.
Poor.—The average number of poor on the roll is
about 35. Average amount of church collections for their behoof, L. SO,
2s. 7d.; of mortifications, mortcloth dues, &c. L. 9, 17s. 3d.
August 1842. |