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The Scotch-Irish in America
Proceedings of the Third Congress at Louisville - Letters and Telegrams

Invitations from the Governor of Georgia and Representative Bodies of Atlanta Asking the Society to Hold Its Next Congress In that City.

State of Georgia, Executive Department, Atlanta, Ga., May, 1891.

To the Scotch-Irish Society of America:

It gives me great pleasure to add my indorsement of the invitation extended by the city of Atlanta to the members of the Scotch-Irish Society of America to hold their next annual meeting in this city. I will be pleased to add in any way possible to the entertainment and pleasure of the members if they will accept the invitation tendered them.

W. J. Norther, Governor.


Whereas the Scotch-Irish Congress of America will shortly assemble in the city of Louisville, and the Scotch-Irish Society of Atlanta, representing the Scotch-Irish people of Georgia, will send a delegation to Louisville;

And whereas a large part of the population of Georgia is Scotch-Irish, and the race is associated with the life of the State from the landing of Oglethorpe until now, and has taken part in the best achievements of our people in war and in peace, therefore be it Resolved, by the Mayor and General Council of Atlanta that the Scotch-Irish Congress of America is cordially invited to hold its next meeting in this city, and the gentlemen representing the local branch of the Society are earnestly requested to do all in their power to induce the National Body to accept the invitation.


Atlanta, Ga., May 13, 1891.
To W. Hugh Hunter,

Care A. C. Floyd, Secretary National Scotch-Irish Congress, Louisville, Ky.

Tender our compliments to, and express our pride in, the National Scotch-Irish Congress. Urge them to come to Atlanta in 1892.

J. N. Craig, President Atlanta Society.


Atlanta, Ga., May 5, 1891.

To Col. A. J. McBride.

Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Board of Directors held to-day, the resolution adopted by the City Council on yesterday relative to inviting the Scotch-Irish Congress of America to hold their next annual meeting in Atlanta was indorsed by the Board, who appointed you to represent this chamber in the matter.

Yours respectfully. H. G. Saunders, Secretary.


Atlanta, Ga., May, 1891.

To the Scotch-Irish Society of America.

We, the undersigned pastors of evangelical Churches in the city of Atlanta, do most heartily unite with many others from our city in extending to you a most cordial invitation to hold your Annual Congress of 1892 in Atlanta.

Atlanta, Ga., May 4, 1891.
The above was adopted by a large number of the members of the Evangelical Ministers' Association to-day. J. B. Hawthorne, D.D., President; T. P. Cleveland, D.D., Secretary.
P. S.: There are over fifty members of the above Association, and the resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote of those present.

T. P. Cleveland, Secretary.


Atlanta, Ga., May 12, 1891.

W. Hugh Hunter, Esq.,
Secretary Atlanta Scotch-Irish Society, Atlanta, Ga.

My Dear Sir: Observing with pleasure the action of our City Council in extending through the delegates from this city an invitation to the American Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society to hold its next meeting in the city of Atlanta, as President of the Young Men's Christian Association, which is among the representative and successful institutions of our city, I beg to unite with others in extending to your Society a cordial invitation to hold its next meeting in this city, where the splendid manhood and characteristic good citizenship of the American Scotch-Irish is held in deservedly highest esteem.

I am, dear sir, very truly yours.

Edward S. Gay, President.


Atlanta, Ga,, May 8, 1891.
W. H. Hunter, Esq.,
Secretary Atlanta Scotch-Irish Society.

Dear Sir: I learn with pleasure of the contemplated movement to obtain, if possible, the next meeting of your Society in Atlanta. No better place could be selected, and you may assure the Society of a hearty and hospitable welcome from the residents of Atlanta. The Grand Army will unite with you in doing what they can to bring about this result.

Very respectfully,

THOMAS Kirk, Post Commander.


Atlanta, Ga., May 8, 1891.
W. Hugh Hunter, Esq.,
Secretary Atlanta Scotch-Irish Society.

Dear Sir: We learn with pleasure of the contemplated movement to obtain, if possible, the next meeting of the Scotch-Irish Congress for Atlanta, and we wish to join heartily with other organizations of our city in a pressing invitation to hold their next session here, assuring them on our part of a hearty welcome.

A. B. Carrier, Secretary.


The invitation of the Confederate Veterans' Association of Atlanta was presented by its President, Hon. W. L. Calhoun, in person. His remarks, together with those of Capt. McBride and Col. Adair, who presented the invitations of the other bodies before mentioned, will be found on pages 56-60 of this volume.


Columbia, Tenn., May 11, 1801.

Columbia, mother of the Scotch-Irish Congress, sends a benediction to her children and hopes they will ever remember that "there is no place like home." Here a warm welcome awaits all the sons and daughters of the Association whenever they come to her.

Columbia Scotch-Irish.


Chicago, May 14, 1891.

Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Society of America.

It is with sincere regret that I am compelled by press of official business to forego the pleasure of accepting your kind invitation. Hope the session will be a success in every way.

Hemp'd Washburn, Mayor.


Austin, Tex., May 14.
Hon. Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Society of America. Thanks for invitation. Regret I cannot attend. Best wishes.

J. S. Hogg, Governor of Texas.


St. Louis, May 15, 1891.
Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Congress.

Greatly regret inability to attend your convention. It represents one of the most vital and progressive forces of American civilization.

C H. Jones, Editor the Republic.


New Orleans, May 15, 1891.
Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Congress.

Please express my hearty congratulations and full sympathy to the Congress, and regrets at inability to attend.

Joseph A. Shakespeare, Mayor.


Nashville, Tenn., May 15, 1891,
A. C. Floyd,
Secretary Scotch-Irish Congress.

Accept my congratulations, and regrets at being unable to attend.

A. G. Adams, Vice-president for Tennessee.


San Francisco, May 13, 1891.
To H. Bruce,
Secretary Scotch-Irish American Congress, Louisville.

The Scotch-Irish Society of California sends greeting to the Scotch-Irish American Congress at Louisville. May its deliberations be harmonious, and the results beneficial to the Scotch-Irish race throughout the world.

Robert J. Creighton, First Vice-president.


New York, May 13, 1891.
To Hon. Thomas T. Wright.

Dear Sir: Having had a protracted and continuous tour in the States and into Canada, returning via Boston, I have only got back to New York this morning. Owing to the great fatigue on the journey, I became seized with an illness which completely laid me up for nearly a week, and has rendered it impossible for me to undertake the long journey to Louisville, as I had hoped and desired most earnestly to do. It is, therefore, with the most extreme regret that I am compelled to give up the pleasure I had anticipated of attending your Congress as the delegate from the Chamber of Commerce of Belfast.

Hoping you will have a large and most successful meeting, I have the honor to be, dear sir, yours faithfully,

Francis D. Ward.


Mexico, May 4, 1891.
To Hon. Thomas T. Wright.

Dear Sir: I thank you and the members of the honorable Scotch-Irish Assembly of America for the kind invitation which you are pleased to extend me, and am pained to manifest to you that my numerous duties deprive me of the pleasure of attending, as I would like, the assembly of this illustrious race which will meet in Louisville. Mexico will always extend a warm welcome to the Scotch-Irish people.

Your obedient servant, President Diaz.


Edinburgh, May 2, 1891.
To Hon. Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president at Large Scotch-Irish Congress of America.

Dear Sir: I was gratified to see the announcement of the Scotch-Irish Congress for May, 1891, so widely copied by the news papers of Great Britain. Such gatherings unite the whole world in closer bonds of friendship. I am sure that you will have a hearty welcome and a delightful session in the fair city of Louisville. I still cherish the hospitality and kindness of its people on the occasion of a visit in 1885, when I attended a gathering to speak of Robert Burns and Washington Irving. Yours faithfully.

Wallace Bruce.


Saltillo, Mexico, April 1, 1891.
To Col. T. T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Society of America.

Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge your kind invitation to the Scotch-Irish Congress, to meet in Louisville, Ky., in May. It would afford me much pleasure to attend, but I will be unavoidably prevented on this occasion. It is, however, my privilege to send to the Scotch-Irish Congress the greetings of Scotch-Irish Americans residing in Mexico, who arc, in accordance with the practice of their race wherever found, laboring faithfully for the material development of the country where they sojourn. Being of that stock myself, I will pledge for the Scotch-Irish Americans in Mexico that, true to the traditions of their fathers, they will be found always loyal to the government whose protection they enjoy and faithful to every obligation.

When your next Congress meets in 1892 an organization of Scotch-Irish Americans in Mexico will be knocking for admission to your National Association.

With much respect, I am, dear sir, obediently yours.

L. T. Woods.


De Funiak Springs, Fla., May 9, 1891, To Hon. Thomas T. Wright.

Dear Sir: The Scotch pilgrim fathers and their children, who colonized the West Florida highlands seventy years ago, send greetings to the Scotch-Irish Congress at Louisville, and extend them an invitation and a cordial welcome to the national anniversary of Robert Burns's birthday next year at De Funiak Springs, Fla.

Respectfully, John L. McKinnon.


Londonderry, April 29, 1891.
To Thomas T. Wright, Esq.,
Vice-president Ulster American Congress.

Dear Sir: I duly received your very kind invitation to be present at the forth-coming Annual Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, to be held next month at Louisville, Ky. I should much like to be with you; but I regret that my many official duties as Mayor of this ancient and historic city, besides business engagements, will prevent me being present in person, but I will be with you in spirit. I cordially sympathize with and commend heartily the important objects you have in view by your annual gatherings, and I trust this one will prove the most successful meeting that you have held.

I am not Irish born; I settled here from my native city of Glasgow fifty-two years ago, and am the first of Scottish birth that ever held (and now for the second year) the honorable position of being Mayor and Chief Magistrate of this renowned city. For fully half a century, therefore, by the good providence of God, I have been breathing the invigorating air of the " Green Isle." During these years I have seen thousand's of Erin's "fair women and brave men" leaving our port for the Continent of America, who, I have reason to believe, have contributed their quota to make America what she has become—so famous in education, commerce, science, and in the promotion of civil and religious liberty. Long may the United Kingdom of Scotland, England, and Ireland join with the United States of America in promoting these great ends!

If there be any newspaper report of your forth-coming proceedings, should a copy be sent me, I will greatly value it.

Again thanking you for your invitation, and with warmest greetings, I am, dear sir, yours sincerely,

Aaron Baxter, Mayor of Londonderry.


Pensacola, Fla.
To Thomas T. Wright, Esq.,
Vice-president at Large Scotch-Irish Association of America.

Dear Sir: I regret that business engagements will prevent my accepting your cordial invitation to the Scotch-Irish Congress.

Florida is indebted to the great Scotch-Irish hero, Gen. Jackson, who captured Pensacola, for benefits now enjoyed by our citizens. This illustrious Ulster race also gave Florida several of her prominent Governors.

Trusting that your Congress will prove a success, I am very truly yours.



State of Ohio, Executive Department,
Columbus, May 11, 1891.

My Dear Col. Wright: I find to-day that it will be impossible for me 'to so arrange my engagements as to enable me to be present at the Scotch-Irish Society meeting in Louisville. The unexpected length of the session of the General Assembly has compelled me to alter and rearrange my plans for the next three or four weeks, and in the pressure I find it unavoidably necessary to drop this one. You know without my saying it to you what a disappointment this is. I had hoped to again meet my Scotch-Irish brethren, and renew the fraternal feeling which was engendered by the re-union at Pittsburg; but a public servant cannot control his own time, and I must bow to the inevitable.

Will you please convey my affectionate regards to all who are present, and oblige,

Yours sincerely, James E. Campbell.


Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, May 11, 1891. To Hon. Thomas T. Wright.

Dear Sir: I had hoped to be present at this meeting of the Association, and perhaps to contribute somewhat toward the historical records of the Scotch-Irish race; but a heavy pressure of duties prevents me, and I am only able to send you a line to express my warm sympathy with your movement. It would have added much to my pleasure to have met you in Louisville, my birthplace, to which I am warmly attached. I do not doubt that you will receive a hearty Kentucky welcome and have a pleasant time. I trust that during the coming year we will organize a good Society in Louisiana.

With kindest wishes and great respect I am very sincerely yours.

William Preston Johnston.


Chicago, May 11, 1891.
To Mr. T. T. Weight,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Association.

Dear Sir: I am in receipt of the kind invitation of your Association to attend its third annual Congress at Louisville on the 14th. I very much regret that my engagements prevent its acceptance.

I have read with interest the reports of your Association heretofore. Nothing but good can come from such gatherings. May I suggest that it would be well to have a grand Congress here in Chicago in 1893? The excursion rates will be very favorable that year, and special facilities are being arranged for congresses of all kinds, so that it is possible that, after investigation, you may deem it best to hold the Congress here.

Very truly yours. E. F. Cragin.


State of North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh, May 8, 1891.
To Hon. Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Association of America.

Dear Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your very kind and courteous letter of the 4th inst., inviting me to be present at the Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, to be held in the city of Louisville on the 14th inst. It would give me great pleasure to be present and represent the descendants of the illustrious Scotch-Irish race of North Carolina, who have ever been foremost in our State in their devotion to civil liberty, and whose patriotic action gave to this country the first declaration of independence, which will place them in the highest ranks of those early settlers whom this State would delight to honor; but I have called a convention to meet in this city on that date which demands my presence here.

Please present to your Society North Carolina's earnest wish for the continuation of this Congress of the descendants of those noble patriots, and the hope that they may be inspired with the patriotic principles and the love of pure constitutional government which actuated their ancestors to such heroic deeds and grand achievements.

Regretting my inability to be present, and thanking you again for your manly utterances concerning our people, I am very truly yours.

Thomas M. Holt.


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Executive Chamber, Harrisburg, May 7, 1891,
To Mr. Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Society of America.

Bear Sir: I am directed by Gov. Pattison to acknowledge the receipt of your cordial letter of the 4th inst., with inclosure, inviting him to attend the Scotch-Irish Congress, which assembles in your city on Thursday of next week, and to state to you his sincere regret on account of his inability to do so. The press of official business attending the closing days of the Legislature requires his constant time and attention, and forbids the acceptance of any invitation taking him away from the city. He is greatly interested in the object of the Society, and earnestly hopes that the coming Congress will be attended with the greatest success desired by its most ardent advocates.

Very respectfully yours. H. D. Tate, Private Secretary.


Boston, Mass., May 8, 1891.
To Col. Thomas T. Wright.

Dear Sir: I feel it a high honor to receive from you so cordial an invitation to attend the Scotch-Irish Congress which assembles at Louisville, Ky., on the 14th of May. Unfortunately, I am not able to come, as, besides professional duties, I am preparing for a four months' trip to Europe, leaving in the Netherlands steamer, "Veendam," May 30. I go especially to study in Holland, and also in England, Scotland, and Wales, some of the points of contact between the history of these fatherlands and that of the United States.

I consider that your enterprise (the Scotch-Irish Congress) has a noble work before it in gathering up the scattered threads of history and weaving them into a great fabric. This is yet to be done concerning the influence and work of the non-English stocks which have been so powerful in the making of our national commonwealth. Heretofore American history in the main has been written almost entirely by New Englanders, and to the descendants of the Pilgrims and Puritans have been awarded an exaggerated need of praise. It is safe to say that our United States histories are almost entirely New Englandish, and even Federalistic. A true and fair history of the United States from the Democratic point of view has never yet been written; and this I say, though I have never, as far as I can remember, voted that ticket either locally or nationally. I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet, nor have I any Dutch or Scotch-Irish blood in me; but I believe the time will come when the just meed of the Dutch, the Huguenot, the Scotch-Irish, and the German shall be given in American literature and art. This will not be, however, until a worthy national history is written. It will be concerning those events like the battle of Alamance in North Carolina in 1771, where the Scotch-Irish sons of liberty shed their blood in battle with the oppressive royal Governor (Tryon), and in which it may be well said that the first blood of the American Revolution was spilled, as with Bunker Hill, which now makes such a mighty impression on the national imagination. For the first fifty years after that battle few Americans were proud of it, and it was little thought of by the general mass of our people; but when the monument was built, and Webster's great oration delivered, and societies were formed to celebrate it, and the day of its occurrence was made a holiday in and around the city near which it was fought, then it became a mighty figure in national song, story, and fireside conversation. So, I am inclined to believe, it will be with that remarkable event in North Carolina which was the prelude of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, on which are so many Scotch-Irish signatures.

Pardon the inexcusable length of this missive, and accept my best wishes for an interesting and fruitful convention, and the furtherance of the great principle on which our country was founded.

Yours in desire for justice to all and in love of our common country.

William Elliot Griffis.


State of Florida, Executive Department, Tallahassee, May 13, 1891.

To Hon. Thomas T. Wright,
Vice-president Scotch-Irish Society, Nashville, Tenn,

Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation to the Scotch-Irish Congress of America, which assembles at Louisville, Ky., on the 14th inst., for which please accept thanks and the assurance of my appreciation.

I regret exceedingly that I am prevented, owing to the fact of our present session of the Legislature, from accepting the invitation so kindly extended. I regret the deprivation all the more as I may present legitimate claims upon the Society; my paternal grandfather having been a native of Ireland, and my mother, a Seton, a descendant of that family who occupied a place in Scottish history. I feel that I have much cause for gratitude to my ancestors for the concentration in me of a strain of Scotch and Irish—a combination which has produced some of the great men of history, an illustrious example of which was manifested in the person of Andrew Jackson, the first Governor of Florida.

Again thanking you for the kind invitation, and with the hope that the occasion may be one of eminent satisfaction and pleasure, I am

Sincerely yours. F. P. Fleming.


Chillicothe, O., April 20, 1891. To Helm Bruce, Esq.,
Local Secretary Third Scotch-Irish Congress, Louisville, Ky.

Dear Sir: In reply to the invitation to attend the Third Annual Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, to be held in your city May 14-17 next, I beg to say that it is my intention (D. V.) to be present. I am a member of the National Society, and take much interest in its proceedings; and if the meeting at Louisville is as successful as that at Pittsburg last year, it will be an occasion of much social pleasure, and will tend greatly to cement in kindly attachment those of kindred blood who shall be fortunate enough to take part in the proceedings of the Congress.

Yours with much respect. William T. McClintock.


New York, April 4, 1890. To Helm Bruce, Esq.,
Local Secretary Scotch-Irish Congress, Louisville, Ky.

Dear Sir: Many thanks for your invitation to the Third Annual Congress of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, to be held in Louisville May 14-17. I hope to be able to attend. I am not certain at this time whether my engagements will allow me to do so; but if they do not interfere, I will take pleasure in being with you.

Yours sincerely. Calvin S. Brice.


New York, May 13, 1891. To A. C. Floyd, Esq.,
Secretary Scotch-Irish Society, Louisville, Ky.

Dear Sir: I regret I cannot be with you at Louisville on the 14th inst. But success to the Scotch-Irish Congress. These annual meetings are stimulating a wide-spread interest in this stalwart race and its illustrious deeds.

Its Western sons, in their exaltation over the bold pioneers who founded two great commonwealths south of the Ohio, and furnished brave and timely help to its distinguished son, George Rogers Clarke, to rescue for the Union equally great States north of it, must not forget the ancestral Ulster-Scotch on the eastern slope of the Alleghanies, who wrote their names in the immortal Declaration, and of those others of the race who with sword and rifle made that declaration good; marching and fighting from Quebec to Saratoga, to Stony Point and Monmouth, at Brandy wine and Germantown, to Yorktown and Charleston.

Washington called these riflemen his "picked troops;" and Froude, Leckey, and Brice give the Scotch-Irish soldiers of the War of Independence credit for fighting the Revolutionary struggle to a successful conclusion.

All credit should be given to those of the race who participated in the "Winning of the West," and achieved it.

Will not some descendant of those other brave men rescue from obscurity their heroic deeds and put their hitherto unwritten story in the imperishable page of history?

Very truly yours. Charles L. Lamberton.

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