The Scotch-Irish
Congress, it's Objectives and Results
By A. C. Floyd.
The Scotch-Irish people
have been second to none in their influence upon modern civilization.
Their impress upon American institutions has been especially strong. They
have been leaders in every sphere of life, both public and private. They
were the first to declare independence from Great Britain, and foremost in
the revolutionary struggle; leaders in the formation and adoption of the
Constitution, and its most powerful defenders; most active in the
extension of our national domain, and the hardiest pioneers in its
The associations suggested
by a few of the illustrious men of the the stock are sufficient to outline
the extent of their influence. Among them were Patrick Henry, Thomas
Jefferson, John Witherspoon, John Paul Jones, James Madison, John
Marshall, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln,
and Ulysses S. Grant.
That they have been no less
conspicuous in the material development and intellectual progress of the
country, is evidenced by the names of Robert Fulton, Horace Greeley,
Robert Bonner, and the McCormicks.
These men are but types of
the Scotch-Irish, and their achievements are but examples of the
numberless illustrious deeds of the race; and yet no distinct and
connected history of this people has ever been written. Their marked and
distinctive impress upon the country and their proverbial race pride
renders this passing strange, especially in this history-writing age, when
the Puritan, the Huguenot, the Dutch, and every other class and
nationality composing our population, have recorded their deeds with
minutest care. In this, they have done nothing more than perform their
duty, for it is the duty of all to study great examples and hold their
virtues up for the emulation of on-coming generations. Thus is patriotism
cultivated and every noble endeavor stimulated. Thoughtful men, indeed,
knew the wealth of Scotch-Irish achievement and keenly felt the poverty of
its recognition. Where else could nobler types of manhood be found? The
hand of the historian, brushing away the dust of time, was alone needed to
reveal the grandest figures of the world. The greatness of the fathers
still lingered in the traditions of the children, but the delay of a few
more years would consign them to an oblivion from which they could never
be recovered.
If the work was ever to be
done, it was necessary that it should be commenced without further delay.
These facts were recognized and discussed, but the demand resulted in
nothing definite until it took form in the Scotch-Irish Congress held at
Columbia, Tennessee, last May.
The objects to be attained
were not new; but the Congress, as a means of their accomplishment, was
altogether original. The projectors of this gathering fully realized the
extent of the work they had undertaken, and desired that it should be done
in the most thorough and comprehensive manner possible. A convention
composed of representative members of the race from all quarters of the
country commended itself to them as the best means of beginning the work.
The addresses of the
distinguished speakers, the historical papers submitted, and the
reminiscences recounted would form a nucleus for the complete collection
of data which it was hoped to accumulate in the course of time. Important
as this meeting was expected to be, however, its promoters realized that
it could only begin the great work. A permanent organization was necessary
to continue it. Besides, a Scotch-Irish association was desirable for
social as well as historical purposes. In this, as in the matter of
history writing, they were behind all others. Every other people in
America had banded themselves together for purposes of mutual pleasure and
assistance. When properly directed, these societies had accomplished much
good. Why should not the Scotch-Irish organize in a similar manner? Why
should not their proverbial and well warranted race pride serve to focus
their great energies upon purposes of common good? Among the many great
objects to which this organized power could be applied was the collection
of the desired historical data and the promotion of social intercourse.
The one would contribute in
the highest degree to the cultivation of patriotism; the other would
promote the warmest fraternal feeling. A better acquaintance between the
northern and southern members of the race would bring a better
understanding and a broader sympathy, binding the two sections together in
the strong and enduring bonds of real friendship. To effect such an
organization was the second great object of the Congress.
Among all the states of the
Union, none could have been more appropriate for the gathering than
Tennessee, both on account of her geographical position and the blood of
her people. Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North and South Carolina
received the first great accessions of Ulster immigration; but swarms
from these parent hives, moving westward since colonial days, now make
Tennessee about the center of the blood in the United States. Besides, her
intermediate position between the extreme North and the extreme South
makes her people freer from sectional prejudice than either of these
quarters, and, therefore, better fitted to promote the fraternal spirit
which the convention was intended to foster. In no other state is the
Scotch-Irish blood purer. They were the earliest and most numerous of her
pioneers. On the banks of the Watauga, they made the first American
settlement west of the Alleghanies, and it was they who led the vanguard
in the march of civilization westward through her territory. They filled
the armies that subdued the savages of the West and South-west. It was
their stern, unalterable courage and determination which prevented Great
Britain and Spain from confining the Americans to the Atlantic slope, and
secured the Mississippi valley to the Union. Their numbers and valor in
every war in which the country has been engaged has won for Tennessee the
proud title of "The Volunteer State." They stamped their predominant
characteristics upon their descendants, and gave the prevailing type to
the character of the whole people. It was but natural that a convention
called to do them honor should meet with warmest approval.
Columbia, the place chosen
for the first Congress, lies in the very center of Tennessee, and her
Scotch-Irish population, surrounded by a country widely known as "the
garden spot of Tennessee" — a country unsurpassed for salubrity of
climate, richness and variety of products, and advantages of geographical
position. This heart of the Middle Tennessee Basin, now carpeted with a
rich growth of blue grass, was originally covered by luxuriant
cane-brakes, the infallible sign of a fat soil. It is not strange that the
Scotch-Irish should have occupied it first. Always in the foremost ranks
of the pioneers, the richest lands became theirs by right of discovery and
first occupation, while the poorer country was left to the more timid
people, who followed at a later and safer period. The advantages thus
acquired, and the characteristic tenacity with which they have been held,
go far to explain why the race has ever since been the wealthiest and most
influential of the people in the countries first settled by them. The
strength of their influence in Maury county is illustrated in Judge
Fleming's sketch of Zion Church, and Dr. Kelly's address, published in
this volume. Among the distinguished men of this stock whom Maury county
has produced was James K. Polk, who went from Columbia to the President's
Another thing that
recommended Columbia was her railway facilities. These roads, running
north, south, east, and west, make her easily accessible from every
quarter of the country. Arrived here, visitors, especially those from the
North, occupy an excellent vantage point from which to visit and study the
best parts of the South. Within short reach by rail are some of the most
famous battle-fields of the late war — Franklin, Nashville, Murfreesboro,
Shiloh, and others. In easy communication, also, are Florence, Sheffield,
Birmingham, and other manufacturing cities of the celebrated coal and iron
fields of the South, affording the finest illustrations of the marvelous
industrial progress which this section is now making. These advantages and
associations rendered Columbia a peculiarly appropriate place for the
Having decided that the
Congress should be held, and that Columbia was the place to hold it, the
initial steps in the arrangements for it were taken in October, 1888. This
action was prompted by Colonel T. T. Wright, now of Nashville, Tennessee.
To him belongs the honor of having originated this, as well as many other
great ideas, which have resulted in much public benefit. He not only
originated the idea and inspired the first action for carrying it into
effect, but gave the movement, at every stage, the invaluable aid of his
advice, time, and means.
The date fixed for the
beginning of the Congress was May 8, 1889, the most perfect season of the
year in Tennessee. Arrangements for the Congress were vigorously and
systematically pushed from the beginning. Some of the most distinguished
men of the race accepted invitations to deliver addresses and to prepare
historical papers. A thousand leading newspapers published the general
invitation to the race issued by Governor Taylor and the Secretary; also,
the reports sent them from time to time, as events developed, together
with extensive and favorable editorial mention.
Governor Taylor's
Executive Office, Nashville,
To the Scotch Irish Race:
Recognizing the
Scotch-Irish Congress, to be assembled at Columbia, in this state, on the
8th of May next, as an event of international interest, Tennessee will
welcome to it representatives of that lineage from all parts of the world.
No political or sectarian significance attaches to the Congress. Its
object is to revive memories of the race, and to collect materials for
compiling a history showing their impress upon modern civilization,
especially upon American institutions. It promises to be one of the most
notable meetings ever held in Tennessee.
Robert L. Taylor, Governor.
Private invitations were
sent to every representative man of the blood whose name could be
ascertained. So unique and manifestly desirable was the gathering, that it
met with hearty commendation from all to whose attention it was brought.
Extensive correspondence was developed, and the interest became
wide-spread. The latent pride of the race was at last stirred, and the
enthusiasm which the call inspired evidenced its strength when once
aroused. Reduced railroad fare was secured, and a large sum of money was
readily and generously subscribed by the people of Columbia to defray the
expenses of the occasion. The hospitable people vied with each other in
their preparations for entertaining visitors.
When the day arrived, every
detail of the arrangements was complete. The doors of every house stood
wide open with welcome. The town was gaily decorated and thronged with
visitors, representing every section of the Union. The weather was perfect
throughout, and all the exercises were held in a great tent stretched in
the oak-canopied, grass-carpeted grove of the Columbia Athenæum, kindly
offered the management by Captain R. D. Smith, president of this fine old
institution for young ladies. The Rogers Band, of Goshen, Indiana,
rendered delightful music, consisting largely of Scotch and Irish airs,
prepared especially for the occasion.
The initial proceedings
were thus described by the Nashville American:
"The large canopy was
beautifully decorated with flags and bunting of all kinds. Long streamers
extended from the central post to the various points of the outer
circumference, producing a most harmonious and beautiful effect. A large
stage, thirty feet by twenty, and capable of comfortably seating fifty
persons, had been erected under the south side of the tent. Arches spanned
its front, and festoons of lovely flowers, from the rose to the evergreen,
graced the arches in handsome designs. Vases of flowers were also
conspicuously displayed.
"Upon the stage were placed
a large painting of Jas. K. Polk and an old and historic "Harp of Erin,"
the hereditary property of Mrs. Emma McKinney, of the Athenæum.
"It was not long before the
spacious audience-room, so to speak, was filled with a crowded mass of
humanity. The personnel of the audience and of the visitors in general was
especially good, and free from all the rougher elements. Then the
visitors, the descendants of the Scotch-Irish, who had assembled to engage
in the events of the day, lent great dignity and intellectuality to the
"The procession formed at
the head-quarters on Garden street and in front of the Bethell House on
Seventh street. It was led by the Goshen Band, of Goshen, Indiana,
followed by the Witt Rifles, of Columbia, in full dress uniform; then the
carriages containing the visitors and members of the Reception Committee,
and at last a large concourse. In one of the front carriages was the harp
of Tom Moore, in charge of Captain J. T. Craik, Major William Polk, and
Colonel H. G. Evans.
"The large tent had already
been crowded, even as to standing-room, and when the procession arrived,
its proportions amounted to anywhere between 6,000 and 10,000 people."
There were two sessions of
the Congress each day, morning and night. The tent was filled to its
utmost capacity at every session by cultured and appreciative audiences.
In the afternoons, many of the visitors repaired to the Fair Grounds at
South Side Park, where they were entertained with exhibitions of speed by
Tennessee's fastest horses, and by the display of other blooded stock, in
which this country stands unexcelled. Others enjoyed driving over the
numerous fine pikes which radiate in every direction from Columbia like
spokes from a wheel, leading to the great farms and points of historical
interest in the country.
Representatives of the race
from every section of the country met in freest and most cordial social
intercourse. Old friendships were renewed and new ones formed. Rich stores
of tradition were brought to light and valuable historical reminiscences
were recalled. Memories of the past were revived, thoughts of the present
interchanged, and hopes of the future discussed. Among the attendants were
many old Federal and ex-Confederate soldiers, attracted hither by the
reunion of the blue and the gray, and a desire to revisit the surrounding
battle-fields of the late civil strife. Upon these fields, but a few years
ago, these veterans had met each other in deadliest conflict. Now they met
with hearty hand-shake and the warm regard felt by men who have proved
each other's true manhood in the severest ordeals.
The Congress was a complete
success in every particular, but its crowning result was the organization
of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, which will take up and carry on in
a systematic way the work so auspiciously begun.
The principal objects of
the Society have already been outlined. Its purposes are social and
historical. Through its members, sketches of the families represented and
of the race in general, together with interesting relics connected with
their history, will be collected.
Princeton College, New
Jersey, has kindly offered to become custodian of this data for the
present, but in the course of time the Society will have a permanent home
for its reception.
The data thus obtained will
be properly acknowledged, and the manuscripts filed in the archives of the
Society for reference, or for use in the annual publications hereafter to
be issued.
No partisan or sectarian
significance attaches to the Society. Composed of a race thoroughly
identified with all that has been most patriotic in our country, it is
purely an American institution, and does not propose to concern itself
with foreign affairs.
The social features of the
organization promise large results. The Congress at Columbia gave earnest
of the good fellowship which may be expected from the annual gatherings
hereafter. The publications of the Society, and the development and
extension of its organization, will promote correspondence among its
members, increase their knowledge of one another, and draw them into
closer relations of friendship and sympathy.
Though but a short time has
elapsed since the conditions of membership were definitely settled, it has
already reached gratifying proportions. Numerous applications for
enrollment have been received from all parts of the country, from men
occupying the highest positions in every sphere of life. Systematic plans
are in operation, by which every member who joins becomes instrumental in
bringing others into the Society. The membership is advancing by
geometrical progression, and the present plans continued will in no great
length of time bring a knowledge of the Society to every person of
Scotch-Irish descent in America. There is practically no limit to its
possible power and usefulness. |