"Antiquarian Notices of Leprosy and Leper Hospitals in Scotland and
England." (Three papers read before the Medico-Chirurgical Society, March 3,
1841.) Edinburgh
Medical and Surgical Journal\ October,
1841, and January and April, 1842.
2. "Notice of Roman Practitioner's Medicine Stamp found near
Tranent." Royal Society of Edinburgh ; Dec. 16, 1850.
3. "Ancient Roman Medical Stamps." Edinburgh
Journal of Medical Science,
Jan., March, April, 1851.
4. "Was the Roman Army provided with any Medical Officers?"
Edinburgh, 1851, private circulation.
5. "Notes on some Ancient Greek Medical Vases for containing
Lykion ; and on the modern use of the same in India." Edinburgh, 1856.
6. "Notice of the appearance of Syphilis in Scotland in the
last years of the fifteenth century." i860.
7. " Note on a Pictish Inscription in the Churchyard of St.
Vigeans." Royal Society, April 6, 1863.
8. "Notes on some Scottish Magical Charm-Stones or Curing
Stones." Proceedings
of Antiquarian Society of Scotland.\ vol
iv., 1868.
9. " An Account of two Barrows at Spottiswoode, Berwickshire,
opened by the-Lady John Scott." Proceedings
of Antiquarian Society of Scotland, vol
iv., 1868.
10. "Did John de Vigo describe Acupressure in the Sixteenth
Century ?" British
Medical Journal, Aug.
24, 1867 ; Medical
Times and Gazette, 1867,
vol. ii., p. 187.
11." Account of some Ancient Sculptures on the Walls of Caves
in Fife." 1867.
12. "Notices of some Ancient Sculptures on the Walls of
Caves." Proceedings
of the Royal Society /
Edinburgh, 1867.
13. "Cup-cuttings and Ring-cuttings on the Calder Stones,
near Liverpool." 1866. Transactions
of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire.
14. "Archaeology—its past and its future work." Annual
Address to the Society of Antiquarians of Scotland, January 28, 1861.
15. "The Cat Stane, Edinburghshire." Proceedings
of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, 1861.
16. "Archaic Sculpturings of Cups, Circles, &c., upon Stones
and Rocks in Scotland, England, and other countries." 1867.
17. "Is the Pyramid at Gizeh a Meteorological Monument?" Proceedings
of the Royal Society; Edinburgh,
18. "Pyramidal Structures in Egypt and elsewhere." Proceedings
of the Royal Society s Edinburgh,
19. "Cell at Inchcolm."
The above list is founded on that given by Professor Gusserow
in his "Zur Erinnerung an Sir James Y. Simpson." Berlin, 1871. II.
On post
mortem examination
the following observations on Sir James Simpson's head were made :—Skull—circumference
round by occipital protuberance and below frontal eminences, 22J inches.
—from ear to ear, 13 inches.—from occipital protuberance to point between
superciliary ridges, 13 inches. Brain—weight
of entire brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) was 54 ounces; the cerebellum,
pons, and medulla oblongata weighed 5J ounces.
The convolutions of the cerebrum were remarkable for their
number, depth, and intricate foldings. This was noticed more particularly in
the anterior lobes and the islands of Reil. Extract from British
Medical Journal, May
14, 1870.