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The Scotch-Irish in America
Proceedings - Part 2


Business meeting of enrolled members of the Society at the Monongahela House.

The House was called to order, at 3 o'clock P. M., by President Bonner.

The President called for the report of the Executive Committee, which was read by Rev. Dr. Mcintosh, of Philadelphia. The report was as follows:


Pittsburg, May 29, 1890. Report of the Executive Committee for the year ending Hay, 1890.

At Columbia, Tenn., this Society was duly inaugurated and organized by a series of singularly successful meetings, at which there was adopted a Constitution. Under the same Constitution there was established an Executive Council, consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents at large, a Vice President for each state and territory, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Historian and Registrar.

By this Executive Council there was called together a special meeting for consultation and arrangement in New York City, July 11, 1889. This meeting was largely attended, and spent considerable time in advising together concerning the interests of the Society. Among its more formal decisions was a resolution constituting an Executive Committee. It was felt by the Council that it was impossible to gather together its members as frequently as the necessities of the Society demanded; it was further felt that such frequent and intimate consultations as became necessary were' only possible on the part of a body smaller than the Council, and hence a Committee consisting of nine members was appointed, to whom were delegated all matters in connection with the general arrangement—the propagation of the organization, publication, and finances—special arrangements being made for the two latter departments under the supervision of the Executive Committee. At this meeting of the Council it was resolved that in the mean time the salary of the Secretary of the National Society shall be one thousand dollars a year, with necessary traveling expenses. The advising and selecting of a badge and seal for the National Society were also considered and referred by the Council to the Executive Committee.

The annual dues payable by the members of the Society were fixed by this meeting of the Council at two dollars a year, payment of this sum to constitute full membership in the Society, and to entitle each member to the receipt of one copy of the annual publication. Many other matters were considered and discussed by the Council, the final disposition of which were referred to the Executive Committee.

Upon the separation of the Council, the Executive Committee met immediately and considered the items of business referred to it, and arranged to meet the following morning.

July 12, 1889, the Executive Committee met, considered, and decided upon a form of application for membership; appointed a Committee on publication ; selected a sub-committee to advise with the Application Committee ; determined upon the name of the annual publication, which is, "the Scotch-Irish in America." This publication, "The Scotch-Irish in America," consisting of the addresses delivered at the Congresses, the historic documents forwarded to us and considered worthy of incorporation, and all matters relating to the history and achievements of our race, will form a series of annual volumes not inferior in interest to any of those attractive and instructive memorials issued by kindred societies in this country. The preparation of such a series is, of course, only a means to an end ever clearly kept in view by the Society in general and its Committee in particular, viz., the formal historic and philosophical description of the characteristics and actions of the Scotch-Irish race upon this continent. The lack of such a complete and exhaustive statement has been long felt, and its supply is now urgently called for.

Your Executive Committee determined to commit the publication of the annual volume to Messrs. Robert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati; the Publishers to be in communication with and under the supervision of the Publication Committee of the Society, consisting of Messrs. A. C. Floyd, Lucius Frierson, and Robert Pillow, M. D.

An earnest invitation was presented to the Executive Committee by the citizens of Pittsburg, Pa., to hold the next annual Congress in their city, as one of the chief centers on the Scotch-Irish race in America. Though several pressing invitations from other important cities were presented to your Committee, it was felt wise to accept the invitation from Pittsburg; and it was resolved that upon the formal request of Pittsburg being forwarded to the Secretary, he should be authorized to formally accept it on the part of the Society.

Having committed to the special care of the Secretary and Dr. Mcintosh a considerable number of details in regard to circulars, plans of book, further organization, and the general interests of the Societv, the Committee adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman.

The Secretary and Dr. Mcintosh met at Spring Lake, New Jer-sev, and continued in conference for several days, during which the form and subject-matter of the general circular to be issued, setting forth the aims and designs of the Society, were resolved upon. Much time was spent and considerable care given to the determination of the form and contents of the first volume of the Society's publication. Arrangements were made for entering into correspondence with representative members of the Scotch-Irish race over the United States, first, with a view of enlisting themselves as members of the Society; secondly, of securing their assistance and advice in the prosecution of our general work; and, thirdly, with a view of forming special local or state organizations, to be, in due time and under proper conditions, allied with the National Society.

Arrangements for Present Congress.

our Committee, being informed that a Local Committee had been selected at Pittsburg, and desired to meet with the Executive Committee of the National Society, it was resolved, in order to meet the wishes of the friends at Pittsburg, that the Secretary and Dr. Mcintosh be delegated to go to Pittsburg as representatives of the National Society, and confer with the Local Committee. A special invitation having been issued to Dr. Mcintosh and the Secretary by the Local Committee, to meet them at Pittsburg, January 29, 1890, the representatives of the National Society met in Pittsburg on that date, and spent several days in discussing all matters connected with the public meetings, the selection of speakers, place of meeting, and continuance of Congress. At this joint conference it was agreed and resolved that the Local Committee should appoint a General Manager or Secretary, to whom should be committed for decision all matters of detail; that the general Secretary should have associated with him two members of his Committee for advice upon all ordinary matters, and that subjects of special importance and difficulty should be referred to the entire Local Committee. It further arranged that there should be ten speakers of national reputation to deliver the formal addresses before the Congress; that of these ten speakers, three should be chosen by the Local Committee and seven by the National Committee. It was decided that the Local Committee should provide for the transportation and entertainment of the special speakers; also of the National Committee, and, in addition, for twenty-five particular guests to be chosen by the Executive Committee of the National Society. Arrangements were also made that the Local Committee should enter immediately into correspondence with the railroad systems to secure special rates for all persons attending the Congress. It was further arranged that circulars containing a general invitation and a statement regarding the forthcoming Congress be sent by the local Secretary to at least two thousand newspapers over the country, and that special invitations be addressed to representative members of the Scotch-Irish race; that the place of meeting shall be large, easily reached, possess good acoustic qualities, and be well seated. It was announced by the Local Committee to the representatives of the National Society, that special services, upon Sunday, June 1st, were contemplated, as being particularly interesting to the members of the Scotch-Irish race in Pittsburg and the immediate neighborhood. The whole arrangements in connection with these special Sunday services were left in the hands af the Local Committee, as it was felt that this was a matter with which the National Society should not interfere. Many other matters of detail, such as special reports, meeting of the Congress, selection of music, local excursions, badges and medals were left for future consideration, and a further meeting was arranged for to be held in the month of February or March.

March 13th, Pittsburg. Dr. Mcintosh and the Secretary being invited by the Local Committee to meet them once more, proceeded to Pittsburg, and held several interviews with the Local Committee, examining the work already done in connection with the Congress in May, and conferring in regard to all matters not disposed of at the former meeting. The reports were handed in on the part of the Local Committee and the National Committee as to special speakers and their topics. The number of badges and medals to be prepared for the May meeting being decided upon, their form and the preparation was committed to Messrs. Caldwell & Co., Chestnut street, Philadelphia.

This concludes the report of your Committee as to its conference with the Local Committee in Pittsburg. Your Executive Committee has had considerable correspondence Within its own membership as to proposed changes in the Constitution, number and functions of officers, time of meeting of the Congress, and the terms and conditions upon which state organizations are to be allied with the National Society. Dr. Mcintosh was authorized to devise and submit a coat-of-arms for the Society, and when this was so prepared, to submit it for approval to the Executive Committee. This work was performed and the proposed arms was submitted to each member of the Executive Committee, and having been by each member approved, Dr. Mcintosh was authorized to make a contract with Messrs. Caldwell & Co., to prepare, first, a seal to be used by the National Society; and secondly, a national badge or button to be the formal emblem of the Scotch-Irish Society of America. This seal and this badge or emblem have been prepared and formally adopted.

Formation of State Societies.

Early in last October, Colonel McClure, Vice-President for Pennsylvania, and Dr. Mcintosh conferred together frequently in regard to the formation of a state Society for Pennsylvania. After several meetings, first private and then public, arrangements were made for the organization of the Scotch-Irish Society of Pennsylvania. In a short time quite a number of representative and public men in Philadelphia and throughout the state allied themselves with this organization. The Society has steadily grown, and in last February held, under the most auspicious circumstances, its first annual banquet,, when a constitution and by-laws for the government and extension of the Society were adopted. This state Society is rapidly progressing through the effective and vigorous efforts of Mr. C. W. Mc-Keehan, its Secretary.

Early in the year a meeting was held by Dr. Mcintosh in Cincinnati with leading citizens, and measures there taken for the formation of a state Society for Ohio.

The Organization in the South.

Several requests having been preferred to the Secretary of the National Society that means should be taken to organize Societies in the southern states, arrangements were made, in accordance with which Dr. Mcintosh visited Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Public meetings were held in Richmond, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, and Nashville. Private conferences were held in New Orleans, Louisville, and other places. Great enthusiasm and wide spread interest were called forth by these meetings, and very vigorous associations have been formed.

Your Executive Committee rejoices to inform the Society that in addition to the associations just reported an exceedingly promising and flourishing state Society has been formed for California under the Presidency of Mr. Alexander Montgomery, of San Francisco, with Mr. R. J. Alexander as Secretary.

May, 1889, there was no organization of the Scotch-Irish of America. May, 1890, we have a successful National Society, and state organizations stretching from Ohio and Pennsylvania around the Atlantic and the gulf, and reaching the shores of the Pacific. If in one year and by the. efforts of a few earnest spirits, thus much has been done, what, with our wide spread organization and its numerous affiliations, can be done in another twelve months by more concentrated effort and more wide spread activity. The work of the past year has been simply limited by the want of means and time to push the organization.

In relation to these state organizations, your Committee felt constrained to leave open for decision at this meeting of the Congress the terms and conditions upon which state Societies should be affiliated with and have representation in the National Society and its Congress and various meetings. The regulation of this association will be submitted in due time on the part of the Executive Council.


Your Committee would ask the special attention of the Congress to the Treasurer's statement herewith annexed. Having heard this statement of account, the Congress will perceive that it was impossible for the Executive Committee, during the past year, to prosecute very extensively the work of organization. It was not possible to pay salary in full, much less was it possible to so circulate literature and publications, to visit districts asking that representative members explain the objects of the Society, to operate through the public press as extensively as was desirable, or to purchase historical volumes, or pay for historical articles as the interests of the Society in its opening years imperatively called for.

Your Executive Committee believe that measures should be adopted at this meeting of the Congress, to provide for the next year a sum not less than $3,500.


I. Your Executive Committee recommend to the attention of the Society the preparation of a Charter; and strongly urge that immediate steps shall be taken to obtain it. Our unanimous opinion is that our Charter should be national, and that the Board of Managers should be authorized to discover the necessary steps to the securing of such Charter, and, when duly informed, be directed to proceed in the proper manner to have the Charter issued.

II. We recommend that a Certificate of Membership should be prepared in accordance with the objects of the Society and the terms of the aforesaid Charter to be obtained.

III. We believe that steps should be at once taken to issue a quarterly or monthly bulletin, giving the members of the Society information concerning its progress, and a statement of fresh matter interesting to our members.

IV. We would respectfully direct the attention of our members to the Society badge prepared by Messrs. Caldwell & Co., and now on sale by them.

V. We recommend that immediate steps should be taken to carry out the suggestions and recommendations of the Committee in connection with the finances of the Society.


The foregoing part of the report was adopted without change, and while that which follows was amended in several particulars, important in effect, the bulk of the matter in both the original and amended instruments was substantially the same ; and, in order to prevent needless repetition, we have published it as adopted, with an explanation given below of what changes were made.



Article I.

The name of this Association shall be the Scotch-Irish Society of America.

Article II.

The purposes of this Society are the preservation of Scotch-Irish history and associations, the increase and diffusion of knowledge regarding the Scotch-Irish people, the keeping alive of the characteristic qualities and sentiments of the race, the promotion of intelligent patriotism, and the development of social intercourse and fraternal feeling.

Article III.

Any person above the age of twenty-one years, who is of Scotch-Irish descent, shall be eligible to membership in this Society.

Article IV.

The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice-President General, a Secretary and a Treasurer, with Vice-Presidents for each State, Territory and Province, and the District of Columbia.

Article V.

The President, Vice-President General, Vice-Presidents at large, Secretary and Treasurer, shall be elected by ballot at the annual sessions of the Congress. The Vice-Presidents for the States, Territories and Provinces, and the aforesaid District, shall be chosen in such manner as each Congress shall direct.

Article VI.

There shall be a National Council of the Society, composed of the officers named in Article IV.

Article VII.

During the Congress at which their terms of office begin, the National Council shall choose an Executive Committee, to consist of the President, Vice-President General, Secretary and Treasurer, and seven other members of the Society.

Article VIII

The annual Congress of the Society shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

Article IX.

This Constitution may be altered, amended or repealed only by a majority vote of the members of the Association present and voting at the annual Congress, or at a special meeting called for that purpose after twenty days' notice in writing to the members.

Article X.

The Executive Committe shall have authority to establish by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the Society, subject to the revision of the annual Congress.


Section I.

1. Any person eligible to membership may send his application to the Secretary with suitable reference and annual dues, and, upon a favorable report of the Membership Committee, shall become a member of the Society.

2. The annual dues up to January 1, 1891, shall be $2.00, but thereafter shall be $3.00, for which each member shall be entitled to the annual volume and other publications of the Society.

3. The payment at one time of $100.00 shall constitute a life member, who shall be exempted from all annual dues.

4. The financial year of the Society shall end the 31st day of March of every year. Any member whose subscription shall remain unpaid at that date, no satisfactory explanation being given, may be dropped from the roll after thirty days' notice. Such members shall be restored upon fresh application and the payment of all sums due the Society.

5. The Executive Committee may, by a two-thirds vote of their number, suspend for just cause, or remove altogether any person from the roll of the Society.

Section II.

1. A majority of the members who shall have reported their arrival to the proper officer at the place of meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Congress.

Section III.

1. The President, or, in his absence, one of the national Vice-Presidents, in the order named, shall preside at all meetings; but should all these officers be absent, or from any reason be unable to act, a Chairman shall be chosen for the special occasion.

2. The Vice-President General shall be especially charged with the duty of extending the membership and influence of the Society, and organizing branch Societies under the direction of the Executive Committee.

3. The Vice-Presidents at large shall assist the Vice-President General in the discharge of his duties, and co-operate with the Secretary and Treasurer to the utmost of their ability in the fulfillment of their respective duties.

4. The Vice-Presidents for States, Territories and Provinces shall act as the official heads and representatives of the Society in their respective territories, and shall use their official influence in furthering its interests therein.

5. The Secretary shall keep an accurate roll of the members of the Society; preserve a record of all its proceedings; conduct its general correspondence; collect its funds; keep its seal and valuable papers; present at each Congress a necrological report, and see that its orders are properly carried out. His salary shall be fixed each year by the Executive Committee.

6. The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Society; they shall be deposited in some bank to the credit of the Society, and shall be drawn thence only on the Treasurer's check for purposes of the Society. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the Congress or the Executive Committee. He shall keep a true account of receipts and expenditures, and render report of the same at each annual meeting of the Congress, when his accounts shall be audited by a committee appointed for that purpose.

Section IV.

The Executive Committee shall carefully carry out all the directions issued by the Congress; they shall have full powers in the affairs of the Society, not disposed of at the annual meeting; they shall appoint whatever committees deemed necessary; they shall, in conjunction with the Vice-Presidents for the States and Territories, and also with the Secretaries of branch organizations, industriously seek out and carefully preserve all historical materials interesting and valuable to our Society, and, so far as ability and means will allow,, spread information concerning the past achievements and present aims and condition of the Scotch-Irish race.

Section V.

1. Branch organizations whose objects are in harmony with those of this Society, may become and remain affiliated with the same by the annual payment of a sum equal to one dollar for each member of such branch Society.

2. Installments of this sum may be paid at any time to the Secretary of this Society by the proper officers of branch organizations, and a copy of the annual proceedings shall be immediately forwarded through him for every dollar so paid.

3. The balance of such sum shall be paid as provided for in case of the installments, not later than the first day in April of each year, the balance to be reckoned on the number of members belonging to the branch Society on the first day of the preceding March.

4. Every such branch organization shall, in the annual Congress of this Society, be entitled to one delegate for every five of its members.

On motion of Mr. Dickson, of Scranton, the new Constitution was taken up section by section.

No change was made in Article I.

On motion of Mr. W. O. McDowell, of Newark, N. J.. the words "the increase and diffusion of knowledge concerning the Scotch-Irish race," were inserted in Article II.

On motion of Colonel John W. Echols, of Pittsburg, the word "male" was stricken out, and the words "any person" were inserted in Article III.

Rev. Mr. Logan's motion to amend Article III, by making eligible to membership any person whose children might become members under the rule, was lost.

Article IV was amended by the insertion of the words ''Province" and "District of Columbia."

Article V was adopted without change.

Article VI was not amended.

Article VII was amended, on motion of Mr. McDowell, by striking out the word "expires" and inserting the word "begins."

Article IX was not amended.

Article X passed without amendment.

The By-Laws were adopted without amendment, except as to Sections II and IV.

In Section II the amount necessary for life membership was changed from fifty to one hundred dollars.

Section IV was, on motion of Mr. Montgomery, of San Francisco, amended by adding the words "Such members shall be restored on fresh application and the payment of all sums due the Society."

The report was received on motion of Colonel W. A. Herron, of Pittsburg.

It was adopted, amended as above shown.

On motion of Dr. Robt. Pillow, of Columbia, Term., the Congress then adjourned, to meet at Mechanical Hall in the evening.

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