I.—Topography and Natural
Name.—The name of the small
river, on the banks of which the church is situated, is Leochal. In the
last syllable of this name, we recognize the Ale, which, according to
Chalmers (Caledonia, Vol. i, p. 20), is a common Gaelic name for other
rivers in Scotland, signifying "clear stream;" a name very appropriate to
the Leochal. The first syllable, Leoch, is the name of the most remarkable
mountain which the river touches in its course. Alford is thus the ford of
the river Ale, in contradistinction to Waterford, the old name of a ford
of the larger river Don, about a mile distant. Owing to the situation of
the neighbouring high grounds, there has always been an important passage
over the small river at the church ; and it supports the accuracy of the
etymology of the name now given, that we again find the Ale in the name of
the most important farm on its banks,— Dursale; in which the first
syllable—Durs, is, it seems, the Gaelic for oak.
Situation, Extent,
Boundaries, and Figure.—The parish is the most considerable one, in point
of population and extent of cultivated land, in the How (hollow or vale)
of Alford; a small district nearly in the centre of Aberdeenshire, well
defined by natural limits. The How, properly so called, includes three
other parishes, and is in the form of a trapezium, 10 miles long from east
to west, and 8 miles broad at the east end, and 6 at the west. It is
bounded on the east by the mountains Benochie, Cairnwilliam, and Mennowy;
on the south, by the mountain Correny, and a series of low hills, which
form the south part of the parish of Al-ford ; on the west, by the
mountain Callievar; and on the north, by a ridge of mountains named Coreen.
These mountains, with the exception of the low hills at part of the south
side, all rise above the limits of cultivation, and give a peculiarly
sheltered aspect to the vale. They are scarcely continuous at any point
with other mountain ranges, but spring up round the vale, from the
table-land of Aberdeenshire. Their tops are rounded, with the exception of
those of Benochie, which are finely serrated.
The river Don flows through the vale almost
directly from west to east, entering and leaving it by narrow winding
gorges, which penetrate the two loftiest parts of the bounding mountains.
The parish of Alford forms the south-west part
of the How. Its extreme length from east to west is 7 miles ; extreme
breadth from north to south, 3 miles, and area 13.6 square miles nearly.
The church is nearly in Lat. 57° 13', north ; and in Long. 2° 40', west of
Greenwich. The
boundary on the west is the crest of Callievar, the loftiest bounding
mountain of the How. On the other sides the boundaries are nearly all
water-courses; that on the north being the river Don, the outline of whose
course is very nearly west and east. The figure of the parish is a
semi-ellipse, cut off by the longer axis, represented by the Don.
Surface and Elevation.—In reference to the
forms of the surface, the parish is naturally divided into three distinct
regions. The river Leochal, running into the Don by a course directly
north, cuts off one of these, containing about 5.6 square miles, to the
west. This region rises from the bed of the Leochal, which is 420 feet
above the level of the sea, westward, by various waving acclivities, to
the crest of Callievar, which is 1480 feet above the sea. The cultivation
is here, at some points, carried to 950 feet above the sea. The other two
regions on the east side of the Leochal are separated from each other by a
somewhat waving line, passing from the mouth of the Leochal
south-eastwardly, and contain four square miles each. The more westerly of
the two, which is the middle region of the parish, consists of four or
five inosculating round-topped hills, of gentle ascent on the north, but
steeper to the south, whose bases are 420 feet, and their two highest
summits 800 feet above the level of the sea. The most easterly region is a
relatively low land, chiefly consisting of two gentle swells, whose bases
are 380 feet, and their summits 450 feet above the sea.
[A magnificent and
exceedingly varied view is obtained from the summit of Callievar.
Immediately under the eye of the spectator there is seen the richly
cultivated and ornamented vale of Alford on the east, traversed by the
clear river Don, and bounded at the opposite end by the rocky-summited
Benochie. On the west, close at hand, are the contiguous cultivated
valleys of Kildrummy and Towie, with the remains of their two ancient
castles celebrated in history and song. On the south, the eye obtaining
many peeps into cultivated valleys near at hand, commands in the re mote
distance a splendid range of sixty miles of the loftiest Grampians,
extending westwards from the shore of the Mearns, and including Mount
Bettach, Mount Keen, Lochnagar, Benmuckduie, Benavon, and Cairngorm. On
the north, it commands much of the varied surface of Aberdeenshire in that
direction, with views of the Moray Frith and German Ocean beyond.
Mean Results during each month, for seven
years, of a register of the thermometer, kept at Alford, Aberdeenshire;
about latitude, 57° 13' N, ; 420 feet above the sea, and 26 miles inland
from the coast at Aberdeen. Also, the extremes of both heat and cold in
each month, the mean of each year, the mean from April to September both
inclusive, and from July to September both inclusive; and the quantity of
rain that fell in the five last years, with the fair and rainy days. The
thermometer was registered at 9¼ a. m. and 8½ p. m.

Meteorology.— No regular record has been kept
in the parish, of either the thermometer or barometer. In absence of that
of the former, we can have recourse to the temperature of perennial
springs, which it is known indicates the mean temperature of the place.
Several of these, not remote from the manse, have their source in a rising
ground of about 500 acres, whose mean elevation is 500 feet above the sea.
Their temperature has been examined at different seasons of the year, and
has been found to vary between 44° and 46° Fahr., giving a mean of 45°
Fahr. nearly. The two extremes of heat and cold, as observed at the manse
in fifteen years, by the registering thermometer, have been 84° Fahr. the
highest, and 4° below zero of Fahr. the lowest.
Climate.—The climate is sufficiently
favourable for ripening bear and oats; and no remarkable deficiency in
these two sorts of grain occurs, excepting in such unfavourable seasons as
occasion a deficiency also in all the more cultivated districts of
Scotland. Norfolk barley, however, and wheat, both often tried here, too
frequently fail to come to maturity, and their cultivation is now rarely
attempted. The climate is admirably well adapted for turnips. Potatoes
rarely fail, and there are great crops matured of clover and rye-grass. In
the general run of seasons, the sowing of oats commences the last week of
March, and the sowing of bear is finished by the 1st of May ; potatoes are
planted about the 10th of May, and turnips sown from the 1st to the 20th
of June; hay harvest occurs about the 10th of July, and that of the grain
crops begins about the 1st of September.
In stating the nature of the climate, notice
must be taken of a serious injury to which the grain crops are exposed, in
some of the lowest and most sheltered parts of the parish, owing to the
occurrence in some years of a hoar frost during some part of the month of
August. Regarding this the following facts have been observed. The frost
never occurs but during a calm with a clear sky; the freezing cold is
confined to the surface of the earth, or to within a few feet of it; for a
thermometer, raised only five or six feet into the air, will indicate a
temperature of 39° or 40°, when serious mischief is going on below. The
injury is strictly limited to the lower and more sheltered lands, and all
the higher and more open lands escape. No injury is sustained in very
narrow gorges, through which water flows rapidly, although patches of land
in them are otherwise low and sheltered. Spaces round mill sluices and
other small waterfalls are also free from injury, and margins of 20 or 30
yards breadth on both sides of the larger and more rapid streams. If a
breeze sets in before sunrise, no evil follows, although at some previous
hour of the night it has frozen at the surface of the ground. These facts
would seem to indicate, that, if a current of air could be artificially
created, the evil effects would be warded off.
It has been ascertained also that grain in a
very green and milky state sustains no injury from these slight frosts;
but that if it approaches very nearly to a state of ripeness, even so much
that there shall afterwards be found hardly any deficiency in the usual
quantity of meal that it yields, it becomes altogether unfit for seed. It
is in this view that great loss is often sustained, for there is no
external mark by which the damaged grain can be distinguished. It may,
however be recognized at once, by carefully stripping the husks from the
kernels, when the longitudinal groove in these will be observed black and
carious, and they may be crumbled with facility between the fingers.
The climate is healthy; and at no season of
the year can there be said to be any peculiar prevalent diseases. We are
liable to the inroads of the contagious diseases, small-pox, measles,
hooping-cough, and scarlet fever; we have also occasionally typhus. The
progress and character of this latter, and of scarlet fever, when they
appeared here to a serious extent about twelve years ago, were examined by
Dr Alexander Murray, who then acted as our medical practitioner; and he
gives authority to state, that typhus did not prove so fatal here as it
did at that time in other districts, for he lost only one or two out of
fifty patients; but that scarlet fever proved very destructive ; for, out
of 200 patients, 1 in 10 died. These and similar facts subsequently
observed, led him to infer that typhus is milder, and scarlet fever more
severe than these diseases respectively are in towns. He states also, that
the peculiar inclosed character of this valley furnished him with an
excellent opportunity to examine the manner of the dissemination of
typhus; and that, upon a careful examination, there was unequivocally
traced to contagion as large a proportion of cases of that disease as of
scarlatina, small-pox, or other diseases, which are admitted by all to
prise from contagion, and from no other cause.
Hydrography.—There are numerous small
perennial springs of excellent water, especially in the two western hilly
regions. A few springs also occur that are slightly chalybeate. In digging
recently for a pump near Haughton, on reaching the rock in situ, a
fountain was opened, which gives out a nauseous gas, and has a strong
mineral taste, which excited attention. Some chemical tests, to which it
was subjected, indicated that it contains sulphuretted hydrogen, but the
matter is not yet fully investigated.
There are no lakes in the parish; and a
circumstance deserving of notice is, that there are none connected with
the Don or any of its branches; while the tributaries of the parallel
river Dee, at no remote distance, either drain or pass through numerous
The principal river is the Don, which has its
source in the parish of Strathdon, about thirty miles westward. It is here
about 100 feet broad, and flows with a rapid shallow stream, over a pebbly
bottom; having dry grassy banks to the margin of the water. Next in order
is the Leochal, which falls into the Don, after a winding course of twelve
miles from its source in the parish of Cushnie. It is about 25 feet wide
in its course through this parish, and is rapid and shallow like the Don.
The Burn of Bents, a smaller and more sluggish stream, bounds the parish
on the east, and the still smaller Burn of Buckie has its course wholly
within its middle and eastern regions.
Geology and Mineralogy.— The rocks of the
whole parish are of those aggregates, which have been denominated
primitive. The minerals composing the aggregates are, quartz, felspar,
hornblende, and mica: the species of the aggregates themselves, chiefly
those which have obtained the names of granite, syenite, and mica-slate.
The varieties of the granite may be pronounced infinite. It varies by an
increase or deficiency in different specimens of some of the minerals,
quartz, felspar, or mica, of which it is composed ; or by an enlargement
or diminution of the crystals of these minerals. It also varies greatly in
point of colour, and in being sometimes flawed into large or middling
blocks, and sometimes shivered into small fragments in situ. In some
places, definite varieties of it may be seen forming continuous veins for
a considerable space; in other places may be seen amorphous beds, in which
a great number of varieties are interlaced in the most inextricable
confusion. Among other varieties, we have some closely resembling the well
known gray granite of Aberdeen, and equally serviceable and durable for
building; and others as closely resembling the equally well known red
granite of Peterhead.
The syenite can only be considered as a
variety of the granite, in which hornblende is substituted for the felspar
In fact, the granite is in some places seen gradually passing into a
light-coloured syenite; but some circumstances attend the latter which do
not belong to the former. Thus it is never observed shivered in situ into
small fragments like the granite, but only flawed into large blocks; and
while both the aggregates are penetrated by numerous small veins, those of
the granite are most frequently quartz, and those of the syenite are
almost invariably a smaller granular syenite. The positions of the syenite
in relation to other rocks have not been observed to follow any definite
order, and it has not, like the granite, been seen forming large veins,
but irregular beds.
The mica-slate, which forms the prevailing
rock for a considerable space in the north-west part of the parish, is
subject to pass into a great many varieties as well as the granite; and
the inclinations of its strata shift, with change of place, into every
possible position, and the strata are often greatly contorted. It is
penetrated by many small veins of quartz, and many also of numerous
varieties of granite, of all dimensions, up to the width of twenty or
thirty yards.
Although, in examining these primitive rocks
in such a narrow space as this parish, it would not be obvious that they
held any definite order in relation to each other, yet, on looking at a
larger extent of the neighbouring country, an outline of such an order may
be perceived in respect of some of them. Thus the mica-slate in the
north-west part of the parish is the south border of a long range of slaty
rocks, that appears to pass in the direction of north-east and south-west,
of varying but comparatively limited breadth from north-west to
south-east. And again, in the southeast part of the parish, are found beds
and veins of a peculiar somewhat porphyritic red granite, which are the
north edge of a comparatively narrow range of that rock, which is known to
extend also from north-east to south-west for a space of twenty-five
miles, and probably extends much farther. These ranges of peculiar rocks
have no relation to the ranges of mountains, but hold their courses onward
equally through mountains and valleys; and their north-west and south-east
edges are extremely straggling and irregular.
A remarkable circumstance regarding the rocks
of this parish is, that by much the larger part of them is in a state of
decomposition; or at least in such a friable state that they may be easily
dug into with the pickaxe and spade. The varieties of the gray and red
granite are most frequently found in this state; but there are also many
parts of the mica-slate in the same condition. The syenite has not been
observed friable, with the exception of fragments of it often found
included in the friable granite. The friable rocks have no definite
position in relation to the hard. Posts of fine building stone, that
resist the action of the weather, are in many places quarried in the midst
of immense beds of the friable.
As far as is known the rocks are very poor in
metallic ores. A poor ore of iron sometimes accompanies the narrow quartz
veins; and that metal, disseminated in small quantity, appears to
influence the colours of the rocks. A black heavy small sand, found on the
strands of the Don, and in the beds of torrents over friable granite, has
been analyzed by Dr Thomson, and found to be the ore of titanium and iron
named Iscrine. The only simple minerals, in addition to those forming the
aggregates of the rocks, are small rock-crystals.
The deposits covering the rocks in situ, whose
quantity and character could not have been ascertained thirty years ago
without great labour undertaken for the purpose, have since been
penetrated at a vast number of points by various operations in the course
of the improvements in the parish, and have been thus fully exposed. The
most remarkable circumstance regarding them is their shallowness on both
the high and low grounds. On the north and west faces of the hills they
are very thin, not generally more than a foot or two, and at their bases
or in hollows, there, very rarely having a depth of five or six feet. At
the south and east slopes and bases of the hills they may be considered,
on an average, a foot or two deeper than this, or varying from one or two
to six or eight feet, with the shallower depths greatly prevailing. On the
relatively flat lands in the east part of the parish the deposits cannot
be considered as exceeding the average depth of those on the hills. In a
very few places only within the parish, and they of very limited extent,
in lower hollows, and at the south and east bases of very friable rocks,
deposits are seen of a depth of 15 or 20 feet.
The deposits consist entirely of the debris of
the underlying or neighbouring rocks, and, according as these are hard or
friable, they vary from stony, through sandy, to a sandy brick clay,
including, more or less, fragments of hard stone.
The outlayers or dispersed fragments of a
great many well-marked rocks are observed invariably at points between the
east and south of the rocks in situ; sometimes, when the descent of the
surface is in that direction, at a great distance from their original
No organic remains have ever been found either
in the rocks or their covering deposits.
It is abundantly evinced by many facts, that
our present valleys have not been scooped out by the rivers which now flow
in them. Every stream has formed only a narrow lengthened hollow in the
bottom of the irregularly expanding valley through which it has its
course. The escarpments that bound the lengthened hollows on both sides
are continuous in lines nearly parallel to the streams, and are more steep
than any other rising grounds to be found in the parish. The bottoms of
the hollows themselves are flat, and the soil in them and the natural
vegetation differ from any to be found above the escarpments. The deposits
within them consist of horizontal beds of water-worn and rounded fragments
of rocks, of all the different sorts to be found along the whole upper
courses of the streams, brought into juxtaposition within narrow spaces.
On the contrary, the fragments of rocks found in the deposits above the
escarpments are angular, and not much water-worn, some of them not worn at
all; and within a given space, they consist of few varieties. The extent
and depth of the river hollows are everywhere regulated by three
conditions, —the magnitude of the stream, its rapidity, and the hardness
or friableness of the materials of the bed; and towards the sources of the
streams they diminish to simple drains for the water. In addition to these
facts, many localities can be pointed out where it is obvious that, had
the rivers ever run at higher levels than the escarpments bounding the
present hollows, they would have taken their courses, and formed their
junctions by lines very different from those they at present pursue.
The beds of the streams have been very
sensibly deepened within the last thirty years, presenting us with a
measure by which to estimate the period that may have been required for
the excavation of the river hollows; and which, as a detail of particulars
would show, agrees well with the era assigned by historical record to the
last general flood.
Soil.— The larger proportion of the soil may
be called a friable and dry loam, eminently adapted for the turnip
husbandry; but it varies materially with the nature of the subjacent rocks
and the deposits covering them. Where these have been friable and worn
into a clay by the action of the weather, the subsoil is more or less
retentive of too much wet to admit of turnips, without much attention to
both under and surface draining; but the soils in this condition produce
the best crops of oats. There are also many sponty places caused by
springs issuing from the beds and veins of shivered granite, which require
under draining, often a delicate and uncertain process where the rocks
have no certain order; but the soil in such places is generally highly
productive, when the springs can be fairly drained out. The soil of the
haugh lands within the river hollows is very friable, and, where separated
by drains from the bounding high grounds, always very dry. In respect of
staple, all the soils may be called shallow, with the exception of those
of some of the old infields, small parts of every farm to which it was
formerly the practice to apply all the dung, to the exclusion of the other
lands. Of these the soil is generally deep.
Many boulders, or large detached stones,
recently cumbered much of the soil; but they have been to a great extent
removed from the arable land within the last thirty years, at great labour
and expense, needing often to be blasted with gunpowder.
Zoology.—There are, besides the domesticated
races, only twenty-three Mammalia ever seen in the parish. Among these are
the red-deer, but rarely, and the variable hare in winter. Three species
have lately come into it—the pine-marten and hedgehog about fifteen years
ago, and the gray warren-rabbit more recently. They have probably been
enticed by a fine cover of woods, now greatly extended.
Major Thomas Youngson, E.I.C.S., very
obligingly gave his aid to perfect a list of the Birds; and it appears we
have thirty species constantly resident; as many that breed here, but
leave us in winter; eleven species that are only winter visitants;
thirteen species that are often seen hunting, and six species that have
been seen occasionally, among which is the rare nutcracker, seen by Major
Youngson. One species (139, Totanus callidris of Dr Fleming's British
Animals), has been very recently driven away from its breeding haunts, by
the extension of cultivation. The Anser ferus is nearly banished by the
same cause. This came formerly in large flocks, and of all migratory birds
kept most regularly to its time—arriving the third week of September, and
departing the second week of April.
Our Reptiles are only five,—two lizards, two
frogs, and the common toad.
The Fishes are also few. We have the
sea-lamprey rarely; the river-lamprey, salmon, common-trout, par, pike,
minnow, common eel, and stickleback.
The salmon are not found clean in the Don till
the 1st of April. The salmon fry disappear from the river about the middle
of May. The grilses begin to come up about the last week of June. The fish
after spawning partly return down in winter; but great numbers of the
spawned fish remain in the river till the middle of March.
Botany.—Dr Alexander Murray, who examined the
botany this parish several years ago, when he was resident here, has,
solicitation, very obligingly communicated a list of all the flowering
plants which are native. We have full reason for thinking his list a very
complete one. It is transmitted along with this account, and must be
esteemed curious, as exhibiting the character of the vegetation of a
parish in the north of Scotland, as remote from the sea and the higher
Scotch alps and large towns, as any other that could be named, having,
besides, the peculiarity that the rocks are exclusively the siliceous and
argillaceous primitive ones. The whole number of flowering plants is only
306; and we shall give here the numbers that belong to some of the more
important natural orders of Hooker's Flora Scotica:

Our attention having been directed to the
subject by Dr Hooker, we are enabled to give the following heights above
the sea, at which some of the cultivated plants succeed in this parish.

The greatly varied heights and exposure of the
lands in this parish afford great facilities for ascertaining the
influence of aspect on the various kinds of cultivated plants. Trees and
shrubs which have to endure the severity of the winter storms are, on land
having a westerly or north westerly aspect, always comparatirely stunted
and irregular in their growth. It does not appear, that, among the
remaining aspects, any one is much to be preferred to another for these
plants. With regard to the annual and herbaceous plants, the effect of
aspect appears to be insignificant.
The brairds of grain, and the grasses, are
somewhat more forward in spring, on south-lying lands; but when the sun
comes near the northern tropic, those on the north-lying lands soon come
up with them; and there is scarcely a difference in the earliness of the
hay crops, and none at all in that of the grain crops. In short, the
influence of aspect on the earliness or lateness of both these crops is
quite obscured by the greater influence of a dry or damp subsoil. The
earliest ripened grain crops in the parish, every year, are on a piece of
the steepest cultivated land in it, having a directly north exposure, but
of which the subsoil is uniformly dry. II.—Civil History. There is no
other account of the parish known than the one in the old Statistical
Account. That contains a very interesting description of the then existing
state of the parish, especially of its agriculture. The system of the
agriculture, to state it in few words, then was, to have about one-third
of a farm, denominated infield, always in grain crop; one-third part of
this always in bear, to which all the dung of the farm was applied, and
the other two-thirds in oats. The other two-thirds of the farm, called
outfield, was arranged into eight or ten divisions, each of which bore
four or five crops of oats in succession, and was then left uncultivated
for four or five years, to bear such grasses as might naturally spring up
in it. Such animals, chiefly horses and black-cattle, with a few mountain
sheep, were at the same time kept, as could subsist on the outfield leys
and natural pastures round the arable land in summer, and on the straw of
the grain crops in winter. There was no application of any manure but the
dung of the animals. The teams for ploughing consisted each of ten small
oxen ; and carriages were performed by small horses who did little other
work. In the account thus given of it, the imperfections of this
agriculture are pointed out with an ability which might have augured, that
great improvements, since happily realized, were then near at hand. The
printed copies of the account abound with typographical errors, deforming
a paper of much interest.
Land-Owners.—The following gentlemen are the
present landowners of the parish: John Farquharson, Esq. of Haughton, who
possesses nearly two-thirds of the parish, and resides here during the
summer months; Andrew Farquharson, Esq. of Breda, resident. [Since this
was written, the parish has been deprived of this esteemed and valuable
inhabitant by his death. The property is now liferented by his widow.]
Charles Forbes, Esq. of Asloon, not resident; William Stewart, Esq. of
Carnaveran, not resident; Duncan Davidson, Esq. of Tillychetly, not
resident; Benjamin Lumsden, Esq. of Kingsford, now building to reside.
Five of these gentlemen are freeholders of the county of Aberdeen.
Parochial Registers.—The earliest entry in
these is of date 1717. They have been very irregularly kept; but one
branch of them is of great historical interest, as showing the
inquisitorial character of our church courts in the former part of the
last century, till the salutary influence of the General Assembly reduced
their practice to a nearer conformity with the general candour and
openness of British jurisprudence.
Antiquities.— These are of little note.—A
circle of large stones, known by the name of the "Auld Kirk," gives some
countenance to the belief entertained by some persons, that such circles
were places of worship to the ancient inhabitants. Two circular camps,
recently very distinct, now nearly levelled by the plough, might hardly
deserve notice, did not such remains sometimes happily illustrate ancient
records. The larger of these contains an area of 25 acres, on the top of a
regularly conical low hill named "The Da-mil," perhaps a corruption of
Danehill; the a in Dane being provincially pronounced broad. The
fortification has consisted of an earthen wall and ditch, strengthened, at
intervals of one hundred yards, by round buildings, also of earth, of
about fifty feet diameter. The smaller camp is on flat ground near the
church, and has the name of the Roundabout; its area little more than an
acre ; but the vallum and fosse have been of very large dimensions, and
much earth for the former has been taken from the inside.
A cairn of stones, in the form of a truncated
cone, 120 feet in diameter, and about 25 feet high, having been partly
removed, there were discovered under it several chests, formed of flat
stones, in which were found ashes and pieces of charcoal, and in one a
rude urn of baked earth, in which also were found ashes and pieces of
bones. The cairn is on the summit of a hill named Carnaveran, a name
interpreted, by a gentleman who speaks Gaelic, "the Cairn of Sorrow." The
contents and the name of this monument thus both unite to show that it was
erected to the memory of the dead; and from the former we may infer that
it was the practice of the inhabitants at the time to burn their dead.
Modern Buildings.—The church is a substantial
building of ruble stone and lime, rough-cast with lime outside, and roofed
with Foudland slates, which, for lightness and durability, are about equal
to those of Eisdale. It is a finely proportioned house, having narrow
galleries on three sides, and the whole fitted up and painted with
simplicity and beauty. The stair for the galleries is in a building
outside the line of the wall; and as the ceiling is flat and not too
lofty, there is none of that irregular vertical echo which makes it
impossible to hear a speaker at any considerable distance, in so many of
our public buildings constructed with too lofty roofs.
There is a substantial mansion-house at
Haughton, the seat of the principal heritor, built of finely dressed
granite, and of modern construction. There is also a suitable
mansion-house at Breda.
There are three meal mills in the parish, with
attached drying kilns, built of ruble stone and lime, and roofed with
slate. The farm-houses and steadings are all built of durable stone, of
which there is everywhere a good supply near at hand. Most of them are
with thorough lime; but some are only with clay and sneckpinned with lime.
Many of them are roofed with slate, which is getting more into use; but a
large part is stob-thatched with straw, and a few with heath, which makes
a more durable covering.

The increase of population since 1801 is
exclusively owing to the improvement and extension of agriculture.
The whole population resides in the country;
the only place having the name of village, consisting of about a dozen
cottages, dispersed over a space of three-quarters of a mile.

Average number of children in each family, at
present, is four ; but this includes the families of recently married
couples, and therefore does not indicate the number of children to each

The ordinary food of the great body of the
working people chiefly consists of oat-meal, made into boiled pottage, or
brose, or cakes, rendered nutritive and wholesome by an abundant supply of
milk, and varied occasionally by potatoes dressed in various ways, and by
soups made of greens, turnips, and pot-barley. The ordinary beverage of
the working people is an excellent small beer, from malt made of bear of
native growth, and hops; and this, with a larger allowance of malt in it,
forms in their diet an excellent substitute for milk, when occasionally
the latter becomes deficient in any family during winter. Until about six
years ago, the malt was all home made ; and the farmers and their
servants, during some part of autumn or winter, found seasons of leisure
from their busier occupations to make it, which they could all do very
skilfully, so that the making of it virtually cost them nothing. Since
that time, however, so many annoying regulations have been introduced in
levying the excise duties, that the practice of private malting has, of
necessity, been almost entirely abandoned. A system of public malting,
since partially introduced, has not much mitigated the privations
inflicted by these regulations. It involves an expense, which was before
entirely avoided, and may, in the end, subject the whole supply of malt to
a monopoly in the hands of the public maltster.
The enforcement of these regulations is
complained of by the inhabitants, as the greatest inconvenience to which
any fiscal law has ever subjected them ; and as they have never complained
of the amount of the duty, the revision of the regulations, with the view
of restoring private malting to its recent freedom, might be a boon
granted them, without hurt to the revenue.
General Character of the People.—As to their
general character, it cannot be spoken of otherwise than in terms of
commendation. They are persons whose understandings are practically sound,
and enlarged and cultivated by that perpetual exercise of them, to which
the infinitely diversified nature and circumstances of their rural
pursuits, often requiring the nicest delicacy of judgment in conducting
them, afford a constant excitement. They are not destitute of a
serviceable share of that knowledge which is derived from letters; but,
with regard to their worldly affairs, experience may be called the great
guide of their life.
Their moral qualities are of a yet higher
order. They are assiduously industrious, temperate in their desires and
enjoyments, affectionate in their families, careful of the education of
their children, friendly and obliging to one another, liberal to the poor
without the slightest ostentation, and sincere and upright in their
dealings with strangers. These qualities secure a peaceable and orderly
neighbourhood, where any necessity for the interference of the civil
magistrate is almost unknown. A law-plea is an event of the rarest
occurrence; and neither tradition nor record states that any inhabitant,
native of the parish, was ever accused before a criminal court.
These moral qualities, so beneficial to the
individual and the present order of society, have their permanent root in
a deep and steady principle of religion; and the same wise practical
discretion which regulates their worldly affairs is also a characteristic
of their religion. There is perceived among them no loquacious parade of
religious knowledge, no casuistical disputation, no delight in
controversy, and none of that ostentatious display of piety which is
forbidden to a Christian; but they who know them most intimately, know
also, that a constant feeling of their dependence upon God, and
responsibility to him, rendered active by the promises and hopes of
Christianity, directs the general tenor of their life. Happily, the
demoralizing practice of smuggling never found its way into the parish:
and poaching is unknown.

The larger proportion of these last are
strictly employed for the purposes of agriculture; as the blacksmith in
making agricultural implements and shoeing the horses; the cart and
plough-wright; the builder of the thrashing-machines; the mason and
house-carpenter in building agricultural houses; the maker of agricultural
harness; and, besides, persons of all these handicrafts have crofts of
their own, that they manage chiefly by their own labour, and many of them
hire themselves out for the harvest.
These circumstances have never been attended
to in estimating the relative proportions of the population of the united
kingdom that strictly belong to agriculture on the one hand, and to all
other classes on the other. The agriculturists have been thus always
reckoned much fewer than they are.

Plantations.— The species of trees planted to
greatest extent are the Scotch and larch firs. There are also many spruce
firs (Pinus abies) in lauds too wet for the other two species. Recent
experience has proved the wood of this last tree to be much more durable
than any other we have, when used for gate and paling-posts, if put into
the ground with the bark on.
It can admit of no doubt, that great error has
been committed in planting and managing the Scotch fir, the species first
planted here. The plantations of that tree have almost all died before
attaining the age of fifty or sixty, or, in the most favourable cases,
seventy years. This, of course, involves the necessity of early cutting
and sale; and the wood of the early cut trees has no durability, being
liable to the attack of worm, which utterly destroys it in thirty or
thirty-five years. The wood of young trees of the Braemar native forests
suffers equally from worm, while that of the aged trees is equally durable
with the best Baltic wood; showing that the durability is entirely
dependent on the age of the tree, and that no valuable wood can be
obtained from the plantations till the cause of the early death of the
trees is discovered and removed. It seems practically demonstrated by an
incident which has occurred in a plantation in this parish, that the
generally early death of the planted fir is to be ascribed exclusively to
the universal practice, from whence soever it may have arisen, of planting
the trees too thick on the ground, and not giving them spaces at all
proportional to the ultimate size of the species. The incident is as
follows: In a plantation of oaks at Haughton, made ninety-two years ago, a
number of Scotch firs have been planted dispersedly, perhaps intended for
shelter to the oaks; and as the latter have not thriven well, the firs
have had room from the beginning to occupy spaces proportional to their
native growth, and have become large and valuable trees,—at their present
age already furnishing wood of an excellent quality. Not one of these
trees has ever been known to die naturally; and those which the axe has
spared have all a healthy and vigorous aspect, indicating that they might
live to the ordinary period of the trees of the native forests. While this
has occurred with respect to them, other plantations of fir in the
immediate neighbourhood, on soil exactly similar, and planted much more
recently, but of the customary thickness, have, some years ago, died out.
It would appear from a variety of
circumstances, especially from the prosperous state of some other fir
trees in this parish, which, from incidental causes, have enjoyed much
room from the time of their being planted, but into the particulars of all
which there is not room here to enter, that the proper correction of the
error, which has so long prevailed, would be, to plant the trees at first
so thin as to give each the space which it would occupy when arrived at
full size and maturity of growth; and not to trust to thinning with the
axe, which is liable to many objections. Planting in this way would
require only 200 or 300 trees to the imperial acre, instead of 3000 or
4000 according to the present practice.
The same error of thick planting, which has
proved so fatal to the Scotch fir, has been fully extended to the larch.
That species was introduced here sixty or seventy years ago, and the trees
were at first planted dispersedly, or among scattered rows of trees around
gentlemen's seats. These, having ample room, have, with few exceptions,
continued healthy and vigorous. Afterwards larches were planted to a
greater extent promiscuously with Scotch firs, or in- clumps alternating
with these, and equally crowded; and under such management, they are now
dying in equal numbers with the Scotch fir.
A better system, in respect to this matter,
begins to prevail; for, although thin planting has not been adopted, more
attention is paid to early thinning.
Besides the firs, many other species of trees
have been planted in the palish ; and there are trees to a great value of
these species, now ready for use, especially round Haughton. The chief of
them, in the order in which they are observed to grow most rapidly here,
may be thus enumerated;—beech, elm (Ulmus montana of Hooker's Flora
Scotica), ash, which is the most valuable, gean-tree (Prunus cerasus),
lime, Scotch plane, mountain-ash (Pyrus aucuparia), birch, quaking-ash (Populus
tremula), aller, and white-beam tree (Pyrus aria).
In addition to these, there are a very few
black poplars, and willows, as Salix alba, S. decipiens, S. lanceolata.
These last prosper well, and might deserve to be more cultivated. There
are also a few trees of the Cytisus. laburnum, which become valuable for
household furniture.
There has been planted in the parish also a
very considerable number of oaks (Quercus robur), and the largest
plantation appears to be now ninety-two years old; but the result does not
seem to warrant the extension of plantations of that species, as the trees
are much inferior in value to ashes and elms planted at the same time,
under equal circumstances. This relative failure of the oak might appear
surprising, when it is considered, that many remains of oak trees, yet
occasionally dug from under the soil, prove it was once a common native.
But it has been ascertained by the examination of an old native copse of
oak at some distance from this parish, that the native species is not the
Robur but the Sessiliftora; and as that is said to yield only wood of
inferior quality, it would not seem expedient to plant it with a view to
the value of the wood, however it might be profitable for the bark.
Rent.— The valued rent of the parish is
L.3126, 12s. 8d. Scots money. The present gross rent is very evenly L.4000
Sterling; giving, after making an allowance of a small rent for the
uncultivated land, nearly 16s. rent per imperial acre of arable land. The
rent of grazing and rate of pasturing animals by the year cannot be
Rate of Labour and Mechanical Work.—Fees,
besides provisions and lodgings, by the year: a good ploughman, L.13; a
boy, L.4 to L.7; a female servant, L.5. For the harvest-work only; a good
scythesman, L.2, 15s.; a woman, L.1, 15s. Wages without provisions or
lodgings by the day; a labourer, 2s. in summer, and 1s. 4d. in winter; a
mason, 2s. 10d.; a carpenter, 2s. 3d.; a tailor, 2s. With provisions, and
without lodgings, a female to hoe turnips, 8d. By the rood of thirty-six
square yards, a stone and lime wall two feet thick, including all
expenses, L.7, 10s.; a slated roof, independent of wood-work, L.5, 5s.; a
thatched roof, including value of straw, L. 1, 5s. By the square yard,
flooring, including joisting, 3s. 6d.
Breeds of Animals.—Horses.—The present
principal breed of these has been brought from the south of Scotland and
England within the last thirty years. They are of such size that two make
an excellent plough. A good many are now bred in the parish, but not quite
enow to supply the yearly waste. There are yet also to be found a
considerable number of the old breed of small-sized horses; a healthy
race, and of great endurance for the road.
Sheep.—These, with the exception of one flock
of black-faced sheep, kept on the hills, at the west end of the parish,
consist of a few improved Leicesters, and Merino crosses, kept on account
of the wool.
Pigs.—There are very few, of the small Chinese
breed; and they are getting quite out of favour as store beasts.
Black-Cattle.—These form the most important
store-beasts. The substratum of the present races is the well-known
long-horned black or brown Aberdeenshire breed, a healthy and handsome
race, but small. The cows, when now properly fed at all seasons, are great
milkers, and their milk peculiarly rich. This breed is, however, now
rarely seen pure in this parish, although yet to be got quite pure in some
of the neighbouring parishes. Since the introduction of abundance of food
by the turnip husbandry, the cultivators have become desirous of having
larger animals than their old native breed ; and they have obtained these
by crossing it with larger bulls, brought from other parts. The crosses
with the Galloway bull have been preferred, and the cattle have lost their
characteristic horns. The resident heritors introduced the pure Ayrshire
dairy breed; and many of these, at one time, got dispersed among the
farmers, but do not seem to be held in repute.
Table of live-stock in the parish, on the 15th
June 1831, just after some of the largest sales of the year had been made:

The general character of the Husbandry
pursued.—The state of the husbandry is, on the whole, highly satisfactory.
Perhaps no example could be adduced, at any period, in any other nation,
of such a series of beneficial improvements being introduced, in so short
a space of time, by steadily progressive but unobtrusive steps, and
without any removal of the natives, as those which have converted the rude
and unproductive husbandry of 1796 into our present skilful and productive
The improvements have consisted chiefly in the
regular application of lime, in sufficient quantity, as a manure;—the
introduction of a dressed crop of turnips, and crops of artificial
grasses, into a regular alternation with the crops of grain;—the
substitution of the two horse and two oxen plough, for that drawn by ten
oxen;—of the thrashing-machine for the flail; and of the scythe, in
harvest, for the sickle;—and also the cultivation of early varieties of
oats, in place of the late kind, called common oats, formerly alone
cultivated. Regarding some of these, it may not be improper to give a few
brief notices.
It might have been deemed, in former times, a
thing incredible, that a great extent of land in the centre of
Aberdeenshire, twenty-seven miles from the nearest sea-port, should be all
sufficiently manured by lime, imported from Sunderland; yet this
improvement has been effected on nearly all the arable land of this parish
; and it is one on which so much of the increased productiveness of the
present husbandry depends, that without it none else would have been of
material benefit. The quantity of lime-shells, applied to the imperial
acre, is 100 imperial bushels, on the light and dry land; and on the
clayey damper soils a little more; but this quantity must not be exceeded,
and the lime must be equally spread on the land with the utmost care; as
it is found, when used in excess, to induce an utter sterility in respect
of grain crops, for which there is no known practicable remedy. For the
same reason, it must not be repeated in less than about twenty years, and
then in somewhat smaller quantity. The lime, in the first instance, was
properly applied either to the dressed turnips or a clean fallow. In
applying it for the second time, it has become the practice to harrow it
in with bear and grass seeds after turnips, by which means it remains in
the surface during the common three years of grass. The cost of 100
bushels lime-shells, at the Aberdeen shore, is L. 3, 4s.; and of the
carriage to Alford, L. 2, 8s. These rates were recently about one-fourth
The rotation of crops adopted in this parish
is a seven-shift. 1. Turnips, with dung put in by double drilling. 2. Bear
or oats, with grass seeds, (red and white clover and rye-grass.) 3, 4, 5.
Grass; the first year of grass cut for soiling or hay. 6 and 7. Oats. This
does not agree with the rigid rule, laid down by most writers on
agriculture, that two grain crops ought not to succeed each other. Into
the question, whether the rotation might be improved, we shall not enter,
farther than to say, that the second crop of oats is, on an average,
nearly as productive and somewhat earlier than the first, which is liable
to be injured by the grub ; that, where the dressing of the turnip crop is
properly attended to, the land does not get weedy ; that, by this
rotation, the quantity of food for the live-stock is so equally adjusted
for summer and winter, as not to drive the cultivators to the inconvenient
and hazardous expedient of suddenly increasing or diminishing their stock,
at either season; that the crops of turnips, returning after considerable
intervals, are never infected with any disease; and that the whole soil of
the parish is, under the present system, obviously improving from year to
The practicability of introducing early
varieties of oats, is a result of the increased fertility and cleanness of
the land. These varieties would have been exceedingly unproductive on the
poor and foul land of former times. We have now varieties which ripen
three weeks earlier than the old common oat; and this, since it respects
our most important, and, at the same time, latest crop, may be pronounced
an advantage equal to what might have been obtained, if it had been
possible to shift the parish several degrees to a more indulgent climate.
The most favourite varieties of oats are, the early Angus, the red oat,
and the Scotch birley.
At one period the potatoe-oat was extensively
grown; and in favourable seasons it gave a much greater produce than any
other; but in late seasons it becomes even more late than the common oat;
and in the unfavourable years of 1816 and 1817, it failed so much more
sensibly than every other variety whatever, that any considerable extent
of it is not now hazarded.
While on this subject, we may state the common
weights of grain. Bear weighs from 52 to 55 lbs. per imperial bushel,
being much superior to that which grows near the coast; and early Angus
oats weigh from 41 to 44 lbs. per imperial bushel.
Black-cattle form so important a branch of the
husbandry, that the management of them must be stated. Respecting them,
the system is that of rearing lean stock for the English markets; the
beasts being sold off to the dealers in driving condition, when they reach
the age of three or four years, and comparatively few being fed for the
shambles. A bullock three years old brings at present from L, 7 to L. 9;
and one four years old from L. 11 to L. 14.
The whole cattle are turned out to pasture
about the beginning of May, and the milch cows kept as much separated from
the others as the facilities of the farm will admit. The milch cows are
all housed during the night, and receive cut grass in addition to their
pasture. The yeld beasts are allowed to remain day and night in the
enclosures, where these are completed; or, where there are no enclosures,
are turned during the night into the dung courts. In this latter case they
are herded during the day by a boy. In the month of October, the cattle
are all housed and bound up in stalls, where they are fed with turnips and
oat-straw, so as to keep them in a growing condition, but no more. New
calved cows get in winter and spring a little hay, in addition to the
turnips and straw.
Many hundred acres of waste land have been
reclaimed, chiefly by the plough, within the last thirty years. The method
of proceeding is this : As the waste land is all more or less cumbered
with stones, these are all first removed when they are seen, or can be dug
out with the pick-axe; and those that are large are blasted with
gunpowder. The land is then ploughed with a strong plough, drawn by four
strong beasts, attended by three or four men, according to the difficulty
of the work. Oxen are more patient and fitter for this work than horses.
Besides the men in immediate attendance on the plough, a gang of three or
four men is stationed round the ploughed land with tramp-picks and spades
to clear out the stones exposed in the furrow, and throw them on the
ploughed land, and also to clear up the furrow itself where the plough has
occasionally been thrown out. All this implies great labour; but the
expense incurred in this way does not equal half of that of trenching with
the spade.
After the land has remained a year in a
ploughed state, the stones are removed, and it is cross-ploughed, reduced
with the harrow, and laid up in proper ridges, after receiving dung, if
any can be afforded to it from the farm. A proper quantity of lime is then
applied and harrowed into the surface of the ridges before winter. In the
succeeding spring, oats are sown, and harrowed in without more ploughing;
and by this management, are generally a productive crop. The new land is
then included in the ordinary rotation, but produces better grain than
grass for a series of years.
Trenching is seldom had recourse to, but for
reclaiming small corners, or other pieces deforming large fields, when
they are too difficult for the plough; and indeed, the expense of it could
rarely be vindicated by the returns.
Drains have been executed to a great extent,
both open and covered. For the latter sort there are excellent materials
everywhere, in the abundance of small stones. They are cut three or four
feet deep, or sometimes much deeper, as the case may require, then
half-filled with the stones tumbled out of a cart into the drain itself. A
thick coat of heath is put over the stones, above which the earth is
An improvement by irrigation, on a small
scale, was attempted, several years ago, by one of the proprietors, who
had a piece of haugh land irrigated by a properly qualified person, a
native of England; but it did not answer expectation, and the work has
been abandoned.
A great extent of heavy stone bulwarks has
been executed by the proprietors, along the Don and Leochal, at places
where these rivers were liable to wear away the land.
The parish is divided into forty principal
farms, and forty-five small ones, named crofts, held of the land-owners.
Of the former, three or four contain somewhat more than 200 acres
imperial. The remainder vary from 50 to 150 acres; the larger number being
somewhere near 100 acres. Of the crofts, a few contain from 10 to 20
acres; but the larger part only from 3 to 6 acres. There is also a
considerable number of crofts held by sub-lease, to be afterwards referred
Leases.—There are leases, enduring for
nineteen years, of all the principal farms, and many of the crofts; but
some of the latter are held by a shorter tenure. At the commencement of
the improvements, about thirty years ago, the leases were granted for
twenty-four years; and this longer endurance, at that time, formed a
desirable security and encouragement to persons engaging with farms, on
which everything was to be done; but now that the improvements are nearly
completed, it does not appear that the endurance of nineteen years, now
adopted, is objectionable. The same may be said of the other covenants of
the leases, some of the most important of which are,—that the tenant shall
consume all the fodder on the farm, with the exception of that of the last
crop; and, not restricting him absolutely to any particular rotation of
crops, that he shall yet never take more than the two customary grain
crops in succession after three years grass; and that at the end of his
lease he shall leave specified proportions of his farm in grass, of
specified ages. Sub-letting is strictly prohibited, with the exception of
certain specified crofts, that may be sublet to farm-servants, or persons
of certain handicrafts, needed in the neighbourhood; and, however much
this arrangement may be condemned by some persons as interfering with an
open trade in farming, yet, it is humbly conceived, none could be more
efficient for preserving some of the best interests of society; as it
always secures to the proprietor of land the power of excluding persons of
bad or doubtful character from among his tenantry. There is at least no
doubt entertained, that the peaceable and orderly habits of the people of
this parish have been preserved from contamination by the prohibition of
Farm Buildings and Inclosures.—The farm
buildings are now in general sufficiently substantial, and laid out on
commodious plans. The materials employed in them have been already stated.
The arrangements between landed proprietors and their tenants, regarding
houses, are not uniform; but the most frequent practice is, that the
land-owner advances the necessary rough wood, and the tenant executes the
building and work at his own expense, receiving an obligation for payment,
at the end of his lease, of the value, determined by arbitration; but
limited either to a maximum sum, or to a certain plan and specification of
houses, agreed on by the parties. By this system much the larger part is
advanced by the tenant; and it would therefore be highly objectionable,
were there a want of capital among the tenantry, which happily does not
appear to have been the case in this parish. Where the tenant has
sufficient capital for the purpose, it is undoubtedly highly expedient,
that he should have that deep interest in having the buildings executed
economically, and kept in constant repair, which the above arrangement
gives him. Experience has proved, here, that the tenants can build and
keep houses in repair, much more economically than the land-owners.
About half the arable lands of the parish are
enclosed and subdivided; and this improvement, so important to the mixed
husbandry, is in the course of being gradually extended to the remainder.
The fences are dry-stone walls, the materials for which are either
gathered from the surface, or dug from quarries. The whole expense of a
fencible stone wall is 8d. per yard on an average; and at this rate the
inclosing and subdividing a farm of 100 acres, possessing ordinary
advantages of march fences, is L. 150. The common arrangements regarding
fences are these,—the plan of the subdivisions must be approved of by the
land-owner, and the tenant then receives an obligation from him to be paid
at the end of his lease, for such fences as he may build in conformity
with the plan. In some cases the land-owner has paid the expense of
building and quarrying, the tenant carting the materials.
About thirty years ago, many attempts were
made, and much expense was incurred by the proprietors to raise thorn
hedges; but the result was so nearly an utter failure at the time, that
the planting of hedges was quite given up. As it was observed that there
are several solitary thorn trees, of considerable age and great vigour,
dispersed over the parish, this furnished a proof, that neither the soil
nor climate are unadapted to the plant, and led to the inference, that
there had been some mismanagement which occasioned the failure ; and the
consideration of several circumstances led at the same time to the belief,
that the errors had consisted chiefly in planting the thorns too thick,
(the distance was six or eight inches,) and clipping them too early and
closely. Under these impressions, in 1825, a hedge of 240 yards was
planted, of three years' old thorns, placed at 15 inches distance from
each other, on land of medium qualify, well limed and dunged, and laid
perfectly flat across the line of the hedge, to receive the full effect of
rain, as the thorn tree is evidently impatient of drought. The hedge was
kept clear of weeds; and the shears were no otherwise used than to prevent
the plants from rising higher than five feet and a half, and more recently
to cautiously reduce the sides to an even line. The success has, in this
instance, been complete. The hedge was already fencible in the autumn of
1829 against all but vicious cattle ; and has since greatly improved. A
desire to obtain thorn' hedges has now arisen among some of the tenants,
and a consider-able extent of them has been planted within the last two
Some Improvements suggested.—It is not
pretended that, under this head, we could be entitled to discuss the
merits of the general plan of husbandry pursued by practical men, who have
cautiously examined so many improvements, and adopted those which they
have felt best promoted their interests; but there is one defect,
attending the present established rotation of crops, on some of the
richest but damp fields, and also on the newly reclaimed lands, that it
would be very desirable to remedy. On these lands the pasture of the two
last years of grass often fails much; which is evidently owing to the
pasture plants, now cultivated, being unsuitable to these soils. The red
clover is only biennial, and makes no show in the pastures any where; and
the raygrass is the native of a very dry and rich soil, and cannot bear
damp, and it also disappears on these soils—so that the white clover only
remains, and in too small quantity; and as every plant has naturally its
vigour of growth confined to one part of the summer only, it requires more
plants than one to make a permanent summer pasture. Under these
circumstances, it would surely be desirable to sow, along with the
commonly used grass seeds, which answer well enough for the hay crop, some
seeds of those grasses, which naturally grow in damp lands, and at the
same time are readily eaten by the cattle. Of these there are found
several in our richest pieces of natural meadows, one or more of which
might answer the purpose; as the roughish meadow-grass, the smooth-stalked
meadow-grass, the hard fescue-grass, the meadow foxtail-grass, and the
crested dogs-tail-grass. Several of these are indeed often observed to
make their appearance naturally, in some considerable quantity, in the
pastures we have referred to, after the raygrass fails in them; and, where
the land is occasionally left for several years in pasture, come at last
to make a rich sward. They would surely succeed if sown.
There is a considerable extent of land, under
peculiar circumstances, the management of which might be changed to great
advantage. This consists of the flat haugh lands within the narrow
lengthened hollows scooped out by the smaller rivers. At present, these
streams form generally the marches between neighbouring estates or farms;
and each occupier ploughs and crops, in the course of his rotation, the
haugh on his own side; where, from the lowness of its situation, the crop
is often lost by floods, or the soil carried away if the land is in
turnips, and, at the same time, slips of fine grass often cannot be turned
to any account. All attempts made to straight these streams and render
them fences have produced only great injury, where the river has any
considerable descent; as in the straight course the water acquires an
irresistible impetuosity during floods, and undermines and tumbles down
its banks, covering and permanently spoiling any flat land below with the
debris; so that here is another inconvenience, that the farm can have no
fence at the river. This, it is conceived, might be all easily mended. The
haughs of the river hollows, when left uncultivated, become the most
valuable pastures which we possess; and to these they should be
exclusively devoted. They could easily be shut in, for their whole length,
by fences running parallel to the streams, and so high as to be beyond the
reach of floods; and each land-owner or farmer could have his share at
either end, divided off by a short fence running across the line of the
stream, part of which, near the water, might be a paling for removing from
the winter floods. The rich grass, the good shelter, and the sure water
for the cattle in these hollows, would make them the most profitable of
all; whereas, under the present management, they rent lower than any other
Another improvement would add greatly to the
comfort of a great number of individuals. The small crofts are managed
under the seven-shift rotation, which has been adopted on the larger
farms; and as it is impracticable to fence in all the small divisions of
these, on account of the magnitude of the expense in relation to the
extent of the land, the cow, which is so necessary to the comfort and
health of the cottager's family, and on account of which the croft is
rented, becomes the cause of much trouble and wearisomeness to some of
them,—for she must be herded on her small patch of grass by one of the
children. It would be easy to remedy this by fencing in a proper
proportion of the croft, perhaps about three-sevenths, for permanent
pasture, the expense of which would not be exorbitant, and leaving the
other four-sevenths for a shorter rotation of cropping. The richest land
should be chosen for the permanent pasture to insure its being always
good; and perhaps the landed proprietors could not more effectually
increase the comforts of their cottagers' families than by interfering to
enforce this simple arrangement, and giving orders that the grass should
never be broken up. The cow could be kept better with little trouble"; and
the child would be set at liberty to go to school. A system of soiling
could not be adopted on these small possessions; as they have no resources
in early summer before the grass is sufficiently grown for cutting.
Fisheries,—In former times, the Don was
celebrated for the abundance of its salmon; and so excellent was the
rod-fishing in this vale, even within the memory of the present
generation, that one gentleman killed, in the course of one season, no
fewer than forty fish out of a single pool of the river, which was, at the
same time, fished in by many other individuals. There are twenty-seven
such pools in this parish, so that the fishery must have been an important
one; but now, owing to the river being diverted from its bed near the sea
for manufacturing purposes, no salmon are found in it here, excepting
after high floods that fill the bed, and enable the fish to make their way
over the wears. The Don and the Leochal are both remarkably fine trouting
Average gross amount of Raw Produce raised in
the Parish.— The following table of this was made up after a very
particular inquiry of nearly all the possessors of land, the answers to
which, it is believed, were generally given with great accuracy and
fidelity. The yearly value of pasture, turnips, and fodder could be
ascertained only from the yearly gross profit of black-cattle, young
horses, sheep, and pigs; and this has been estimated not only by the
particular inquiries, but by an average applied to the whole number of
beasts from certain known stocks, of which regular accounts have been
kept, the results derived from these two sources agreeing well with each

In making the inquiries regarding the yearly
produce, it was easy at the same time to obtain the following table of
agricultural capital employed in the parish; and it is deemed too
important to be withheld, as there is no branch of the statistics of the
country regarding which greater ignorance prevails. The capital of
manufactures and commerce is brought together in immense masses, that
powerfully strike the senses, and its magnitude is readily allowed. That
of agriculture is dispersed, in relatively small parts, over an immense
extent of surface; and the total amount, although, including the value of
the land, it vastly outweighs that of all other real capital, is too often
overlooked by the statesman and political economist.
In the following table, the value of the
cattle is deduced from a careful determination of the average value of
some stocks, by persons of competent skill; the prime cost of the horses
in the same manner; the value of the farm-steadings is ascertained by some
which are of the common construction, recently valued by arbitration; that
of the fences by the common well-established rate; and that of the
machines, implements, harness, &c. by inquiries of the original makers.

There are some small branches of farming
capital, as the furniture and bedding for farm-servants, which cannot be
estimated, being mingled with property, which, as far as it is used by the
farmer and his family, is not capital but expenditure.
It will now be seen how far the L. 5913, 15s.
left for paying money wages and interest of capital, and replacing wasting
capital, is adequate to these purposes. The money wages of 243 constant
labourers is L.2916; to which is to be added at least one-fifth for
additional labourers in harvest, making in all L.3499, 4s.; leaving only
L.2414, 11s. for replacing capital and affording interest,—a sum totally
inadequate for these purposes.
In short, the fact cannot be denied, that,
since the year 1820, agriculture has not been in a prosperous condition.
The cultivators of this parish have, however, hitherto happily escaped
that ruin, which has long since overtaken those of so many other parts of
the kingdom; and it is a question of great interest, "To what causes do
they owe the exemption?"
The first and most obvious is, that the
tenantry here have not been speculators. Their capital is their own, the
well-earned fruit of their industry and economy; and when the money-price
of their produce fell, they were not caught with a money debt, to the
liquidation of which that produce would have then proved unequal.
The second cause is, their habitual
temperance, which enabled them instantly, on the fall of prices, to
retrench any superfluity to which more prosperous times had given
The third, that the farmers and their families
are, to a very great extent, their own labourers, and so can subsist by
the wages of their labour, when their capital fails to yield them a proper
The last, that the agricultural resources of
the parish were not as yet all rendered fully available at the period when
the prices fell. The new fields that had just then only been added to the
cultivation, or were in the course of being cultivated, have since
enlarged their produce in quantity, to make up in part for the low price;
and they have thus been enabled to struggle on, though not deriving that
emolument from their capital to which they might be well entitled.
There are at present, however, obvious
symptoms in a gradual but continued fall of the wages of labour, and the
difficulty with which workmen can obtain employment, and the earnestness
with which they solicit it, that matters are, from period to period,
getting worse, and that the distress is probably approaching this parish,
which we have hitherto so fortunately escaped; and it thus becomes a
question of deeper interest than the former, "To what is the present
depressed state of the agriculturist owing?"
We shall look in vain for the cause of the
depression in any thing peculiar to his particular pursuit; for the same
depression is unhappily extended to every branch of productive industry.
We shall find a sufficient cause for the whole in one disastrous act of
the Legislature, and that is the act of 1819, restoring a metallic
Gardens and Orchards.—There are good gardens
at Haughton and Breda; and a considerable orchard at the former; but we
cannot state the amount of the produce.
Woods.—The annual fellings and thinnings of
wood have produced on an average yearly, for some time past, about L. 250;
but this bears no relation to the actual value of wood now growing in the
parish, which is great, but cannot be estimated without an extensive
survey by professional men.
Before concluding the subject of agriculture,
it deserves notice, that through some cause which we cannot explain, the
contents of this parish are considerably overrated in the Statistical
Account of it published by Sir John Sinclair. The arable land is made
equal to 4500 imperial acres, whereas some old plans with which we are
favoured, along with more recent surveys, prove it was then only about
4000 imperial acres. The wood also is stated as being then equal to 875
imperial acres, whereas it cannot have exceeded 500 imperial acres. The
whole parish is made nearly 10,000 imperial acres, and we have found it
only 8715.
Manufactures.—These are very trifling. The six
weavers weave various fabrics for home use, of home-spun yarns, from
materials chiefly imported; and there is a small manufactory, by some
women, of stockings also for home use. It is probable the whole value does
not amount to L. 200.
V.—Parochial Economy.
Market-Town.— The nearest market-town with
which the parish has a regular communication, and to which the disposable
grain is chiefly sent, is Aberdeen, at twenty-seven miles' distance.
Means of Communication.—A daily post from
Aberdeen passes through the parish; and the Alford post-office is at the
border of it. The parish is admirably well accommodated with good roads. A
turnpike road, of which there are three miles and a half in the parish,
leads to Aberdeen ; and in the other direction extends to Strathdon, at
the distance of eighteen miles west. A branch turns north to Huntly,
joining there the great north road. ' A finely kept road, executed under
the authority of the Parliamentary Commissioners for Highland Roads and
Bridges, crosses the parish from north to south at the broadest part; and
farther south crosses in succession two lines of turnpike roads, opening a
fine communication in many directions on that side. There is only one
deficiency,—in the Parliamentary road not being extended over the Cairn-a-mont.
The extension of that road, there, would shorten our distance from Brechin
and Dundee about twenty-five miles ; and the distance from Huntly to these
places nearly twenty miles. The commutation roads within the parish, made
by an assessment of L. 2 on every L.100 valued rent, and all the private
roads, are mostly in a good state of repair. These good roads have
afforded facilities for communication and land-carriage, without which the
agricultural improvements could not have been executed.
A stage-coach passes through the parish three
times a-week to Aberdeen.
Bridges.—We possess also the advantage of all
necessary bridges. A beautiful granite bridge, over the Don, about a mile
from the church, was built by the Parliamentary Commissioners in 1810, at
an expense of L. 2000; and more recently another was built by them over
the Leochal, close at the church, in the line of their road. These works
are of the utmost utility, not only to the parish but the public at large,
being in the line by which many thousands of cattle pass yearly to the
south. The expense of the bridges and Parliamentary road was L. 5000 in
all, one-half of which was derived from subscriptions by the gentlemen in
the neighbourhood.
Ecclesiastical State.—The situation of the
church is sufficiently convenient for all the parish. It was built in 1804
and enlarged in 1826, and accommodates 550 persons. At a temporary
division, arranged among the heritors, it was recommended to them to adopt
the principle of a former practice in dividing parish churches in
Scotland, by which six feet of the area from end to end was allotted to
the kirk-session for the right ordering of public worship, and celebration
of the communion. This was listened to; and the whole table-seats, or
equivalents for them where some of them were preferred by the principal
tenants for their private seats, were assigned to the session for the
above purposes. These seats accommodate 140 persons; and the part of them
not immediately necessary for the ordering of the worship, the session
leave open to all such families, promiscuously, as have not sufficient
room of their own. This arrangement has answered admirably well; and every
soul of the parish, who comes to the church, finds a seat of which no one
is entitled to dispossess him.
The manse was built in 1718. It is a small
house, not sufficient for the accommodation of a family; but arrangements
are in progress for enlarging it.
The glebe contains 4 5/8 imperial acres of
arable land, besides a garden of nearly half an imperial acre.
The stipend, which exhausts the teinds,
consists of L.161, 8s. 8d. in money; 53 bolls, 3 firlots, 1 peck, 3 2/5
lippies meal; and 4 bolls, 1 firlot, 1 peck, 1 3/10 lippies bear, payable
by the fiars prices of Aberdeenshire. The Crown is patron of the church.
The number of families attending the
Established Church is 176; of individuals, 858. Episcopalian families, 2;
of individuals, 9. Seceder families, 5; of individuals, 26. Roman Catholic
individual, 1.
Divine service is very well attended at the
Established Church; and the average number of communicants is 455.
No collections have been made in the church
for purposes extra parochial, excepting for the General Assembly's
Highland Schools, and Foreign Missions. The average of the collections for
these has been L.9, 7s. 6d.
Education.—The parochial school is the only
one in the parish. The branches of instruction taught at it are, Latin,
practical mathematics, book-keeping, arithmetic, writing, and reading, and
instruction in the truths of religion.
The school salary is L.28, 18s. 9|d.;
allowance for garden, L.2, 2s. 9d.; a legacy to the teacher, yearly, L.2.
Total, L.34, 1s. 6¾ d. School fees per quarter, Latin, mathematics, or
bookkeeping, 5s.; arithmetic, 3s. 6d.; reading and writing, 2s. 6d.;
reading, 2s. Fees are not taken from poor people.
The teacher has not at present the legal
accommodation; but is as well provided for by the heritors, and with his
own consent, in an excellent farm-house, with a proper teaching room near
it, somewhat more centrical for the parish than the church.
All the inhabitants have learnt to read and
write, and always have been, and now are, alive to the benefits of
Charitable and other Institutions.—The parish
makes a yearly collection for the Infirmary at Aberdeen, and so possesses
the right of sending patients there. It collects also for a pauper lunatic
fund, at present in the course of being established under the management
of the presbytery. There were two Friendly Societies in the parish; but,
having felt annoyed by the act 1828, in some manner that we do not pretend
to explain, the most important of them is dissolved. It is much to be
regretted that anything should have disconcerted these voluntary
associations; for they certainly here served to ward off pauperism from
not a few persons. Their rates might not have been judiciously established
at first; but, with the usual prudence of the people, they had introduced
clauses in their regulations, that their expenditure should be limited by
their income, which would ultimately have secured their stability and
efficiency. At present all spirit for such societies is quite
extinguished, under the apprehension that the laws regarding them may he
again changed.
Poor and Parochial Funds.— The average number
of poor receiving parochial aid is 7, chiefly aged females. The average
sum given to each cannot easily be stated, as the allowances vary
continually, according to circumstances carefully ascertained every half
year by the kirk-session.
The sums for their relief are yearly:

The L.130 form a fund, to which the session,
with consent of the heritors, can have recourse for supplying the wants of
a more numerous poor, who would require aid in any year of great scarcity.
A plan, adopted by the inhabitants, for
providing for peculiar cases of distress, has succeeded so well, that it
deserves to be described.
When any great loss has overtaken a poor
family, as loss by fire, or the sickness of the father on whose labour
they depended, or the death of their cow, which they have not funds to
replace, or any other event has occurred which makes it necessary to aid
them, and it is obvious, at the same time, that the most effective method
of doing so is, to give them a considerable aid at once, to restore them
to that condition in which they shall be again able to make provision for
themselves, in that case, the principal inhabitants and their sons, having
obtained the sanction of the kirk-session, form themselves into
committees, and personally make collections for the family in their
respective districts, of money or meal as the case may require. These
collections, managed with great prudence, have never failed to answer the
intended purpose, and have restored to independence some families which
might otherwise have continued long burdensome to the public funds.
But we should ill represent the manner in
which the wants of the poor are supplied, were we to exhibit only the
amount of the public funds and collections. That which passes through the
hands of the kirk-session is only a part of the alms of the inhabitants of
the parish. They are perpetually ministering to the necessities of their
poor neighbours in many other ways. The farmers, with their servants and
horses, repair their dwellings, and cart home their fuel. They frequently
send them supplies of all the sorts of provisions which their produce
affords. When a poor person or family has no cow, milk is supplied from
the cows of some family in the neighourhood; and it has occurred only
rarely, in some peculiar cases, that the kirk-session have needed to hire
nurses for the sick paupers; for all around them watch them with an
affectionate care that could admit of no purchase, and be compensated by
no earthly reward; and the poorest of all are as liberal of these last
valuable services as any other persons.
There is a general disposition among the poor
to refrain from seeking parochial relief; and it has been discovered
active under such privation, as to excite a great curiosity to ascertain
all the motives by which they are actuated. A feeling of degradation is
not the only motive; for there is no reproach attached to unavoidable
poverty among the inhabitants; besides, experience has proved in many
other parts of the kingdom, that where this motive is unaided by any
other, it soon ceases to be effective; and, moreover, those very persons
who are so reluctant to receive aid from the public funds, take, without
any reluctance, the aid offered them by an individual, and make no attempt
to conceal their doing so. A particular inquiry has often elicited from
themselves, that they are actuated by another motive. The public fund for
the supply of the poor is in their eyes too sacred to be applied to, but
when an overwhelming necessity compels. To that fund they themselves have
willingly contributed, in their better days, from motives of the noblest
order, whose power does not diminish as they approach the close of life.
They must not undo their own charitable deed, by taking off the poor man's
There is no-difficulty whatever experienced in
supplying the wants of the poor, in a competent manner, on the truly
Christian plan which we have now described. There was even no difficulty
in the years of great scarcity, 1799-1800, and 1816-1817, when the numbers
of the poor were greatly increased; for the kirk-session, on an appeal to
the heritors and inhabitants, were immediately answered with supplies
adequate to the urgency of the case.
Fairs.-—Two very considerable annual fairs are
held in the parish for the sale of black-cattle, one on the Tuesday before
the second Wednesday of June, new style, and the other on the Friday after
the second Thursday of September, old style. There is also a fair for
black-cattle and horses, and the sale of grain by sample, on the first
Monday of every month, from November to May, both inclusive.
Inn.—There is one inn in the parish.
Fuel. —Of fuel there is a great deficiency.
The mosses are nearly exhausted; and the mere cutting, carting, and
breaking up the fire wood, which is very inferior, consisting only of
thinnings, make it as expensive as English coal. Recourse is, therefore,
of necessity had to this last for a large part of the supply; and the
prime cost and sea and land carriage to Alford of a ton of Newcastle coal
is L.1, 15s.
Miscellaneous Observations.
It has been seen that there are many things in
this parish which favourably influence the intellectual, moral, and
religious character of the inhabitants, in which perhaps there has been
little change for nearly a century. Respecting their physical condition,
very valuable improvements have taken place since the time of the former
Statistical Account. They are much better lodged, and, on the whole,
better clothed. The great improvements in agriculture have raised for them
much extended resources; of the benefit of which, however, the act of 1819
has in a great measure deprived them. The more important differences
between the old agriculture and the new, we have already detailed. The
result of the new is, that, after supplying an increased population, the
parish can now export about double the quantity of grain, and more than
double the number of beasts, and these of a greatly improved quality; at
the same time it has been enriched and highly ornamented, by extensive
additional plantation.*
* November 1840.—The above account was written so far back as the year
1831; all the materials for it having been collected in the summer of that
year, excepting the thermometrical tables, which are added now. It is
necessary to notice several improvements which have been since adopted in
the parish, and some others of a more extended nature, by which it has
been benefited.
1. On the 3d December 1831, the Vale of Alford
Agricultural Association was instituted, through the influence of the
Honourable the Master of Forbes, and has since been liberally aided by him
and the other land-owners of the Vale. Many inhabitants of this parish are
members; and it has greatly promoted a spirit of agricultural improvement.
2. The regulations of excise, complained of in
the Account, as preventing the inhabitants from making malt of their own
bear, have been, through the exertions of the Honourable Captain Gordon,
M. P. for Aberdeenshire, much modified, and deprived, in a great degree,
of their objectionable character.
3. The facility of transporting cattle by
steam-ships has made many farmers de-vote their attention to the feeding
of beasts for the London market, which they find much more profitable than
rearing store beasts only.
4. Bulls of the short-horned breed of England
have been introduced, for crossing the native breeds of cattle; by which
animals are produced of quicker growth, larger size, and much more
profitable in every view than any before bred here.
5. A Vale of Alford Saving's Bank was
instituted in 1839, which is very popular in this parish, and promises
great benefit to the labouring population.
6. A parish library was, in 1839, established
by subscription, under very judicious regulations. It already possesses a
good collection of the best English books, which are much read.
7. In 1836, a liberal subscription was raised
by the heritors and inhabitants, to build a school-room for a female
school, and dwelling house for the mistress, both of a commodious and
substantial kind. The teaching in the school commenced in 1837, and is
continued with great success. It has been endowed with a yearly salary to
the mistress by the Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. This is
our greatest improvement. The young girls of both rich and poor receive
the proper instruction in religion, literature, and the branches peculiar
to their sex, while resident at home, and under their parents' eye.
It would be a breach of duty not to add, that,
in 1832, the heritors of the parish made a judicious and handsome addition
to the manse. It is now a large and very commodious house. The heritors,
also, some years ago, raised the schoolmaster's salary to the legal
November 1840. |