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The Scotch-Irish in America
Proceedings - Part 3


The Congress was called to order at eight o'clock, by President Robert Bonner.

The exercises opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. John Hall, of New York.

The invocation was as follows:

O, God Almighty, our Heavenly Father, our Creator and Preserver, we come reverently into Thy presence in the name of Jesus, Thy well beloved Son, and we pray that for His sake the Holy Spirit may be with us. May He guide and direct us. May He enlighten the understanding of each of us. May He put a spirit of holiness into the life of each of us, and may He be a source of supplication unto each of us as we come to the throne of Heavenly peace.

Thou hast been the God of our fathers, and for all that Thou didst for them, we bless Thee and magnify Thy name, and we pray that every memory of them that conies to us may be an inspiration to earnestness, to diligence, to godliness. Help us follow them, for they followed Christ, and enable us to serve our generation by Thy will, and when Thy work is done receive us into Thy Heavenly rest.

Let Thy blessing be with this organization. Direct the officers of this organization from above. Make it of permanent use and benefit to those who are gathered together here and to those all over this land to whom we are united in sympathy, memory, and effort. Make our people a blessing in this nation. Enable us to maintain the beauty of the home, the sanctity of the Lord's day, and help us, in loyalty to Christ and to his institutions, to serve and honor Thee in Him, and at the same time to serve our generation.

Let Thy blessing be with the people in the state and city whose hospitality we enjoy.

We thank Thee for the prosperity that Thou hast given in times past. Continue this, Thy blessing, and let the prosperity be safe and honorable, and let the citizens of this city also be citizens of the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Vouchsafe Thy presence unto us in this meeting, and may we be instructed and stimulated and strengthened by the truths of history to be brought out by those who appear before this assemblage.

O, Lord, help us and forgive our sins. Aid us to do our duty well, and when we have finished our work on earth, receive us into Thy Heavenly home above.

These things we beg of Thee for Jesus sake. Amen.

President Bonner then introduced the next speaker, as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen:—I now have the pleasure—a peculiar pleasure—in introducing Professor Perry, of Williams College, Massachusetts, who is to speak to us on "The Scotch-Irish of New England," a subject that has been very much neglected, if not overlooked. I will relate a circumstance that has a little bearing on this point. Fifty years ago last November, I entered the Hartford Courant office as an apprentice. Two years afterward I wrote a communication and laid it on the editor's desk, signed "An Irish Protestant." When the editor saw it, he remarked, "Well, I didn't know there was such a being in existence as an Irish Protestant." That man was an accomplished writer and a graduate of Amherst College. You will not wonder then that I take peculiar pleasure in introducing Prof. Perry, who is to speak on a subject that has been so much neglected—The Scotch-Irish of New England.

Prof. Perry then addressed the meeting. (See Part II, page 107.)

President Bonner then introduced Rev. Dr. Kelly, as follows:

Yesterday we had the pleasure of listening to one of the most eloquent and distinguished clergymen connected with the Presbyterian Church, Dr. Mcintosh, of Philadelphia. We are now to have the pleasure of listening to an eloquent and distinguished Methodist clergyman from Tennessee, Dr. Kelly.

Dr. Kelly's address was on "General Sam. Houston, the Washington of Texas." (See Part II, page 145.)

Secretary Floyd then read the announcements of business meetings, etc., after which Governor Heaver was tendered an ovation.

He responded as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen:—I have too much regard for the proprieties of the occasion and for my Scotch-Irish training to trespass upon your time and patience at this time of night. My wife always makes me go to bed before 11 o'clock. (Applause.)

The Congress then adjourned, to meet at the Monongahela House at nine o*clock the following morning.


Business meeting at the Monongahela House.

The meeting was called to order by President Bonner.

Dr. Mcintosh moved that the President appoint a list of Vice-Presidents at the evening meeting. Carried, unanimously.

Rev. Nevin Woodside moved that the business meetings be opened with prayer. Carried.

Dr. Mcintosh moved that Mr. Bonner vacate the chair, and that it be taken by Colonel T. T. Wright. Carried.

Dr. Mcintosh moved that Mr. Bonner be made President of the Society for the ensuing year. Enthusiastically carried by acclamation.

Rev. Dr. John Hall nominated the following gentlemen for officers during the ensuing year:

For Vice-President General.
Rev. Dr. J. S. McIntosh.

For First Vice-President at Large
Joseph F. Johnston, of Alabama.

For Second Vice-President at Large.
T. T. Wright, Nashville, Tenn.

Vice-President at Large for British America.
Hon. A. T. Wood, of Hamilton, Ontario.

A. C. Floyd, Columbia, Tenn.

Lucius Frierson, Columbia, Tenn.

Mr. McDowell moved that the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot for this list as the respective officers of the ensuing year.

Carried unanimously.

An invitation was then extended to those wishing to become life members to be enrolled, and was responded to by Mr. Alexander Montgomery, of San Francisco ; President Bonner and Rev. Dr. John Hall, of New York; Colonel W. A. Herron and Dr. William C. Shaw, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Prof. Arthur L. Perry, of Williamstown, Mass.; Hon. Andrew T. Wood, of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Mr. A. G. Adams, of Nashville, Tenn., and Mr. J. King McLanahan, Hollidays-burg, Pa.

Quite a number of gentlemen subscribed largely for the publications of the Society, after which the Society adjourned to Mechanical Hall.


The Congress was called to order at 10:30 o'clock by President Bonner.

After several selections by the Great Western Band, the President introduced Rev. J. D. Moffatt, of Lexington, Va., who led in prayer, as follows:

O, God, we worship Thee as our Father in Heaven, and come together to thank Thee for all that Thou hast done for us and our fellow men. We thank Thee that Thou hast revealed Thyself to us as the object of worship, and that Thou hast called forth the service of Thy people at all times, and through that service made further revelation of Thyself to the world. We recognize that Thou hast given nations great privileges; that Thou hast given them work to do and aided them in the accomplishment of that work. We thank Thee for all that Thou has done for the children of men through the work of the children of Abraham; for all that Thou hast done, and the service Thou hast rendered to the world and to the laborers of the Scotch-Irish race, and for the character which was developed in them by Thy Providence ; and we pray, that as we remember the achievements of the past, we may remember Thy blessings in the past, and earnestly seek the continuance of Thy favor in the future. May Thy grace be sufficient for all our needs, and all the events through which we must henceforth pass. We beseech Thee, continue in this people their loyalty to Thee and to the truth which Thou hast revealed to them, and enable them to consecrate their powers and perseverance to the cause of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That through this people all the nations of the earth may be blessed. Let Thy blessing rest upon all here to day, and especially upon those who are to speak to us, that their lessons may be profitable, and we may go further in thanking Thee for all Thou hast done for us and our fathers, and for keeping them within Thy fold and delivering all from any selfishness, and enabling them, by their personal devotions, to accomplish individually, and through this great organization, all that has been achieved by them; especially, let Thy blessing rest upon all our government officers, the government itself, and all free institutions, and upon our fellow men, that they may be enabled to do the great work which has been thrust upon them by Thy Providence. We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ, or Lord, Amen.

President Bonner then introduced the Hon. John Dalzell, as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen:—I have the great pleasure of now introducing to you a gentleman who really needs no introduction to a Pittsburg audience—the Hon. John Dalzell—who will speak to us on the Scotch-Irish of Western Pennsylvania.

Mr. Dalzell then addressed the Congress. (See Part II, page 175.)

President Bonner then introduced Hon. W. E. Robinson, of Brooklyn, as follows:

Ladies and Gentlemen:—

I now take great pleasure in introducing to you the Hon. W. E. Robinson as an example of what a Scotch-Irishman can accomplish in this country. For several terms he was a distinguished member of the United States Congress, and, forty-five years ago, as the Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune, he made a name for himself greater than that of any correspondent of his time. Many of you are yet familiar with the bright and entertaining letters that appeared under the signature of "Richelieu," and which afterward gave him the name of "Richelieu Robinson." (Applause.)

Mr. Robinson then delivered an address on the "Prestons of America." (See Part II, page 223.)

Dr. Mcintosh then made several announcements of meetings, etc., to he held in the afternoon, and also read the following messages:

"Columbia, Tenn., May 28, 1890.
To the Scotch-Irish Society of America:

The citizens of Columbia, Tenn., the birth-place of the Scotch-Irish Congress, send cordial greetings to the Ulster-American race, and their great monument, the city of Pittsburg.


Now, that message from Columbia, Tenn., stirs my heart. It expresses, with characteristic clearness, the hearty congratulations of that prosperous little city in the heart of Tennessee, and that message deserves from this Scotch-Irish Society a hearty response, and those who send it have to-day the best wishes of this Society for their continued advancement.

Another message from Charlotte, N. C. Now, we all know what Charlotte is in the history of America, so far as Scotch-Irish devotion to liberty and law is concerned. There comes this message:

"Charlotte, N. C, May 29, 1890.

A. C. Floyd,
Secretary Scotch-Irish Society, Pittsburg.

The Scotch-Irish Society of North Carolina extends congratulations to the Pittsburg of to-day, as the colony of North Carolina sent aid and sympathy in 1755 and 1758.


Then comes this:

"Charlotte, N. C, May 29, 1890.

Secretary Scotch-Irish Congress, Pittsburg, Pa.

Charlotte, the hornets' nest of the Revolution and home of Scotch-Irish settlers, sends warmest greetings, and invites the Congress to meet here May 20, 1891, and witness the unveiling of the monument to the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence of May 20, 1775.


Here is one from the Golden State:

"Mr. Alexander Montgomery, Care of A. C. Floyd,
Secretary Scotch-Irish Congress,
Pittsburg, Pa.

The members of the Scotch-Irish Society of California request you, its President, to tender their greetings and cordial congratulations to the Scotch-Irish Congress assembled at Pittsburg, and indulge the hope that the next Congress will convene at San Francisco.

Secretary Pro Tern."

I take pleasure in reading this from one whom you all know:

"Richmond, Va., May 28, 1890.
To A. C. Floyd, Esq.,
Secretary Scotch-Irish Congress, Pittsburg, Pa

DEAR SIR: In the name of the Virginia Scotch-Irish Society, I congratulate the Second Scotch-Irish Congress upon its assured success. Regretting my enforced absence, I am,
Yours, etc.,
Prest. Va. S. I. Society.

The greetings were received and placed upon the minutes.

The convention then took a recess until 3 p. m.


Business meeting at the Monongahela House.

The house was called to order at 3 p. m. by President Bonner.

Judge Dougherty, of Boston, offered the following resolution:

That there may be no apprehension as to the purpose of this Society, we hereby declare that we are not organized in antagonism to any class of the Irish or Scotch races, from whatever source they may derive their origin.

Judge Dougherty explained that the object of the Society was often misunderstood. Outsiders had an idea that the members were opposed to the Catholic religion. The Scotch thought it was aimed at them, and the pure Irish believed it was intended to oppose their associations. The speaker wished to impress upon the minds of the people that the Society was non-partisan and non-sectarian.

Dr. Hall, of New York, made the most telling address of the debate. He said that to pass such a resolution was to place themselves on the defensive. If the Society assumed such a position, they would virtually lay themselves open to conviction if a question would arise. The Constitution of the Society states that it is non-sectarian, and that was sufficient. The Presbyterians of Ireland were the best friends the Catholics ever had. The Catholics of Ireland know this, and were always friendly with the Presbyterians. It was needless to pass such a resolution, as it would open up an endless controversy.

Dr. Woodside, of Pittsburg, favored the passage of the resolution, as he thought many people did not understand the position of the Society.

Dr. Haas, of Canada, moved that the motion be laid on the table, giving as his reasons that the point in dispute in Canada was not between the Scotch-Irish and the Irish, but between the Scotch-Irish and the French races.

Dr. Mcintosh, of Philadelphia, said the Hibernian Society was of Scotch-Irish origin, although it has since become the society of the Irish in America. He explained that the position occupied by the Society was fully understood by the race societies of America. The motion to lay on the table was seconded by him, and was unanimously carried when a vote was demanded.

Dr. D. C. Kelly submitted the following greeting for approval of the Society, to be sent to the Sons of the American Revolution, which met in New York that day

Sons of the American Revolution:

The Scotch-Irish Society of America, in annual session at Pittsburg, Pa., sends greeting.

In large part we have a common ancestry. Our motto, Liberty and Law, runs parallel with yours. We will join you in every laudable effort to give this honor to the world.

Dr. Mcintosh seconded the motion to adopt the resolution, which was carried.

The President appointed the following Vice-Presidents for the ensuing year:

Vice-Presidents of States and Territories.

New York—Rev. De. John Hall, New York.
Pennsylvania—Colonel A. K. McClure, Philadelphia.
Ohio—Mr. Matthew Addy, Cincinnati.
Illinois—Judge John M. Scott, Bloomington.
Virginia—Hon. Wm. Wirt Henry, Richmond.
North Carolina—Hon. S. B. Alexander, Charlotte.
Louisiana—Hon. William Preston Johnston, New Orleans.
Tennessee—Mr. A. G. Adams, Nashville.
Kentucky—Dr. Hervey McDowell.
Canada-—Hon. A. T. Wood, Hamilton, Ontario.
California—Mr. Alexander Montgomery, San Francisco.
Georgia—Hon. Campbell Wallace, Atlanta.
Massachussets—Prof. A. L. Perry, Williamstown.
Connecticut—Hon. D. S. Calhoun, Hartford.
Mississippi—Rt. Rev. Hugh Miller Thompson, Jackson.
New Hampshire—Hon. J. W. Patterson, Concord.
New Jersey—Mr. Thomas W. McCartee, Newark.

Appointments will be made for other states as suitable persons for Vice-Presidents are recommended.

The Executive Committee elected by the Council were:

Dr. Robert Pillow, of Columbia, Tenn.
Rev. Dr. Dinsmore, of Bloomington, Ill.
Colonel Wm. Johnston, of Charlotte, N. C.
Colonel John W. Echols, of Pittsburg, Pa.
Colonel T. T. Wright, of Nashville, Tenn.
Prof. George McLoskie, of Princeton, N. J.
Mr. Alexander Montgomery, of San Francisco, Cal.

The President, Vice-President General, Secretary and Treasurer, are ex officio members of the committee.

The committees appointed are:

Membership Committee.

President Bonner, Secretary Floyd, Colonel T. T. Weigh.

Publication, Committee.

President Bonner, Secretary Floyd, Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Frierson.

Mr. A. G. Adams was made an auditing committee of one.

A notice was given that an effort would be made to amend the Constitution, and establish an associate membership to be composed of the wives and husbands of Scotch-Irish descendants.

The Executive Committee met at the conclusion of the meeting, and transacted routine business. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in social intercourse.

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