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The Scotch-Irish in America
Proceedings - Part 4


The convention met at 7:30 p. m. After song service and prayer by the Rev. Dr. Cowan, the President introduced Rev. Dr. J. H. Bryson, of Alabama, who spoke as follows:

Mr. President, Gentlemen of the Congress, Ladies and Gentlemen:— It gives me great pleasure to have the privilege of speaking for a single moment on this great occasion, and as my time is limited, and others are to follow me, I can only refer, as it were in outline, to two or three things that I think advisable to do in our Congress. I don't think that as a Congress we realize even yet the profound interests that are involved in the association of which we form a part. There is yet to be written for the American people—and when I say for the American people, I do not limit it to this country—but there is yet to be written for the American people a history that will thrill this world with its wonders, and wondrous thought at its grand and great conceptions, and it will lay bare the foundations of civil and religious liberty and when I make this statement, I refer to the people we here represent as having, to a very large extent, made broad the foundation upon which this great fabric has been constitutionally constructed.

It has been truly said from this platform that we have had too much to do to take time to write the history of our own achievements. But it is high time that we should gather the elements as years roll on, whereby the historian of future years may give to the world the secret of the great principles upon which this wonderful government has been fabricated. Let me say here that the distinguishing thought that belongs to the Scotch-Irish race can be presented in two great lines of conception, and first with reference to civil government. The Scotch-Irish race is a people that have the strongest, that have the truest, that have the grandest conception of civil liberty that the human race was ever blessed with. (Applause.)

And now, we may well ask why it is that these people have given birth to such a thought as this. It is because of antecedent history, where God has molded a people and prepared them to do for the world what none but God's providence could prepare a people to do. It was by reason of that long series of struggles through which our people were compelled to go when they came first to the American borders that they were taught and realized the infinite value of freedom.

These people came one, then another, then another, across to the Western World, little realizing or dreaming of the tremendous issues that lay before them in the future. Here they came to mark out this great continent into colonies. The series of colonies laid out by that people formed the base upon which rests our great government of to-day; and when the English government was forced in the great struggle to acknowledge the independence of these colonies, they acknowledged them separately, one by one, and then was presented to the world the grand spectacle of the basis upon which this mighty government was to be constructed. This wonderful race is that which won for this country its constitutional freedom. Not the misconceptions of freedom which we sometimes see and hear in the unbounded enthusiasm of some people, but freedom according to law. Freedom founded on principle and right. This was the freedom which the Scotch-Irish of America demanded for the New World and for the new government after it was brought into existence. (Applause.) After all these achievements came the federation of the colonies and the struggle for liberty. They were then brought face to face with the grandest and greatest problem that ever faced humanity. They had won their battles, and stood with their principles in their hands with the question staring them in the face, how shall they move forward among the nations of the earth? As a nation, as a people, as a power, how should they command the respect of the whole world in the victory which they had won?

Then, sir, there came the Constitution of the United States, the grandest conception of free government the world ever saw, and there they again formed into constitutional law in a few short paragraphs or statements, and in that document was laid the foundation of the greatest and most powerful government our race has ever seen or known. (Applause.)

Now, we come to the most marvelous portion of human history. There are but two nations in the history of humanity that have moved in their existence and taken their place in story and in song with a written constitution and law at their beginning. One was at Mount Sinai and the other was in the city of Philadelphia, when they gave to the world the declaration of the principles of civil liberty, and floated the banner of freedom to the breezes over the dome of Independence Hall. All Europe stood amazed at the grand and gorgeous spectacle, but all Europe voiced but one sentiment, the American Union will go down; it can not survive. It did not go down, and, by the grace of God, it will never go down. (Applause.) It stood in the past and expanded, and expanded, and expanded until it commanded the admiration of the entire world, and yet years rolled on, and again she was confronted with a question upon which for the moment the bonds that bound our states into one grand Union were broken, and a conflict confronted her at which humanity stood aghast. Yet she faced the battle, won a victory, and emerged from the smoke of battle to shine as a nation grander and greater than she ever was before. (Applause.) Why is this? What is the reason of it? Because those principles are founded upon justice and right.

I wish that time would permit me to go on and develop the thoughts that are suggested by my theme, but there is one thought I can not allow to pass without giving to it a brief expression. It is one that owes its origin and its development to the Scotch-Irish of America. It is the greatest and grandest of them all. It is the pulling apart of the church and state. (Applause.) It is the greatest and grandest thought the world has ever seen or known. In every nation and in every age that preceded us, the church and state were united, but it remained for the Scotch-Irish of America to say that they should be separated from one another. (Applause.)

But I am trespassing on your time. In conclusion, let me say to you: Teach your children to love the blood that runs in their veins. Teach them to love its history; to love its people. Give to them the advice of the father to his son who was departing from his home: "My son, to bear an honored name, be true to your God, be true to yourself, and true to the ancestral blood that runs through all your veins." Who can conceive of a man going down with that thought running in his heart? Let this thought be imbued in every heart, and the influence of our people will be felt to the end of time. May God bless this Congress and all its efforts to do good, to make men true to our history, to our country, true to all that is just and right. (Prolonged applause.)

Colonel Capers, of South Carolina, was then introduced and spoke as the representative of the Huguenots. Unfortunately he did not furnish his manuscript to the reporter, and it is omitted.

Mr. William W. Doherty, of Boston, Mass., also delivered a brief address; but a heavy rain so interfered with its delivery that he asks that it be omitted.

Prof. Geo. McLoskie, of Princeton College, was then introduced, and spoke in substance as follows:

The Scotch-Irish race was, as the name suggested, of a hybrid character; and, as with all hybrids, sometimes the one side, sometimes the other side predominated. Thus we have Scottish Scotch-Irish and Celtic Scotch-Irish. The prepotency of the Celtic element often manifests itself in a tendency to blunder [of which tendency a number of illustrations were given from personal experience]. This tendency, though sometimes unpleasant, is often a means of improvement, as it drives us into predicaments from which we can extricate ourselves only by doing something heroic. This complex character is shown by our Society's device, where the legend "Liberty and Law," to which we have always been faithful, surrounds the bleeding hand of the O'Neills.

"'Tis the red hand of Ulster,
Insult it who dare!"

This reminds us that our Celtic impetuosity, supported by Scottish tenacity of purpose and fidelity to what is right, have made us what we are, and teaches us to love liberty all the more because we have paid heavily for its acquisition.

Colonel Johnson, of Charlotte, N. C, was then introduced, and spoke as follows:

I am sorry that I am not in condition to appear before you this evening. I come from the city which is named after the Princess of Charlotte, the wife of George the Third, and the province after the Princess of Mecklenburg.

It was that province that gave to the world the first Declaration of Independence, and let me say in the beginning that I am glad to be here. I am at a loss to know where all the Scotch-Irish came from to North Carolina. Some of them came originally to Charleston with the Huguenots ; others came through the port of Wilmington, and others through Norfolk, Virginia. A large portion of Scotch of Mecklenburg county—and they have framed its history and formed its government, and gave character, independence and importance to it—a large portion of them came through Pennsylvania from Scotland, and some from Ireland. My ancestors came there in the earliest days of the settlement, and they, as well as their descendants, have been as true Scotch-Irishmen as you will find in all the world. They have always retained the characteristics of the true Scotch-Irish race.

It was through the efforts of that people that the county of Mecklenburg was enabled to give to the world a declaration of its independence from British rule. And in that very declaration, written one year and six weeks before the declaration which came from the pen of Thomas Jefferson, many of the same words were made use of that afterward appeared in the document upon which the liberties of the American people are founded. The existence of such a paper had been denied by Jefferson, but not until forty-five years after it was given to the country.

The history of North Carolina is the history of a human race struggling for liberty; and the history of the State of North Carolina is itself the history of the Scotch-Irish race in that section of the Union.

I regret that the storm will prevent my being heard, and it is one of the things I never battle against, so, thanking you for your forbearance, I will say, good night. (Applause.)

Dr. Kelly was then introduced, and said:

Before proceeding, I wish to read to you this invitation; then, in a very few moments, I will be able to let you all loose.

[Dr. Kelly then read an invitation asking the delegates to attend the celebration of the anniversary of the birthday of Davy Crockett, to be held in Lawrenceburg, Tenn., on August 19th.—See among Letters and Telegrams.]

There are a class of people in this world who always say, what good is going to come out of all this. I am here to say that if but two things have happened since this Congress was organized, it is enough to justify ten times the trouble that has been taken to bring this body together.

I wonder if the Press Dispatch of to-day got the peroration of Pittsburg's representative in Congress, whose words will ring from one end of this world to the other, and make the heart beat with joy in the bosom of every Scotch-Irishman in the land. He said that the Scotch-Irishman, on either side of the recent conflict, did what they believed to be right, and spoke the words of historic truth when he said we love each other none the less to-day ; and he spoke a fact, true of every man through whose veins Scotch-Irish blood takes its course to-night, when he said the Scotch-Irishman of the North and South are to-day standing face to face with each other, with their hands grasping each other in the clasp of fraternal love, and that they will ever stand loyal to their country, true to their Constitution, their kinsman and their God. (Applause.)

One other fact: Last winter, in New York, I saw a notice published beforehand of certain speeches that were to be made on the race problem of the South. I was satisfied that New Yorkers did not know much about the race question. I concluded that I would go around and hear what they had to say. They had been talking a little while, when Dr. Hall was called upon. One might suppose that he knew less than a New Yorker, but it so happened that he had traveled through Tennessee, had been to Columbia and looked into the faces of the Scotch-Irish people, and when he arose before that great audience, and with the commanding voice which few other men of America are blessed with, said : "I have been among these people. I have looked into their faces. They are the same God loving, God fearing people that we are. They are seeking from the Bible to know their duties, as we are. They are doing what they can to help bring these people to God and salvation ; and you may rest assured that, in the end, they will succeed, and all will be right." (Applause.) Tonight, I echo the words that were born in my heart on that memorable occasion—"God bless John Hall and the Scotch-Irish Congress."

That is what the Scotch-Irish are doing to bring the interests and the people of this country together. Making the men of this country know each other, and making the people of all other countries know who and what constitutes American citizenship. I speak for a people who love and trust the colored citizens of this country, and who will continue to love and trust them in the years to come. (Applause.)

To the Scotch-Irish of the South is due the honor of framing the first declaration of American independence. I say this with pride, for every ounce of blood that runs in my veins is that of a Scotch-Irishman, and a Methodist Scotch-Irishman at that—a rare being in the North, but quite a common thing in the South. The Scotch-Irish of to-day are falling into Methodism, and Methodism is getting into the Scotch-Irish. As an evidence of this, I need but point to the efforts at revision of the old Westminister confession of faith made at the Saratoga General Assembly. The Scotch-Irish were the first to ratify the separation of the church from the state, and it was they who redeemed from the wilderness and the redskins the great inland territory of this country and the Pacific coast, making it, instead of a nation, the nation of the earth. It was the Scotch-Irish blood that coursed through the veins of the man with whom I rode for four years, that gave to us the greatest cavalry leaders of this or any other nation.

Through the veins of Stonewall Jackson flowed this same rich blood. The blood that gave courage to Ulysses S. Grant had its source in the same fountain. And when the heart of Abraham Lincoln ceased to beat, the blood of a Scotch-Irishman ceased to flow. (Applause.)

After the announcements by Colonel Echols, the convention adjourned to meet at 9:30 Saturday morning.


The following description of the President's visit and reception is clipped from the Pittsburg Dispatch:

President Harrison paid a short visit to Pittsburg and the Scotch-Irish Congress yesterday morning, remaining in this city a little over three hours, and continuing then to Washington.

The Presidential party arrived from Cleveland at 6:45 A. M. by the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad. They occupied President Roberts's private car.

The President was met at the Union depot by the Local Reception Committee, consisting of Mayor Gourley, Chairmen Holliday and Ford, of Councils; Colonel Echols, Messrs. Samson, Pitcairn, McCreery, and Hamilton. Captain Unterbaum was present with thirty police officers, and the military escort consisted of Company G, Eighteenth Regiment, Captain Penney, and Company A, Fourteenth Regiment, Captain Smith. A large crowd was in the depot, which cheered President Harrison when he alighted from the car. He was accompanied by Secretaries Windom and Rusk, Postmaster-General Wanamaker, and Private Secretary Halford.


The procession to the Monongahela House was led by the police squad. Then followed the Great Western Band and Company G. The President and Mayor Gourley rode together in an open carriage, and were followed by Company A. Then came Secretary Windom and Postmaster-General Wanamaker in one open carriage, Secretary Rusk and Mr. Halford in another. The members of the local Committee occupied covered carriages. At the hotel breakfast was served in a private dining-room.

At 8:45 the party proceeded to Mechanical Hall in the same order as that observed in moving from the depot. The route w:as by Smithfield street, Fifth avenue, Liberty avenue, and Duquesne way. A great many people were on the streets. The windows were crowded and many people waved handkerchiefs. President Harrison often lifted his silk hat.


Probably 4,000 people assembled at Mechanical Hall. The President reached there a little before 9 o'clock. Many ladies were out. The President and the Cabinet members, with the officers of the Scotch-Irish Society and the members of the local Reception Committee, stood upon the stage. The people were then given a chance to shake hands with the President. The line went up the south steps to the platform and left it by the north steps. Many of those who passed were introduced to the President by Mayor Gourley or Colonel Echols. Probably 2,000 people shook hands with the President in about thirty minutes. The band played while the handshaking was going on. Not more than half of those present passed over the platform.

When the line had passed, President Bonner, of the Society, explained that the President must leave for his train, President Harrison stepped to the front of the stage and bowed. As he passed out he was given three cheers. His train left the Union depot at 10 o'clock.

Immediately after the reception and departure of President Harrison, President Bonner introduced Governor James E. Campbell of Ohio, who spoke on the "Scotch-Irish of Ohio." (See Part If, page 192.)

President Bonner then introduced Prof. H. A. White, of Lexington, Va,, who delivered an address on "Washington and Lee, the Scotch-Irish university of the South." (See Part II, page 223.)

The Congress then adjourned to meet at 7:30 p. m.


The Congress was called to order by President Bonner. After a service of song and prayer by Rev. Nevin Woodside, President Bonner introduced Rev. Dr. John Hall, as follows:

One day, when Dr. Hall was walking along the street, near his residence, he met a little girl, and, in his kindly way, he asked her if she knew his name. She replied, "No, I don't know your name; but you are the gentleman who preaches in Dr Hall's church." I now have the pleasure of introducing that gentleman to you. It is hardly necessary for me to say that he is known and loved wherever the Psalms of David are sung. His subject is " The Ulster of To-day."

Dr. Hall then addressed the Congress. (See Part II, page 256.)

"After Dr. Hall had been speaking for about three-quarters of an hour, he turned to Mr. Bonner and said:

" Mr. President, I am afraid I am occupying too much time." Mr. Bonner, seeing that the audience was delighted with the speaker, called out, "Go on, go on," when the Doctor, resuming his remarks, said:

"Our President says 'go on.' If you knew him as well as I do, you would know that when he says go on' you would have to do so."

Rev. Stuart Acheson, of Toronto, was then presented to the Congress and said:

I regret that Dr. Wood left for home and is unable to appear before you to-night. He is a gentleman accustomed to public speaking, and his remarks would be far more entertaining and instructive, I assure you, than any that I might make; but, in his absence, it devolves upon me to communicate to you the good will of the Scotch-Irish people of Canada. I have listened with a great deal of pleasure to the addresses of the representatives here to-night from the North and South, the East and West, and I have been very much pleased to listen to the words of men from every state in this Union which I know will tend, in this great gathering, to fuse into one the people of this great Republic. But I am very much gratified to know that this gathering is not limited in its scope to the United States, but also reaches away to the north and takes in the people under the British flag. The very region which we occupy beyond the Canadian line, demands of our people that they be possessed of and display industry, energy, perseverance and enterprise, that they may develop their country, hew down her forests, open her mines, building her railroads, which are fast extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and it is needless of me to say that that requirement has not been wanting, but has been displayed on every hand by the Scotch-Irish people of that great Dominion, who have ever been first and foremost in every move made in the direction of progress by our people. We, of the Dominion of Canada, have had to go through our trials, just as the people of this great Republic did, to lay the foundation upon which to erect the structure of civil and religious liberty. We, who are in Canada, had also to make what we call a responsible government. There was a period in the history of Canada when we seemed to feel the iron grasp of tyrants from beyond the sea, and among the people who are struggling for a free government. Yet we claim, to-day, to be among the the freest nations under the heavens. It may surprise you to know that the Canadian people extend to the people of this great Republic the hand of fellowship, and ask for union, in a commercial point of view, as we extend to the people across the sea. We are free to make our own laws; and we don't pay a single tax, except that we pay fifty thousand dollars to the keeping up of what we call a mere figure-head —the governor of the great Dominion. We, of the Dominion, wished to look into the school systems of the world, and adopt for ourselves that which we thought the most successful; and, after a thorough investigation and somewhat extended consideration, we adopted the Ulster system; and, to-day, that is the system which we look upon as the most successful on the face of the earth.

As my time is somewhat limited, and I am unprepared to address you as I would wish, I can only convey to you the good will of the Scotch-Irish people of Canada, and express to you their hope that, at no distant date, you may gather in convention in the beautiful city of Toronto. When you do, we will extend to you a royal and hearty welcome.

President Bonner then introduced Prof. Byron W. King, who recited an original poem, entitled "The Harp of Tom Moore." The harp once owned by the poet Moore, was displayed and excited much interest. It is now the property of George W. Childs, of the Philadelphia Ledger, and was loaned by him for this occasion. Prof. King recited his poem in admirable manner, and received hearty applause. The following is the poem:


A voice from the Island of Erin,
From the gloom of the deep-shrouded years,
Has stirred up the world's burning heart throbs,
And the fount of a nation's quick tears.
A voice that has trembled and echoed,
From the center to furthermost shore,
And still lingers on lips of the Irish,
'T is the voice of the harp of Tom Moore.

True, the voice of the singer is silent,
And the hand of the singer is dust,
But the thoughts and emotions they wakened,
Still throb in our bosoms, we trust,
The sweet songs of home and of country,
The world is repeating them o'er,
And we hold as a trust that is sacred,
Each strain from the harp of Tom Moore.

Beneath the deep night of oppression,
When the people bowed low in their shame,
By the strength of power down trodden,
When of freedom they knew but the name,
When the tempest hung darkly o'er Erin,
And the heart of the nation was sore,
Then a bard tuned his harp to her sorrow,
And that harp was the harp of Tom Moore.

The world then caught up the story,
The story of Erin's deep wrong,
And Columbia's millions of freemen,
All sang in the Irish bard's song.
And flung on the swift winds of heaven,
It has reached to earth's farthest shore:
This woe of the sad land of Erin,
From the song and the harp of Tom Moore.

More eloquent still than the precepts
That have fallen from orator's tongue,
Are these sweet and melodious numbers
That the wide world has murmured and sung;
For he sang of his people and country,
Of the wrong and the sorrow they bore,
And his name is enshrined there forever,
The name of this poet, Tom Moore.

O, harp that has outlived the master,
Whose warm hand thy strings has o'er swept;
If only once more he could waken
The strains that within thee have slept;
If only his dead lips could murmur
Those heart-stirring numbers once more,
How our souls would thrill high with rapture,
At the harp and the voice of Tom Moore.

Here's a health to the fair Isle of Erin,
From Columbia over the sea;
And soon may the bright sky of Heaven
Look down upon Ireland free.
And here's to the bard of the nation,
Be his memory green evermore,
For naught has done more for her freedom
Than the songs from the harp of Tom Moore.

Prof. McLoskie then read a telegram from Wallace Bruce, United States Consul at Edinburg:

"United States Consulate,
York Buildings, Edinburg, May 17, 1890.

Hon. T. T. Weight:

I sincerely regret that I can not be with you at the Scotch-Irish Congress, May 29th, in Pittsburg. I feel like sending you a haggis, a bag-pipe, and a real Highland piper. If there were a phonograph at hand I would forward you a musical transcript of 'The Campbells are coming,' and 'Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled.'

A few years ago, it was a far cry to Loch Awe; to-day it is only a minute's whisper from Edinburg to Pittsburg.

Hearty greetings and best wishes.


I have another message to read which will please you all:

"Belfast, Ireland, May 29, 1890.
Thos. T. Wright,
Scotch-Irish Society of America,
Pittsburg, Pa.

Hearty congratulations from mayor and citizens of Belfast."

I now desire to offer the following resolution for adoption by this Convention:

Resolved, That the thanks of the Scotch-Irish Congress be respectfully and cordially tendered:

1. To the President of the United States and the members of his Cabinet, who have honored us by their presence.

2. To Governors Beaver and Campbell for their presence and valuable addresses.

3. To the Honorable the Mayor and citizens of Pittsburg for providing sumptuously for our accommodation and comfort.

4. To Colonel Norman M. Smith and Colonel P. D. Perchman, of the Eighteenth Regiment, and Captains Perry and Smith and their Companies, and Captain Hunt, of Battery B, and his orderlies; also to J. O. Brown, Chief of the Department of Public Safety, for the services rendered by that department in connection with the reception of the President and friends, and to Robert Pitcairn for invaluable services rendered in the matter of special trains, etc.

5. To Colonel Wm. A. Herron, Colonel John W. Echols, Rev. I. N. Hays, D.D., Rev. Geo. W. Chalfaut, Rev. E. R. Donehoo, J. McF. Carpenter, and S. Hamilton, Chairman of the Local Citizens' Committee.

6. To the members of the Press for full and accurate reports of the speeches and proceedings of our Congress.

7. To Geo. W. Childs for the use of the harp of Tom Moore.

8. To the people of Charlotte, N. C, and of San Francisco, California, for their cordial invitations to hold our next Congress in their respective cities.

9. That we gratefully acknowledge the fraternal greetings of the Mayor and citizens of Belfast, and request Dr. John Hall to convey the expresssions of our undying sympathy and love to our Scotch-Irish brethren of the old country. And finally we can not separate without humbly and reverently recording our thanks to Almighty God, in whom we all trust, as the author of our blessings for happy reunions and friendships of members of the Scotch-Irish race, and for his great goodness in providing for us a home in this land of civil and religious liberty.

Rev. Dr. Bryson, in seconding the adoption of the resolutions, said:

Now, my friends, as we come to the close of these our services, there begins to close around the heart the tenderest feelings of our lives. It is that feeling that comes to all true friends when they are about to part. It is with pride, as well as pleasure, that I ask this Congress by a unanimous vote to adopt the resolutions which have been offered, extending thanks to one and all who have contributed to the success of this Congress. I come from the South, and gladly do I mingle the voice of the Southern people with those of the North in asking that this Congress so successful in every detail should come to such a fitting close. I come from the State of Alabama, and I don't know whether I ought to say very loudly what I might say-otherwise, but I wish to bear the news to this Convention that we are moving rapidly in that country, and I don't expect to see many idle days spent by the people of the Southern states in the years that are before us. To the young men of the North and the East, we extend a cordial invitation to come to the land where fortunes await eyes of enterprise and arms of industry. Come to the State of Alabama, which stands first and only among the rising Southern states to-day, and we will guarantee you a greeting that will inspire you to the noblest ends. We will guarantee to you an opening which, if followed by perseverance and untiring energy, will lead to wealth and prosperity. You will find in that land that we have open hearts and welcome homes, and once within our bounds you will never have cause to desire your return to the Northern states. In conclusion, let me ask, on behalf of the Southern states, that the resolutions be adopted unanimously by this Convention.

General Ekin:

I hope, in order that we have an opportunity of voting on the resolutions, and that all may participate in this final act of our Congress, they be adopted by a rising vote.

The resolutions were then unanimously adopted.

Dr. Hays:

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Scotch-Irish Congress:— Allow me to say, on behalf of those who are mentioned in those resolutions, that they are appreciated with keenness and accepted with thanks, although we feel that we have done but little to deserve what has been said. Our only regret is that we did not have more opportunity to show you the wonders of our country, the marvels of our city, and the happiness that surrounds us since you have been with us. The favor is all on the other side. We thank you for your presence in our midst. We thank you for your kindly words and greetings. I can truthfully say that I have never heard wiser words more timely spoken than those which have been uttered in this Congress. These words have stirred our patriotism. They have rung in our ears and awakened warm feelings in our hearts. They have kindled anew our love for and our devotion to our country. Our affections have flowed together, and hearts have touched hearts. Hands have clasped hands. We feel again that we are

"Brothers and friends,
Friends and brothers all."

Indeed, my friends, there-are some things about this Convention that have made wonderful impressions upon my mind. All the prayers that have been uttered, all the songs that have been sung, all the papers that have been read, and all the words that have been spoken, will each have made upon our memories and our minds impressions never to be blotted out. God, our Father, has been with us from the beginning to the end of this Congress. Unity has prevailed on every hand. I have been struck by the absence of sectional feeling, partisan expressions, and denominational references. True, we have held up the Scotch-Irishman to the gaze of an admiring world, yet we have not spoken an unkind word of any other people. (Applause.) The example set by this Congress will be emulated by men of every creed and every clime. Our labors from the beginning to the end will tend to bind our country together closer than ever in the bonds of friendship and love, with a common manhood and womanhood assembled under one flag, knowing no North, no South, no East, no West, but one grand country, dedicated to God and to his glory. (Applause.) Let us all grasp each other by the hand, uniting the North with the South, and the East with the West, and, as we look into each other's faces, declare ourselves forever for all that is good, for all that is true, honorable, and noble in the glorious heritage left us by our fathers, and for our glorious land, bearing as it does the impress of the King of Kings. (Prolonged applause.)

Mr. Bryson, representing the Southern states, then advanced to the center of the stage and clasped the hand of Colonel Herron, as the representative of the North, while the band played "Auld Lang Syne," and the audience cheered to the echo.

The Congress thus came to a close.

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